Nanyi was not in a hurry to ask Wu Xiaowei about his experience in the previous month, but just gave him a day to prepare to leave.

Satisfied with food and drink, she left a pile of wreckage for Qi Ying. On the way out of the worker's village, Wu Meifeng also mentioned that she had introduced her "wife" to Qi Ying, but she had rejected her.

Nanyi just listened and didn't express his opinion.

Back at the hotel, Nan Yi chatted with Yan Zhenhua, who was picked up by Tianxian, and listened to the other party’s vivid analysis of the various things in the little angel’s paradise. He listened, asked questions, and answered. At the end, Nan Yi gave Yan Zhenhua a sentence "Good job" encouragement, and then let it go back to the newly opened room when it just went upstairs.

Yangcheng, Xiaolou, He Xiangu Vegetable Planting Base of Reclamation Group.

After two days of study, Nan Wuwei has mastered the technique of growing high-tech soybean sprouts.

Speaking of it, growing bean sprouts is actually not difficult. The core of the technology is watering. Anyone can get some soybeans to grow bean sprouts at home. It's just that if you want to send out bean sprouts that look good and taste good, you need to master a little skill and a little core technology.

Yinya No. 1, one of the flagship bean sprout products of Reclamation Group, has the advantages of white color, strong, crystal clear, no roots, and short growth cycle. Generally, it takes about ten days to germinate bean sprouts, but Yinya No. 1 only takes three days.

The reason why these advantages can be achieved is inseparable from science and technology. First, the soybeans of Fayinya No. 1 are improved varieties, which can be said to be directional cultivation; It is scientifically managed and uses the self-developed bean sprout nutrient solution NS7, which is a chemical liquid that is toxic and harmful to the human body. Drinking a bottle of it does not cost the ICU, and can be directly sent to the morgue.

Just like other harmful substances that may appear in food, NS7 cannot be discussed without dosage. A bottle of 500ml NS7 can be used to make 50 tons of bean sprouts. Usually, when using it, it will be mixed with water at a ratio of 1:100,000 The ratio is used to blend and reconcile, and the diluent of NS7 is usually used.

However, it is undeniable that NS7 has a certain degree of carcinogenicity, but ordinary people can ignore this point. The Reclamation Group can guarantee that the harm caused by Yinya No. 1 to the human body is far lower than the pesticide residues in vegetables and grains.

Those who are unable to enclose their own land and hire others to grow organic ingredients should pretend not to know, because knowing too much will only increase troubles.

Just like Nan Yi doesn't want ordinary people to know about the existence of Nan's family. Leaving aside those who have nothing to talk about, in fact, he is wholeheartedly considering for ordinary people. Knowing about it will only make people despair, and they will not be able to catch up and realize it in eighteen lifetimes. Know why?

Nanyi wants to create a rich and stupid image, which is to give some encouragement to young people who are in their 17s, 20s, and 30s.

"Hey, this idiot Nan Yi can be worth hundreds of millions, but luck is a little bit better. If I work harder, I will definitely surpass him. Today he doesn't know who I am, but tomorrow I will make him unable to climb up. I swear, I must be x dad."

This cry came from the Chengzhan Railway Station in Hangzhou. A thin young man had just got off the train carrying a snakeskin bag. In the bag were flashlights, socks and other small commodities he had wholesaled from Yiwu.

I would rather sleep on the floor than be the boss. The young man is the boss of a translation agency. The business is not doing well, so he can only earn some money and pay wages by working as a practicing stall.

Shouting "Sword Swinging Style" foolishly, the young man staggered towards the bus stop.

NS7 is a very mature nutrient solution. During the research and development process of Shennong Nanliang, it was found that 6-benzyl adenine can keep the bean sprouts fresh, and sodium 4-chlorophenoxyacetate can make the bean sprouts look better. However, long-term intake of the human body will cause harm, and the fuzzy quantitative value of "long-term" is actually very small.

These two chemistries were therefore discarded, and the lab continued to experiment with new alternatives until NS7 was developed.

High-tech bean sprouts are inseparable from NS7. This method is not suitable for Nan Wuwei. He is now learning Japanese-style bean sprouts from a master named Yin Jizhong.

There are many hot springs in Japan, which are not only used for bathing, but also used in agriculture. Using hot springs, Japan invented a method of soil-cultured bean sprouts.

Under the guidance of Yin Jizhong, Nan Wuwei took a shovel and dug a shallow pit on the ground. After a 6-meter-long, 80-centimeter-wide, and 30-centimeter-deep pit was dug, Nan Wuwei soaked it in hot spring water beforehand. Good soybeans are spread evenly in the pit.

Then, take a thermometer to measure the temperature at the four corners and the center of the pit.

After measuring the temperature, lay wooden supports for support on the pit, then a layer of plastic sheeting, then a layer of straw, and then a layer of woven straw curtains, and finally cover the top with a thick soil layer.

At this point, the preparations for growing bean sprouts in a pit are complete. In seven days, the bean sprouts can grow to a length of 30 to 40 centimeters. After harvesting, they will be transported to Japan by plane immediately.

Although Japan’s economy is not as prosperous as before, and the high-end food market is not as prosperous as before, there are still three thousand nails in the rotten ship, and the market is still there. It’s just that we can maintain superficial harmony with friends and merchants in the market, and we can coexist in the market; now it’s not possible The market is shrinking, and I have nothing to eat if you have something to eat. As soon as we meet, the bayonet will be red, and we will fight to the death.

Fortunately, they still exercised restraint with each other. The war was a conventional war, and no "price war" at the level of nuclear weapons was used. If there was a price war, before everyone was finished together, the Agricultural Association would jump out and extend its hand directly. , so as to make up for its ineffective domination of the high-end ingredients market.

In the past, Baoguo Mihu Club had a business of producing soil-cultivated bean sprouts. As the market changed, the business model would naturally need to be adjusted. The business of vegetables is now going to two extremes, one is towards luxury, and the other is towards the most common people. Going in the same direction, the market in this range of neither high nor low is worrying. The market price of soil-cultured bean sprouts with a market price of about 1,500 yen/catties is in this range.

Simply put, Baoguo Mizhu adopted the OEM model and left the production link to the reclamation group. For the reclamation group, this business is very lucrative, and a catty of bean sprouts can have a gross profit of about 12 yuan, but it is a pity that the demand is not enough. Large, there are only dozens of tons of large orders a year, and the overall profit cannot reach 2 million at all.

Nan Wuwei followed Yin Jizhong to complete the soil covering work, and then followed to the boiler room. There is no hot spring in the He Xiangu vegetable planting base, so he can only fetch water from a hot spring not far away, and then use the boiler to heat the water to maintain the water temperature. It will flow through the soil layer under the pit and moisten the soybeans buried in the pit.

First check the pressure gauge and temperature gauge. Nan Wuwei added two shovels of coal to the furnace of the boiler. When the furnace was backfired, fine sweat broke out on his forehead instantly. He picked up the white towel hanging around his neck and wiped his face. , the cheeks turned black and white.

Pulling the cuff, looking at the watch on his left hand, he exhaled, "Great, get off work soon."

At this time and here, Nan Wuwei is not the identity of the young boss, he is just a child laborer.

"Xiaowenzi, are you tired?" Yin Jizhong, who was standing beside Nan Wuwei, wiped his sweat with a towel, and then said to Nan Wuwei.

Nan Wuwei leaned the shovel aside and grinned at Yin Jizhong, "Master Yin, I'm not tired."

"I still said I'm not tired, I'm tired." Yin Jizhong took a deep breath and let out the exhaustion on his body, "Wait, Shiduo, I'll treat you to fresh fruit smoothies."

"Thank you, Master Yin, no more, I will go back to the city later, tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow."

Yin Jizhong loves Nan Wuwei very much. The son of a rich family can endure hardships at such a young age, and he is well-behaved, so he naturally likes it. Of course, there are also reasons for love of houses and blacks. Nan Wuwei was accompanied by the person in charge when he came to the base on the first day. How could Yin Jizhong not know that Nan Wuwei is a high-level son of the reclamation group.

Yangcheng was opened early, and after several generations of business influence, most of the people here are business-minded. The land where He Xiangu grows vegetables is not contracted by the reclamation group, but the nearby villagers have bought the land into shares of He Xiangu, and the people who work here are all Shareholders, so the wages are very low, depending on the type of work, only between 20-50 a month, everyone doesn't pay much attention to wages, and only pays attention to the year-end dividends.

Therefore, Yin Jizhong is not doing hard work here, he is one of the major shareholders. Since the shareholders are naturally very clear about He Xiangu's situation, and also have some understanding of the reclamation group's situation, there is no nepotism in the reclamation group, and shareholders can't arrange someone to come in.

Those who can be rejected by the related households can be rejected, and those who cannot be rejected can be directly arranged for empty pay. An eight or nine-year-old fine-grained boy can be arranged to work here. How hard.

At 8:40, Yin Jizhong took Nan Wuwei to inspect the entire bean sprouts shed. It was almost nine o'clock, and it was time to get off work. The night watchman came to take over.

He leaned in front of the faucet, rubbed the towel, wiped his face, and made himself look clean. Two people, one big and one small, came to the guard box to register their off-duty time. Yin Jizhong watched Nan Wuwei get into a car and waited for the car to leave. He just walked towards the Honda King parked on the side of the road.

When Nan Wuwei returned to Xinhepu, he saw a Mercedes-Benz S60 SEL parked in front of his villa. He glanced at the license plate and recognized it as Grandma Ge Cuizhu's car.

After getting out of the car and walking to the rear window of the Mercedes, Nan Wuwei saw Ge Cuizhu's smiling face.

"Grandma Ge, why are you here?"

Ge Cuizhu pushed open the car door and got out of the car, stretched out his hand to stroke Nan Wuwei's hair, "Look at you, you're almost a little dirty monkey."

"Hee hee." Nan Wuwei grinned, "Grandma Ge, let's go inside."


Nan Wuwei led Ge Cuizhu to the living room, and when Ge Cuizhu sat down, he said, "Grandma Ge, you sit first, and I'll pour you tea."

Ge Cuizhu took Nan Wuwei's hand, "Grandma is not thirsty, you go take a shower first, and talk to grandma later."


Nan Wuwei responded and walked towards the room.

After a while, Ge Cuizhu took out his phone and called Zhao Jinshui. After asking for Nanyi's number, he called Nanyi again.

Ge Cuizhu: "Nanyi."

"Auntie, what's the hurry?"

Nanyi is in Fengtian, and the satellite phone is inconvenient to use, and he didn't bring it with him at all, and he didn't have a mobile phone or a pager. It was just when the communication was not smooth, Ge Cuizhu called and chased him, presumably there was something urgent.

Ge Cuizhu: "For money, there is a big gap in the first phase of the cold chain cultivation."

"I know the financial situation of the group, and the funds to start the project are still sufficient. As for the follow-up funds, Auntie, how much RMB can you personally withdraw?"

Ge Cuizhu thought for a while and said, "I can barely make up a book."

"You have one copy, I have one copy, first lend it to the group, and then look at the rest. Auntie, the overall situation of the yen will still be bullish in the next two years. Last year, our country issued 59 billion banknotes. It has exceeded last year, I don’t know about the others, I heard that Guangfu West Road works overtime every day.”

Ge Cuizhu asked suspiciously, "Guangfu West Road?"

"Banknote printing factory." Nanyi said directly: "Paper banknotes, if you print too much, the value will be discounted. This is one of them; There may be a situation of foreign exchange tension; third, our country has owed more than 60 billion US dollars in foreign debt, and there is great pressure to repay the debt;

Fourth, the construction of infrastructure and real estate has been soaring this year, which has taken up a lot of funds. In addition, the fiscal deficit and the loss of state-owned enterprises have overdrafted to the bank. These overdrafts will eventually become base currency injections (deficit monetization); Imports have increased a lot, and foreign exchange is consumed quickly.

And the most important point is that the valuation of the renminbi is already too high, all of which show that the renminbi will soon usher in a devaluation, whether it is active or passive, there is a need for depreciation.

Auntie, judging from the current situation, if gold falls to..." Nanyi recalled the price of gold, and said: "If it falls below 60 yuan, you can consider buying some and keep it in your hand, don't buy fake gold. "

Ge Cuizhu: "How much gold can be bought, how much can a catty increase, don't worry about that."

"Hehe, Auntie's words are domineering, and gold is measured by the catty."

Ge Cuizhu: "Don't laugh at your aunt, I'm in your house in Xinhepu now, Wuwei has become a little dirty monkey."

"It's okay, it's dirty, Auntie, tell him for me. After learning how to grow bean sprouts, go to Xiangtang to see his grandma. Also, let him go to bed early, and don't herd sheep alone."

Ge Cuizhu: "Okay."


As soon as Nan Yi hung up the phone, an awkward gunshot immediately entered his ears.

"Black Star." The school girl's ears moved and she said.

"The sound of the gun is not transparent enough. It should not be a standard pistol. Now the most famous one is made in the Northwest. It probably came from there." Nan Yi said, walked to the window and looked in the direction of the gun just now. He didn't see it. Looking at what he wanted to see, he only saw the lights of Wanjia.

A gunshot made Nanyi smell a little troublesome. Liu Xiangdong, who is both a bandit and a businessman, will appear here in Fengtian. It is about this time. Liu Xiangdong is easy to handle. The problem is that behind him is a big corruption case.

"The shot just now must have something to do with him."

Nan Yi rubbed his temples, put the matter in front of him first, no matter whether it is troublesome or not, it will not affect his determination and plan to develop in Fengtian, there are local snakes everywhere, there is Liu Xiangdong here, and there are also Zhao Qiansun, Li Zhou, Wu Zheng, Wang Niuma in other places "Xiangdong", as long as you want to develop, you will inevitably have to confront people.

Here in Fengtian, the plan is very big, which will affect many people, but the plan is small, and the funds involved will not be too much. It is impossible for Nanyi to be responsible for the plan here, and he will send someone to be responsible for implementing the plan.


Harvard Synthetic Organic Chemistry Laboratory, one of the best synthetic organic chemistry laboratories in the world.

There are about 350 young scientific researchers working here every year in this laboratory, half of them are doctoral students, half of them are graduate students, and each of them is a leader in the field of synthetic organic chemistry. better off.

The inhuman pressure, huge amount of research tasks and extremely fierce competition make hours, days, years, Friday nights and holidays disappear here. There are no labor laws, no legal working hours, and anyone who wants to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. There are people waiting to come in.

To use relatively new vocabulary, Hahua is a very introverted place, not only as a researcher, but also as an assistant. In fact, there are many graduate students rushing to do odd jobs.

It was such a sought-after position, but it was snatched by a little girl.

This little girl is called Nan Ruochan. People in the laboratory call her Nan affectionately, and most of them like her.

If you want to be successful, you have to suffer. Ten years ago, Liu Zhen was admiring the sun at four o'clock in the morning in Cambridge. Ten years later, Nan Ruochan was bathing in the sun at four o'clock in the morning.

In order to fit in with the researchers' schedule and to ensure her own sleep, Nan Ruochan went to bed early and got up early, and would arrive at the laboratory before five o'clock to clean up, wash the test tubes, and tidy up the experimental instruments.

The laboratory is very large, and there are many assistants, but Nan Ruochan is the one who works the hardest. It’s not that others are unwilling to work hard. Other assistants have to work outside to earn a meager salary to make ends meet. One’s energy is limited. Yes, it is impossible to maintain focus and high output all the time.

Nan Ruochan is different. She has no pressure to survive, and she has not stayed in Ha Huaneng for a long time. After the summer vacation, she will return to the capital to attend classes. She can unleash all her enthusiasm in less than two months.

With her love of chemistry and knowing that her uncle paid a high price for sending her to the laboratory, Nan Ruochan cherishes the opportunity in front of her very much, even if she does her best, she must do everything well.

Nanyi's support for Nan Ruochan was purely for the purpose of glorifying the lintel of the Nan family. If the Nan family could produce a young chemist, it would put gold on the face of every Nan family, including Nan Wuwei. The chemist's cousin is a very dignified thing.

From a utilitarian point of view, Nan Ruochan becoming a chemist is in the interest of everyone in the Nan family, including Nan Ruochan herself.

Nan Yi and Nan Ruochan chatted several times, and several years passed between them. Her love for chemistry has never changed. Nan's family has a financial foundation. If Nan Ruochan wanted to, her room could be filled with dolls, but she didn't. She would rather play with test tubes and flasks.

Perhaps, Nan Ruochan was engaged in chemical research in her previous life, and Meng Po, a profiteer, mixed water into Meng Po's soup.

Because of love, so focused, because of love, so full of enthusiasm, tireless.

Busy work started at 5 o'clock, and it was already 8 o'clock in the morning when the sanitation work was completed to perfection. Most of the researchers had already come to the laboratory, a small number had already entered the state, and even fewer kittens, two or three, did not leave last night.

Those who can enter Hahua are all top students. Different from the classrooms of middle and high schools, the top students always give the bad students an unfair illusion. I was working hard, but as soon as the test results came out, the scumbags were crushed to pieces.

Regardless of whether the high school student was really playing with his studies, or worked hard until late at night alone, in Hahua, there is no need to pretend. Everyone here is a similar existence, and they are all in the middle. No one can To crush others to despair.

IQ can't make a difference, so I can only rely on hard work to increase my overall competitiveness, tear off the label of a top student, and roll up happily.

The researchers were rolling, and Nan Ruochan, who had finished playing the role of the cleaner, began to play the role of the waiter in the cafe again. She shuttled around each researcher, asking if they wanted coffee, what kind of coffee, and whether to add sugar.

In the morning, Nan Ruochan spent providing logistical services for the researchers. In the afternoon, she had time to provide the researchers with second-hand services, which was also her study time. She could bring out the problems accumulated before Learn from the researchers.

Some of the questions were superficial, and the researchers were not interested in answering them. They would only tell Nan Ruochan which book to read, and they would understand after reading it.

Sometimes, the researcher has a bad temper. He wants to complete the idea of ​​the laboratory leader Elias J. Corey, but also to verify his own idea, lack of sleep and the research is not going well. At this time, there is someone on the side It is easy to become the target of venting.

At this time, Nan Ruochan is just a trash can, all kinds of dirty words will be thrown in, she has to pick it up, and can't reveal a little bit. When there are too many negative emotions, she will find a corner where there is no one and cry, and when she has cried enough, she will return to the laboratory to continue to suffer.

There are impostors in the success of scientific research, but there is no fluke. If you want to reach the other side of success, you have to overcome obstacles along the way. Nan Ruochan is walking on the road to success. For the sake of ideals, you always have to suffer.

Nan Ruochan is lucky, her road is much smoother than others, as long as she walks, someone will clear the warning sign of "this road is not going to pass" for her.

When Nan Ruochan was suffering, another part of the Harvard campus, south of the Charles River, Harvard Business School, geographically belonging to the riverside of the Boston area, Nan Ruoding and her follower, Eman Roland, were sitting by the river, drinking Sipping coffee and looking at the documents in his hand.

Emmanuel Rolland, a very inspirational character, is also an unfortunate girl who lives in a broken and muddy family.

His father was an underground singer with little success, but he was infected with the artist's high incidence of "thinness and ignorance". He hangs out every day and never cares about what his wife and daughter eat and drink. Only when he can't find a woman to accompany him outside, Only then will he think of his wife's body.

My mother was a good person in the early days, perhaps because she was tortured by her husband, she gave up on herself, from inhalation to injection, she was neither human nor ghost.

Since she was seven or eight years old, Eman has mastered the skill of distinguishing the freshness of food in the trash can. She is also proficient in begging, knowing what to say and what to do to make passers-by feel kind; , Convenience store stealing skills, when life is depressed, she will steal a piece of candy, a piece of chocolate to comfort herself.

In the wasted years, she struggled to live until she was fourteen years old, and finally received a piece of bad news in her emotions and good news in her life. Her mother died, and her burden was unloaded.

Perhaps it was the hardships of life that made her strive for self-improvement. Her grades have always been excellent, and she also received meager support from a kind-hearted person who is not very rich, so that she can successfully enter Harvard to study.

At Harvard, Eman met another kind-hearted person, her classmate Nan Ruofing. She no longer needed to borrow money for her tuition, and she did not have to worry about living expenses. A headstone for Eman's mother, buried in New York's Free Cemetery, and a job.

Turning to the last page of the document in her hand, Nan Ruobing closed the document and put it aside, took a sip of coffee, then turned to look at Eman, "When you were in Brooklyn, did you have any contact with Chinese people? "

Eman looked up and replied, "Yes."

"Have you ever heard a Chinese saying that flies don't bite seamless eggs?"

"No." Eman shrugged.

"Hmm, I've read the information almost. Do you know why the UK joined the European currency system?" Nan Ruofeng nodded, her movements and the calmness in her eyes were very similar to Nanyi's, as if they were the same model engraved.

It has to be said that Nan Ruobing has been held in Nanyi's arms since she was a baby, and has been raised by Nanyi's side year after year, receiving Nanyi's enlightenment education, and following Nanyi to participate in various meetings and plans, pointing to Every bit is influenced by Nanyi, especially the perspective of looking at problems, which is almost the same as Nanyi.

Eman thought for a while and said: "From the beginning of 1989 to September 1990, before the UK joined the European Monetary System, the CPI rose from 5% to 8%. High interest rates seem to be ineffective against high inflation, but instead increased the risk of economic recession. In a dilemma, keep high interest rates, the Great Depression is inevitable, and inflation cannot be tolerated by cutting interest rates.

Downing Street urgently needs to cut interest rates and release water to stimulate the economy, but it is worried that this will lead to the depreciation of the pound, capital outflows, and financial and economic crises.

Therefore, they hoped to rely on external forces, so they chose to join the exchange rate mechanism of the European Monetary System to stabilize the exchange rate of the pound and manage inflation. After joining, the UK immediately announced a 1% interest rate cut.

Facts have proved that after joining the European Monetary System, the UK's CPI dropped sharply immediately, and inflation continued to decline. "

"In 1990, East and West Germany merged. Because of supporting the construction of East Germany, Germany needed a lot of funds to enter, and because of the booming infrastructure projects, inflation was on the rise. Germany urgently needed to raise interest rates, keep funds in the country and suppress inflation.

Since the linked exchange rate of European countries is the pound to the German mark, there are upper and lower limits, and the United Kingdom needs to cut interest rates to stimulate the economy, and Germany needs to raise interest rates, which creates a huge contradiction. If the pound does not depreciate, a steady stream of funds will flow into Germany. A buoyant UK market would have a very negative impact.

As time went on, the United Kingdom began to be unable to withstand it, and asked the German Bundesbank to lower interest rates, but countries prioritized their own interests. Germany worried that cutting interest rates would lead to domestic inflation and may lead to economic collapse, so it directly rejected the British request Germany not only rejected the G7 summit's request to cut interest rates, but raised the discount rate to 8.75% a few days ago.

In the eyes of British financial experts and business elites, the UK maintains a high exchange rate, which is unsustainable. However, during this period, Prime Minister John Major and Chancellor of the Exchequer Ramon reiterated in various public occasions that the existing policy remains unchanged. ability to keep the pound in the European exchange rate system.

The current UK is an egg with gaps. The purpose of the establishment of the European monetary system is to realize the euroization of Europe. Why is there a euro? "

Nan Ruofing looked at Eman.

"Against the dollar."

"Well, after Germany raised the discount rate to 8.75%, the market sentiment changed, which caused a wave of selling pounds and liras in the foreign exchange market and snapping up marks. The exchange rate of pounds against marks fell from 2.95 to 2.85, and then from 2.85 When it fell to 2.7964, the Bank of England urgently ordered to purchase 3.3 billion pounds to stabilize the exchange rate. The Bank of England successfully exerted the power of Great Britain to stabilize the sea.

The United Kingdom still has a bit of background, and the British pound will not be a problem for the time being. On the contrary, some small countries, such as Finland, are very lively during this period of time. The Finnish people have replaced their Finnish marks with German marks. "

As Nan Ruofing said, she stood up from the ground and patted her buttocks, "Eman, let's go and earn some pocket money."


Eman Roland hurriedly packed up the materials, then stood up and followed Nan Ruofing.

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