Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Thirteen: Is This Where People Live?

Qin Tian first went to the workshop supervisor in the dark to sign a long-term contract, and then went to the dormitory provided by the supervisor.

Qin Tian's work level supervisor can see it, and he will naturally not let go of such a hard-working employee.

The boys' dormitory is about the same size as the girls' dormitory, but it's a 6-person room, so there's almost no room left.

Different from the girls' dormitory with some fragrance, Qin Tian carried his woven bag, and just opened the door, a smell of sweat and smoke came over him.

In the dormitory, a total of four young men were shirtless playing cards together, and another uncle was reading a newspaper with reading glasses.

The dormitory environment is very bad. Their daily necessities are thrown everywhere, and the floor is sticky when stepped on. Who knows how long it has not been mopped.

Electronic factories in this era are like this, not to mention that they are all men's dormitories.

Qin Tian was not pretentious either, he took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and walked in swaggeringly.


The uncle wearing reading glasses sat up from the bed, came to his small table, took out the register and asked, "What's your name?"

The young men who were playing cards took a look at Qin Tian, ​​and then continued to fight with their heads buried in their heads.

"Qin Tian, ​​from Wudu."

Qin Tian introduced himself with a smile, and handed him a cigarette.

The uncle held the cigarette to his ear, and asked with some doubts: "Qin Tian? Why isn't your name on the roster?"

Qin Tian explained unhurriedly: "I just asked the supervisor to sign a full-time contract. The supervisor said that he will send you a MMS. Please check your phone."

The uncle picked up the Nokia mobile phone and looked at it. Sure enough, there was a multimedia message from the supervisor.

"Well, I see, let me tell you, 30 yuan per month for water and electricity, toilet and balcony sanitation, everyone takes turns to do it every week."

The uncle nodded, then turned to the upper berths of the young men who played cards and said, "You can sleep there."

"no problem."

Qin Tian took out 30 yuan and handed it to him, carried his woven bag up the stairs and began to make the bed.

Qin Tian had very few things, only a sheet and a pillow, and the rest were scraps of daily necessities.

"Damn, can this sleep?"

Qin Tian knelt on the bed and looked at the ceiling fan so close, he complained angrily.

In the whole dormitory, there is only one rusty ceiling fan working.

On such a hot day, everyone is definitely unwilling to turn it off to sleep, which means that Qin Tian has to listen to this noise every night to sleep.

Not only that, but Qin Tian's position is very close to the balcony, the socks these people piled up outside are really smelly.

As soon as the wind blows, the stench hits my face, and I can't bear it at all.

Qin Tian wandered around the bathroom and the balcony again, thinking that he didn't know if he should say it or not, this is not a place for people to live at all.

Boys can be a little sloppy, but at least they can't use the dormitory as a kennel!

"Forget it, for the sake of life and health, let's go out and rent a house."

Anyway, Qin Tian still has 100,000 yuan to spend, so he can rent a house near the electronics factory, and he can also drag He Sinan to live together.

Thinking of He Sinan who was downstairs in the girls' dormitory just now, Qin Tian couldn't help being a little excited.

He never expected that this girl from the depths of the mountain was not only good-looking, but also had such an exaggerated figure.

She is simply a natural beauty!

After visiting the appalling dormitory, Qin Tian watched these young people play cards again.

Because it was summer, these young men were all shirtless, and two of them even sat cross-legged on the bed in their underpants, without any image at all.

These few people played golden flowers, there was a pile of change in the middle, a boy with a cut cut won the most, and there were ten and five yuan in big money in front of him.

Qin Tian took out the Hongta Mountain and scattered the smoke one by one, as a way of saying hello to them.

Although I won't live in the dormitory in the future, I still need to be favored. After all, I work in the same factory.

Cigarettes are the most suitable and simple communication props between boys. Unless you don't smoke, no one will refuse.

"Dude, when did you come?"

The man with the short hair who won the most money held the cigarette Qin Tian gave to his ear, raised his head and asked with a smile.

"Just arrived yesterday."

Qin Tian blew out a smoke ring, squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Golden flowers? Add me."

Qin Tian didn't plan to go to bed tonight, just in time to play cards for a while.


The inch-cut man couldn't wait to say: "Fourth brother, move your position."

"Hurry up and kill this daunting vigor, he's lost dozens of times."

Another boy said angrily.

"Okay, let's play a few games."

Qin Tian stomped out the cigarette, sat on the edge of the bed, took out the change in his pocket and put it in front of him, and began to deposit the deposit.

In this way, Qin Tian can be regarded as a dormitory integrated into this small society.

With the addition of newcomers, everyone was very excited and played all night.

Soon the window began to turn white, and many employees had already gone downstairs to have breakfast.

Qin Tian's luck was good, he won more than 200 yuan in one night, and some cards were even dealt to the extremely rare 3 kings.

"No more fights, no more fights, damn it, I lost more than a hundred in one night, I went to brush my teeth, and I have to go to work later."

After a man whimpered and complained, he threw away the cards in his hand angrily, turned his head and walked to his bed.

"Then fight again tomorrow."

The cropped man yawned, and began to collect the cards and count the money happily, and then began to put on his overalls, ready to go to work.

Young people are like this, even if they stay up all night, they still have the energy to go to work the next day.

Qin Tian also happily packed the change he won one by one and put them in his pocket, then climbed to his bed and started to pack his things, planning to pack up and leave after get off work today.

"Huh? Xiao Qin, why are you packing up?"

The uncle who just woke up looked at Qin Tian who had packed his things, and asked in a daze, "Aren't you going to stay here?"

"Well, my relative called last night and asked me to live with him, which is near the factory."

Qin Tian casually found an excuse, so naturally he wouldn't say the reason in such a lack of emotional intelligence.

"Then I'll refund you 30 yuan. You haven't lived in it all day."

"Need not."

Qin Tian smiled: "Save it for my brothers to buy cigarettes."

Anyway, Qin Tian won more than 200 yuan last night, so it would be a good relationship to keep the 30 yuan.

"Then I won't force you to stay."

The uncle smiled knowingly, turned and walked to the bathroom.

After Qin Tian packed up his things, he took the woven bag and put it in a corner, and shouted to the uncle in the toilet: "Uncle, I put this pile of junk here first, can I come to pick it up at night?"

"no problem."

The uncle who was brushing his teeth said vaguely.


After bidding farewell to the other roommates, Qin Tian finished brushing his teeth, and then came to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory, waiting for the treasured girl he had been thinking about to come down.

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