Hearing what Nanyi said later, Zhang Zelihui gritted his teeth. Although he was unwilling in every way, he still walked to Nanyi's side and sat down next to him.

Nan Yi naturally hugged Zhang Zelihui, turned to Ikeda Karikyo and said, "Ikeda-kun, do you often come here?"

"Today is the third time I've come here."

Nanyi did not respond to Ikeda Karikyo's answer, but turned to Aki Shirasaka, "Miss Shirasaka, do you have a black leather manual?"

"Black Leather Handbook" is the work of the famous Japanese writer Seicho Matsumoto. The heroine is Motoko Haraguchi. She is a female bank clerk during the day and a female publicist at night. The general story is that Motoko Haraguchi works as a publicist in a nightclub During the period, relying on the secrets of the guests that they heard, they manipulated the guests and made huge sums of money.

"President, my name is Shirasaka Aki, not Haraguchi Motoko. My memory is very poor. What happened now, I will forget it in a few minutes."

Baisaka Aki's answer was both rigorous and decent, and also showed her extensive knowledge. Nanyi felt that there was about to be a dollar rain from the sky.

I asked Karikyo Ikeda for a business card, wrote a number on the back of the card, turned it over, scratched the word "President" next to Karikyo Ikeda's name with his nails, and handed the card to Shirasaka Aki, "Miss Baisaka, I really like the way you speak. If you encounter a slow business day, you can call me, and I will support you."

"Thank you, President."

Baisaka Aki took the business card and saw the traces of Nanyi's pinch at a glance. He turned the business card over thoughtfully, glanced at the phone number, and then turned it over again to confirm the number on the back and the number on the front. They agreed, and instantly understood the meaning of Nanyi in my heart-I want to stand on my own and contact Ikeda Karikyo, and he will help you.

Putting away the business card calmly, Aki Shirasaka returned to her role and chatted with Ikeda Karikyo.

Nanyi saw that Baisaka Yaji understood what he meant, so he withdrew his attention, let go of Zhang Zelihui's arm, and said to him, "Ask the waiter to bring you three bottles of the best champagne."

Zhang Ze Lihui was taken aback for a moment, stood up and walked out of the private room and talked to the waiter who had been waiting outside, and then went back to sit down next to Nanyi, "Our champagne is very expensive here, a bottle costs 2 million yen .”

"Heh, you're very interesting. I didn't remind me when I ordered, but remind me now? Three bottles of 6 million. I don't have that much money. For the sake of my compatriots, you paid in advance for me?"

Although Xieyuhua provides intermediary and intermediary services, it does not charge clients intermediary and intermediary fees. After customers have successfully reached cooperation and transaction intentions here, they usually order a few bottles of good champagne to celebrate. The quantity depends on the transaction. determined by value.

Simply put, the customer pays the intermediary service fee due to the store in the form of purchasing alcohol in disguise.

When this way of buying champagne became customary, Xie Yuhua also launched the "best champagne". Champagne must be good champagne, but the value will never reach 2 million yen. Raising the price is nothing more than trying to get rid of tackiness.

Before such a high price of champagne, customers had to have more than a dozen boxes at a time. If the champagne was not brought out, the traces of the transaction were too obvious. Move it out. A dozen boxes are an eyesore, and you can’t drink it all.

Xieyuhua is the nightclub that brings the greatest rewards to Ikeda Club. The reason why the three of Nanyi put the conversation here is to come here and spend a lot of money. From mother Miki Kuwasaki to the capable female publicist, they can share the benefits At this point, Nanyi is giving back to them.

Of course, with this method, Nanyi has the idea of ​​taking some flowers back after going out, and simply thinking of sitting in nightclubs. He hasn't been in such occasions for a long time, and the freshness has come up again.


After working in Jieyuhua for a long time, Zhang Zelihui has met all kinds of customers, those with dirty mouths and hands and feet, those who are impatient, those who pretend to be generous but are stingy, and those who are shameless. There was no money, and it was the first time I met him who wanted her to pay in advance.

"I know that Chairman Ikeda is a shareholder of our store. From the way the chairman communicates with Chairman Ikeda, it is obvious that the chairman is not his subordinate."

"Oh, I still like to be called the boss, but forget it, hearing the local accent here should not be a wonderful experience for you. Just now I saw that you looked familiar. Now that I think about it, I probably saw it on TV. What dramas have you filmed in your ancient costume?

It's definitely not "Water Margin". The time is a bit early, your age is not right, "Red Mansion"? "Three Words, Two Beats"? "Yang Naiwu and Xiaobaicai"? "

Zhang Zeli pursed her lips and did not answer Nanyi's question.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Nan Yi knew that his question was abrupt, and the other party didn't want to express his compatriot feelings on this occasion, so he spread his hands and said, "Okay, I'm too curious, forget it, Don't ask this."

"Thank you." Zhang Ze Lihui said softly.

"You don't need to thank me. The income here is good. If you are afraid that people will find out, you should close the mountain as soon as possible. An'an, let's study lightly."

"There are still two years to graduate."

"Oh, your expenses are really high." Nanyi said mockingly.

Zhang Zelihui can enter the female public relations with better performance in Xie Yuhua. Her monthly income will never be less than 2 million yen. After all, the monthly income of ordinary female public relations can be 1.2 million yen. After dividing the cost of modeling, clothing, etc., there will be at least 1.5 million yen left.

In addition, the guests will also send some valuable gifts, which will add a little more income.

In Tokyo, as long as a family of three has a monthly income of 300,000 yen, life will be very nourishing. For overseas students from China, the monthly living expenses and rent expenses will basically be controlled within 100,000 yen.

At least 1.5 million yen in actual monthly net income, that is, four of Zhang Zeli’s grandparents and parents are all cancers, and there are two younger brothers waiting for her to be a helper, so she can maintain a relatively high standard of living .

Zhang Zelihui is not an evil spirit, it is impossible for her to bump into all these bad things, one less cancer, a higher level of living standards, two less, take off in place, no one, and raise two little boys and still live a luxurious life .

"You do not understand."

"Maybe I understand that going abroad is to pursue a better life. From the moment you get off the plane, the prosperity of Tokyo will greet you. On the way to your residence, you must be glad that you are right. But when you arrive at your residence , When you see a room that is even cramped than domestic ones, your mind instantly falls apart.

Later, you met the foreign students who came first, and you knew that Tokyo was not easy to survive, and you knew that it was not so easy to find a job in Tokyo. You also followed the old path of other foreign students, going to a restaurant to wash dishes, 900 yen or 800 yen an hour, It takes hours to wash.

Her immature hands were scalded red by boiling water, her back and waist were so tired that she could not straighten up, she only dared to sleep on her stomach at night, but when she woke up the next day, her heels dared not touch the ground, the pain was excruciating. "

Nan Yi looked at Zhang Zeli's face, and continued: "Standing in the smelly public bathroom, looking at yourself in the mottled mirror, you cried, very sad, very regretful, regretted that you had to come to Japan in the first place.

You once had the idea of ​​returning to China immediately, but face, self-esteem, and the persuasion of those who have experienced it made you let go of this naive idea. You endured and endured, and finally survived the adaptation period, traveling between language schools and working places every day. Go to bed at three or four o'clock every day, and wake up at eight or nine o'clock the next day.

Everyone is the same, so you are numb, and numbly insist on the ideal of being admitted to a good university. Two years of language school, four years of university, and six years after six years, maybe you will see the moon and see the moon.

However, you have a not-so-ordinary face, which can be used as a good capital. I guess, by chance, you met a person who lives on his face or someone told you that there is such a person who makes money quickly. Through the channel, you go through long or short psychological struggles and struggles, and finally you bow to reality.

Ignorant, with a sense of shame at the same time, you have gone through a period of adaptation, from the first high income to the time when the high income is stable, you are finally able to experience the beauty that you have seen before Things, and then get out of hand, you start to enjoy a high level of consumer life, and it is impossible for you to go back and suffer.

However, you still have not forgotten your original intention to come to Japan, and you have not given up on your studies.

Do you think I'm a sensible person? "

"Yes!" Zhang Zelihui said through gritted teeth, "He's also a jerk."

"Your insight is very keen, and you found out that I am a jerk so quickly." Nan Yi smiled, stretched out his hand and hugged Zhang Zelihui into his arms again, and followed up with the other hand to touch her face frivolously He said, "I am magnanimous, and I don't care about you. Otherwise, if you scold the guests like this, you will not be able to get along in the entire Ginza, let alone Xie Yuhua."

After finishing speaking, Nan Yi tilted his head and approached Ikeda Karikyo's ear, "What does the bill include here?"

"25% service charge, 8% tax, President, I will pay the bill."

"No need, I'll go first, you and Mr. Juchi can do whatever you want." Nan Yi said, reaching into his pocket and pressing.

After a while, Xiaohua walked into the private room, and Nan Yi asked her to take two traveler's hand (traveler's checks issued in Japan), and handed them to Ikeda Karikyo to pay the bill, and then said to Zhang Ze Lie: "Go get the things, You call me a jerk, I'll treat you to supper."

"There is no after here." Zhang Ze Lihui refused.

"Don't think too much, only supper, go back to your home after eating."

Although Nanyi said so, Zhang Zelihui was still very hesitant. Once she followed her out, she would not be able to control some things.

"I told you not to think too much, you are not worth my strength, hurry up, I have to hurry up and go home, don't waste time." Nanyi said angrily.

Although Nanyi's words were not pleasant, Zhang Zelihui felt a little at ease, hesitated a little, took her bag and followed Nanyi out to understand Yuhua.

In an izakaya not far from Jie Yuhua, as soon as he entered the door and sat down, Nan Yi glanced at the menu on the wall, and ordered an ochazuke and a bottle of ginger beer, followed by Zhang Zelihui Tamagoyaki and beer.

Relatively speechless, the two sat in silence for more than five minutes. Zhang Zelihui broke the silence, "You called me out just to let me eat with you?"

"Don't stay in the well all the time being a heartthrob, come out once in a while for a breath, otherwise you will have the illusion that a man misses you and wants to pull you to bed. You are right, I am a bastard, but not every time Any bastard would eat a rotten pear."

Zhang Zelihui said angrily: "Then what did you call me out for?"

Nan Yi took a look at Zhang Zeli, "Didn't you take it seriously in elementary school? 'There is only supper, and you go back to your own home after eating', this sentence is hard to understand? Or did I not hold you in the dark when I passed by that dark place just now?" On the wall, do you find it unbelievable? Those bastards really think of themselves as Liu Rushi because of your habitual problems."

Nanyi's words made Zhang Zelihui feel uncomfortable. After weighing the strength and status of both parties, she stopped her name, poured herself a glass of beer, and drank it in one go.

Seeing that Nan Yi had already suppressed the other party, he also poured himself beer and took a sip from the glass.

After that, there was no more conversation between the two.

After finishing eating, Nanyi put down the money he had paid for the checkout and left on his own. He packed some skewers in a skewer shop, and then got in the car and returned to Lake Kawaguchi.

"School beauty, find out the details, find out her situation in Japan first, and then decide whether to investigate thoroughly after I have seen it."

"A Dream of Red Mansions."

"Huh? Oh! What is she playing?"

"A maid, I didn't remember the name of the character."

"I'll make a phone call tomorrow to find out. I hope she's suitable, and I can save some investigation costs. No, Chixiaodou's operations should be more ruthless. 16 million must be paid back."

Nanyi muttered, still feeling distressed about the two travel books just now.

Back in the Japanese-style courtyard, Nan Yi saw Nan Wuwei sitting in the gazebo, wearing earphones, holding a handheld in his hand, and humming a song.

"Study is for the face of your parents, the grades can prove it, the ability of the teacher to guess the questions, you are under pressure and expectations, and you are lingering. It seems that you will never have the right to protest. Who can squeeze through the narrow door? Who is waiting outside the door, who is manipulating this competitive game, and whether academic qualifications are the ultimate goal of education."

Nan Yi walked into the gazebo, took off the headphones on Nan Wuwei's ears, "Stop playing, eat."

Nan Wuwei sniffled and said, "Do you have chicken skin skewers?"

"Yes, I only bought one bunch, it's not good to eat too much."

"Oh." Nan Wuwei opened the paper bag, took out a chicken skin skewer and took a bite, "Dad, unplug the earphones, the next song is the home of the melon (snail), I like to listen to it."

"You're annoying."

Nan Yi unplugged the earphones on the MD, plugged in the mini speakers, and the prelude to "The Snail's Home" played in the gazebo. Nan Wuwei hummed vaguely while chewing on the skewers.

"I can't find my home in the densely packed high-rise buildings. I wander around the world in the crowded streets with people coming and going. I try to climb up with a heavy shell on my back, but I will never be able to keep up. I have a small home, a snail's home, a place that can shelter from wind and rain, it doesn't have to be too big..."

"Little bastard, you are very devoted to singing. I won't talk about "Tutoring Street". The house I prepared for you is enough to build a courtyard house. Where did you get the resonance for "Snail's House"?"

"Mom said she bought it." Nan Wuwei said bitterly.

"What does your mother's money look like, have you seen it?"

"Hmm... I haven't seen it before."

"Forget it, let's assume that your mother bought it." Nan Yi sat down beside Nan Wuwei, tidied up the messy tickets, and said lightly, "Your flight will be at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"Oh, when will you go home next time?" Nan Wuwei nodded.

"When school starts, you are eligible to participate in the sports meeting. I will watch you compete during your school's sports meeting."

"It's boring. Our school only has one athlete who is good at running, and the others are very low. Last year, our school was at the bottom of the competition in the district. No one participated in the competition in the city. I want to participate in the sports meeting, long jump, high jump, 60 meters, 100 meters, I can sweep the first place."

"I believe in shooting if you say it, and I believe in shooting a slingshot. Don't brag about other things. I didn't find that you are better than your peers."

"Look at people, the last time I played basketball with my classmates on the basketball court, there was a big guy who was a few years older than me, there was..." Nan Wuwei glanced at Nan Yi, and said: "You are more than ten centimeters taller than Dad, He also said that the Sharks belonged to the youth team. If they wanted to compete with us, we would fight with the two of them. I was in charge of defending the big man. He shot in front of me and was blocked by me every time."

Nanyi frowned, and said helplessly: "You are really young and blue. Dad only brags in front of outsiders. You are bragging in front of me. You are a big man around 1.9 meters. I believe you can cover the ball before others lift it up." One or two, cover again and again, why don't you go to the sky?"

"Hmph, I can jump high."

"You don't even know how to fly. Next time, brag about being more rigorous and do your homework."

Nan Wuwei asked in surprise, "Father, why didn't you warn me not to brag?"

"In this society, bragging is everywhere. Bragging has become one of the survival skills. If you don't know how to brag, you can do it. You can brag, but you have to do it wisely.

For example, if you say you are my father, you can say that I have a high fever of 47 degrees 6, and I still get up at 5 o'clock in the morning to make breakfast for you; my hands are broken, and I still light up the lamp to sew pants for you;

I went through the airport security check once, and there was obviously no metal object on my body, but I checked repeatedly, and the alarm sounded every time. After repeated confirmation by the security staff, I realized that the alarm sound was not caused by metal, but because of the steely will of my father. singing.

Well, the last article is for your reference, you can diverge your thinking according to this idea. "

Nan Wuwei was taken aback by what Nan Yi said. After a long time, he took a bite of the chicken skewer in his hand and sighed, "Dad, you still know how to brag."

"Boy, you still have to learn, learn slowly." Nan Yi stroked Fu Nan Wuwei's head, and said, "Dr. homework and the summer homework given by the school before going to play motorcycles.”

"I know, Dad, I'm going to sleep with you tonight."



the next day.

Before Nanyi's plane landed at San Diego Airport, a major event happened at Mexicali Airport.

The Sinaloa drug cartel is naturally fighting with other interest groups in the process of growth. The nephews of the former boss of the Tijuana group, "Galardo", who occupied Tijuana before, had a hard time with Guzman the short.

There was no formal exchange of fire until Gallardo's nephew seduced the wife of Guzman's partner Parma. They seduced Palma's wife, and after successfully defrauding Palma of 7 million dollars, they chopped off her head and sent it back to Palma's home. At the same time, Palma's two children were also drowned.

After this incident, Guzman launched a crazy revenge.

In the first half of last year, Guzman's people kidnapped and killed 9 people from the other party, including several nephews and lawyers of Gallardo, but Gallardo was still serving his sentence in prison at the time and escaped.

Naturally, Gallardo would not let it go, and had been sending people to trouble Guzman, but there was no success. This time it was different. Gallardo’s people ambushed Guzman at the Mexicali Airport to take a flight to the airport. The Lord did not kill him, but killed Cardinal Juan Gises Posada, who was highly respected in Mexico. s.

As soon as Nan Yi got off the plane, he received a message from AB: The Drug Enforcement Administration notified them that their mission was over. The reason was that the death of Posadas would cause the Holy See and the international community to put pressure on the Mexican government. In addition, there will definitely be voices in Mexico. No one dared to shield Guzman this time, and he would definitely be sent to prison.

AB also conveyed another news: Arctic Fox has found 3 money hiding places of the Sinaloa drug cartel and 1 large money hiding place of the Tijuana Group. The total cash in the four places is estimated to be about 1.2 billion US dollars.

Sitting in the car, Nanyi started to do the mental calculation, "An old US dollar bill is a few grams, 1.2 billion is 12 million grams, leaving a little margin is 13 tons, and the pickup truck can be strengthened to pull more than one ton, three or four A pickup truck only needs to make three or four trips, so it’s not a big problem.”

Compared with the time in Colombia, it would be relatively easier to worry about the money of Mexican drug dealers this time, and it was also because of this that Nan Yi did not stop the action of the arctic fox.

Sayuri Hagiwara is very considerate. Seeing that Nanyi has been busy since she got off the plane, she first admired the scenery outside the window on her own, and when Nanyi started to think, she pressed her head again. On the way to Rosarito , Sayuri Hagiwara is not idle either.

When Nan Yi woke up from thinking, he said to Sayuri Hagiwara: "Lily sauce, well, I brought you here for vacation, not for you to serve me."

Sayuri Hagiwara smiled and said, "It's a very happy thing to be able to serve Mr. Nagao."

"It's Lily Sauce that knows it hurts." Nan Yi stroked Sayuri Hagiwara's face, and said, "Today I'll be busy with work first, and tomorrow the two of us will go for a walk in downtown Tijuana."

"Ha~yi!" Sayuri Hagiwara responded with a sticky voice.

When he arrived at the seaside apartment, Nan Yi asked Sayuri Hagiwara to go to the swimming pool below the apartment to soak, while he entered the room by himself. After washing up, he began to read the materials Han Zhenhe left for him.

Han Zhenhe is not here, busy with the acquisition of land, and Edis Gonzalez is not there, she is busy with public relations under the director of the California Economic Development Bureau, Gippolato Macias Zavala.

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