Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Thirty-Six: He Sinan, Who Is Not Very Athletic

Qin Tian supported He Sinan's slender waist, and after helping her do squats for more than half an hour, she slumped on the bed like a puddle of soft mud.

It's not that He Sinan's athletic talent is not good, on the contrary, He Sinan often does farm work at home, and his strength is much stronger than that of ordinary girls.

It's just that Qin Tian's body is simply too strong now, as if he doesn't feel tired at all.

Even when Qin Tian was the one who took the initiative to help He Sinan squat, he didn't feel the slightest sense of fatigue.

At six o'clock in the evening, after the two of them took a shower together, He Sinan stood obediently in front of the mirror wearing yesterday's white dress and leather boots, and Qin Tian helped her blow-dry her hair.

He Sinan, wearing a skirt and leather boots without frivolous attire, really looks like a delicate princess in terms of appearance and temperament.

"Sinan, do you still remember your grandma's cell phone number?"

Qin Tian asked abruptly.

"My grandma doesn't have a cell phone."

He Sinan shook his head disappointedly: "I only know the landline number of the small shop at the entrance of the village. When I miss them, I will find the phone booth and call back."

"That's it."

Qin Tian sighed helplessly.

This is the people at the bottom of the society in this era. Not to mention working in a foreign country across the ocean, the loved ones who are missing at home have no way to contact them.

If something happens at home, it is undoubtedly the worst thing to be unable to contact the migrant workers for a while.

"Okay, my hair is blown dry."

Qin Tian put down the hair dryer, and with a bang, took a bite of He Sinan's smooth face: "Go, let's eat."


He Sinan responded with a pretty blushing face, and hurriedly followed Qin Tian out of the room with strange steps.

After taking He Sinan to eat at the Hunan restaurant in China World Mall, Qin Tian took He Sinan to the mobile phone store in China World Mall.

After entering the mobile phone shop, He Sinan kept staring at the back of Qin Tian's head restlessly, always feeling that Qin Tian was going to waste money on himself again.

Although He Sinan already believed that Qin Tian was her man, she never wanted Qin Tian to waste money on her.

This not only includes frugality developed from childhood, but also planning for future life.

Qin Tian didn't pay attention to He Sinan's embarrassed little expression, and looked at the dazzling array of mobile phones on the counter.

Most of the mobile phones in 2008 were semi-smart clamshell phones, and the network speed was at most 2-3G. If you want to upgrade to 3G, you have to go to the business hall to upgrade.

In addition to the functions of answering calls and text messages, the biggest function of mobile phones in this era is that there is a browser that comes with the mobile phone that can be used to check things.

The entertainment functions of the mobile phone are also very few. Except for the multimedia functions for watching videos and listening to music and the small games that come with the mobile phone, there is no software that can be used for entertainment.

Most people who buy mobile phones basically use them for office work.

Of course, if you have money, you can also use data to play those paid games, but those are things that ordinary families dare not touch at all.

Back then, Qin Tian used his father's mobile phone to play small data games for several hours, and Qin Tian finished it before recharging for a few days.

After being discovered by his father, Qin Tian was beaten terribly.

"Handsome, do you want to buy a mobile phone?"

After seeing the two, a hostess lady couldn't wait to come over and introduce: "We have a lot of mobile phone brands here, such as Motorola and Ericsson, all of which are regular manufacturers, and there is also a new model launched by Shanxing Company recently. Do you want to know more about it?" ?”

"I don't need the grenade, I want to live a few more years."

Qin Tian interrupted Miss Manners' endless stream of business talk, and asked straightforwardly: "Do you have Nokia?"

The Nokia mobile phone was a product that swept the country in 2008.

This mobile phone has low radiation, is very practical, supports a lot of software, looks beautiful, and is cheap.

The most important thing is that this phone has a very long lifespan. It is like a brick. It is so hard that it can even be used as a self-defense prop in your hand.

In this era in China, a very large number of people choose Nokia as their mobile phone.

Now that there are not many mobile phone brands to choose from, Qin Tian can only choose this model.


When the hostess heard Qin Tian's determined tone, she couldn't wait to bring Qin Tian to the Nokia counter, and took out the latest model of Nokia and handed it to Qin Tian.

"This mobile phone is Nokia's latest 7610s. It adopts a convenient slider design and a very light body. It will not feel cumbersome whether it is held in the hand or in the pocket. The phone is also equipped with a simple and easy-to-use With a well-understood interface and sensitive response speed, it is easy for ordinary users to get started."

Qin Tian played with the model for a while, then asked casually: "How much?"

"Here, this is the latest model from Nokia. The official price is set at 3850. Our store is doing an event recently, and it only sells for 3500!"

"three thousand five"

He Sinan's surprised cherry lips opened and closed, and the strength of his hand holding Qin Tian subconsciously became stronger.

He Sinan has always known that mobile phones are very expensive, but this one is too expensive, it is equivalent to two months before she can buy it in an electronics factory without eating or drinking.

Surprised, He Sinan silently breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Qin Tian would not spend money to buy such a valuable thing for himself.

Even if you want to buy it, it should be that brother Qin wants to use the mobile phone to do things.

But at this moment, Qin Tian turned his head and smiled at He Sinan abruptly, "Which color do you like?"


He Sinan looked at Qin Tian in shock, and didn't recover for a while.

She didn't expect that Qin Tian really brought her to buy a mobile phone, and he still bought such an expensive mobile phone.

"Brother Qin, I don't want to"

"Female, lady's words!"

Seeing that He Sinan was about to refuse, Miss Manners reacted very quickly and said, "I recommend the pink one!"

Hearing this, Miss Etiquette quickly took out a pink Nokia model and handed it to He Sinan: "This one is specially made for female users. Miss, you are so beautiful, so this color is the most suitable."

Looking at the pink mobile phone model in his hand, He Sinan couldn't put it down and touched it a few times.

She really likes this color, and she really wants a mobile phone, so that she can call the small shop at the entrance of the village anytime, anywhere to learn about the situation of her grandma and sister.

But thinking that this mobile phone would cost 3,500 yuan, He Sinan hurriedly returned the model to the hostess, shaking her head vigorously: "I, I don't like this color."

The hostess was taken aback for a moment, and then said quickly: "We have other colors for you to choose from, do you want to stop looking?"

"No, I want this color."

After Qin Tian finished speaking, he added: "Is there a black one? Get me another black one."

The hostess was stunned for a while, and then she nodded happily and responded: "Yes, yes, sir, wait a moment, I will help you get it right away!"

Miss Manners bouncing away, after all, this is the commission of the two mobile phones!

"Brother Qin, can you change to a cheaper one?"

He Sinan took Qin Tian's arm and shook it gently, pointing at a 100 yuan mobile phone for the elderly, with a pleading look on his delicate face.

She really didn't want to accept such an expensive gift.

This was 3,500 yuan. He Sinan, who was from a poor family, had to pay for her grandmother's prescriptions and her younger sister's school fees. He had never seen how much 3,500 yuan was put together in this life.

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