Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Twenty: Do You Really Want To Be My Mother?


Being suddenly attacked by Qin Tian, ​​He Sinan's random thoughts were swept away, and he responded with a small voice, feeling warm in his heart, and his face turned red unknowingly.

"Little, Brother Qin."


He Sinan tilted his head slightly, looked at Qin Tian who was sleeping with his upper body leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, with peach blossoms in his eyes, and confessed bravely and affectionately: "You are really a good person."


Qin Tian opened his eyes with a smile out of breath, the drowsiness he felt just now was immediately overwhelmed by these words.

He also thought that He Sinan might say something: "I like you" and "Let's play friends, okay?" It was just a touching love story between couples.

In the end, this girl actually said: Are you such a good person? !

Qin Tian turned his head and was about to complain, when he met He Sinan's shy and moving gaze.

He Sinan curled up obediently beside her, her beautiful cheeks were rosy with coyness, her shy eyes wandered back and forth as if dodging.

This is a kind of shyness unique to girls Huaichun, no boy can hold back under such a moving gaze.

As a result, Qin Tian was no longer in the mood to complain, and imitated He Sinan's tone, responding to her own way of confession: "Well, you are also a good person, and your whole family is a good person."

Then endless drowsiness hit, Qin Tian finally couldn't take it anymore, he squeezed He Sinan's face, and murmured sleepily: "Go to sleep, you have to go to work tomorrow."


He Sinan responded with a little birdie, mustered up his courage, and boldly moved to the side of Qin Tian.

Early the next morning, Qin Tian was awakened by the noisy footsteps of the workers.

He opened his eyes and saw that He Sinan was no longer by his side.

Qin Tian was not surprised either, He Sinan's thoughts were so simple, one cannot sleep with boys if one is not married.

Letting He Sinan sleep next to her last night was already her greatest limit.

With social fear, she dared not sleep with a boy in full view.

But He Sinan's quilt was still covering Qin Tian's body, and the embroidered pillow was also under Qin Tian's head.

It should be around dawn, He Sinan secretly adjusted Qin Tian's sleeping position, and after doing all this, he went back furiously.

"Silly girl, you really want to be my mother, don't you?"

Qin Tian smiled angrily, folded the quilt and pillow, put them in the corner of the workshop, and found a clean cardboard to cover them to avoid dust.

After finishing all this, Qin Tian lazily stretched his waist, and glanced comfortably at the bright cloudless sky outside the window, feeling very happy.

[The hardworking day of a worker is about to begin again! 】

Today's work is still soldering circuit boards, which is boring and tedious.

The owner of the electronics factory also rushed to the workshop early to supervise the workers in the workshop while checking whether Qin Tian's speed had slowed down.

Qin Tian is now the most important employee in the circuit board workshop, whether the boss can swallow this big order depends largely on Qin Tian's speed.

This is also the main reason why the owner of the electronics factory was willing to give Qin Tian an extra 300 yuan in private last night.

Just kidding, the net profit of this order is more than one million yuan, only a fool would care about the small money of a few hundred yuan.

If Qin Tian's speed and efficiency today are the same as yesterday, the boss is wondering if he should give Qin Tian more salary.

If you can keep such a fairy employee in your factory with a negligible few hundred dollars, the profits you get in exchange are very exaggerated.

Of course, Qin Tian, ​​who had rested all night, naturally did not disappoint the boss, and his speed and proficiency were even better than yesterday.

In just one morning, Qin Tian was astonished to complete nearly 900 circuit boards, while the other workers added up to only more than 1,000.

In other words, this morning, nearly half of the circuit boards in the workshop were soldered by Qin Tian alone.

What is even more exaggerated is that the circuit boards soldered by other workers have errors from time to time, requiring complicated rework.

However, none of the circuit boards soldered by Qin Tian made any mistakes. The solder joints of each circuit board are perfect, and there is no trace of defect. As long as the circuit is connected, it can be used in a DVD.

This exaggerated efficiency and speed made the owner of the electronics factory very happy.

During lunch, in front of other workers, Qin Tian was caught boasting, and it was revealed between the lines that Qin Tian would be promoted and raised soon.

While other workers are envious, they also have to admire Qin Tian's amazing welding skills.

Qin Tian's speed and skills are obvious to all the workers in the same workshop.

If they were the bosses of the electronics factory, they would definitely give Qin Tian a raise and a promotion.

Qin Tian was naturally not interested in these things, and he was not at all tempted by the boss's speech.

If He Sinan was not still in the factory, Qin Tian might have left on the day he earned 100,000 yuan.

It is impossible for him to stay in the electronics factory and continue to work for him. As long as he catches the treasure girl with a pinch, Qin Tian may not even pay his salary, and just kidnap He Sinan with a bucket and run away.

When eating at noon, the boss still asked the supervisor to bring up the meal. It was still a sky-high employee meal with four meat and one vegetable, and it also came with a bottle of Red Bull.

The boss didn't seem very hungry. While the employees were eating lunch, he was alone on the workbench and continued to solder the circuit boards.

The order was followed closely. As the person in charge of the entire electronics factory, the boss could naturally solder a few more pieces.

After Qin Tian finished the staff meal, he came to the boss who was soldering the circuit board: "Boss, when the work is over, I want to take a vacation with my girlfriend, okay?"


The boss who was soldering the circuit board panicked when he heard this, and subconsciously felt that Qin Tian was going to carry the bucket and run away.

After all, as far as he knew, Qin Tian didn't have a place to stay, so he was more likely to run away.

His electronics factory has been open for so long, and he has met too many young people running around with buckets.

But those are all the wine bags and rice bags with extremely low work efficiency, even if they leave, the boss doesn't take it seriously.

But this young man in front of him is a god, and his work efficiency is higher than that of four or five people, so the boss naturally doesn't want him to run away.

"What are you doing on leave?"

The boss's voice was not impatient, but a cautious temptation.

"Just buy some daily necessities. My girlfriend and I have just arrived in Jianghai City, so we haven't bought many things yet."

"Oh, that's no problem, I approved it!"

The boss waved his hand generously: "When the work on the circuit board is finished, you can go there, and you don't need to tell the supervisor."

"Thank you then."

Qin Tian smiled and nodded.

After eating, Qin Tian and other workers started soldering circuit boards again.

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