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Chapter 240: They Will Definitely Like You

Qin Tian also took grandma's hand in front of everyone, and told grandma about his next plan and rebuilding the house.

When grandma heard it, she was lying if she didn't say she was scared.

At first, grandma naturally refused. After all, it would cost too much money to rebuild the house. I felt that I was already very old, so I didn't have to worry about it. Living in this house is very good.

But Qin Tian said, to build this house, on the one hand, it is for grandma, and on the other hand, it is to thank her.

As for gratitude, it is natural to give this house to He Chunhua's family, since relatives don't need to talk too much about etiquette anyway.

When grandma heard this, her heart softened immediately.

She didn't know that the reason why their family was able to rely on the three women to get to the present, if it weren't for the help of He Chunhua's family, they would have definitely lived a harder life than they do now.

There is nothing he can do to repay this kindness, Qin Tian gifting this house is indeed a great kindness.

"Grandma, you have to think about Sihan, she is most worried about you."

Qin Tian had no choice but to take out his trump card: "If you can't get a proper arrangement, it's impossible for Sihan to follow us to the city."

Sure enough, when grandma heard this sentence, she had to agree even if she disagreed.

Besides, she actually thought about it too.

Qin Tian will also become a family in the future, and he has divided them so clearly, but in fact, he feels sorry for Qin Tian's filial piety towards him.

Grandma finally let go and agreed to Qin Tian's arrangement.

Although He Sihan on the side is young, she is still very sensible. Seeing that grandma agreed, He Sihan put her arms around her arm and said with red eyes: "Grandma, even if I go to live in the city, I will come back often It's up to you."

What He Sihan said lay directly on his grandma's lap.

"I want it, I want it."

Grandma felt very warm when she heard it, and stretched out her hand to gently rub He Sihan's soft hair.

Grandma didn't say much, but she was still very reluctant in her heart.

He Sinan and He Sihan, the two granddaughters who grew up with him, are about to leave him, and they are still very sad in their hearts.

After all, these two children were brought up by themselves and never left their side.

He Sinan was at the side, seeing his grandma's kind look, and thinking about leaving his grandma again, his nose became sore again.

"It's okay, isn't it just a meeting, isn't it easy to handle this matter?"

Qin Tian saw the two sisters, He Sinan, looking like they were about to lose control again, so he stretched out his hand and held He Sinan directly, and said, "Let Uncle Tianhua get a computer in his home, and we can make video calls through QQ in the future, so we can see each other every day." .”

Qin Tian's words instantly awakened everyone.

"Yes, there is a penguin video, how could I forget about it?"

He Sinan suddenly opened his eyes, and broke into a smile in an instant: "Grandma, Brother Xiaoqin is right, from now on, my sister and I will chat with your penguin every day, so that we can see each other every day."

He Sihan immediately raised his head, tightly held grandma's hand, and said happily.

Grandma doesn't understand things like the Internet, and doesn't know what's going on with this QQ video.

But seeing her granddaughter smiling so happily, and saying that it is a good thing to be able to meet, she couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Even though we are far apart, it would be great if we could meet each other in other ways.

"Then you talk to grandma, and I will explain to Uncle Tianhua that he will build a computer today."

Qin Tian didn't want to disturb grandma and their warm scene, so he turned around and went out the door after speaking.

Grandma and He Sihan were still chatting in the room, and He Sinan also explained to his grandma what a QQ video was.



Qin Tian took a nice bath again, although taking a bath in Sichuan in winter does require a lot of courage.

But to Qin Tian, ​​it was like taking a bath in summer.

Besides, Qin Tian is used to taking a bath every day, and if he doesn't take a bath for a day, he feels uncomfortable all over his body.

After Qin Tian took a shower, he was still wiping his hair with a towel on his head. As soon as he opened the door, he saw He Sinan, who had already started to pack his luggage in the room.

After all, tomorrow is the appointed time, and he wants to take He Sinan back to his home to meet his parents.

Mountain City and Sichuan are not very far away, and it takes at most one day to drive there.

"Hey, you're so diligent, Sinan, do you want to see my parents so much?"

Qin Tian deliberately joked, walked into the room, hugged He Sinan who was busy, and sat on his lap.

"Well, I want to meet them."

He Sihan blushed and nodded sincerely.

His grandma has already let Qin Tian meet, so as long as he meets Qin Tian's parents again, then the two of them's affairs are almost settled.

"Then why worry, we don't have much luggage."

Qin Tian smiled disapprovingly, besides, they didn't bring much this time.

Most things are for grandma.

They have already been placed in her home, and there is not much left, so they can be packed and left after tidying up casually.

He Sinan's pretty face was slightly red, her hands were clenched tightly, and her two thumbs were circling around. One look at her appearance, she knew that this girl was very nervous now.

In fact, He Sinan wouldn't be nervous, this is going to meet Qin Tian's parents.

After all, she is a girl, so she is not careless like a big boy like Qin Tian.

I don't know what kind of character Qin Tian's parents are like?

I am stupid, and I don't know how to say those sweet words, and I don't know if I can please Qin Tian's parents.

If he behaved badly, would Qin Tian's parents hate him and not allow them to be together.

People, the more you think, the more chaotic you become.

He Sinan is in an extremely awkward mood right now. While worried, he is also a little nervous.

He was also secretly happy, after all, he and Qin Tian had finally reached the point where they could meet their parents.

"Brother Qin, I'd better tidy up first, then go to bed early, and I'll have the energy to meet your parents the day after tomorrow."

He Sinan stood up from Qin Tian, ​​seeing He Sinan's nervous look, Qin Tian couldn't bear to tease him any more, got up and helped He Sinan pack his suitcase.

After tidying up, the two turned off the lights and went to sleep.

In the dark night, He Sinan held Qin Tian in his arms but couldn't fall asleep peacefully, all the scenes of meeting Qin Tian's parents were rejected in his mind.

Qin Tian also felt that Keren in his arms had not slept, and understood that He Sinan was worried about meeting tomorrow.

Just when Qin Tian was about to ask, He Sinan took the lead and said, "Brother Qin, I'm so worried that when I see your parents the day after tomorrow, I will say the wrong thing."

Upon hearing this, Qin Tian hugged He Sinan tightly, kissed her lightly on the forehead, and jokingly said: "Don't worry, my parents are very nice, they will definitely like you."

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