Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 15: Soldering The Circuit Board

After breakfast, everyone went to the electronics factory to clock in and go to work.

Qin Tian signed a full-time contract yesterday, and today his supervisor continued to work with He Sinan in the assembly workshop.

But before his butt was hot, the supervisor rushed into the assembly workshop in a hurry, with a potbellied man in a suit and leather shoes beside him.

Several old employees in the workshop recognized this man in a suit as the boss of the electronics factory.

This boss is rarely seen on weekdays at all, and they are all outside to pick up business.

Now that the boss came to the assembly workshop in person, he seemed to be in a hurry, which meant that something went wrong in his electronics factory.

"Stop what you're doing first."

The supervisor asked the master to stop the tracks of the flow workshop, and hurriedly said in a panic: "Master Zhang from the circuit board workshop next door has a cerebral thrombosis and went to the hospital. Is there any employee in our workshop who has made circuit boards? I will give you 200 yuan a day."

After the supervisor finished speaking, the boss in a suit next to him scanned the group of employees anxiously, hoping that someone would come out to rescue them.

The entire assembly line of the electronics factory that produces DVDs is one process, and all workshops are linked together.

Once there is a problem in a workshop, other workshops will suffer, and even the entire electronics factory will be paralyzed.

Among them, the workshop for soldering circuit boards is the most complicated and important. Without soldered circuit boards, it is impossible for dva to operate.

Therefore, the masters in the soldering circuit board workshop are several times better than the employees in other workshops in terms of salary and treatment.

On weekdays, there are enough employees in this workshop, and the technology is all top-notch in the factory. It will not hold back the other workshops at all, and sometimes they are too idle to die.

But recently, the owner of the electronics factory received a big order in the electronics mall. Within a month, he had to hand in 100,000 DVDs.

According to the speed of this electronics factory, this task is very difficult. Unless all employees are asked to work overtime, it is impossible to swallow this order.

Obviously, the owner of the electronics factory couldn't bear such a big temptation, so he chose to sign the order, intending to swallow this big order and make a name for himself in the electronics industry.

What is fatal is that today, Master Zhang, the oldest person in the circuit board workshop, suffered a cerebral thrombosis and was admitted to the hospital.

The boss just went to the hospital to visit him. The situation is very serious, and he won't be able to recover within ten days and half a month.

Master Zhang is the leader of the circuit board workshop. Many employees have learned this craft from him. He arranges many things in the circuit board workshop.

Now that Master Zhang is in the hospital, the circuit board workshop next door is almost without a leader. Yesterday, only more than 200 pieces were completed.

This frightened the owner of the electronics factory. Now there is still an order of 10,000 yuan, and there is only one week left.

If the order cannot be completed within the specified time, not only will he not be able to swallow this big cake, but he will also have to pay hundreds of thousands of liquidated damages.

More importantly, such a large order is more or less a splash in the electronics factory industry.

If the news of the breach of contract spreads, there may be no customers willing to bid for his electronics factory in the future.

"Is there anyone who can solder circuit boards?"

This time it was the boss who asked the question in person: "Anyone who knows how to mount a machine is fine, 200 a day, the speed is fast and the effect is good, and there is a bonus!"

The people in the workshop looked at each other, then shook their heads silently.

200 yuan a day is very tempting, but this job sounds very complicated, and some people don't even know what a circuit board is.

They don't want to pretend to understand what they don't know. If they make a mistake, they might lose money.

The boss spat irritably, turned around and walked to other workshops.

After the supervisor asked the master to re-operate the tracks of the assembly line, he quickly followed up.


At this moment, Qin Tian stood up and stopped the two of them: "I worked in another factory for a while, I can try it."

Qin Tian hadn't planned to be in the limelight, but he considered that he might have to ask for leave in a few days to take He Sinan out shopping and rent a house.

Qin Tian also planned to help out, and when the time comes to ask for leave, the supervisor has no reason to refuse.

The boss stopped in his tracks and looked at Qin Tian in surprise: "How long have you been studying, do you understand these techniques, I don't want an apprentice."

Qin Tian smiled with ease: "Anyway, there were no problems in the previous factory."

Soldering circuit boards is indeed a technical job, but Qin Tian is proficient in all technologies in the electronics factory. Isn't soldering circuit boards easy to grasp?

The boss glanced at the supervisor tentatively, and the supervisor hurriedly introduced in a low voice: "My name is Qin Tian, ​​I was recruited just the day before yesterday, and his hands and feet are quite nimble, and the speed of one person is faster than two or three people."

"Then come quickly."

The boss nodded, turned around and walked to other workshops, continuing to look for employees with welding skills.

"Brother Qin, be careful."

He Sinan didn't know what happened, but seeing the anxious look of the boss, he felt that this should be a very difficult job, and worried that something might happen to Qin Tian.

"Don't worry, wait until I get off work."

Qin Tian pinched He Sinan's face fondly, and then followed behind the two of them.

It didn't take long for the boss and supervisor to recruit only eight employees who knew the craft, and some of them had only been apprentices for a few days.

No way, there are very few employees who have been exposed to such complicated technology in this era, let alone their factory is so unknown.

But now that the situation is urgent, we can only rush the ducks to the shelves.

Entering the circuit board workshop, the boss personally demonstrated it to the newly recruited employees, and then hurriedly asked them to work quickly.

After teaching how to solder circuit boards, the boss still left, just like an invigilator, watching each employee anxiously, for fear that some employees would make mistakes.

"No, look at what you are soldering. The whole circuit board is unusable. Hurry up and re-solder. If you make a wrong soldering, your salary will be deducted!"

"Fuck, where do you put moles here? One is big and the other is small!"

"Heat first, then solder, I'm going to say that a few times, have you been shot in the ear?"

After watching the welding process of a few employees, the boss was already blowing his beard and staring, his face was flushed with anger, and he was about to hit someone.

At this moment, a figure with extremely fast hands caught his attention.

When the boss thought it was the original welding employee in the workshop, he took a closer look, and suddenly realized that this was not the young man hired by the workshop just now?

Qin Tian's speed is very fast, the original old staff in the workshop just finished soldering one circuit board, and Qin Tian's fifth circuit board is almost finished soldering.

"Damn, welding is so fast, I don't know how many pieces were welded wrong!"

Seeing this, the boss was furious, and hurriedly approached Qin Tian, ​​the words of reprimand were already on his lips.

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