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Chapter 241: You Made Me Nervous

"But brother Qin, after all, it's the first time we meet, I really don't know how to chat with your parents."

When He Sinan heard Qin Tian's words, his heart was still very uneasy, and he couldn't help holding Qin Tian's arm tightly with both hands: "Brother Qin, you also know my character, which is the kind that is difficult to follow. People can talk openly, but they are stupid and really worry about saying the wrong thing.”

Sweet talk, flattery, He Sinan is not good at it, and she is really worried that it will be difficult for her to please Qin Tian's parents. "

He Sinan chattered a lot on the bed, and Qin Tian also listened carefully to the little Hanhan in his arms telling his thoughts.

After waiting for a while, He Sinan stopped and continued talking.

"Oh, don't panic, don't you just meet your parents, you've made me nervous."

Qin Tian habitually stretched out his hand, scratched He Sinan's nose, and comforted him dumbfounded: "Anyway, you just treat them as ordinary people and get along with each other normally. I'm the one who lives with you, not my parents. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, if you are really afraid, then you will act according to my eyes."

These words from Qin Tian gave He Sinan, who was already nervous, great courage: "Brother Qin, don't lie to me!"

"Fool, how could I lie to you."

As Qin Tian said, he hugged He Sinan tightly, holding her thighs and wrapping her plump body in his arms, giving her a greater sense of security.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, it's getting late, we will arrive almost tomorrow morning, you don't want to see my parents with a pair of panda eyes?"

After Qin Tian's operation, He Sinan felt that he had the courage to face everything, his uneasy heart finally calmed down, and he stretched out his hands to hug Qin Tian.

The spirit of high tension and excitement suddenly had spiritual comfort, and after relaxing, sleepiness also struck.

After a while, He Sinan heard the sound of even breathing in Qin Tian's arms.

Looking at Keren who was already asleep in his arms, Qin Tian couldn't help but kissed He Sinan's cheek again.

In the silent night, Qin Tian and He Sinan hugged each other and slept.


the next day.

The sun rises and the rooster crows.

Qin Tian also woke up after listening to the crowing of the rooster.

Touching the pillow, he found that He Sinan's place was already icy cold, which shows how early that naive girl got up.

Immediately Qin Tian smelled a fragrance floating in the air, so he got up and walked outside the house.

I saw that the genius had just been lit at this time, and there was still a little bit of darkness around, but there was only one light on in the kitchen outside the house.

There were some movements from time to time, Qin Tian smiled and walked directly into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, He Sinan was cooking porridge wearing an apron, with some minced meat, some eggs, and some chopped sausages beside him.

While stirring the cooked porridge, she poured minced meat, eggs, and chopped sausage into the pot and stirred.

The bursts of fragrance also drifted away.

Qin Tian didn't bother He Sinan, but stood by the door by himself, looking at He Sinan who was busy.

It has to be said that He Sinan obviously dressed up carefully today.

Wearing a set of tight jeans and a black shapewear sweater, He Sinan's perfect figure was completely set off.

At this time, He Sinan, who was cooking porridge, just picked up the spoon and tasted the porridge after the porridge was finished.

It tasted good, and immediately showed a knowing smile.

But at this moment, a pair of warm big hands directly hugged He Sinan's waist from behind.

"Ah, Brother Qin, don't scare me!"

He Sinan was taken aback, turned his head and didn't realize it was Qin Tian.

"Why do you wake up so early?"

Qin Tian asked lazily.

"I'm leaving today. I'm a little bit reluctant to part with my sister and grandma, so I get up early and make breakfast for them."

He Sinan looked at the boiling meat porridge in the pot, a trace of reluctance and helplessness flashed between his brows.

When Qin Tian heard it, he also knew He Sinan's good intentions.

After all, I don't know how long it will take to meet again after leaving today, so it is understandable to do so.

"Then I'll add a few more dishes. I won't be able to sleep anyway. Come and help me."

Qin Tian let go of He Sinan, rolled up his sleeves and took out some ingredients in the refrigerator.

He Sinan was very happy. Compared with Qin Tian's cooking, there was no comparison at all.

Just like that, Qin Tian and He Sinan started to get busy.

At 6:30 in the morning, Qin Tian and the others finally finished the meal, and at this time, He Sihan walked out with the help of grandma.

"It smells so good, Brother Qin, aren't you leaving today? Why do you get up so early to cook!"

Qin Tian wiped his hands, saw grandma and He Sihan, so he smiled and said: "It's not your sister, she is leaving today, I don't know how long I have to wait to meet grandma."

"Isn't it because I miss you, so she got up early to make this breakfast on purpose, so Sihan hurriedly helped grandma come over and sit down."

After Qin Tian's words came out, grandma couldn't even close her mouth with a smile.

He Sinan also immediately became a bowl of delicious porridge for grandma, and everyone was talking and laughing at the dining table.

After dinner, it happened that Zhang Tianhua's family had already arrived outside the house.

"Qin Tian, ​​we're here to see you off."

As soon as Zhang Tianhua entered the room, he saw Qin Tian, ​​and He Sinan were carrying luggage in the room, so he walked up to greet him with a smile.

Qin Tian was carrying the suitcase, but he didn't expect that Zhang Tianhua's family would come to see him off. He was really touched in his heart: "Uncle Tianhua, you are really too polite."

Just after Qin Tian finished speaking, He Chunhua who was beside Zhang Tianhua took his suitcase, Qin Tian didn't refuse, and the suitcase wasn't very heavy.

"Look at what you said, everyone is a family, and you are going back, how can we not come to see you off."

He Chunhua smiled brightly, but his eyes fell on He Sinan who just came out of the room.


He Sinan was also carrying a suitcase in his hand. When he saw He Chunhua's family, he also knew that they were here to see him off, so he was also very happy to say hello.

"Oh, this is my family's Sinan. She even dressed up specially today. She's really pretty."

Seeing He Sinan dressed up beautifully today, He Chunhua couldn't help boasting that she is really beautiful.

He Sinan didn't know how to put on makeup until now, and he didn't even buy cosmetics. He still looks so radiant with just plain makeup, which is completely incomparable to those celebrities with heavy makeup. It can only be said that he is naturally beautiful.

"No way"

He Sinan was a little embarrassed by the praise, and hurried to the big g car with the suitcase.

"Okay, look at Sinan making him so shy, it's getting late now, and he has to hurry."

Zhang Tianhua helped Qin Tian drag the luggage and sent it directly to the car.

To be honest, although Zhang Tianhua and Qin Tian had known each other for only a few days, it was also during these few days that he had doubts about Qin Tian from the beginning, and now he is extremely satisfied.

There is simply a perfect transformation.

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