Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Thirty-Seven: See How You Keep Looking Down At The Ground

Other customers in the store saw the dramatic scene between the two of them, and subconsciously thought it was the girl begging the boy for help to buy a mobile phone.

Qin Tian rubbed He Sinan's hair, and asked softly: "Do you want to be able to contact grandma and sister every day?"

He Sinan hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

"That's right, with a mobile phone, you can know what's going on at home every day in the future."

Qin Tian said seriously again: "Think about it, you don't have a mobile phone, your grandma is so old, and your sister is still in junior high school, what if something happens to them and they can't notify you immediately?"

He Sinan listened, and a frightened expression suddenly appeared on his delicate face.

He Sinan, an introverted and humble girl, left her hometown and came to work in Jianghai City alone, in order to give them a better life. She wanted to support this fragmented family.

Her younger sister and grandma are her only relatives in the world, and He Sinan doesn't want any accidents to happen to them in her hometown.

"And, do you still think I'm your boyfriend?"

Qin Tian asked with a bluffing face: "What other people's boyfriends buy, girlfriends want it, but you refuse everything I buy, don't you want to be friends with me?"

"No, it's not, Brother Qin, I don't want to be friends with you."

Seeing that Qin Tian seemed to be angry, He Sinan hurriedly explained in a panic, and the dialect couldn't help bursting out: "You are a good person, I like you very much, I want to be friends with you, don't be angry, okay, I I know I was wrong."

He Sinan didn't have time to be shy, and nervously said a series of love words, for fear that Qin Tian would dislike her.

Hearing He Sinan's nervous confession, other customers in the mobile phone shop cast curious glances at her.

He Sinan was still a little concerned about whether Qin Tian was angry, but after seeing the innocent smile on Qin Tian's face and the curious looks from the other guests.

He Sinan's pretty face turned red, and she immediately lowered her head, looking at the toes of her little leather boots.

"Huh? What did I say before? You're disobedient again."

Qin Tian reminded with a questioning tone.

He Sinan suddenly realized that he raised his head, and asked cautiously and flatteringly: "I won't bow my head anymore, Brother Qin, don't be angry."

Qin Tian continued to ask with an uneasy look, "Can you still buy the mobile phone?"

He Sinan nodded quickly: "I can buy it, I can buy it, it's all up to you."

Qin Tian didn't continue to scare her anymore, he pinched her face and comforted her: "I know you are worried about me spending money recklessly, I know my financial situation, just don't worry about money anymore, okay?" ?”

"Well, I see."

He Sinan didn't ask for too much information, she just wanted Qin Tian not to be angry with her again.

But no matter how innocent He Sinan was, she also knew the information that Qin Tian revealed just now, that is, brother Qin is very rich!

Soon, the mobile phones of the two were successfully activated. After paying the money, Qin Tian took He Sinan out of the mobile phone shop and continued to visit China World Mall.

Anyway, it was already dark, and it would not be too late to go back tomorrow morning.

Qin Tian took He Sinan to buy a lot of food and gadgets that girls like in China World Mall, and asked her to take them back to those roommates.

Qin Tian is about to start a business by himself, and He Sinan's roommates can call for help, and if the work efficiency is good, they can also stay and go to work directly.

Of course, there is Brother Zhao that fits He Sinan's size, and Qin Tian also helped to buy it.

Qin Tian has always remembered this potential safety hazard. He Sinan is now wearing a size 80, and he still feels overwhelmed.

95 yards is really too little.

Qin Tian took He Sinan around China World Mall for a long time, and finally bought a size 95 that fit her proud figure at a large underwear store.

At that time, the sales lady did not believe that He Sinan had such an exaggerated figure.

After He Sinan replaced Brother Zhao and came out of the dressing room, all the sales girls in the underwear store were silent with that convincing figure.

With the help of a suitable brother Zhao to restrain him, He Sinan's perfect and proud figure is completely revealed, it is simply a big killer for men and women to cry.

"See how you keep looking down at the ground in the future!"

In the elevator, Qin Tian looked at He Sinan, who was a head shorter beside him, with a level of 95 that had no tendency to sag, and snorted proudly, and put even more force on his arms around He Sinan's slender waist.

Back in the hotel room, after the two of them took a shower, Qin Tian lay on the bed with He Sinan in his arms and began to teach her how to use the mobile phone.

He Sinan is very smart, and there is nothing difficult about a semi-smart phone, she quickly mastered it easily.

"Small, brother Qin, can I call my grandma? I want to ask about the situation at home. "

He Sinan turned her head to look at Qin Tian behind her, held up the pink mobile phone, and asked tentatively, she still couldn't believe that this mobile phone belonged to her.

"Han'er, you can call on your mobile phone whenever you want, and ask me what I do."

Qin Tian was playing the small game of Sokoban that came with his mobile phone, and absently patted He Sinan's small buttocks with a little force.

Even through the bathrobe, it still feels good.

Anyway, I have done sports, and the relationship has been confirmed.

Such small actions between men and women can also increase the relationship between each other.

"Brother Qin, you are bad"

With a red face, He Sinan gave Qin Tian a resentful look.

Although she had completely handed herself over to Qin Tian, ​​she still couldn't accept this embarrassing gesture because of her relatively introverted personality.

He Sinan rubbed the place Qin Tian had photographed, picked up the phone with a blushing face, followed the method Qin Tian taught, and carefully pressed the number keys on it, for fear of breaking the keys.

After a beep sounded, He Sinan gently pressed the phone to his ear.

"Hello, is that one?"

An uncle from Sichuan and Chongqing answered the phone.

"Uncle Li, I'm He Sinan, I want to call He Sihan at number 145."

"Oh, I see, wait a minute!"

The development of the village in this era is relatively backward. People who don’t have a phone in the village choose a fixed landline if they want to call their relatives who are working outside.

As long as someone calls, the person in charge of managing the landline will come to the door and call him to answer according to the name mentioned by the caller.

It may seem like a hassle, but it's the only way for poor relatives to connect with each other in this day and age.

After waiting for a few minutes, Qin Tian behind He Sinan could hear the sound of quick footsteps on the other end of the phone, followed by a sweet female voice: "Hello, Miss Sinan!"

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