Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 28: You Have To Be Responsible To Me

"Brother Qin, is it tonight?"

Just as Qin Tian was admiring his rebuilt body, He Sinan poked his head cutely and walked in, just in time to see Qin Tian who was standing shirtless in front of the mirror, gesturing.

"Small, Brother Qin, why don't you wear clothes?"

He Sinan stared into a pair of shy eyes in surprise, then turned around in a panic, his face flushed.

She was new to the world, so she naturally couldn't appreciate the so-called good figure of a man, but she just felt embarrassed when she suddenly saw Qin Tian's shirtless appearance.

This is the so-called reserved heart of a girl, and most girls in this era are like this.

"It's so hot today, there's only one ceiling fan in the workshop, and I took it off when I couldn't bear it."

Qin Tian began to put on his clothes carelessly, and found that He Sinan's back was still facing him, his fair side face was dyed with a blush, which looked unbelievably cute.

So, Qin Tian was so playful, he quickly walked in front of He Sinan, tilted his head to look at her hot red face, and threatened seriously.

"I'm talking about Si Nan, I'm an old lady, you just finished looking at my body, and you will be responsible in the future."


He Sinan raised his head to look at Qin Tian, ​​blinked his clear and moving peach blossom eyes, then nodded sincerely, and replied with a thousand thoughts: "I will take responsibility."

"Isn't this too silly?"

Qin Tian smiled angrily, never thought that such a vulgar method would work against He Sinan, the treasure girl is already hopelessly stupid.

Qin Tian was so confused by He Sinan's unexpected answer that he didn't know what to say for a while, so he just looked down at He Sinan's ruddy and delicate face, and couldn't help being fascinated.

He Sinan has a loli face that makes countless men cheer.

This white and soft delicate face, fluffy skin, clear and bright peach blossom eyes, small and delicate nose, and cherry lips as thin as wings, coupled with her turbulent and proud figure.

The word Tongyanjuru is the most suitable word to describe her.

What's more, He Sinan's shy and introverted demeanor and tone of being always aggrieved, like a little princess on the run, can inspire countless men's desire to protect and conquer.

Every time Qin Tian sees He Sinan's charming appearance, he can't wait to pull her into his arms fiercely, pinching her wantonly.

"Damn, it's so cute~"

Qin Tian couldn't hold back anymore, he lowered his head and gnawed at He Sinan's soft face, and even groaned a little bit hard.

When it was released, there was a bang, leaving some saliva and clearly visible teeth marks on her face.

"Little Brother Qin"

He Sinan gave Qin Tian a resentful look with an aggrieved expression, but didn't feel disgusted, and shyly wiped the drool off his face with his sleeve.

"Hey, why don't you bite me too?"

Qin Tian leaned in front of He Sinan, blinking his eyes expectantly.

He Sinan raised his head and glanced at Qin Tian, ​​after all he was too embarrassed to make such a shameful move.

She just stretched out her hand and touched Qin Tian's face lightly, and quickly retracted it.

"You are such a fool."

Qin Tian pampered He Sinan's little white upturned nose.

"Don't call me stupid"

He Sinan pouted her lips in concern, and didn't like when Qin Tian said she was stupid or a melon.

"Hahaha, not stupid, not stupid."

Qin Tian smiled contentedly, and then added earnestly: "Go back to the dormitory first and bring your ID card. China World Mall is a relatively important place in Jianghai City, and you won't be allowed to enter without an ID card."

With a whole day off tomorrow, it is impossible for Qin Tian and He Sinan to go sightseeing all day, that would be so boring!

Qin Tian still upholds a famous saying: the relationship is confirmed only when you catch up with him, and only when you get to bed, is it truly your own!

With such a great opportunity, Qin Tian must not let the treasure girl go, it's time to make her his own!

He Sinan didn't realize that he had fallen into Qin Tian's trap at all, instead he nodded seriously and ran back to the girls' dormitory to get his ID card.

After waiting downstairs in the girls' dormitory, He Sinan finally came running with small steps, his chest still shaking.

This is still a picture of Brother Zhao who is several years younger, Qin Tian dare not imagine how spectacular this scene would be without Brother Zhao's help!

"Brother Qin, here is my ID card."

He Sinan handed the ID card to Qin Tian without hesitation, some beads of sweat were stained on his white forehead, and his breathing was a little short.

With her proud figure, she is really not good at running.

"Fool, why are you running so fast?"

He Sinan reached out to wipe the sweat from He Sinan's forehead, took her ID card and looked at it.

A treasure girl is a treasure girl, and she is so pretty even on her ID card.


Qin Tian looked at He Sinan's date of birth abruptly, and found that in a few days it would be the birthday of this Sichuan-Chongqing girl.

Qin Tian kept it silently in his heart, planning to give He Sinan a big surprise on her birthday.

"Then let's go."

Holding He Sinan's soft and boneless little hand, she walked outside the electronics factory.

Qin Tian had helped He Sinan ask for leave from the boss the day before yesterday, so naturally he didn't need to go to the workshop supervisor for approval.

There is a whole day of vacation tomorrow, Qin Tian plans to take He Sinan to China World Mall for a stroll, and buy some nice clothes for her by the way.

He Sinan is good at everything, but the clothes are too old-fashioned. If you don't look at the face and figure, you are completely a village girl from the deep mountains.

And He Sinan's unsuitable brother Zhao, Qin Tian also planned to buy her a suitable size.

He Sinan's figure is too good, if he continues to bring the inappropriate Brother Zhao, Qin Tian is really worried that it will cause some physical problems.

The two took a taxi on the street and went straight to the China World Mall in Jianghai City.

The taxi quickly drove out of the suburbs and sped along the asphalt road.

It takes more than an hour to travel from the electronics factory to Jianghai City.

After chatting with He Sinan for a while, Qin Tian went to chat with the driver again.

He Sinan doesn't have a TV or a mobile phone at home, and he doesn't have relatives and friends working hard in the bustling city, so he has almost cut off all information from the outside world.

She was next to her like a curious baby, leaning to the car window, looking curiously and longingly at the increasingly bustling buildings outside.

Towering buildings, feasting streets, all kinds of cool cars

These modern things are very attractive to He Sinan who has lived in the countryside for more than ten years.

Soon, the taxi stopped firmly in the underground parking lot on the first floor of China World Mall.

After Qin Tian paid the fare, he took He Sinan's little hand and went to take the elevator.

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