Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Thirty-Eight: Good Night, My Treasure Girl

"Si Han"

He Sinan's voice choked up when he heard the voice of his long-lost sister.

Although she has only left her hometown for half a month, the feeling of being separated from her relatives is very uncomfortable.

This is how most migrant workers miss their hometown in this era.

He Sinan chatted with his younger sister about family matters, such as how grandma was doing, whether she went to the town to get medicine on time, whether her younger sister's grades were good recently, and so on.

His younger sister, He Sihan, also told her about the family affairs one by one. He Sinan gradually felt relieved, but his voice became more and more choked up.

He Sinan didn't take the initiative to talk about her situation. Her character is to report good news but not bad news, and she doesn't want her sister and grandma to worry.

The younger sister just entered the first grade of junior high school, and she didn't ask He Sinan how she was doing, she just kept saying that she missed her, and asked when He Sinan would go back.

"Chinese New Year, my sister will come back during the Chinese New Year."

He Sinan wiped away his tears, and wept with joy: "You have to be good, listen to grandma, take good care of grandma, study hard, and be a useful person in the future."

After chatting about homework again, He Sinan was worried that long-distance calls would be too expensive, so he hung up the phone reluctantly.

"Okay, don't cry."

Qin Tian stretched out his hand to hold He Sinan in his arms, wiped the tears sliding down her cheeks, and comforted softly: "Isn't everything at home all right, just go back and have a look during the Chinese New Year."


With tears still in his peach eyes, He Sinan leaned against Qin Tian's arms and nodded heavily: "Brother Qin, thank you, you are really a good person."

"Ok, I know."

Qin Tian lovingly rubbed He Sinan's head, and comforted him: "Go to sleep, go back to the factory early tomorrow, after the Chinese New Year, I will take you back to see them."


He Sinan responded with a cry, and even burrowed into Qin Tian's arms.

It's almost 11 o'clock now, He Sinan was extremely tired during the day, and she cried again just now, exhausted both physically and mentally, she soon fell asleep in Qin Tian's arms.

He Sinan who was asleep was still sobbing secretly, but she must have had some kind of sweet dream, she had a happy and sweet smile on her sleeping face, and murmured a few indistinct dreams from time to time.

Qin Tian watched quietly from the side, feeling extremely grateful that he met this kind-hearted treasure girl, and managed to catch her up and take her as his own.

He Sinan's introverted and humble character, if he meets someone who is not kind, he will definitely end up very miserable, this is definitely not a joke.

Since ancient times, confidante have always been unlucky, He Sinan is too beautiful, and also has a cowardly and introverted personality who listens to the wind and rain.

If He Sinan hadn't met Qin Tian, ​​then in a hundred futures, her tragic and depraved fate would account for at least 80% of the future.

The best ending is to be bewitched by scumbags one after another, and after being kicked away by scumbags playing with emotions and bodies, there is a high probability that they will find an honest man to marry and have children.

There are too many words about the worst ending, Qin Tian dare not think about it.

He Sinan, who has no intentions, trusts other people too easily. She meets people who are not good, and in this society where good and bad people are mixed, any tragic thing may happen.

Because of this, Qin Tian couldn't help sighing that he was lucky to catch up with He Sinan one step earlier.

"Little Brother Qin"

He Sinan was talking in his sleep again, his long eyelashes trembling slightly, his sleepy face looked a little nervous.

After subconsciously holding Qin Tian's wrist, the nervousness on her face disappeared, replaced by a look of dependence and satisfaction.

The moonlight refracted in from the window, covering her delicate and pretty face with a layer of light white moonlight, giving it a hazy beauty.

He Sinan slept wearing a bathrobe, because he was lying on his side next to Qin Tian, ​​and the waves in the bathrobe could be seen by Qin Tian beside him.

Qin Tian just shook his head and smiled gratifiedly, he didn't make too many movements, he didn't want to spoil the beautiful atmosphere.

"Good night, my treasure girl!"

Qin Tian gently kissed He Sinan's slightly moist cherry lips, then hugged her plump body into his arms, and fell asleep comfortably.

Early the next morning, before dawn, Qin Tian and He Sinan took a taxi back to the electronics factory.

Qin Tian didn't accompany He Sinan back to the girls' dormitory, but went back to the boys' dormitory first to take away his pile of junk, and came to the small town outside the electronics factory, intending to rent a house here temporarily.

At present, Qin Tian can't find any suitable jobs. Qin Tian plans to work in the electronics factory for a few more days, collect a few treasure chests in the economics department, and then start to manage his own shop in China World Mall.

The living environment in the boys' dormitory is too exaggerated, and Qin Tian is too lazy to live by it.

Find a house to live outside, live a sweet cohabitation life with Xiangxiang's treasure girl every day, isn't he sweet?

Anyway, Qin Tian is not short of money now, and he doesn't care about the rent of several hundred yuan.

In the girls' dormitory, He Sinan had already returned to the dormitory with big bags and small bags.

A few roommates just woke up and were brushing their teeth and taking a shower.

Chen Rou, whose bed was near the door, saw He Sinan, who was wearing a white dress and had an exaggerated figure, and almost didn't recognize him: "Si Sinan?"


He Sinan responded with some embarrassment.

The other two roommates also cast shocked glances at He Sinan, especially He Sinan's exaggerated 95, which made the three roommates silent.

Is this sister always hiding so deeply? !

It's okay to be pretty, but with such a good figure, can you still be friends happily?


He Sinan couldn't stand the feeling of being watched, lifted his handbag, and smiled at everyone: "Brother Qin bought some gifts for everyone."

On the other side, Qin Tian was looking for a house in a small town.

Houses in this era are easy to find. There are small advertisements for renting houses everywhere in the town, and the rent is very cheap.

Qin Tian found an apartment in a community that was closer to the electronics factory.

After visiting the two-bedroom and one-living house, Qin Tian signed the contract with the landlord and paid the rent without hesitation. He left his rags in the room, left the community and took a taxi to the electronics factory.

Qin Tian and He Sinan came back earlier, after finishing these things, it was exactly seven o'clock, which happened to be the working time.

Looking at the scattered migrant workers outside the electronics factory, Qin Tian stretched vigorously.

Migrant workers, the soul of migrant workers, and migrant workers are all masters!

It's a good day for a worker, and it's starting again!

At this moment, Qin Tian's back was lightly patted.

Qin Tian turned around, only to find that it was Heipi's bad sister, Chen Qianqian, who was bending over slightly, and smiled brightly at him: "Good morning, little brother!"

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