Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 44: Conserving Water Is Everyone's Responsibility

Qin Tian poured out all the real estate certificates in the iron box and counted them. There are a total of 186 real estate certificates, that is, 186 houses, which are still in the school district of Jianghai City!


At this moment, Qin Tian's cell phone rang suddenly, it was a strange call.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Hello, Mr. Qin, I'm the project manager of Yulongwan Community Property."

There was a man on the other end of the phone, with a very respectful and loud voice: "Yulongwan community will be completed soon, may I ask if you are free to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony of Yulongwan community acceptance on the 14th of this month?"

Qin Tian thought for a moment, then directly refused: "No need, I don't have time to come over that day."

Yulongwan Community is one of the most expensive residential areas in Jianghai City, and it is close to the school district of the most famous university in Jianghai City. There must have been many media reporters interviewing the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Although the system said, all the information about Qin Tian in the Yulongwan community is legal, and there is no doubt about any information.

But Qin Tian still doesn't like to show his face in public, wouldn't it be nice to be a rent-collector with peace of mind behind the scenes?

"Good Mr. Qin."

The project manager complimented again expectantly: "Then, Mr. Qin, there are already more than ten thousand customers wanting to book a house in Yulongwan Community. May I ask when you plan to rent or sell your house?"

When Yulongwan community was developed, it was already targeted by thousands of clients and real estate companies.

Now that the Yulongwan community has been completed, these clients who have been eyeing it for half a year naturally want to quickly grab the houses in this community.

Of course, Qin Tian is a person who traveled back in 22 years, so he would not be so stupid as to sell the house.

Just kidding, even if the house in Yulongwan Community is 50,000 square meters, if you sell a few sets of Qin Tian casually, you can live a lifetime of nourishment.

But Qin Tian knows how terrible the housing prices in Yulongwan Community will be in the future, and Qin Tian is not short of money now, so a fool would sell these houses at the current cabbage price.

"I've been busy in the factory these two days, so I'll come over when I'm free."

"Okay, Mr. Qin, I wish you a happy life, goodbye."

"It seems that we have to find someone to collect the rent in the future."

Qin Tian looked at a box full of real estate certificates and muttered thoughtfully.

The best way to make a profit now is to rent out all the houses in Yulongwan Community, and then sell the houses after a few years when the house prices rise.

Qin Tian doesn't have to worry about no one buying the house, after all, it is a school district house in a first-tier city, no matter how expensive it is, there are still people willing to pay for it.

"Brother Qin, the bed is ready."

He Sinan's soft voice came from behind.

"Well, it's been hard work."

Qin Tian held the iron box containing the real estate certificate with one hand, and stretched out his hand to pinch He Sinan's sweaty cheek.

"Huh? Why are you sweating so much?"

Didn't you turn on the air conditioner when you came here?

"I, I see that the air conditioner keeps blowing cold air. I'm afraid of power consumption, so I turned it off when you came over."

He Sinan responded in a low voice.


Qin Tian was amused, he is a billionaire now, this girl is still worrying about the electricity bill, she is so cute and silly.

"Han'er, don't worry about these anymore, you little brother Qin, I have money!"


He Sinan nodded obediently, and then reached out to help Qin Tian carry the iron box.

"No, go take a shower and go out for dinner later."


He Sinan nodded, took out the suit of clothes Qin Tian bought for her from the suitcase, and walked into the bathroom.

But the sound of water in the bathroom stopped shortly after.

He Sinan opened the bathroom door, poked out a blushing little face and called Qin Tian: "Small, Brother Qin, I forgot to get a change of underwear."

Hearing this sentence, Qin Tian, ​​who was reviewing the real estate certificate, kicked the iron box containing the real estate certificate under the table, and ran to He Sinan's suitcase briskly, and took out the size 95 he bought last time. When he came to the bathroom door, he looked at He Sinan who was standing sideways at the bathroom door.

Maybe it was just in the middle of the hot bath that He Sinan realized that he forgot to bring this thing in.

Now her pretty face is extremely rosy, with the shy eyes unique to girls, coupled with her rosy and fair skin, she exudes a sense of coquettishness from head to toe.

The bright lights in the bathroom reflected He Sinan's breathtaking and proud figure on the door of the bathroom.

Just standing at the door and looking at it like this made Qin Tian feel his blood swell.

"Small, little brother Qin"

He Sinan stretched out his hand with red face, wanting Qin Tian to hand Brother Zhao to her.

"Ahem, the water bill is quite expensive recently."

Qin Tian said nonsense in a serious manner: "Saving water is everyone's responsibility. Let's wash it together?"

The innocent He Sinan thought that Qin Tian really said that to save water, hesitating for a moment with a pretty face flushed, and obediently stepped aside, waiting for Qin Tian to go in.

Anyway, Qin Tian had already seen her body, so He Sinan naturally didn't resist as much as before.

It's just that He Sinan felt a little embarrassed for the two of them to take a bath together.

When Qin Tian entered the bathroom, He Sinan suddenly realized that he had fallen into Qin Tian's trap again.

"Small, Brother Qin, you are mean and lied to me"

The sound of water in the bathroom has also become intermittent, and occasionally the sizzling sound of rubbing tiles can be heard.

After taking a shower, it's almost nine o'clock.

Conservation ambassadors Qin Tian and He Sinan were also lying on the bed, side by side, watching black and white TV.

This big-ass TV does not have a signal, and there are only a few stations in exchange, which is meaningless.

The air conditioner was humming, and the air-conditioned room had already become extremely cool.

He Sinan was like a fish that was about to die of thirst, leaning against Qin Tian's arms weakly, his face was full of blush that hadn't faded, and his skin was terribly hot.

"Brother Qin, you always lie to me"

He Sinan raised his head, with a pair of peach blossom eyes with slightly swollen eye sockets, I complained pitifully.

"Then I won't lie to you next time."

Qin Tian bowed his head and kissed He Sinan's cheek: "Let's go out to eat, I'm a little hungry."

"Brother Qin, I'm tired."

He Sinan muttered feebly, his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

"Then I'm going to pack? You wait for me at home."

"Then I'll go with you."

After He Sinan finished speaking nervously, just as he wanted to get up, he immediately collapsed, unable to use any strength.

"Hey, don't be brave. Wait for me at home. There are restaurants nearby. I'll be right back."

Qin Tian gently rubbed He Sinan's hair, and began to get up and get dressed.

"Small, Brother Qin, come back quickly, I'm afraid."

"Well, be right back."

Qin Tian got up and put on his clothes, and put the wallet and keys into his pockets.

But Qin Tian had just walked to the door, as if realizing something, he hurried back to the bedroom.

Sure enough, as soon as he opened the door, Qin Tian saw He Sinan holding the remote control of the air conditioner, planning to turn off the air conditioner.

The reason for this is very simple, just to save this little electricity bill.

"Open it, don't close it!"

Qin Tian warned with a serious look: "You don't need to save electricity, your little brother Qin is rich, and the air conditioner can be blown at will!"


He Sinan nodded obediently, put the remote control of the air conditioner away, and obediently lay on his side on the bed.

"Han'er, wait for me to come back."

Only then did Qin Tian leave the bedroom contentedly.

"I'm not stupid"

He Sinan mumbled a little arrogantly, huddled under the blanket and waited for a while.

After hearing the sound of Qin Tian closing the door, she tiptoedly picked up the remote control and turned off the air conditioner.

She had a small calculation in her heart, waiting for the door to open when Qin Tian came back, and then turn on the air conditioner, so that Brother Qin would not find out.

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