Asakusa, the name of the restaurant opened by the three-member group.

After shopping in Akihabara for a while, Nan Wuwei bought a bunch of game cards and comic books, and the three of Nan Yi sat in the restaurant.

Coincidentally, as soon as Nanyi sat down, he saw Tom Konanzi who had a one-night affair before, and the other party also saw him, but the past between the two was not a good memory, especially for Tom Konanzi In other words, even more not.

Obviously the dishes were not ready yet, but Nanzi immediately paid the bill and left. He didn't want to stay in the same space with Nanyi for even a little longer.

"Hey, to whom do you show your face? I was the one who suffered back then."

Nan Yi still remembers that not only was he slept by the other party back then, but the compensation for the car was also settled in the end. Speaking of which, he was the one who suffered.

Sayuri Hagiwara, who saw everything in her eyes, asked, "Nagao-kun, do you know Kananko Toguchi?"

"It's not acquaintance, it's just a bad misunderstanding." Nanyi said, pointing to the TV set hanging high in the restaurant, "Is there a ball game today?"

"It seems that there is a J-League match." Saiduri Hagiwara turned her head and stared at the TV for a while, and said, "Kina Nakamori hasn't appeared on the screen for a long time, and her song is still so good."

Nan Yi glanced at the TV screen again, "She used to have a smile on her face, and it was okay to sing cheerful songs, but now she has a bad face, listening to her songs is unlucky."

"I can't blame her. The two relationships didn't end well, and they were hit too hard."

"Oh, no matter what her reason is, it's not pleasing to look at anyway, now, these two look very comfortable." Nan Yi pointed to the MANISH combination that appeared on the screen.

"I've never heard of this group, why are they lined up with Nakamori Kina." Sayuri Hagiwara muttered.

Nan Wuwei, who was reading a comic book at the side, suddenly raised the comic book in his hand, glanced at Nan Yi, then at the comic book, and exclaimed, "Dad, this comic character looks like you."

Nan Yi glanced at the cover of the comic book and found that it was "SLAM DUNK". He said casually: "It's nothing surprising. The author of the comic met my father before drawing this comic. I had a drink with him. He At that time, I said that I would draw a cartoon character according to my image.”

"Oh, let me tell you, how could it be such a coincidence." Nan Wuwei nodded and continued to flip through his comics.

the next day.

Nan Yi took Nan Wuwei to the signing ceremony between Softbank and the richest man Albert.

In order to build momentum, Softbank invited many news media. Amidst the sound of cameras clicking, Masayoshi Son, who was full of red faces, and Chen Wenchen, vice president of the richest man Albert and president of the Asia Pacific region, signed documents with each other, and then held hands together for the reporters to take a picture. enjoyable.

Chen Wenchen is very well-known now, and he often appears in various business and financial magazines, especially magazines in Asia, and he often becomes a cover character.

After investing in TSMC for the first time in TSMC, Chen Wenchen has made many moves afterwards, investing in UMC, Acer, and ASUS; in Israel, he also invested in Orbotech, as well as several emerging companies engaged in chip design and production, the richest man Weiye sprinkled gold dollars in Israel and integrated into Israel's semiconductor incubation.

The reason why the richest man Albert is optimistic about the future of Israel's semiconductors has nothing to do with Scarlett's Jewish identity, it is purely optimistic about the basic conditions of Israel.

First of all, education in Israel is not to compete for which student’s score is higher, but to teach children to think independently. Israeli children challenge authority and ask questions constantly when they are young. When they grow up, they are full of the spirit of challenging authority. Speculation, as the saying goes, "two Jews have three points of view".

Secondly, Israel's culture is suitable for innovation. People in this country do not take failure very seriously. If a company fails, you can start another one. The society has a high tolerance for failure.

Thirdly, Israel has formed a sound social environment to encourage entrepreneurship, venture capital provides financial support, and the government provides assistance in terms of policies and regulations, such as setting up incubators.

Israel is a small country. It is easy to find friends through friends and find the help you need when doing something. This is also good news for innovation. In addition, Israel respects intellectual property rights, and scientists can own 25% of the shares in their patents, without worrying about their achievements being stolen.

There is another special reason that cannot be ignored, that is, all Israelis are soldiers. According to Israeli law, both boys and girls must join the army at the age of 18. Boys have 3 years and girls have 2 years. Many officers with management capabilities have been trained.

All these will naturally attract the richest man, Albert, to work hard in Israel.

Looking at Chen Wenchen and Chen Wenchen under the flashing lights, Nanyi was very pleased. Whether it was the development of Fanmei Holdings or the richest man Albert, he personally only acted as a "prophet" at the beginning of the establishment. After completing the accumulation of original resources, His contribution value began to dilute and fade. Without him, Nanyi, Pan American Holdings would still steadily move forward in the direction of growth.

As long as Pan American Holdings does not put all its eggs in one basket to gamble on a big investment that will hurt the muscles and bones in the future, and continues to follow the current investment philosophy, Nanyi can foresee that his grandson can take over a giant Pan American Holdings .

Nanyi will bet tens of billions of dollars on a new field with equally high risks and returns, but will not use hundreds of billions of dollars to gamble on a new field with higher risks and returns. The former is within the controllable range, and the latter will hurt the muscles Even if the reward after success is hundreds of times and thousands of times, he will not gamble.

A successful person is a noun after the result appears. Before the result did not appear, along the way, there were too many struggles, and there were many bones of unwillingness.

In the past, speculating was taking risks with freedom, touching corpses in Shenfengwan was taking risks with life, and buying Wharf stocks was taking risks with the whole family. Step by step to the present, the adventurous spirit is no longer in line with Nanyi's current positioning. He requires stability, Nan asked for stability.

After leaving the signing ceremony, Nanyi told Nan Wuwei about the actions that Xueshan Trust would have in the next few years. The reason why he talked about Xueshan Trust was that Nanyi wanted to appease Nan Wuwei's little heart that might be touched.

"In the next few years, Snow Mountain Trust will start to invest in the tourism industry. France, Italy, Spain, and Greece in Europe; Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, etc. in Asia, where the tourism industry has prospects, Snow Mountain Trust will spread little investment.

In addition, there is also the 700,000-ton ethylene project that Nanji Industry is already working on in Southeast Asia, which is also a project with a large investment. This project also involves the merger of gas stations in Southeast Asia. Whether Southeast Asians can add gasoline in the future is up to you. The final say. "

Nan Wuwei pursed his lips and said, "Dad, you are fooling me. I don't even know where the Xueshan Trust's office is. How can I decide?"

"Look at my face, your father and I are the person in charge of Xueshan Trust, just tell me what you want to do."

Nan Wuwei turned his head around, "Don't do anything, all you need is for Dad to pay dividends on time this year, and don't freeze my account again."

"Whether it's frozen or not, and it doesn't delay buying what you want. You spend more than me in a year. Dad doesn't expect you to save money. I just hope you learn how to keep accounts and know where you spend your money." .”

"I don't spend a lot of money." Nan Wuwei snapped his fingers and said, "I just buy computers and game cards, and I don't seem to spend much on other things."

"The plane needs to be refueled when flying around, and the airport has to pay for parking; you have to connect to the Internet for several hours, and the phone bill is indispensable; when you skateboard or skydive, Dad has to make a lot of preparations behind the scenes, and the money is expensive. .You, don’t act like a good boy when you get cheap. Even if the foundation of the family is a little weak, there is no way to support you.”

"I know my father treats me the best." Nan Wuwei hugged Nanyi's waist and said obediently.

"Little mouth is so sweet, even sweeter than a woman's. It frightens your father for a moment, and he is willing to pay for you."

"Hey hey."


Then, Nan Yi took Nan Wuwei to the Tokyo National Museum for a stroll, and after lunch, Nan Yi took Nan Wuwei to the pachinko shop.

I bought two 3,000-yen magnetic cards and one 5,000-yen magnetic card at the counter (Tamura cards for punching consumption, it is estimated that some book friends have used punching phone cards, it is the same technology, which was invented by Japan’s Tamura Club), Nan Yi handed two of them to Nan Wuwei, and helped him find a cleaner seat - there was no smoking next to him.

Nan Yi casually found an empty seat and sat down. After inserting the magnetic card into the game machine, he bet casually, looking around, trying to distinguish the "player".

The technology of Tamura cards is not very sophisticated. It was cracked shortly after it was first released. Today's pachinko industry has given birth to the punch card industry. The source is the card maker. They collect used cards and use technology to The method is to restore the card (repair the hole), and then supply the card to the distributor for sale; the distributor sells the card to the puncher; the puncher takes the card to the Pachinko shop to play.

Card punchers usually get fake cards at a price of one-twentieth of the face value of the card, and put in a card with a denomination of 100,000 yen. As long as they play steel balls worth 5,000 yen, they can keep their capital. If they exceed this figure, they will earn money.

Yesterday, Nanyi saw the report of the "puncher" in the newspaper, and also saw the news that several Chinese were sent back to the country because of the punching card. Today, Nanyi, who is about to educate Nan Wuwei on "sparseness", came here to see it.

Unconsciously, Nan Wuwei has already come into contact with the mahjong machine, and then it is a matter of course to touch the Apple machine and the horse racing machine. Some things cannot be touched by strict defense, so Nanyi simply let go of it and let Nan Wuwei touch it All the gambling methods, let him see the miserable world of gambling bugs again, and erase the gambling nature hidden in his body.

As Nan Yi's son, Nan Wuwei doesn't need to gamble no matter what path he takes in the future, let alone being addicted to gambling, it shouldn't happen to him.

Nanyi looked around for a while, and soon found a suspected target - with a parted hair in the middle, who looked two or three years older than him, while playing a mobile phone, while keeping an eye on the movement of the security guards in the store, at this time he There were already three baskets of steel balls under his feet.

After staring at it for a while, Nan Yi turned around to look for the security guards in the store, and found that a security guard had noticed the "puncher" and was staring at his movements, guessing that as long as he saw a flaw, he would come up to steal it If they are all caught, they will be beaten up severely or called to the police.

Pachinko is legal in Japan. Since it is a legal business, the police are naturally obliged to maintain its safety.

Nan Yi Chong waved from behind, and said to the school belle who was close to him: "Go over and remind that person, it's time to slip away, remember to use Chinese."

The school belle responded, and walked behind the puncher. In the noisy environment, the school belle was facing her back again. He couldn't hear what the school belle said, but after seeing the school belle pass by, the puncher immediately withdrew his magnetic card and pushed the steel ball away. counter.

Looking away from the puncher, Nan Yi heard Nan Wuwei's cheers, turned his head and saw "777" was displayed on the other party's machine, and the bead mouth below was spitting out steel balls.

"Fuck, the broken machine is against me, right?" Nan Yi couldn't help but cursed.

According to Nan Yi's idea, it would be better if Nan Wuwei quickly lost all 8,000 yen, and the ghost knows that he won the big prize, which obviously increases the difficulty of his education.

After spending an hour at the pachinko shop, Nan Yi lost all his 3,000 yen, while Nan Wuwei exchanged steel balls for an exchange card worth 60,000 yen at the counter.

Nan Yi was very upset and took the stinky Nan Wuwei to the exchange point not far away to exchange 60,000 yen, and then took him to the regatta.

After taking his seat in the auditorium of the regatta, Nan Yi threw the brochure he had just taken at the door to Nan Wuwei, "You are so lucky, buy it, just buy a single win, one pays three, 60,000 change 180,000, won five games in a row, and immediately reached the pinnacle of life."

"Dad, don't fool me. It's only 14.58 million yen for five games in a row. What's the current exchange rate?"

"One hundred and ten, less than one hundred and one."

"It's less than 140,000 US dollars, which is not enough for the fuel cost to fly to Tokyo." Nan Wuwei said contemptuously.

Nan Yi patted Nan Wuwei on the forehead, "Hey, you remember it quite clearly, your little brain has a switch, you remember when you should remember, and you don't know when you shouldn't."

"Father, don't take pictures, you will be fooled." Nan Wuwei said innocently.

"Stop pretending, hurry up and decide what size to buy, the competition is about to begin."

Nan Wuwei shook his head, "I won't buy it. It's my first time here. I don't know much about rowing. Buying it now is just a gamble, and there is no room for calculation."

"Don't be smart, a player will never be able to rely on calculations, especially this kind of betting method is not face-to-face, the amount of betting is relatively large, you can't get all the data of betting, and it is impossible to calculate which number bets less.

Statistics and calculations don’t mean much to a player. It’s okay to let you win small money occasionally. If you want to win big money, black people will break your legs, and white people will charge you with fraud.

My father is in India in partnership with others to run a lottery. What he plays is statistics and advertising marketing. Every time the lottery is counted, the final lottery will try to be the number with the least number of people buying or no one buying.

People who win the lottery will make a lot of reports. After winning the lottery, life has changed drastically. People who are popular and drink hot food, wives marry five, six, seven, eight, etc. Anyway, try to fool people into buying lottery tickets.

Once there are too many funds in the prize pool, a "self-employed person" will be arranged to make a heavy bet to suck up the prize pool, and the cycle will continue. There are still a lot of low-caste fools in India. At present, the lottery will operate for another 20 to 30 years no problem. "

"Try your best? Why not sure?" Nan Wuwei asked rhetorically.

"In order to give lottery buyers a fair and real illusion, there is only a five-minute time difference between the purchase and the draw. The computer calculation speed is not fast enough, and we can only filter from the data with a large number of bets. There is not enough time to get an accurate result. statistics."

"Oh, so there are still lucky winners?"

"Of course, not everyone is capable of interpreting the madness of winning the grand prize. Too fake is not conducive to publicity. Besides, it also needs real winners to spread word of mouth. Well, one more thing, if there are no real winners, Dad I feel bad for my conscience."

"Tch, Dad, you still have a conscience."

Nan Yi gave Nan Wuwei a slap on the back of the head, and said viciously: "You eat my food and drink my food, and you take advantage of all the benefits. It's your turn to torture and dissect me?"

"It hurts, it doesn't matter what you say, and you still say you won't hit me." Nan Wuwei pouted.

Nanyi laughed and scolded: "Come on, this is called loving touch."

"Daddy, let me love you too?"

"No, you can afford Amitabha. Hurry up and choose a number. If you don't lose all 60,000 yuan, we won't leave."

Under Nan Yi's urging, Nan Wuwei chose the number "7" that brought him benefits before, and bet 60,000 yen all in. The result satisfied Nan Yi, and the goddess of luck was not on Nan Wuwei's side.

There are a total of five games, and in the next four games, Nan Yi asked Nan Wuwei to bet on each game, which was also 60,000 yen. The fifth game was bought by Nan Wuwei, and Nan Yi lost a total of 71,000 yen. Or it should be said that it was 68,000 yen. After all, he lost 3,000 yen with the mentality of spending money for entertainment.

Leaving the regatta, Nan Yi took Nan Wuwei to a 996 convenience store, ate something cold, bought a few packs of cigarettes and a few cans of coffee, and then the two went to Mitake in Shibuya garden.

Since 1991, homeless people have settled here in Mitake Park. As time goes by, there are more and more homeless people here, and it has become a famous homeless park in Tokyo. Considering the time point, there is no doubt that most of the homeless here should be the losers of the real estate bubble and the stock market bubble.

After entering the park, Nan Yi gave the cigarette and coffee to Nan Wuwei, "Go and talk to them yourself, and listen to their story about how you got to where you are today. By the way, ask them a few years ago when they spent a night in Kabukicho and Ginza. How much can you spend?"

"Dad, are you sure I won't be beaten?"

"You said it yourself, you are better than blue. Dad can make the most of the situation. When you come to you, you have to be able to turn unfavorable factors into favorable factors. Don't worry, every body is a walking corpse hollowed out by wine and sex. If you can't be beaten, you can also avoid it, if you are really beaten, Dad will do this..."

Nanyi took out a pen and wrote the word "hold grudge" on the palm of his left hand.

"Uh, Dad, these two words of yours gave me a bad feeling. Are you going to say later, Lord Wei, that's right, I betrayed you again?"

"Go, go, show your abilities, and watch less dubious videos from now on."

Nan Wuwei took the coffee and cigarettes from Nanyi, and muttered: "You still say me, Dad, you have hidden so many dubious videotapes under the bed."

Hearing what Nan Wuwei said, Nan Yi knew that his secret had been exposed, and thought in his heart that he must buy a few safes to store video tapes next time.

"Come on, it's getting late, hurry up."

Driving Nan Wuwei towards a homeless man, Nan Yi found a chair and sat down, watching Nan Wuwei who was talking to the homeless man from afar.

During the day, I spent all my time with Nan Wuwei. When night fell, Nan Yi, who sent Nan Wuwei back to Kawaguchiko, began to act alone.

Ginza, Jieyuhua, a nightclub that tends to be dental.

There are services that general nightclubs can provide, and there are also services that cannot be provided, such as intermediary and intermediary services provided by dental firms, which can be realized here.

As a female publicist, it is necessary to have a pretty face, but if you want to work in Xieyuhua, that alone is not enough. Most of Xieyuhua's publicists have good academic qualifications. It is not uncommon in Dongda University and Waseda. If you meet a If her education is not high, then her SQ must be very high.

About two years ago, Ikeda Club had a new business, which was to provide financing services for custom shops and nightclubs.

When the Japanese economy first began to decline, many similar shops had just undergone renovations, upgrades or expanded operations, and their business suddenly plummeted. Many shops could not repay the debts owed by banks or other financial institutions on time, and urgently needed someone to provide a sum of money. Funds to tide them over.

The Ikeda Club appeared at the right time and played the role of an angel, providing financing for the store, occupying a certain share of the store, and providing the owner with a share redemption agreement.

Compared with the agreement Nanyi gave Liuzi, the agreement provided to the shopkeeper will be more complicated. Every clause and redemption condition has been carefully deliberated by lawyers and actuaries, so that the interests can be maximized without tearing the face. change.

The owner of Xieyuhua was not very lucky. He started to renovate on the eve of the Japanese stock market crash. After the renovation was completed, some old customers did not survive the two consecutive blows, and the business became very bleak. After evaluation by Ikeda Club, eat Under the acquisition of 30% of the shares of Yuhua, Ikeda Karikyo became one of its shareholders.

Nanyi, Ikeda Karikyo, and Kikuchi Takayuki were sitting in a private room, talking about Japanese chaebols.

"Chairman, at present, Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Furong (Fuji), Nissan, Furukawa, and Nomura have not shown any obvious decline. In particular, Mitsubishi and Mitsui have a tendency to grow further. The only chaebol that still exists after the war is Okura. Not optimistic." Ikeda Karikyo introduced.

"Okura Trading?"


The term "secret agent" was not a derogatory or neutral term when it first appeared, but a commendatory term. There are many theories about its appearance, one of which was invented by Nobujun Aoki.

Nobujun Aoki was the intelligence leader of the Aoki Agency during the Beiyang period, and also one of the giants of the Taiping Group. Because he died early, his popularity was not very high, and he did not appear many times in more well-known literature and film and television works.

A relatively recent film and television work is "Farewell My Concubine", which won an award in Cannes not long ago. There is a character named Saburo Aoki, and half of the prototype should be Nobujun Aoki.

The Taihei Group was an organization established in 1908 by Masaoshi Terauchi, the Japanese minister, with Mitsui \u0026 Okura Group as the core, selling arms to China to satisfy Japan's political and economic interests.

Under its leadership, the Mitsui Zaibatsu gave a subsidy of 1 million yen to the Beiyang Army in Zhili. There is a shadow of this organization behind it.

According to the division of labor, Mitsui \u0026 Co., Ltd. sold arms to the Pearl River Basin. During the Revolution of the Tongmenghui, it sold a lot of arms. During the Law Protection Movement, the Yangcheng government also relied on its arms to fight against the Beiyang Army. When the Dacang Group arrived in the Yangtze River Basin, the Zhili Anhui Warlords were all its major customers.

The boss of the Okura group is Kihachiro Okura, a wealthy Japanese who loves Chinese culture and has a great influence on modern Chinese Go and Peking Opera. He once spent a lot of money to invite Mei Lanfang to perform in Japan, and at the same time discovered Wu Qingyuan, who is probably the other half of Saburo Aoki.

The Okura Group is the predecessor of the Okura Zaibatsu. After being dismantled in 1946, the Okura family left only one Okura Shoji in their hands. If the two words have anything to do with each other, they will almost always intervene. About 70% of the market for Japanese beer raw materials is occupied by Okura Corporation.

"Why is the situation of Okura Trading not optimistic, because of the general environment or something else?"

"Chairman, the general environment has a certain impact on him, but the most important thing is that the current chairman of Okura Trading, Kishichiro Ogura, is in poor health and can no longer take care of business affairs. The work has been handed over to his son, Kishichiro Okura. Rokuro, and Okura Kirokuro's business talent is very ordinary."

Nan Yi nodded, "Understood, the Okang family doesn't have its own hospital, right?"


"Ikeda-kun, let someone find out who Okura Kishichiro's attending doctor is. I want to know the most optimistic and the most pessimistic situation."


"In addition, investigate the composition of the members of the Okura family, especially the unmarried young female members."

Ikeda Karikyo thought for a while and said, "President, do you want to send Nan Jiayasu to marry the Okura family?"

Hearing this, Nanyi said sharply, "Mr. Ikeda, you can call Ieyasu affectionately or Nandian respectfully. Please pay attention next time."

"President, sorry, I will pay attention." Ikeda Karikyo bowed.

"If the Okura family has suitable female members, marriage is not impossible to consider. Do the investigation first, and discuss it after the investigation results come out."


"Ikeda-san, call a few female PRs with good performance to come in. It's a rare time to come over to cheer them up and impact their performance. Ah, if you are entertaining guests, forget it, don't disturb their business."

Ikeda Karikyo responded, left the private room and returned quickly, accompanied by her mother San and shopkeeper Maya Miki, and three female publicists.

Although Xieyuhua has not recovered to its previous glory, its daily turnover can reach about 5 million yen. After deducting the impact of holidays and female PR's physical discomfort, the number of days for a year's full performance can be calculated to 280 days. That is to say, there is a turnover of more than 1.4 billion yen a year, which is more than 12 million US dollars.

This kind of revenue is already worth Nanyi's effort to remember the name Maya Miki.

Perhaps Ikeda Karikyo had already greeted her in advance, but Maya Miki didn't take advantage of the opportunity to inquire about Nan Yi's name, but walked out of the private room after introducing the names of the three female publicists.

Shirasaka Aki, Zhang Zelihui, and Nagano Kyoko, three female publicists, Nanyi is familiar with the name of Shirasaka Aki, as if he has heard it somewhere; Zhang Lihui makes him feel kind, and at the same time the name makes him feel a bit weird, Japan There is no surname Zhang Ze, but the surname Zhang does exist, but Zhang Ze Lie does not fit the Japanese naming style.

After looking at Zhang Zelihui a few more times with curiosity, Nan Yi found out that not only the name was wrong, but also the person was wrong, he was not Japanese at all.

"Miss Zhang, please come and sit down." Nan Yi waved to Zhang Zelihui and said in Chinese.

Zhang Zelihui's face changed instantly when he heard the Chinese spoken in Nanyi's mouth, and he stepped back with his right foot, trying to make a gesture of rushing out of the door.

"Okay, I'm not an international student, and I have nothing to do with the international student group here." Seeing the other party's attitude, Nan Yi continued.

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