Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 27: Golden Treasure Chest: Bio-Enhancement Fluid

In the past few days, the workshop for soldering circuit boards, with Qin Tian joining in, has been able to keep up with the progress of the circuit board orders that were originally rushed.

Anyway, according to this speed, the demand for this order can definitely be completed before the end of the month.

Therefore, after the off-duty bell rang in the afternoon, the boss didn't let the employees continue to work overtime, and after paying everyone's salary, he let them go off work and rest.

There is no overtime work today, everyone's salary has become 200, and Qin Tian's salary is no longer wrapped in an envelope.

However, in order to keep this immortal employee, the boss gave Qin Tian two extra tickets, and once again emphasized the promotion and salary increase for Qin Tian.

"Xiao Qin, you will be the team leader of that workshop tomorrow. Work hard for me. If the efficiency of your workshop improves, I will give you some bonuses at the end of the year."

The boss patted Qin Tian's shoulder very optimistically, and after drawing a big pie for Qin Tian, ​​he left the workshop happily.

Qin Tian folded the 400 yuan and put it in his pocket without any disturbance, showing no interest in the position of team leader.

Just kidding, with the worker system in place, who cares about such insignificant things?

Even if Qin Tian was given the entire electronics factory, Qin Tian would not bother to operate it.

After the system sound sounded, Qin Tian smiled expectantly.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully clocking in the electronics factory for one day, please choose the reward you want. 】

Qin Tian originally wanted to choose the treasure chest of the economics department again. After all, buying a house, a car, and opening a store requires a lot of financial support.

But Qin Tian, ​​who had been tired for several days, suddenly looked at the treasure chest of the ability department.

[Ability Department: You can get a mysterious treasure chest of a random level, and the rewards are all related to the physical fitness of the host. 】

Qin Tian's work and rest are not very good these days, coupled with the long hours of work every day, Qin Tian's body is already a bit overloaded, and his arms and waist are always aching.

"Choose the ability department."

Qin Tian thought for a moment, and directly chose the treasure chest of the ability department.

Anyway, I can clear a treasure chest after a day of work, and I don’t need to wait for a while now. At worst, I will work in the electronics factory for a few more days and just clear a few more treasure chests from the economics department.

Qin Tian is also curious about what kind of things related to his body can be opened out of this ability-type treasure chest.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ability treasure chest! 】

[The level of the treasure chest is: Gold! 】

[May I ask if the host has opened: the mysterious golden treasure chest of ability? 】

"Gold level? I'll go, the system, you are finally an individual!"

Qin Tian thought that this series of treasure chests would start with plastic treasure chests again, but he didn't expect that the treasure chests this time spanned four levels.

That is to say, the first few times it was due to my own luck that I opened the lowest-level treasure chest.

In fact, as the system said, the level of the treasure chest selected each time is random, and it is also possible to get a diamond-level treasure chest directly!

"Open, open!"

Qin Tian has already begun to look forward to what kind of things can be opened in the gold-level treasure chest.

The first few low-level treasure chests can produce so many good things, so the things that this golden treasure chest can produce must be of a heaven-defying level.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully opening the golden treasure box of the mysterious ability system: obtaining biological enhancement fluid! 】

[Bio-augmentation potion: After drinking, all human organs of the host will undergo epic enhancements, and can be called the strongest human male in the world! 】

"This is what I want!"

Qin Tian cheered excitedly.

He gave up the treasure chest of the economics department and chose the ability department, in order to be able to open something that can strengthen his body.

As the sound of the system fell, a thumb-sized bottle of blue viscous liquid appeared in Qin Tian's hand.

Without thinking too much, Qin Tian unscrewed the fingernail-sized bottle cap and poured all the liquid inside into his mouth.

No taste, just a little sticky.

It took Qin Tian a long time to pour all the liquid in the bottle into his mouth.

The effect of bio-augmentation fluid is immediate and fast.

In just an instant, Qin Tian felt a warm current flowing all over his body, his whole body was as warm as taking a sauna.

Slowly, Qin Tian felt a slight tearing pain in the muscles all over his body, as if a new muscle granulation was burrowing out.

Especially in Qin Tian's waist that had just been aching, this feeling was the most obvious, as if he was undergoing bridge surgery.

Qin Tian also felt that his body shape was gradually changing, and the lines of various parts of his body were being reassembled.

Soon, this feeling of being rebuilt finally disappeared.

Qin Tian couldn't wait to come to the mirror at the door of the workshop, took off his shirt neatly, and admired his perfect body.

What was reflected in the mirror was a perfect man's body that was reborn and full of explosive beauty.

Qin Tian's current body does not have any excess fat, and his whole body is full of explosive, strong and strong wheat-colored muscles.

Some parts code names that represent the strength of a man's body: doggy waist, abdominal muscles, shark line, all of these can be pointed out one by one on Qin Tian.

Even the bat back, which is the most difficult to train in the fitness circle, is clearly visible on Qin Tian's back.

The explosive muscle lines on the back really look like a bat with wings spread.

Qin Tian's current body is really like the statue of Gu Xila, full of beauty, but also full of explosive power!

The exhaustion from a day's work also disappeared, and Qin Tian felt as if he had been injected with blood, full of vitality.

Qin Tian's figure is not like those muscular men in the gym, it looks extremely greasy.

As long as he puts on the clothes, Qin Tian is the same as usual, but looks a little bigger, giving people a more energetic feeling.

"By the way, are all organs strengthened? Then"

Qin Tian suddenly realized that he opened his crotch and looked down, he was stunned.

"Oh my god, there's something wrong with the booster fluid."

Qin Tian murmured in disbelief.

Under the baptism of the biological enhancement fluid, the little Qin Tian directly became the big Qin Tian.

"Well, maybe I can find a few rich women to eat softly now."

Qin Tian pressed his well-defined eight-pack abs, and couldn't help but joked.

If this kind of perfect male body is seen by some rich women in Jianghai City, Qin Tian will no longer have to work hard to make money.

Not to mention rich women and little girls, this kind of perfect body may even make men mad with envy when they see it.

ps: Deduct 1 to get the same biological medicine as the protagonist!

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