Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Forty-Five: Two Dollars Of Travel Expenses

The community where Qin Tian lives is located in a busy area, and at night, the roadsides surrounded by lights and feasting are full of vendors selling suppers.

Looking at the past, there is smoke curling up in the sky above the street, and all kinds of oily smoke smells blowing towards the face.

This point is the off-duty rush hour, and most of the vendors are doing very well, and the people standing in front of the stalls are all communal animals returning home from get off work or young couples who have entered the factory to work.

The economic conditions of people in this class are relatively difficult. Except for festivals, friends gatherings, and food and clothing for three meals a day, most of them choose to settle at such roadside vendors.

He Sinan was still waiting at home, and Qin Tian chose a barbecue stall that had no customers.

"Boss, what do you want to eat?"

The uncle at the barbecue stall quickly came up with compliments, and enthusiastically handed over a cheap red plum cigarette, the kind that costs 3 yuan a pack.

Qin Tian was not pretentious, he took the cigarette and put it on his ear, and ordered a lot of things, a total of 65 yuan.

He also specially ordered the boss to pack these things in two parts, one half was from Qin Tian, ​​and the other half was from He Sinan's extra spicy.

If it were Qin Tian from the previous life, he might be foolish enough to be brave and ask the boss to put all the extra spicy food, and then eat with He Sinan.

It's like not eating spicy food with my girlfriend, it's like betraying her.

After living a new life, Qin Tian will naturally not show off the ability of such a little man, nor will he use his own dinner to show off, he has to learn to be flexible in everything.

It's not like saying that if you don't eat spicy food with your girlfriend, you don't love her anymore.

"Boss, hurry up, there are still people waiting at home."

"Okay, boss, sit down for a while."

The first customer since opening for so long, the order is still so luxurious, the boss responded happily, and his movements became faster.

Soon, a pungent smell of oily smoke came out.

Qin Tian lit a cigarette, sat on the small chair placed by the boss on the sidewalk, smoked, and opened the mobile browser to browse the news of this era.

As soon as Qin Tian exhaled a smoke ring, he saw a familiar figure on the side of the road, walking staggeringly, and turning his head to look at the passing cars from time to time in fear.

Qin Tian squinted his eyes nervously for a while, and found out that it wasn't that naive girl He Sinan, so he couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief.

He Sinan is so easy to identify, after all, she is pretty, has a good figure, and has something particularly protruding, even if she covers her face and puts her in the crowd, Qin Tian can still find her at a glance.

As the figure got closer and closer, Qin Tian's expression gradually became astonished.

Isn't this Chen Qianqian?

"Why hasn't this girl returned so late?"

Qin Tian was surprised and ran towards her with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Damn it, it's really you!"

Qin Tian asked in disbelief: "What are you doing? What time is it, why haven't you gone back?"


Chen Qianqian did not expect to meet Qin Tian here, and was both moved and inexplicably terrified.

This feeling is like a bad student who was caught by his parents by staying outside until 12 o'clock after school.

Qin Tian looked Chen Qianqian up and down, and found that this girl was covered in mud, her hair was also stained a little, and the little pink hairpin was gone.

"What's wrong with you? Someone bullied you?"

Qin Tian asked with a solemn tone.

"No, no!"

Chen Qianqian smiled nervously: "It's just that I accidentally fell."

"Why are you so careless?"

Qin Tian smiled angrily: "I thought you were going to participate in mud wrestling."

"Hey, didn't it rain the day before yesterday?"

Chen Qianqian was a little embarrassed: "Brother Qin, it's not like you don't know that the road outside the factory is so bad that it's full of mud when it rains."

"Hey, that's not right!"

Qin Tian suddenly realized: "You have been off work for so long, why haven't you returned? It's almost 10 o'clock."

Chen Qianqian fell silent all of a sudden, and the smile on her face disappeared, replaced by a look of loneliness.

"No, someone really bullied you?"

Qin Tian asked a little angrily, "Is that your group of friends from before?"

Chen Qianqian quickly shook her head in denial, and explained anxiously: "No, Brother Qin, I haven't played with them for a long time."

"Then why are you so late and haven't gone back yet?"

Under Qin Tian's pressing questioning, Chen Qianqian's voice was a little aggrieved: "I, I, I want to walk back."


Qin Tian almost thought he heard it wrong: "Do you want to walk back? Am I crazy, or are you crazy?"

Chen Qianqian said that she lives at the terminal of the No. 13 bus.

It takes at least half an hour for the bus to go from the bus stop outside Qin Tian's electronics factory to the terminal.

If it is really walking back, it will take at least 4 hours.

Qin Tian couldn't help but asked again: "Why do you have to walk back? You lost your money again?"

"No, I still have the money."

Chen Qianqian quickly took out two crumpled banknotes, one for 5 yuan and one for 2 yuan.

Chen Qianqian's daily living expenses are 15 yuan, 4 yuan is used for commuting to and from get off work, and the rest is used for meals in the morning and noon, and dinner is eaten at home.

"Why don't you take a car if you have money?"

Qin Tian was even more puzzled: "Doesn't the No. 13 bus stop running at 8 o'clock? Our factory gets off work at 6 o'clock. Why do you want to walk?"

"I want to save money to pay you back."

Chen Qianqian whispered aggrievedly.

Qin Tian was a little annoyed when he heard the whole person, and subconsciously raised his hand, really having the urge to hit someone.

It's not because Chen Qianqian walked 4 hours at night with a girl, Qin Tian would be worried and angry.

She and Chen Qianqian have only known each other for a few days, even if they care about her, they don't reach this level.

It's just that this girl wants to save the few dollars in travel expenses and return it to herself, so Qin Tian will be angry.

For such a long journey, if Chen Qianqian encounters some accidents on the way because of saving these two tolls, Qin Tian will definitely feel guilty, this is human nature.

Now he regrets borrowing this girl's money back then, otherwise this weird thing wouldn't have happened.

"woo woo"

Chen Qianqian sniffled aggrievedly, and began to cry out of nowhere, wiping her tears with her sleeves.

She herself didn't know why she was crying, obviously she had the courage to walk back alone yesterday.

On the way, she ran into Qin Tian who had cared for her these past few days, and Chen Qianqian couldn't help but want to cry.

Just like a little girl who loves to be brave and gets bullied, she always looks stubborn and unyielding in front of outsiders.

But in front of her father who loved her the most, she would show her weakest side without any scruples, and couldn't help but want to vent the uneasiness and fear in her heart that had been covered up with hypocritical courage.

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