Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 46: Do You Want To Say Another Word About The Private Masai Of Red Bean Paste?

The law and order at night in this era is not very good, and such a long journey is still at night when fish and dragons are mixed.

Chen Qianqian, who has just arrived, is not familiar with the place of life. She is still a girl who has just grown up, and she has an extremely insecure personality.

Walking back from such a long distance, if you say that you are not afraid, it must be a lie.

Sometimes girls' emotions are very strange and fickle, and so is Chen Qianqian.

Obviously, I walked back yesterday without incident. Although I was very afraid of what I would encounter on the way, at least the result was safe and sound.

But after meeting Qin Tian, ​​Chen Qianqian's uneasy feeling of walking home without any danger yesterday came out again inexplicably.

She cried even louder, a face that always showed a weird smile on weekdays, and it was full of tears.

Looking at Chen Qianqian who was crying so hard, Qin Tian let out a long and helpless sigh.

Like a rebellious daughter, a helpless old father.

The bustling Jianghai City is noisy at night.

Surrounding the two of them is the continuous flow of the road, and now it is rush hour, and cars pass by the two of them like lightning.

There are brightly lit buildings all around, and you can vaguely see the shadow of a family having dinner together in the windows of the buildings.

But who would have thought that at such a late hour, a girl would choose to walk home at night for 4 hours in order to save 2 yuan in travel expenses?

At this moment, Qin Tian noticed that many passers-by who were eating supper on the street cast strange eyes on him.

The few girls were still whispering among each other, with disgusted expressions on their faces, it was obvious that they regarded Qin Tian as a scumbag who had always been messed up and abandoned.

"Okay, don't cry, how old are you?"

Qin Tian stretched out his hand and rubbed Chen Qianqian's head, and finally lost his temper and scolded her: "Have you eaten yet?"

Chen Qianqian, who had almost adjusted her emotions, suddenly felt the big hand caressing her head, a warmth rippling in her heart, and that sense of grievance came out inexplicably.

She raised her head abruptly, looking at this boy who had cared for her so much in the past few days, tears welled up in her eyes again, her delicate oval face was full of grievances.

"Brother Qin!"

All of a sudden, Chen Qianqian hugged Qin Tian violently, wishing he could put his whole body on Qin Tian's body, as if he wanted to vent all the grievances he had encountered in the past ten years, and put Qin Tian in his arms. The smoke in my hand was scared away.

After reacting, Qin Tian originally wanted to push Chen Qianqian away, after all, if the factory colleagues saw this scene and then passed it to He Sinan's ears, it wouldn't be fun.

But Chen Qianqian cried so sadly again, if she pushed her away again, this fragile girl might be even more sad.

"Okay, don't cry."

After all, Qin Tian couldn't stand the crying Chen Qianqian, after hesitating again and again, he reached out and patted her on the back.

After crying for a long time, Chen Qianqian gradually recovered from the edge of emotional collapse, and reluctantly let go of Qin Tian.

There were still tears in her eyes, and her eyes were red from crying. Her black hair fluttered in a mess in the wind, and a few strands of hair stuck to Chen Qianqian's face full of tears. Seeing the sad gesture of the pitiful girl.

The summer night was extremely cool, and it had rained in the past two days, and the evening wind that blew in brought a refreshing chill, and Chen Qianqian, who was only wearing a T-shirt, couldn't help shrinking back.

"It's really stupid, knowing that it rained yesterday, and still wearing so little."

Qin Tian couldn't help but cursed, took off his coat and handed it to Chen Qianqian.

Although it is summer now, Jianghai City is still quite cold at night.

Coupled with the fact that it rained last night, Chen Qianqian was dressed so thinly, so it's no wonder he wasn't cold.

Looking at the black coat in front of her, Chen Qianqian waved her hands flattered: "No, no brother Qin, I'm not cold, you can keep it for yourself."

She once fell on the mud outside the electronics factory, and now her body is covered with mud and water, and she doesn't want to stain Qin Tian's clothes.

Qin Tian frowned and looked at the shivering Chen Qianqian, and immediately became angry: "If it's not cold, what are you doing? Hurry up and put it on!"

"Oh, good."

Chen Qianqian was taken aback, and quickly took Qin Tian's coat and tiptoedly put it on.

"Remember to wash it and return it to me tomorrow."

"Yeah, I will."

Chen Qianqian nodded quickly.

Qin Tian responded calmly, took out his own cigarette and lit one, exhaled a smoke ring depressedly, squinted his eyes and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Chen Qianqian shook her head aggrieved.

She has been walking since she got off work, and there are vendors selling midnight snacks everywhere on the roadside. She is not willing to spend money, and plans to go back and heat up the leftovers from yesterday for dinner.

"No wonder you're as thin as a bamboo pole, follow along."

Qin Tian left a melancholy sentence, and walked towards the barbecue stand just now.

Chen Qianqian hurriedly followed behind Qin Tian.

Qin Tian's barbecue has been packed, and the two bags are full of barbecue, most of which are meat, steaming hot and smelling of oily smoke.

Qin Tian thought for a moment, then handed the non-spicy portion to Chen Qianqian: "Here, eat it on the way back."

Chen Qianqian repeatedly shook her head and refused: "No, there's no need, brother Qin, I can eat when I go back."

This bag of barbecue is at least fifty or sixty yuan, and she still owes Qin Tian more than one hundred yuan, so she doesn't want to be greedy for Qin Tian's cheapness anymore.

Seeing Qin Tian smacking his tongue, feeling like he was about to speak but stopped cursing, Chen Qianqian panicked and took the barbecue in his hand.

"Go back quickly, it's so late, aren't you afraid that your mother will worry?"

Qin Tian took a puff of cigarette angrily, and added: "I don't need you to pay back the money, and don't walk back after get off work at night, do you hear me?"

"Ah? But, Brother Qin"

"I even said that you won't be allowed to pay back the money, so stop talking so much, okay?"

Qin Tian scolded impatiently.

If he knew it would cause so many troubles, Qin Tian shouldn't have borrowed money from this girl in the first place.

"I heard it, I heard it."

Chen Qianqian nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, afraid that Qin Tian would be angry, but at the same time feel warm in her heart.

Qin Tian, ​​who had taken care of her in the past few days, seemed to be gradually filling what Chen Qianqian longed for the most in his heart.

"Then go back quickly."

Qin Tian waved his hands irritably.

"Thank you, brother Qin."

Holding the barbecue in her arms, Chen Qianqian bowed gratefully to Qin Tian with a very sincere attitude.

"Are you an islander? Do you want to say another red bean paste private horse race? Can you stop going crazy here and go away."

Qin Tian hurriedly distanced himself from Chen Qianqian, he couldn't bear the strange eyes of the people around him.

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