Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Twenty-Two: This Sweet And Greasy Breakfast

Qin Tian excitedly opened the title certificate and carefully read all the information inside, for fear that he might not have noticed any important details.

This is a property right certificate worth millions today and tens of millions in the future!

[Huaxia real estate title certificate. 】

【Jianghai City-China World Mall-1st Floor-Household No. 42-】

[House area - 120 square meters. 】

[House ownership: Qin Tian. 】

"That's right!"

After looking through it several times carefully, Qin Tian put away the real estate certificate contentedly, planning to find some time to check the terrain of the shop he just bought.

Since it is in the China World Mall, a place with dense traffic, Qin Tian must use this store to make money.

Although the system has accounted for it, the money obtained from the system will not be subject to any suspicion.

But Qin Tian always felt that if he didn't do any business, the money rewarded by the system would be uncomfortable, and he always felt suspicious.

Now as long as he uses this shop to do some small business, Qin Tian can completely eliminate this concern.

As for what kind of business to do, Qin Tian hasn't made up his mind yet, so he has to look at the location of the shop on No. 42 and what kind of business it is suitable for.

Anyway, it is the China World Mall with a huge traffic flow, no matter what business you do, you can make money, it's just the difference between more and less.

Qin Tian was the same as yesterday, he dragged a few more cardboards and sat down on the spot.

The quilt and pillow were returned to He Sinan when he got off work at night.

Qin Tian didn't want her to continue sleeping on the cardboard with him, and the treasure girl couldn't be treated like a princess in distress.

"The day after tomorrow, I'll take her shopping for clothes, watch a movie by the way, and then"

Qin Tian thought happily, put his hand into his pocket, touched the hard title certificate, and fell asleep not long after.

Early the next morning, Qin Tian was still the same, and was woken up by the noise of employees entering the workshop.

Qin Tian opened his eyes in a daze, and saw a few workers sitting on their workbenches, leisurely eating steamed buns and fried dough sticks, waiting for the start of work on time at seven o'clock.

Qin Tian threw the cardboard aside with sleepy eyes, planning to also go down to buy some breakfast to fill his stomach.

"Hey, it seems that there is no need to run errands."

As soon as Qin Tian went downstairs, he saw He Sinan walking towards the factory with a steaming breakfast.

After seeing Qin Tian, ​​He Sinan's pace was obviously much faster.

The weather is very hot today, He Sinan is wearing a looser white shirt.

Although Brother Zhao, who was several sizes smaller, helped restrain them, Qin Tian could clearly see the pair of rippling creatures who couldn't wait to get out to breathe, following He Sinan's running, shaking up and down slightly.

Qin Tian looked around and didn't notice He Sinan, and then complained regretfully: "Following this master, you really suffer."

At the same time, Qin Tian also decided to take He Sinan to buy a suitable Brother Zhao after get off work tonight.

Qin Tian was really worried that something wrong with He Sinan's body would follow due to this reason.

"Small, Brother Qin, I, I bought you steamed buns, fried dough sticks, and soy milk."

Panting, He Sinan handed the bag of breakfast to Qin Tian.

When He Sinan was in the countryside, no matter how heavy or tiring the farm work was, he did it.

But because of her figure, she was not good at running. Just such a short distance made her out of breath, and her fair face was covered with sweat and flushed.

"Why run so fast, I can't run."

Qin Tian smiled sullenly, took He Sinan's breakfast, and then looked at the bag in her other hand, there were only two shiny white steamed buns inside.

"You just eat this?"


He Sinan noticed that Qin Tian's tone was obviously a little unhappy. Although she didn't know why, she subconsciously lowered her head, hid the steamed bun behind her back, and responded softly.

"Are you full?"

Qin Tian frowned again and asked.

"It's full."

He Sinan quickly raised his head to respond, observing Qin Tian's expression with erratic eyes.

"What's the stuffing in the buns you bought for me?"


He Sinan's tone was obviously much more cheerful.

On weekdays, He Sinan basically never bought meat buns that cost 1 yuan each, but only white steamed buns that cost 50 cents each.

The steamed buns in this era are very big, not only can you eat enough, sometimes you can eat a few more in the morning, so you don’t have to eat at noon.

"Tsk, I don't like meat, it's expensive and unpalatable, remember not to buy me meat buns next time."

Qin Tian reminded with disgust.

"I, I see."

He Sinan responded aggrievedly, but still firmly kept this information in his heart.

Qin Tian handed the meat bun to He Sinan, and nodded his chin at the white steamed bun in He Sinan's hand: "Give me your steamed bun."


"Ah for what."

Qin Tian directly stuffed the meat bun into He Sinan's hand, reached out and snatched the steamed bun from He Sinan's hand, and then smiled triumphantly: "Eat quickly, it's time to go to work after eating."


He Sinan nodded, and then began to nibble on the meat buns that he would not even dare to ask for extravagantly on weekdays.

She first ate the outer skin bit by bit, and then slowly tasted the sauced meat inside.

She eats slowly, enjoys it, and looks adorable.

Qin Tian gnawed on the wheat-scented white steamed bun, then turned his head to look at He Sinan's exaggerated waves.

He still couldn't believe that He Sinan could grow so well by eating these whole grains on a daily basis.

Maybe this is the legendary natural beauty.

He Sinan was eating meat buns, but she gradually noticed Qin Tian's unabashed gaze.

Of course, she didn't know where Qin Tian was looking at her, she just felt that Qin Tian was staring at her.

Until he stared at He Sinan until his face turned red, and his eyes shyly dodged.

Qin Tian just coughed, regained his senses and continued to gnaw on the steamed buns solemnly.

At the same time, Qin Tian also hoped that one day he would be able to eat better steamed buns.

"Drink soy milk, I'll give you half of it."

Qin Tian handed He Sinan a large cup of soy milk that was still full.

"No, no need, Brother Qin."

He Sinan stared at the straw that Qin Tian had bitten, his little face turned hot red, and then quickly shook his little hand to refuse.

"Hey, do you dislike me for not brushing my teeth today? But I'm forced by work, Sinan~"

Qin Tian sighed with a look of disappointment.

"No, no, Xiao Qinguo, I don't despise you at all!"

He Sinan argued in a frightened manner, and the anxious dialect came out again.

"Then give me a face?"

Qin Tian smiled expectantly, showing his big white teeth, and handed the soy milk in front of He Sinan, with the straw pointed right at her cherry lips.

Without thinking too much, He Sinan bit the straw with a blushing little face, and drank in big gulps.

The white throat moved, as if eager to prove something.

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