Workers' Village, a business card of Fengtian.

In the government's reception itinerary, visiting the workers' village is a must, no matter whether the recipients are from home or abroad.

Nanyi asked for directions twice, came to a family's door, and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"I, Secrecy Bureau, Mao Renfeng."

Kacha, the door was opened, and a face poked out, "I guess it was you, why didn't you say you were Dai Li."

Nanyi smiled and said, "Next time, next time, there is no man at home, right?"

"Yes, there are seventeen or eight." Qi Ying gave Nan Yi a white look, and let them into the room.

After sitting down in the living room, Qi Ying poured tea for a few people, and while pouring tea, deliberately looked at Nan Yi, "You came empty-handed?"

Nan Yi patted his pocket, "How can you come to see Qi Chu empty-handed, of course I brought a gift, a heavy gift, a credit union cashier's note of 50 million US dollars."

"Don't pretend that I haven't watched "God of Gamblers", the movie is a Swiss bank cashier's check, how did it become a credit union here?" Qi Ying laughed and laughed.

"Comrade you, your awareness is really low, you worship foreigners."

"Nanyi, you are still the same, you will never be in shape." Qi Ying shook her head and said.

"I don't forget my original intention, I'm always young, I'm always full of passion, and my eyes are always full of tears." Nan Yi picked up the teacup, blew on the tea leaves, took a sip, put down the teacup and boasted: "Qi Ying, your tea quack fragrant."

Qi Ying spat, "Nanyi, why do you praise yourself so much? Are you reminding me that you gave me the tea?"

Nan Yi laughed, "Hey, I'm not afraid that you will forget, let me remind you."

"The leather stick at home is broken, please give me one quickly."

"Don't tell me, there are people like you who can bury people." Nanyi waved his hand and said, "Where's Minghui, didn't you go home?"

"I went to his grandma's house, and I won't be back until the middle of next month. I can't go back, so let him go back and show respect to me." Qi Ying said flatly.

"Tsk, it's amazing, Minghui has been raised by you very well, the one in my family is not good, he is a monkey, he knows how to play every day, and dares to talk back to me. When he reaches the rebellious stage, I am afraid that he will be mad at him to death. "

Nanyi felt a little sad in his heart, time flies like an arrow, chatting with people, he has entered the stage of belittling his own child and setting off other people's children.

"Nanyi, don't make me happy. I rarely see Wuwei. When I was a child, I saw him every day. Not all my own ones can be cultivated so well. My own ones, you will make him look crooked. Hey, By the way, Ruobing is still in Xiangtang now?"

"Studying in a university in the United States, Liu Zhen's junior sister."

"Harvard, that's great." Qi Ying said, her eyes lit up, "Nanyi, Minghui is graduating soon, and he's very peaceful in college, and has never had a girlfriend."

Nan Yi laughed and said, "Qi Ying, as human beings, we can't be too Wu Renpin, it's not good."

"Hehehe, I'm just joking with you, Ruoying is too powerful a girl, my family Minghui can't control her." Qi Ying said with a smile, the smile on her face was a bit forced, she really likes Nan Ruoying, this girl, It's just that I know my own affairs, and my son is not worthy of others.

Nanyi knew that the topic of his children could not continue, so he said, "It's getting late, shall we go to the chicken farm now?"

"Wait a minute, I'll go change clothes." Qi Ying said, got up and walked to the bedroom.

After Qi Ying came out of the bedroom after changing her clothes, she made another phone call and called a van to come over.

When I arrived at the chicken farm, I didn't receive a grand reception. It was just an ordinary officer who appeared in the chicken farm. He seemed enthusiastic, but he was actually neglectful.

This is not surprising, Qi Ying is not the corresponding cadre, and has no control over the chicken farm at all. In addition, although the profit of the chicken farm is very mediocre, it can earn dollars. Have fun.

Nanyi thinks this is very good, it can save the effort of dealing with it, and focus on the investigation.

Starting at 9:30, the front is full of observations. Only when he arrived at the slaughtering workshop, Nan Yi began to observe in detail, especially the storage and handling of chicken racks. He not only watched carefully, but also had a good chat with the workers. .

When the meal was approaching, Nan Yi and his party said goodbye and left.

The reception has already been dealt with, so don't expect to have a sumptuous reception banquet at noon, if they are taken to the ordinary staff cafeteria for dinner, Nan Yi is really worried that Qi Ying's face will not be able to bear it.

At noon, Qi Ying invited guests, and Nanyi appointed to go to Hengxin Tanrou, which is opposite to the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Five people only spent about 30 yuan. The food was affordable and delicious.

In the afternoon, Tianxian left to meet Xu Lu, Nan Yi followed Qi Ying, and went to some places that he had passed by two days ago to let the other party feel like a landlord, maybe because he felt that the lunch was too shabby, Qi Ying took Nan Yi there A high-consumption place - the color TV tower.

When climbing up and looking into the distance, Qi Ying also brought up a topic that Nan Yi didn't really like.

Qi Ying: "Qu Liuyan called me some time ago, she has returned to China."


Qi Ying: "She said she came back to invest, and she will come to Fengtian to investigate in a few days."

"Have you met her since you graduated from college?"

Qi Ying: "No, I haven't seen her since she went abroad."

"Then you should be careful, you sisters are not so innocent." Nanyi told Qi Ying about the borrowing of money that happened in Jinding Pavilion in Chinatown that year, but did not mention what happened later.

After listening to Nanyi's narration, Qi Ying said quietly: "Nanyi, you should be able to help her at that time, right?"

"Yes, I already had money at that time, do you still remember the debate between Qu Liuyan and Zhou Maode?"

"Remember, what's wrong?"

Nan Yi chuckled, "Recall the content of the debate at that time, about the part where Wu Renpin and I set up an early stall."

Qi Ying recalled it for a while, and sighed heavily, "I didn't think anything was wrong at the time, but now that I think about it, you and Wu Renpin were really thrilling at that time."

"Yeah, it's thrilling. No matter whether Qu Liuyan is on purpose or not, Wu Renpin and I set up an early stall. It's impossible to say, let alone use it as a debate material in the public. She almost ruined Wu Renpin and me. It would be nice if I don't hate her, and you still expect me to help her."

Back then, Nanyi and Wu Renpin set up breakfast stalls in full compliance with the laws and policies at the time, but so what, crossing the river by feeling the stones, sinking does not mean that it is a bad stone, if the argument of setting up early stalls and making a lot of money becomes popular, Nan Yi and Wu Renpin would become shared targets in an instant. After the students beat the teacher, and the Peking University internally beat the outside, those who were lucky were expelled, and those who were unlucky went to squat.

During college, he wore patches, ate vegetarian dishes, and kept a low profile, but he also got close to Xu Qian, a returned overseas Chinese. It can be said that Nanyi did it on purpose. Foreign capital" two points.

Poor when you should be poor, rich when you should have overseas relations, rich when you should be rich, keep up with the pulse of the times, walk on thin ice every step of the way, work hard, fail to achieve great things, and almost be ruined by the little girl Qu Liuyan, and no one can be found When it comes to her rice, she has to scold Nanyi for being a woman. She doesn't have the ruthlessness of a person who has achieved great things at all, and she has to praise him for being magnanimous.

"Then are you afraid that Qu Liuyan will seek revenge on you? Listen to her tone, she is not ordinary rich now."

"Uh... that's not the case, didn't you lend her money?" Nanyi was astonished, but he didn't think so in his heart, "Let someone check it out, how did this little girl turn around, maybe she has something to do with someone The old man in the family remarried, and the old man died, and all the property was given to her. We have to investigate carefully, maybe the cause of the old man's death is suspicious, and if he has tens of millions of dollars, he might as well swallow her as a snack."

"You take Qu Liuyan for a fool. She may not have recognized Ruopin at the time, but she will definitely remember it later."

"She really wants to trouble me, so I will go all out, kneel down in front of her with a plop, and shout out to Your Majesty the Queen, wash it for nothing, apply honey, and go to her bedroom to face her face to face."

"Hehe, be careful, I'll go to Liu Zhen to sue you."

Although Qi Ying didn't know if Nanyi was Qu Liuyan's opponent in terms of financial resources, she was not worried that Nanyi would suffer a disadvantage. As a foreign class, her little sister who used to be Qu Liuyan would stand by him without hesitation. This side, not to mention his classmates.

From point to point, Nanyi is able to make good friends with his classmates, so he must not be idle all these years. Seeing that he can still joke around easily, you can tell that he is not amused by Liu Yan.

"Go and sue, Liu Zhen has been tamed by me a long time ago. She dare not go west when I tell her east. If I tell her to beat a dog, she will never throw chickens. As long as I am at home, I will serve you three meals a day. Before going to bed And give me water to wash my feet."

"Hahaha." Nanyi's words made Qi Ying overjoyed, "Nanyi, stop bragging, who among your classmates doesn't know that you, Nanyi, are a labor model for washing and cooking."

"Rumors are purely rumors. My family bought a washing machine a long time ago, and I don't need to wash clothes by hand at all." Nan Yi pretended to be angry, and deliberately buried a burden.

"Yes, yes, no hand washing, all machine washing, hahaha."

Nan Yi has been leading the atmosphere of the conversation in a relaxed direction. As soon as he met Qi Ying in the morning, he noticed that the other party's state was not right, and his spirit was a little sluggish. It should be that the quality of sleep was not very high for a long time. Considering her age, Qi Ying is probably in menopause.

Heh, he dare not mess with menopausal women.


On the other side, Xu Lu was biting a piece of Huanggu ice cream, and stood at the entrance of the Rose Hotel, waiting for Nanyi to appear.

Today she specially wore a dark blue sleeveless dress with white spots and a lapel collar. The hem of the skirt barely covered one-third of her thighs. She wore a pair of white canvas height-enhancing shoes on her feet, making her figure even taller.

She didn't know which direction Nanyi would come from, so she could only turn her back to the hotel's gate, aiming in one direction, and then when there was movement in other directions, she would turn her head suddenly.

He turned his head again, and took the ice cream out of his mouth by the way. Unexpectedly, the ice cream stuck to his lips. Turning his head caused tearing.

Xu Lu didn't care, stuck out her tongue from her mouth, rolled it up, and the milky white on the tip of her nose was licked off.

Her behavior fell into the eyes of the angel who just came over, and she couldn't help exclaiming in her heart: "What a long tongue, what a talent."

Take two quick steps and come to Xu Lu's side, "Miss Xu, I will accompany you to go through the formalities."

"Only you? Where's Nanyi?"

"The boss is busy with something, so he told me to accompany you to go through the formalities." Tianxian said, took out two contracts and handed them to Xu Lu, "Miss Xu, please take a look, if there is no problem, please sign on them."

Xu Lu took it over and saw that there were only a few simple clauses in the contract, which generally meant that she would help Nanyi test whether Milan International had the ability to handle the "procedures". In return, she would get 2,000 yuan as a reward. A phone call to inform some details and results of the process.

After reading the contract, although Xu Lu felt that Nanyi was not comfortable doing things at all, she still happily stood on the road and signed her name on the two contracts respectively.

Tianxian took back the contract, confirmed that there was no problem, and gave one of them to Xu Lu. Then, the two walked into Milan International's office together.

Nan Yi and Qi Ying chatted on the color TV tower for a long time. Qi Ying told Nan Yi some interesting places in Fengtian, such as the ghost story of the tricky building. The other room is even someone else’s home. There are women crying in the corridor at night, whoever held a concert in Tai Kwun, the 6903 factory club turned into a nightclub, etc.

What Qi Ying said was in full swing, Nan Yi listened with gusto.

After staying on the color TV tower enough, the two went down to the ground. Nanyi bought a bottle of Jinduo soda in a small shop on the side of the road to quench his thirst. At that time, the age difference between the two was quite large, and his son was not a few years younger than Nanyi.

Nanyi drank soda, while looking at the goods displayed on the shelves and counters of the small store. On the shelves, he could see Kragus’s refined salted sausages, as well as several ham sausages, such as Chundu, Jinluo, Zhengrong, and Shuanghui. .

When it comes to ham sausage, Chundu can be regarded as the originator. Several other brands cross the river by feeling it.

Master Fan made a plan to focus on instant noodles and ham sausage early in the morning. The instant noodles were deliberately dragged by Nanyi, and the ham sausage did not move because he had no choice. goods channel.

It sounds a bit ridiculous. The Jigongdang Breeding Base of the Reclamation Group has its own Guangdong Provincial Pig General Pig Farm, with a breeding scale of 100,000 head. The meat hogs are counted as one, and they are all taken away by the meat joint factories in various cities in the province. It is easy to leave dozens or hundreds of pigs, but it is impossible to have more, and the common people have to eat meat.

The Jigongdang Breeding Base also has a Central Plains Piglet Breeding Center with a larger breeding scale. It has expanded continuously in the past two years, and now it can supply millions of piglets to pig farmers every year.

This amount sounds like a lot, but it's actually not much at all.

The sales pressure of the breeding center is very high. It is not that the piglets cannot be sold, but that there are not enough piglets to sell. Not to mention the supply to the entire province of the Central Plains, even Tianzhong City, where the breeding center is located, cannot supply 100% of the supply.

Let's put it this way, it will take two years to complete the pre-orders received by the Breeding Center in Tianzhong City. After two years, they may be able to walk out of Tianzhong, but it is hard to say when they will be able to leave the Central Plains. Expansion will not only take time, but also Feed support.

The reclamation group has a subsidiary company called Kent Mountain, which produces feed. This company is located in Baigong, Wuchuan, and Wuchuan is the largest province for raising pigs. Kent Mountain’s non-stop feed and pig doctor additives are raised in Wuchuan. The reputation of Huzhong is very good, and the local supply of products exceeds the demand. Most of them are digested in Wuchuan Province, and a small part is sent to the Northeast.

Why is the supply short of demand, and there is still surplus to sell outside?

In fact, it is not for sale, but for exchange.

The main ingredient of pig feed is corn, and the main producing area of ​​corn is in the Northeast. If you want corn, fine, you can use feed additives in exchange.

The breeding scale of pig generals is 100,000, and two batches of pigs are sold in a year, which is 200,000. A pig needs to eat about 850 catties of feed from piglets to slaughter, that is, the annual consumption is about 85,000 tons of corn; piglet breeding center breeding The scale is 1 million, and four batches can be exported a year. A piglet needs to eat about 50 catties of feed, which means that the annual consumption is about 100,000 tons of corn. Adding the two together, the total is 185,000 tons.

185,000 tons is just a drop in the ocean when compared to the total annual corn output of the country reaching more than 90 million tons.

However, among the more than 90 million tons, more than 10 million tons need to be used for export. However, in the past two years, the state has vigorously supported pig farming, and the remaining 80 million tons should not only be used for strategic reserves, but also for people to eat and eat. , and have to meet the needs of farmers for pig breeding.

In rural areas this year, not to mention every household raises pigs, at least 60 to 70% still have them. There are about 379 million pigs in the country. If all pigs eat corn, a total of 160 million tons will be needed, and there will be about 80 million tons. gap.

Of course, in fact, most farmers only raise one or two pigs, and they don’t know how to feed them. They usually cook a little more porridge in the morning, then mix the porridge with rice bran, and then feed it with local pigweed.

Therefore, the theoretical corn gap does not actually exist, but the tight supply of corn is a fact.

The current status quo is that the corn that can be purchased in Kent Mountain is very limited, and the feed and additives produced do not need to go out of Wuchuan at all, and can be digested around the factory, so the brother units naturally don't care.

The piglets in Tianzhong's piglet breeding center can't eat "non-stop food", so they can only find a way to buy corn in the Central Plains, and then independently produce pig feed to feed their own piglets. The speed of expansion is limited by the corn that can be purchased quantity.

The piglets in the Piglet Breeding Center can’t leave the Central Plains. The pig generals in Guangdong Province can only find a way to find piglets. The current solution is to breed some piglets with the technology they have mastered, and then get them from farmers outside. Buying a part, just like this, can barely make up 200,000 piglets a year, let alone pig feed. In order to prevent the pigs from starving, I really tried my best.

This chain of helplessness, the reclamation group has no way to increase the number of live pigs for slaughter in a short period of time. Although Master Fan is an enterprise from the same village, I am still sorry. Bar.

Although Kent Mountain, the Piglet Breeding Center, and the Pig General cannot achieve an internal cycle, they have not delayed making money at all, and looking at the three separately, they are actually developing very well, and the future can be expected.

Looking at the whole country, only the major meat joint factories that are capable of guaranteeing the supply of pork at present, more precisely, the meat joint factories in Wuchuan and Central Plains, two major pig-raising provinces, four brands of Chundu, Jinluo, Zhengrong, and Shuanghui The fathers behind are all meat joint factories, and there are four meat joint factories that belong to the Central Plains Province.

It can be said that the current domestic ham sausage market is only the meat factory in the Central Plains engaged in infighting, and has nothing to do with other places. Whoever dares to jump out, the four brands immediately share the same hatred, and unite to wipe out the foreigners first. , and then continue the infighting.

The situation that Master Fan is facing now is that he lacks confidence inside and is surrounded by wolves outside. Even if he has the courage to be a lone brave man and show his heroism despite thousands of people, he still can't find a chance to jump. Produce a fart ham sausage.

There is no pork in the country, why doesn't Nanyi find a way from abroad, isn't there some Shennong Nanliang?

Nan Yi thought about it, but it was unrealistic.

At present, the cost of domestic pig breeding is lower than that of foreign countries. Live pigs and pork are still foreign exchange earning materials for export. We are a pork exporting country, not an importing country. It is almost impossible to import from abroad in reverse. Of course, there is no precedent for importing a small amount of pork from abroad in China, but that is not due to the consideration of material needs, but because of political diplomacy.

Originally, he couldn’t take the main road, but Master Fan could take the small road. If he couldn’t make pork sausages, he could go directly to high-tech production of chicken sausages and chicken sausages. But in fact...

Nanyi drank all the soda, and asked the owner of the small shop to take a Chundu ham sausage, held it in his hand and flicked it with his fingers, and the ham sausage immediately swayed rhythmically, with a very charming swing; from the middle of the ham sausage After breaking it, fold it in half and pinch it in your hand, then let it go, the sausage returned to a straight line with a bang.

Tear open the outer package, you can see that the whole ham sausage is not broken, but covered with small mottled cracks, Nanyi twisted the ham sausage into two halves, a fresh smell of pork immediately broke from the exposed diffuse everywhere.

Ham sausage has nothing to do with ham, but it has a lot to do with pork. Chop lean meat and pork belly, stir it, add some seasonings and preservatives, and the filling is ham sausage. The main ingredient is meat. , and it is good meat.

It can be said that the domestic ham sausage industry has a very high tone, each one is like a singer from the national team, all kinds of sounds can be played casually, and there is no place for Internet celebrities to match their sound cards.

Imagine that on a big stage, "Defend the Yellow River" and "Yingshanhong" were sung in front of it. At this time, the Internet celebrity came on stage, waved his short arms, and said with emotion: "Friends in the audience, follow along!" Let me meow meow together, okay?"

Others use good pork. Master Fan uses pig skin, chicken skin, duck skin, chicken frame mud, chicken neck mud, chicken intestines, and more low-quality starch to produce it. It is also called ham sausage. The name is written with pork, chicken, and one more type of meat than others. I didn’t say anything, a conscientious enterprise, Qiuyou, Xiyou, and Zhouyou.

There are other ways to fool the past, but consumers’ mouths are not easy to fool. Whoever is good and who is bad can eat it as soon as they eat it. Master Fan can seize the market at a low price at the beginning, and then sit and watch the market spit it back little by little.

Although there are high-tech methods to improve the taste of Master Fan’s ham sausage, high-tech is expensive. Everything related to industry is expensive. The cost of using high-tech to prepare pork is a little higher than directly using good pork. It’s not yet It's a good time to be tech-savvy and hard-working.

If Master Fan must rush to get on the ham sausage, there is only one way to go in front of him-learn soybean juice and high foam, make the leftovers into cultural attributes, and strive to squeeze into the "authentic".

Of course, this road is too difficult. Success is full of chance, and consumers must be screened from the very beginning. Consumers who like individual consumption must be picked out. From the beginning, brands must be classified as niche. Products that run the gamut have become niche, so it doesn’t matter if you don’t go this way.

Besides, if he goes astray, it will affect Master Fan's brand image, let alone the ham sausage, and the instant noodles will also be affected.

Thinking about something, Nanyi subconsciously stuffed the ham sausage into his mouth.

"Are you hungry again?" Qi Ying who was beside him asked.

Nanyi waved his hand, "No, I'm in the snack food business, and I've thought about making ham sausage, so I just bought it and tasted it when I saw it here."

"I said so."

Nan Yi paid the bill, and bought a pack of Bulao Lin Tang and Yanbao Yanggan Soup. These two seemed to be new gadgets. Leng Yan and Ma Jiayan were not introduced to Asia at the beginning, and Nan Yi had never seen them in other places. The boss took the item in his hand, looked at the words on the package, and found that it was made in Fengtian.

After shopping, Nan Yi and Qi Ying got into the car in no hurry, and walked along the curb while chatting.

Tired of chatting, Qi Ying took Nanyi to prepare ingredients for his dinner, perhaps cooked food, and ran to Dadongmen Market across districts, and found an old man in his seventies who bought roast chicken, a trolley, and a face mask A glass cabinet with the words "Zhang Jiuli Roasted Chicken" on it.

I heard from Qi Ying that the old man’s name is Zhang Jiuli, and he came here from the land of Qilu. The roast chicken is delicious, and the business is also very good, selling hundreds of chickens a day.

Nanyi and Zhang Jiuli chatted for a few words, and suddenly thought that it seemed that it was time to promote the development of street roast chicken and duck, and also to support the development of duck breeding; It is also necessary to establish a food waste recycling company. Large-scale pig farming is not enough, so first break it up into parts, seize the swill of factories, mines and schools in various places, and launch a war for swill hegemony.

"Hey, no one will come to fight against the monopoly swill, right?"

After buying the grilled chicken, Qi Ying bought pork ribs sausage and pig's trotters from the old Yang's family. According to her, the old Lu's sauce meat that the local people in Fengtian rarely knew. To play with a woman, it's best to have a bite of sauced meat.

Nan Yi also asked Qiying Qianlong if he had ever given a good name, and he got the other party's eyes and complaints.

Xita, Pang Jiang, Zhu Jianlu, Lao Zhang, Lao Yang, Lao Lu, Lao Shen Guang, the vans were running around on Fengtian Street. Nan Yi expressed his gratitude. In order to entertain him as well as possible, Cong Jiang Garlic has gone to three markets, whoever's onion is good, and whoever's garlic is good.

Nanyi asked Qi if he usually travels to so many places to buy vegetables. Qi Ying’s answer was that he would do it when winter came. It won't be bad either, so she knows all about the places that sell vegetables in Fengtian City.

Looking at Qi Ying's attitude towards life, Nan Yi guessed that Qi Ying didn't intend to go up, and was just waiting for an honorable retirement in her current position.

That’s right, according to Qi Ying’s age, after ten years of working, she will reach retirement age. She will receive a pension that is getting higher and higher every year, and she will be comforted from time to time. Unfortunately, when the time comes, I will have to rely on a cane, and come over to help her celebrate her 100th birthday.

After buying the vegetables and going back to the worker's village, Qi Ying went into the kitchen to ping and bang, while Nan Yi sat in the living room, drinking tea and watching TV, with plums in the melon field, he was not suitable to help in the kitchen because of the difference between men and women.

At a quarter past six, Wu Renpin's family of three came over.

Wu Xiaowei is back.

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