Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Fourteen: Soy Milk And Fried Tiao

Soon, He Sinan went downstairs with a few roommates talking and laughing.

He Sinan still had that naive look, huddled among them and didn't speak much, only occasionally responding to their words with a blank smile.

"Tsk, why are you still wearing such ugly clothes?"

He Sinan didn't wear the tight shirt yesterday, and changed into a looser sweater, the color of the sweater is still old-fashioned brown.

If you don't look at this extremely handsome face, she looks like a village girl.

More importantly, He Sinan's exaggerated figure last night was also deeply hidden under this old-fashioned sweater.

Of course, this is also in line with He Sinan's characteristics.

She was originally a girl from a remote mountainous area, she didn't know how to dress herself up at all, and she didn't know how to spend money on those beautiful clothes.

It would be strange if she appeared in front of Qin Tian dressed brightly.

"One day, I will definitely take off this old-fashioned village girl's clothes, and then change her into a beautiful one."

Qin Tian secretly made up his mind.

"Brother Qin!"

Among the three of them, He Sinan, who was a bit restrained, walked much faster after seeing Qin Tian, ​​with a happy and expectant smile on his face.

"How is it? Did you sleep well last night? Is it hot?"

Qin Tian responded dotingly, and subconsciously pinched He Sinan's face, becoming more and more smooth and proficient.

"It's not hot, there are ceiling fans in the dormitory."

He Sinan didn't know why Qin Tian liked to pinch his face like a little girl.

But she didn't dislike this feeling at all, instead she lightly rubbed against Qin Tian's big hand, her pair of innocent peach eyes were full of Qin Tian's appearance.

Li Fang also came over to say hello: "My hometown, thank you for your barbecue last night."

"Not at all."

Qin Tian smiled indifferently, and then said generously: "Have you had breakfast yet? Let's go eat together? I treat you."

"Okay, okay!"

Li Fang nodded and agreed without hesitation, but she was even more envious of He Sinan having such a handsome and wealthy fellow as her boyfriend.

Chen Rou's other Shonan roommate naturally did not refuse.

However, a trace of suspicion flashed across Chen Rou's eyebrows.

Although it's okay to have a breakfast, but Qin Tian's bold consumption style can't tell that he is a part-time job in an electronics factory?

But looking at Qin Tian and He Sinan's inseparable appearance, Chen Rou didn't think in the most terrifying direction again.

Even if Qin Tian is really some kind of rich second generation pretending to be poor and coming to the electronics factory to chase He Sinan, then he must really like this silly girlfriend very much.

Qin Tian doesn't look like the kind of scumbag who always messes up and abandons, otherwise he wouldn't be able to take care of him in such a meticulous manner.

There are many people in the electronics factory, and the cafeteria does not provide breakfast.

It is most suitable to set up a stall outside the factory. If the business is good, you can earn more than 300 yuan in the morning.

Outside the electronics factory, there are many breakfast vendors who come here on tricycles every day to buy breakfast. Looking from afar, the steam is ethereal.

The five randomly found a breakfast shop and sat down at the round table they placed on the dirt road to entertain guests.

"Boss, what do you want to eat?"

The uncle at the breakfast shop came over to say hello to Qin Tian warmly.

After all, it was four women and one man who came together. Judging from this posture, it should be a treat for the boys.

I have to say that the young people nowadays are having fun.

But these girls didn't grow up very well.

Let me go, this girl is too handsome, like a villain walking out of a painting.

The boss' eyes fell on He Sinan, and he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"I want soy milk and fried dough sticks and a basket of steamed stuffed buns."

Qin Tian glanced at the hesitant He Sinan, and added: "Well, it's for two."

If Qin Tian didn't help He Sinan order something, this Sichuan-Chongqing girl, who is not willing to spend money, might only need two of the cheapest steamed buns to satisfy her hunger.

After the other three people also finished ordering, it didn't take long for the boss to bring a steaming breakfast to the table.

"Brother Qin, there are too many, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish them."

Looking at the soy milk fritters and a drawer of big steamed stuffed buns in front of him, He Sinan muttered in embarrassment.

"It's okay, pack it if you can't finish it, and you can eat it when you're hungry at work."

Qin Tian also made a bit of a miscalculation, he didn't expect that the breakfast portion in this era is so generous.

The bowl of soy milk is very big, almost overflowing, the deep-fried dough sticks are thick and long, and the buns are not the small and exquisite ones in Qin Tian's time, each one is about the size of a fist.


He Sinan responded obediently, brushed her hair to her ears, revealing her exquisite and beautiful side face, then picked up the thick and long fried dough sticks, and gnawed them with her little cherry mouth.

Qin Tian looked at it dreamily, this girl is always driving for no reason.

After feeling the curious eyes of the other three, Qin Tian coughed quickly: "Sinan, you are soulless if you eat fried dough sticks like this."


He Sinan blinked his peachy eyes innocently, not understanding what Qin Tian meant.

"Hey, it's delicious like me."

Qin Tian soaks the fried dough sticks in soy milk, and picks up the fried dough sticks with chopsticks to eat after the fried dough sticks are softened by the soy milk.

"Come on, try it."

Qin Tian turned the fritters he bit into one direction, and handed it to He Sinan's mouth.


He Sinan responded with a blushing face, biting the deep-fried dough stick that Qin Tian had gnawed in a bit of embarrassment.

She had never eaten the combination of soy milk and fried dough sticks like this, and Qin Tian's fried dough sticks had been soaked for a long time just now.

With a little force, He Sinan accidentally squeezed out the soy milk in the fried dough sticks, and a lot of it splashed on the trouser legs and sweater, and even her cherry lips were stained with white water stains.


He Sinan looked down at the soy milk stains on his trouser legs and clothes, and was stunned for a moment, then smiled indifferently: "It's delicious, Brother Qin."

With an attitude of not wasting food, she stretched out her cute little tongue to wipe away the soy milk next to her lips, and her white swan neck moved accordingly, making a slight swallowing sound.

This pure and lustful look made Qin Tian blush and heartbeat.



Just when Qin Tian inexplicably thought of making some unsuitable scenes with He Sinan.

Li Fang next to him imitated Qin Tian's method, and bit off the fried dough stick soaked in soy milk with a click, which made Qin Tian shiver inexplicably.

"My fellow, you are right. Soy milk soaked in fried dough sticks is really delicious. The fried dough sticks are soft and have the aroma of soy milk inside."

Li Fang said vaguely, not to mention how ugly her food is, she is simply a rough man.

Qin Tian thought: "They are all from Sichuan and Chongqing, how can there be such a big difference?"

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