Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 21: Black Iron Treasure Chest: A Suite In China World Mall

Today I worked overtime till late, until 2 am, the boss was willing to let the guy get off work and rest.

Of course, this is not unpaid overtime.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, many employees in the workshop began to complain softly, and their actions slowed down unknowingly.

In order for the employees to get up faster and be more efficient, the boss added another 100 yuan on the premise of a high salary of 200 yuan, so everyone was willing to work overtime until so late.

Otherwise, even with a high salary of 200 yuan a day, no one is willing to start at 7:00 in the morning and go until 2:00 in the morning. Even livestock have to take a breather.

After the work in everyone's hands stopped, everyone was exhausted. The faces of several older employees were pale and their hands were shaking.

Even Qin Tian couldn't handle the long hours of work, and couldn't help scolding the unscrupulous boss in his heart, he didn't treat them as human beings at all.

Today Qin Tian learned the lesson from yesterday, and told He Sinan early to go back to bed after get off work and eat, don't wait for herself, and don't foolishly run to buy supper.

Soon, the supervisor who went to the financial office to get the money returned, holding a stack of thick red bills in his hand, which was the salary of the employees in the workshop today.

This impromptu work task is relatively urgent, and the overtime work is so hard every day, the boss naturally dare not delay the salary until the end of the month, which will cause public outrage.

He knew that he had to let the group of workers see some benefits, so that he could squeeze them better the next day.

"Hard work, hard work, guys."

The boss made the employees in the workshop line up in a long line, and asked the supervisor to send them money one by one. He was overjoyed and added: "I hope everyone will have a hard day tomorrow. There are not many orders."

Although the exhausted employees still complained, they nodded silently when they saw the bright red banknotes in the supervisor's hand.

It is not easy to make money these years, sometimes you are exhausted, and you may encounter a boss who is taking money and running away.

Although I'm tired these days, it's not bad to get a day's money for a day's work.

Qin Tian was the same as yesterday, still holding an envelope containing today's salary.

This time the envelope was a little thicker than yesterday, and it should have about 1,000 yuan.

The other employees looked at it enviously and wanted to say something, but they were still too embarrassed to speak.

They could tell that there was definitely more than 300 yuan in Qin Tian's envelope.

Over the past two days, Qin Tian's welding skills and speed are obvious to all.

After all, hard work pays more. He alone can match the speed and efficiency of half of the workshop employees. How dare the employees complain.

And if there is no Qin Tian, ​​the boss will definitely make them work overtime until later.

What's more, this is the money given by the boss himself. They are just out to work, so naturally they won't meddle in their own business.

"Xiao Qin, work hard on the last day tomorrow."

The boss started to implement the first small pie: "After finishing the work, you can go to your previous workshop to be the team leader. I will give you a monthly salary of 2800."

This position is actually useless, at most, the salary has increased a little, and I can manage a few employees.

The boss just wanted to use this pancake to trap Qin Tian. After all, this is a fairy employee who is more exaggerated than animals. Dozens of electronic factories can't find one. How could he not be kept?


Qin Tian smiled perfunctorily, not taking it seriously.

Just kidding, I want to keep myself in the factory and continue to work as an animal for 2,800 yuan, which is too disrespectful of myself.

If it wasn't for Qin Tian's desire to buy more treasure chests in this electronics factory, the ghost would continue to work for this cunning vampire.

After the boss and supervisor left, Qin Tian poured out the banknotes in the envelope and counted them, and it was really a thousand dollars.

Electronic factories in this era cost a thousand dollars a day, who would believe it?

But Qin Tian was still the same, folded the money and put it in his pocket without any disturbance, not very happy.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully clocking in the electronics factory for one day, please choose the reward you want. 】

Hearing the system's voice, Qin Tian smiled, and after thinking for a while, he chose the treasure chest of the economic category.

Qin Tian no longer plans to rent a house near the electronics factory.

He wants to save enough money to buy a house, and then take He Sinan out of the electronics factory, first go to the city center to buy an apartment, and then set up a store in the city to start some business or something.

When the time comes to open a shop by myself, work in the shop I opened every day to collect treasure chests, and still be able to get bored with the silly treasure girl, wouldn't that be cool?

This is a long-term plan that requires a lot of financial support.

Even though it is 2008, housing prices are quite expensive, let alone in Jianghai City, where every inch of land is expensive.

Qin Tian's 100,000 yuan is indeed a huge sum of money, but if he wants to buy a house or a car, it is still too little, so he can only do a small business.

Therefore, Qin Tian is in urgent need of systematic financial support.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the treasure chest of the economic department! 】

[The treasure chest level is: Black Iron! 】

[May I ask if the host has opened: the mysterious black iron economy department treasure chest? 】


Qin Tian no longer expects the system to suddenly refresh a diamond treasure chest, which is already obvious for him to slowly open from the lowest level treasure chest.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully opening the mysterious treasure chest of the black iron economy department: obtaining the real estate certificate of the No. 42 store on the 1st floor of China World Mall. 】

"China World Mall?!"

Qin Tian's excited breathing slowed down a beat.

The China World Mall in Jianghai City is very famous. It is the place with the largest passenger traffic in Jianghai City. The most famous Jianghai City Pearl Tower is next to the China World Mall.

Not only that, next to the China World Mall is the most famous university in Jianghai City and the most famous snack street in Jianghai City.

Every holiday, the China World Mall is crowded with people, and merchants who open stores in the China World Mall can make a lot of money because of this.

After the development of the Internet, the more prosperous China World Mall has become a place where countless Internet celebrities check in.

What's more, the housing price there is the most expensive in China, bar none!

Just now in 2008, the house price of China World Mall is as high as nearly 40,000 square meters.

In the next few years, when housing prices across the country begin to skyrocket, the housing prices in China World Mall will be even more frighteningly high.

Many rich second generations want to do business in the China World Mall with suites or shops, but they can only hold back.

【Ding! The property rights certificate information has all been settled under the name of the host, please do not worry about the source of the certificate. 】

The sound of the system fell, Qin Tian's hand sank, and a small red book fell into his hand.

With the help of the dim light in the workshop, Qin Tian was able to clearly see the large gold characters on the red book.

Certificate of real estate title!

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