On the east side of Tijuana, within the delineated Otai Industrial Zone.

The barbecue team sent by Nanyi to protect Han Zhenhe suddenly felt like an enemy. After sending Han Zhenhe into the car, they loaded their rifles one after another, hid behind the car, and stared vigilantly at the two pickup trucks coming towards them.

Sniper Sheep observed the approaching pickup truck through the scope on the M25 sniper rifle (Super Competition M1A), "130 meters, I am sure to get the first one."

Captain Hannibal saw the PKMB vehicle-mounted machine gun on the pickup truck through the binoculars, frowned and said: "Continue to be vigilant, the safety of VIPs is the priority."



Under the gaze of the barbecue team, two pickup trucks stopped 50 meters away. A man got out of the first car, held the sombrero hat on his head with his hands, and walked straight towards them.

The man stopped 5 meters away from the car, and shouted at Hannibal and the others, "Come out and have a chat."

"I'll go out and continue to be vigilant."

Hannibal said, put the assault rifle in his hand on the roof of the car, and walked from the back of the car to the opposite of the man.

The man took off the hat on his head and said, "My name is Aztec. Our Tijuana Group dislikes your presence here very much. We will give you one day to leave Tijuana."

After speaking, Aztec put his hat back on his head, turned and walked towards the pickup truck.


An hour later, Han Zhenhe and his party returned to the seaside apartment. Han Zhenhe and Hannibal came to Nanyi's room, and Hannibal reported the matter to Nanyi.

After listening to the report, Nanyi turned on the computer and called up a photo that looked somewhat similar to Che Guevara, "Is it him?"


"Enedina's subordinates, no wonder they still come up with a move to salute first and then fight."

While Arctic Fox collected information for the Drug Enforcement Administration, it also kept a copy for itself, and Nanyi's computer contained information about the Tijuana Group.

The reason why drug gangs like the Tijuana Group are not called the XX gang or the XX faction is because their operating model is generally the same as that of an enterprise, but the products they operate are rather special.

The relationship between the heads of the group is the relationship between large and small shareholders, rather than the obvious division of superiors and subordinates like a triad. Although the Tijuana Group was established by the Arellano Felix brothers, in a strict sense, The Tijuana Group does not belong to the Arellano Felix family, and its growth process is also a process of constantly absorbing shareholders.

The Arellano Felix family consists of seven brothers and four sisters, and it was Benjamin Arellano Felix and Ramon Arellano Felix who founded the Tijuana Group , After that, the two absorbed their sister Enedina, and the three formed the core of the Tijuana Group and were also the three major shareholders of the group.

The former group boss of the Tijuana Group, "Gallardo", whose full name is "Gallardo Arellano Felix", according to domestic sayings, Gallardo is Ariely The uncle of the Arno Felix family's brothers and sisters.

It was mentioned before that the Tijuana Group and the Sinaloa Group were split from the Guadalajara Group, and the head of this group is called "Felix". Coincidentally, it is another Felix and another Relatives before the fifth server, but this one is farther away, and the great-grandfather and the other two "Felix" are brothers.

Put the three parties together - Felix is ​​the majority shareholder of the Guadalajara Group; Gallardo is a minority shareholder whose previous power plays the role of the Tijuana Group; Arellano Felix The Si brothers played only a small role in the Guadalajara Group.

After the split of the Guadalajara Group, Felix and Gallardo were imprisoned, and the Arellano Felix brothers took the opportunity to replace Gallardo and established the Tijuana Group, which was killed by Guzman. Gallardo's nephews" actually have nothing to do with the Arellano Felix family.

However, the ambush against Guzman at Mexicali airport yesterday was linked to and involved in the Tijuana Group.

In the Tijuana Group, Benjamin was the one who made a lot of public appearances. He was doing all the things on the scene. Ramon was in charge of planting, and he was usually busy in the plantation. And Enedina, who is extremely low-key, is not someone who has an in-depth understanding of the Tijuana Group, so it is impossible to know what relationship she has with the Tijuana Group.

Enedina went to college and majored in accounting. On the surface, she worked in a formal accounting firm opened by the Arellano Felix family. Secretly, she was in charge of money laundering and border drug transportation for the Tijuana Group. , that is, to import drugs into the United States.

Previously, her work focused on money laundering. The Tijuana Group did not transport many drugs through its own channels, and most of the drugs were handed over to Sandra Avila Beltran for transportation.

Accurately divided by people, there are now three people in Mexico who have the ability to transport large quantities of drugs to the United States-Guzman, Sandra, and Enedina. The first two are shareholders of the Sinaloa Group.

From the perspective of an outsider, the owner of the reclamation group is Ge Cuizhu, the hidden shareholder of the Nan family is rarely known, and Shennong Nanliang has its own big business in the agricultural field.

Analyzing the situation of the Sinaloa Group and the Reclamation Group is very similar. Outsiders regard Guzman as the boss and drug lord of Sinaloa, but few people know about the hidden shareholder Sandra.

Sandra calls herself the Queen of the Pacific, and the industry calls her the Queen of Money Laundering. She came from a family of drug dealers, and her family hoped that she would not have anything to do with drugs. Her original personal ideal was to be a journalist, so she studied in Gua in Journalism and Media Communications from Dallahala University.

But during the three years of university study, Sandra not only learned the laws of information dissemination, she also learned the operation of the modern logistics system.

During her junior year, she used her family connections to visit many prominent figures in Latin America as a trainee reporter, including many well-known drug lords.

After graduating from university, Sandra, who is far more knowledgeable and ambitious than her peers, began to advise her family on drug smuggling by using her knowledge of the operation of the modern logistics system, which was quite effective.

On the other hand, she uses her beauty to attract bees and butterflies everywhere, paving the way for her future career.

Sandra obviously wanted to be a journalist, but she ended up going back to her family's old way, which has something to do with her lifestyle in Xiaoyangcheng.

Sandra has been favored since she was a child, and she was a spendthrift of money. When she attended parties in the upper class of Mexico in her teens, she often carried a suitcase with her, which was filled with hundred dollar bills, sometimes hundreds of dollars. Ten thousand.

Sandra had two husbands and many lovers successively, but none of them ended well, and most of them were assassinated. Her first husband was José, the Marshal Commander of Sinaloa, Mexico, who doted on her and liked to call her "my queen".

Sinaloa is one of the most rampant drug smuggling areas in Mexico. Most of the government officials here are in collusion with drug dealers. The same is true of Sandra’s first husband Jose. He often helps local drug cartels in drug smuggling. , to obtain huge wealth from it.

The first marriage ended when Jose was attacked and killed. Sandra was sad for a while, and soon had a second husband, Rudolph, the director of the Drug Enforcement Agency of the Mexican Federal Government. Although he was engaged in anti-drug work, he also did drugs. Later, he was shot dead in the hotel by a drug dealer because of the uneven distribution of spoils.

The reason why the husbands of the two executives colluded with drug dealers was because they couldn't bear the temptation of money, but they couldn't get away from Sandra.

After marriage, Sandra often travels to the United States and European cities such as Paris to buy a lot of luxury clothes, jewelry and other luxury goods. If only relying on salary income, it is difficult for the two husbands to meet the requirements of their wives to live a luxurious life.

Although her husband's death was an unfortunate event, Sandra acquired a considerable fortune through two marriages.

More importantly, under the protection of the husbands of the two senior government officials, Sandra's status in the underground drug world in Mexico has risen sharply, and she has established a very efficient drug logistics system and a sea drug transport fleet that belongs to her alone. , up to 12 ships.

At the end of the 1980s, Sandra's family was calculated by her competitors, and almost all of them died. However, Sandra, who was relatively independent and secretive, did not have any accidents. After avenging her family, she focused on expanding her drug empire.

In 1990, Sandra hooked up with Juan, a drug lord nicknamed "Jaguar", the No. 2 figure in Colombia's Norte de Valle drug cartel. With the help of this lover, her drug smuggling business took another step .

Through her lover Juan, Sandra got acquainted with Diego Montoya, the leader of the North Sidvari drug cartel, and reached a cooperative relationship.

Since then, Sandra has gradually become the link between the Colombian Norte Sdvari drug cartel and the Sinaloa Group, and most of the drugs, money, and logistical support between the two countries are circulated by him.

Not long after, Sandra opened up a large-scale drug trafficking channel from the Pacific coast of Mexico to the U.S. border, which also means that she has mastered the water channel between Mexico and the U.S. for drug lords in Colombia, and there is a steady stream of drugs in South America. Smuggled into the United States through her drug fleet.

Relying on low-key underground operations and an efficient logistics system, Sandra expanded her drug empire to the Pacific Rim. In addition to drug smuggling, Sandra and her lover Juan also built the largest underground money laundering network in Mexico, helping Many bigwigs in South America have solved the problem of unknown sources of wealth and laundered the black money they obtained through drug trade, corruption and bribery.

Because of this, she won the title of "Queen of Money Laundering" in the industry.

To put it in a more positive way, Sandra is engaged in finance, intermediary, and logistics and transportation businesses. Guzman was also engaged in logistics and transportation when he was still a horse boy. The former is the chairman of the board, and the latter is a professional manager. .

When Guzman and others established the Sinaloa Group on their own, he met Sandra who needed to introduce Colombia's transportation business because he had no business channels. The two hit it off and the business was successful.

In return, Sandra became a shareholder of Sinaloa and can enjoy the group's profit share.

Sinaloa Group is like a courier company. Its main business is to deliver customers' parcels to designated locations. At the beginning, it charged a fixed courier fee. After getting familiar with the business, it added "cash on delivery" service , Collect payment for customers, what is recovered is black money, and what is handed over is also black money.

When Sandra's underground money laundering network is formed and Sinaloa's services begin to upgrade, money can change from black to white.

At this point, Guzman panicked a bit, "Damn it, he has nothing to do with Sinaloa. It's all Sandra who is doing the work. No, I want to develop business and consolidate the position of the major shareholder."

On the one hand, Guzman contacted the Mexican plantation-type drug trafficking forces and pulled them into the Sinaloa Group to become a "production factory" under the group; Exclusive strategic cooperation agreement.

The two sides back to back, from a simple business to a partner, Sinaloa is responsible for stable supply, but also has the obligation to crack down on other "express companies", assisting large distributors to form a monopoly situation in the United States, and the two parties will control the final profits into.

Once the terminal market is settled, Guzman's position has become stable. Whether it is production, transportation or money laundering, it is actually closely related to the final sales. If the product cannot be sold, other links will have nothing to eat.

After securing his position as the leader of the Sinaloa Group, Guzman began to expand his own transportation channels based on the principle of not putting eggs in one basket and weakening Sandra's influence, that is, Authentic on the border.

Sandra looked at Guzman's various behaviors but dismissed them. She never thought of taking Guzman's place. She just wanted to make money in a low-key manner and spend it happily. Speaking of which, she is A shareholder of the Sinaloa Group, but there is also cooperation between her and the Tijuana Group.

Sandra is capable of transportation and money laundering, and Enedina is also capable of transportation and money laundering. Sandra will undertake the transportation business of Tijuana Group, but when the transportation business is hot or the passage is blocked, she will subcontract part of the transportation business to Tijuana Group. Warner Group, meanwhile, Sandra and Enedina also cooperate in the money laundering business.

One of the two sides has a cat path, and the other has a mouse path. The relationship between supply and demand is constantly changing, and they are constantly borrowing from each other.

It sounds absurd, but it is actually easy to understand. After all, what they are doing is illegal trading. Whether it is the customs or the Drug Enforcement Administration, there will definitely be gains from time to time. For Sandra and Enedina, there are always so many people in a year. Unhappy for the first time, this kind of unhappiness is unlikely to happen to two people at the same time, so the two sides have a basis for mutual cooperation.

Sandra's channel was not smooth, and she transferred part of the business to Enedina, and vice versa. Because of the relationship between the two parties, the Tijuana Group and the Sinaloa Group will not affect Sandra when they hand each other knives, and Enedina also maintains relative independence in the struggle between the two parties.

I have to say that the current struggle among Mexican drug dealers is relatively mild. When they can negotiate, they will usually be resolved through negotiations. After the real high-level failure, only the "innocent" children will be implicated, and the brothers and sisters who are not involved in the game are generally safe and sound.

Of course, if you have revenge and act on it, that's another matter.

Sandra and Enedina are the moderates among the Mexican drug lords, and they can also be said to be brain eaters. They are not good at fighting and killing, and they don't bother to fight and kill. It is illegal activities. The two are actually businessmen, and the way they do things is almost the same as that of business operations.

For Nanyi, the moderates are easier to deal with, and they can sit down and have a good talk.

"Zhenhe, go to Mexicali and stare at the stall over there. Let's put aside the land acquisition in the Otay Industrial Zone for now. Let's wait and see how hard the Mexican government is to crack down on Guzman before considering what to do next. How to do it."

Said to wait and see, in fact, Nan Yi knew very well that the Mexican government would not hit Guzman too hard. Guzman's arrest is certain, and there is no way to explain to all aspects if he is not arrested.

But the Sinaloa Group will never fall because of this. Behind it are many shareholders holding dark shares, congressmen, mayors, police, etc. They will not sit back and watch the Sinaloa Group fall, or take the initiative Or passive, they will involuntarily escort Guzman. Guzman can still command remotely in prison, just like Pablo back then.

This is one, and second, Nanyi also knows that the terminal sales prices of drugs in several states in the United States have recently increased. The reason for the price increase is insufficient supply. This is not good news for Washington.

Looking at Mexican drug dealers from the standpoint of the United States, the mood is complicated. There are more than 20 million drug users (various drugs) in the United States, and at least several million of them are heavy drug users. serious consequence.

When drug addicts are addicted to drugs, they can do anything in order to obtain drugs. If millions of powder kegs and more than 10 million straw stacks are blown up, the fun will be great, and the national strength will definitely be damaged. Yes, subjugation is not impossible.

The political system of the United States, the ethnic composition of Americans, and the personality traits of pursuing freedom all determine that Washington can only boil frogs in warm water when dealing with the drug problem, and take it step by step, instead of directly hitting hard. All of them were locked up for forced detoxification.

Therefore, when it comes to cracking down on Mexican drug dealers, the United States has always been timid. It must fight to prevent drug dealers from becoming too powerful, import too much drugs into the United States, and control the number of drug addicts; Absolutely, without the continuous import of drugs, the powder keg must be blown up.

"Yes, I will leave early tomorrow morning." Han Zhenhe said.

Nanyi waved his hand, "No, set off with me in an hour, and I will leave here temporarily to pack my things."


As soon as Han Zhenhe left, Nanyi asked the school belle to call Sayuri Hagiwara back, and he himself called Edith Gonzales, telling her to go directly to San Diego after finishing her work, instead of going back to the seaside apartment.

The United States is shy about Mexican drug dealers, so Nanyi can't deal with the Tijuana Group unscrupulously. He will try his best to get the land in the Otai Industrial Zone in a peaceful way, even if he has to give Enedina a lot of clean money.

Unpeaceful operations are too complicated. The Tijuana Group has a foothold in Tijuana, and Tijuana is only one step away from San Diego. If the US Drug Enforcement Administration is determined to wipe it out, the Tijuana Group will not survive today.

What the Drug Enforcement Administration wants to destroy is the drug trafficking group that does not know how to restrain itself and keeps developing. For example, the previous Medellin Group has such a large momentum and scale. Pablo still has to stand up and run for the president of Colombia. Slap Washington in the face, not to punish who he punishes.

Another example is the current Sinaloa Group. Guzman has made too much movement, and the group is also showing signs of developing out of control.

The Tijuana Group is different, its scale is within a controllable range, and its actions are relatively mild. For the Drug Enforcement Administration, it is much more comfortable to let a familiar group continue to occupy Tijuana than to re-acquaint with an unknown new opponent.

If Nanyi wants to deal with the Tijuana Group in an unpeaceful manner, he must first communicate with the US Drug Enforcement Administration, and the two sides have a tacit understanding before they can take action. This "tacit understanding" is not something that can be obtained with red lips and white teeth. Even if you don't have to spend real money, you have to pay "face".

Face is given to each other. If others give face today, tomorrow when someone asks you for face, you must also give it. The ghost knows what field and boundary this face will fall in, and whether it will make Nanyi very embarrassed.

Moreover, this matter may not be resolved at the level of the Drug Enforcement Administration. It may be necessary to communicate with a higher level, and everything will become more complicated, and the price to be paid will be greater.

Therefore, Nanyi loves peace.


When Nanyi packed her things, Sayuri Hagiwara in a swimsuit returned to her room from downstairs.

Sayuri Hagiwara walked to Nanyi and asked, "Yongwei-kun, are we leaving?"

"Yes, it's not safe for us to stay here in case of an emergency." Nan Yi patted Sayuri Hagiwara's catkin, "Go wash it, and we'll leave for San Diego in a while."


Sayuri Hagiwara nodded obediently, and did not ask what the emergency was.

In fact, it is unlikely that Nanyi and his party will encounter danger if they continue to stay in the seaside apartment. After all, there have been very strict arrangements before, but when the gunshots are fired, the other party will drop a few lives, and there will be problems with the aftermath, which requires investment Manpower and material resources, instead of staying here, it is better to leave temporarily.

After two hours, Nan Yi and his party checked in at the Coronado Hotel in San Diego.

As soon as the luggage was put away and the computer was turned on, Nanyi called Beefburger to him, "Beefburger, please study Enedina's information, and then visit her on my behalf, and buy her small house for 10 million dollars. farm."

"What if the other party refuses?" Beefburg asked.

"Come back first, keep the etiquette when you come to the door for the first time." Nan Yi stood up and gave up his seat to Beef Burger.

This chapter is a bit twisted, and I want to write it in depth but dare not.

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