Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 29: The Heartbreaking Treasure Girl

The development of Jianghai City is very exaggerated. There are modern industrial facilities everywhere around the China World Mall. It doesn't look like it is 2008, when it is moving towards a big era.

The two entered the elevator, Qin Tian reached out and pressed the button for the first floor, and the elevator began to slowly ascend.

He Sinan had never taken an elevator before, and the sudden sense of weightlessness scared her into hugging Qin Tian, ​​her terrified peach eyes were filled with a strong sense of dependence.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Qin Tian patted He Sinan's little hand, feeling a little distressed in his heart.

God gave He Sinan an unparalleled appearance and figure, but it made her life shattered, and all the important responsibilities in the family had to be borne by a weak girl.

She is like a solitary boat drifting in the rough sea, which may be overturned by sudden waves at any time.

The reason why Qin Tian was able to catch up with He Sinan so quickly was that she really needed a safe haven to rely on.

As soon as the two got out of the elevator and came to the first floor of China World Mall, He Sinan shrank behind Qin Tian in fear of the crowded square outside.

It's past nine o'clock in the evening, and the square of China World Mall is full of social animals who just got off work, couples who came to shop, and many foreigners who came to travel.

Under the Pearl Tower, the most famous building in Jianghai City, there were also dense crowds of passers-by, all of whom were snapping pictures with their cameras.

In 2008, Jianghai City was not so strict, and the crowded square was already filled with vendors of all kinds of snacks and gadgets.

"Are you hungry?"

Qin Tian turned his head and asked, holding He Sinan's palm tightly, giving her enough sense of security.

"Not yet, not yet."

He Sinan shook his head lightly.

"Then go buy clothes for you first, and we'll take a stroll after dinner."

"Okay? Buy it for me?"

He Sinan looked surprised.

Qin Tian smiled, and didn't bother to explain too much to this silly girl, so he took her little hand and entered the China World Mall.

The China World Mall is even more overcrowded, and there are passers-by in bright clothes everywhere.

It's summer now, especially the girls, who are dressed so boldly and exquisitely, Qin Tian sees it, and has some doubts whether he is wearing it or not.

Under Qin Tian's protection, He Sinan gradually became less frightened, and slowly began to appreciate these prosperous environments that he had never seen in the depths of the mountains.

Resplendent clothing stores, long black escalators, and various high-tech electronic projection advertisements gradually fill the longing heart of this treasure girl from a remote mountainous area for a big city.

But she still didn't dare to take half a step away from Qin Tian, ​​instead she held Qin Tian's hand tightly, for fear that she would get lost with Qin Tian in the crowd by accident.

Soon, Qin Tian found a clothing store specializing in women's clothing.

Qin Tian glanced at the door, and saw that there were really nice clothes inside, and walked in holding He Sinan's hand.

This clothing store is quite large, selling all kinds of women's clothing, even underwear.

The sales lady of the clothing store saw that there was a business coming, she hurriedly stepped on her high heels and ran up to Qin Tian, ​​and said enthusiastically, "Handsome guy, do you want to buy clothes for your girlfriend?"

"Well, look."

Qin Tian nodded, and led He Sinan to stroll around the clothing store.

He Sinan who entered the clothing store was like a kid in kindergarten for the first time, closely following Qin Tian in fear and uneasiness.

She felt that she was not worthy of appearing in such a luxurious place with her old-fashioned attire.

"Don't be nervous."

Qin Tian rubbed He Sinan's little hand and comforted him, "See if there are any clothes you like."

He Sinan didn't dare to look at the bright clothes around her, because she knew that the clothes here must be very expensive.

She didn't want to waste Qin Tian's money for no reason, so she begged pitifully: "Brother Qin, the clothes I brought are enough, let's go back."

Regarding this, Qin Tian didn't intend to ask He Sinan's opinion anymore, he turned his head and looked at the sales lady behind him, pointed to the dress worn by the model at the door and asked, "Is that dress of yours still in stock?"

Qin Tian was attracted by this white dress at the door just now, He Sinan has such a good figure, she must be very beautiful in this dress.

"Yes, yes!"

The sales lady nodded again and again, and happily introduced: "That's a special summer chiffon skirt launched by our store. Your girlfriend is so pretty, she must look beautiful in it!"

"Then try it."

"Okay, handsome boy, wait a moment!"

The sales lady happily ran to check the inventory.

Taking advantage of this gap, Qin Tian took He Sinan to the shoe section again, pointed to the dazzling array of ladies' shoes on the shoe cabinet, and asked tentatively, "See if you like any of them?"

He Sinan knew that it was useless for him to refuse, so he quickly glanced at the shoe cabinet, pointed to a pair of the most common and cheapest casual shoes and said, "Brother Qin, this one is fine."

"Tsk, what kind of eyes, it's so ugly."

Qin Tian complained in disgust, and then his eyes fell on a pair of black leather boots: "I think these match your skirt."

"Small, Brother Qin, I don't like these, just the pair just now."

He Sinan was startled by the price of the pair of leather boots, and quickly grabbed Qin Tian's hand and refused.

"Hey, as long as I like it."

Qin Tian knew what He Sinan was thinking, and directly led her to sit on the cushion of the sofa where the shoes were changed.

Then Qin Tian called another sales lady, took out the pair of small leather boots and handed them to He Sinan.

"Come on, put on the shoes first, and then change the skirt when the skirt is brought over."

"Little Brother Qin"

He Sinan looked at Qin Tian aggrievedly, and really couldn't bear to waste Qin Tian's money, buying such expensive shoes, more than 300 yuan was enough for her to buy many pairs of small cloth shoes.

"Then let me change it for you."

Qin Tian squatted next to He Sinan, about to help her untie her shoelaces.

"I, I'll just change it."

He Sinan panicked and held Qin Tian's hand, tears were rolling in his eyes, he looked so wronged.

Qin Tian smiled helplessly, obviously he was buying clothes for her, but he acted as if he was harming her.

After He Sinan changed into his leather boots, the sales lady from before also came over with a chiffon skirt.

After handing the skirt to He Sinan, he signaled her to go to the dressing room to change.

"Little, Brother Qin."

He Sinan nervously shook Qin Tian's hand again, she had never been to the dressing room, so she didn't know what the next procedure would be.

"It's okay, just go to that small room to change clothes, and then you can come out after changing."

Qin Tian pointed to the dressing room in front and said, "Don't worry, I'll wait for you right here."

After He Sinan glanced at Qin Tian anxiously, he held the skirt as if he had found a treasure, walked towards the dressing room with nervous steps, and looked back from time to time to see if Qin Tian was there.

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