Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 239: I Don't Know If That Brat Will Be Cheaper In The Future!

Naturally, the level of education in rural areas cannot be compared with that in cities. Urban education is more comprehensive and can accept all-round knowledge, and the concept of education is also somewhat different from that in rural areas.

This is also one of the reasons why Qin Tian wanted to take He Sihan out of here.

When He Sihan heard Qin Tian's words, he said in his heart that he was not shaken, but he was lying.

She is a child who likes to learn. The adults around her tell her that only after studying can she make money, so she naturally wants a better learning environment.

Therefore, He Sihan's academic performance has always been very good. The walls of her grandma's room are covered with certificates and full-score test papers that she has studied since she was a child.

But thinking that after she left, grandma would be alone, He Sihan was silent again, she still couldn't abandon her grandma.

Rural children are much more sensible than ordinary children of the same age. In fact, she also knows that grandma is very old, maybe not many years old.

If I am not by my grandma's side, who can take care of my grandma.

He Sihan thought about it again, and immediately dismissed the idea of ​​living in the city.

"Sihan, are you worried that no one will take care of grandma after you leave?"

He Sihan's emotional changes were completely written on his face, Qin Tian immediately understood what was going on in He Sihan's heart, and asked unhurriedly.

"Well, there is no one in the village. Ms. Uncle also has to go to work on weekdays, and Sister Fangfang also has to go to the city to study after the Chinese New Year."

He Sihan nodded with mixed emotions: "If I leave, there will only be grandma in the house, and no one will take care of her."

"Don't worry, brother Qin knows that you have been worried about grandma. I told you yesterday, and I have already thought of a solution. Do you want to hear it?"

Qin Tian showed a bright smile, and his words immediately made He Sihan seem to see a ray of light in the darkness.

She immediately raised her head and looked at Qin Tian with expectant eyes.

Qin Tian saw what he wanted to see, and immediately smiled and said: "I have asked Uncle Tianhua to help grandma rebuild the house, and during this period, Uncle Tianhua's family will help take care of grandma."

"I asked them to quit their original jobs, and the monthly salary was paid from me. Uncle Tianhua went to see the progress of the house construction every day."

"Ms. Chunhua accompanies her grandma to take care of her every day. With Aunt Chunhua's company, grandma will never be lonely in her life, and you all know that Aunt Chunhua's family is very sincere. With them taking care of grandma, I miss you You must be able to rest assured."

"Little brother Qin, is what you said true?"

As soon as Qin Tian's words came out, He Sihan was completely stunned, her two little reddish hands were placed in the water basin, motionless.

"How could Brother Xiao Qin lie to you? Don't you believe that you will ask Sister Sinan later? Sister Sinan also knows about this matter. I will tell grandma about it later, and I believe grandma will agree."

These words of Qin Tian instantly made He Sihan's eyes glow with hope.

Because when He Sihan was studying at school on weekdays, their family often came to help take care of grandma.

The thing she is most worried about is grandma. If He Chunhua's family is taking care of grandma, she will put one hundred and twenty hearts at ease.

But then she thought that rebuilding the house and hiring He Chunhua's family would definitely cost a lot of money.

He Sihan asked cautiously: "Brother Qin, you must have spent a lot of money building the house and paying Uncle's salary, right?"

"Hey, you don't have to care about these things, kid."

In order not to burden He Sihan, Qin Tian joked with a smile while rubbing the bowls and chopsticks: "I want to marry your sister Si Nan, we will be a family soon, and the grandma of your two sisters is also my grandma , shouldn't I take care of you?"

"Besides, didn't you teach it in your textbooks? Money is something outside of your body. If you lose it, you can earn it back. But if you lose family affection, you really have nothing.

Qin Tian chatted expectantly: "So don't worry about these things, just study hard in the future, and you and I, Si Nan, will wait for you to support us in the future."

"Small, little brother Qin"

Tears started to appear in He Sihan's eyes, and he wiped his tears with his sleeve, sobbing with tears in his eyes, "You, you are such a good person"

Qin Tian was stunned for a moment, and for some reason he suddenly wanted to laugh: "Sihan, can you stop saying that brother Qin is a good person in the future?"

"Huh? Why."

The little girl's mood changed quickly, He Sihan's tears stopped abruptly, and she looked at Qin Tian curiously: "Brother Qin, you are really a good person."

"Well, okay, good people are good people."

Qin Tian smiled relieved, and didn't bother to explain anything.

He dried his hands and put the washed dishes into the cupboard, then squatted in front of He Sihan, wiped her tears with his hand, and asked expectantly.

"Then Sihan, after the new year, I'll drive back and pick you up to live in the city, okay? From now on, I'll live with brother Qin and sister Sinan."

He Sihan looked at the grandma and sister who were chatting at the door, and then at the smiling Qin Tian in front of him. After all, he nodded his head lightly and made a cute nasal sound that could not be detected.

"So cute!"

Qin Tian patted He Sihan's head, and a doting look flashed in his eyes.

But at this moment, He Sihan's eyes met Qin Tian.

Seeing little brother Qin wiping her tears, He Sihan shrank back a little embarrassed, but wanted Qin Tian to help her wipe her tears, and subconsciously pressed her head against Qin Tian's hand.

This simple and cute look is exactly the same as when Qin Tian first met He Sinan.

"I don't know that I will take advantage of that brat in the future."

Qin Tian couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, and then rubbed He Sihan's head: "Okay, it's okay, you should sort out your emotions first, and you will be living in the city soon, after the Chinese New Year, your side After the matter is settled, your sister and I will come to pick you up when the time comes."

Qin Tian's words successfully diverted He Sihan's thoughts. When he thought of going to live in the city, He Sihan was both apprehensive and excited.

Qin Tian walked out and came to the stove, beside grandma.

He Sinan quietly pulled Qin Tian over to ask how the situation was going.

Qin Tian patted He Sinan's palm lightly, and then glanced at the grandma beside him.

When He Sinan saw this, he knew that his sister's matter was over, and he couldn't help feeling happy in his heart.

Qin Tian also planned to tell grandma the whole thing.

He Sihan also came out of the kitchen at this time, came to his sister's side, and directly took his sister's arm.

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