Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 47: Who Is He To You?


Chen Qianqian wiped away tears with joy, and continued walking with the steaming barbecue in her arms.

But before walking a few steps, Qin Tian stopped her suddenly again, his voice was full of anger.

"Chen Qianqian, are you sick?"

Qin Tian stepped forward quickly, and slapped Chen Qianqian's thigh with a palm: "I just told you not to walk around at night, don't you have ears?"

Qin Tian was really annoyed by this guy, this slap was a bit strong.

Chen Qianqian did not expect that Qin Tian would hit her with his hands. With black and white pupils, she looked at Qin Tian in disbelief.

A long-awaited emotion in my heart was strongly touched by this slap.


Qin Tian, ​​who was getting angry, looked at Chen Qianqian's sluggish look, and then asked a little embarrassedly: "Does it hurt?"

"No, it doesn't hurt!"

Chen Qianqian shook her head heavily, with a trace of complex and expectant desire in her eyes, and her tone of voice became a little hasty.

Qin Tian knew that this girl was lying, he was indeed a bit too strong just now.

Now that the call has been made, Qin Tian can't say anything more, and asked helplessly: "Didn't I tell you not to walk at night? Why don't you take a car?"

"But brother Qin, it's so late, there's no bus to take."

Chen Qianqian's voice was a little excited, as if she hadn't really been hurt.

"Well, it seems like this."

Qin Tian just remembered that bus No. 13 stopped running at 8:00 pm, and Chen Qianqian had no money to take a taxi, so it seemed that he could only walk back.

"Where do you live?"

"Ni Banglu's Zizhu Lane."

"Then follow me, I'll call a taxi for you, don't say no."

"Okay, okay!"

Chen Qianqian hurriedly followed behind Qin Tian with cheerful steps.

Although Qin Tian beat him to the point of burning pain, Chen Qianqian was not angry or sad at all.

A pair of eyes that were overjoyed, but with unsatisfactory anticipation, stared at Qin Tian intently.

After waiting on the side of the road for a long time, Qin Tian finally called a taxi.

The taxi slowly stopped beside the two, Qin Tian opened the passenger's door, and pouted at Chen Qianqian: "Get up, don't go crazy and walk around at night again, do you hear me?"

"Well, I see, Brother Qin!"

Chen Qianqian obediently responded, and sat in the passenger seat with an obedient appearance, looking at Qin Tian outside the car reluctantly.

"Master, Ni Banglu's Zizhu Lane."

The driver didn't even look at Qin Tian outside the window. After taking a look at Chen Qianqian, he lazily reminded, "Fasten your seat belt."


Chen Qianqian responded nervously, and hurriedly pulled the seat belt next to her to fasten it.

Chen Qianqian seldom takes a taxi, and she doesn't know how to wear a seat belt. The seat belt was pulled around by her in a panic, but it couldn't be fastened properly.

"No, what are you doing?"

The driver saw his seat belt being pulled back and forth by Chen Qianqian, and immediately became angry: "Will you sit or not? If you don't sit, you will get down. My seat belt is broken. Do you pay for it?"

When Chen Qianqian heard this, her delicate face was immediately filled with grievances.

At this moment, the car door was suddenly opened, Qin Tian bent over and approached Chen Qianqian, helping her to fasten her seat belt.

Seeing Qin Tian's side face close at hand, feeling Qin Tian's heavy breath, Chen Qianqian sniffled, so moved that she wanted to cry again.

After helping Chen Qianqian fasten his seat belt, Qin Tian stared at the aggressive driver with unkind eyes.

The driver was stared at by Qin Tian, ​​making him uncomfortable. The main reason was that Qin Tian was about 1.8 meters tall, and he still had a kind of unscrupulous coercion on his body.

The driver just looked a little dazed, and he didn't have the confidence to fight back.

But at this moment, the driver suddenly discovered that Chen Qianqian's legs were covered with mud and still wet, which stained her seat cushion.

He retorted confidently: "Is there any mistake? You are so dirty, you have stained my car mat. It costs 20 yuan to wash the car!"

In the driver's words, there was a hint of dislike for Chen Qianqian, but also a hint of mocking Qin Tian secretly.

Qin Tian directly took out five red bills and threw them at the driver's face, and asked disdainfully, "Is it enough for you to wash the car?"

The driver was a little annoyed at this humiliating gesture, and wanted to get out of the car to ask Qin Tian for an explanation.

But when he saw five bright red banknotes falling at his feet, his eyes widened immediately, his attitude changed 180 degrees, and he immediately smiled apologetically, "Enough, enough."

Just kidding, the driver can earn at most twenty or thirty for a trip of customers.

Now there is a full 500 yuan thrown in the face, how could the driver refuse.

"Shut up when you've had enough, and go to Ni Banglu's Zizi Lane."

Qin Tian said in a displeased tone, Qin Tian would naturally not give him a good face for this kind of snobbery.

The driver didn't say anything, he quickly picked up the five banknotes, put them in his pocket, and smiled obsequiously at Qin Tian.

Seeing the five red bills being put into the driver's pocket, Chen Qianqian was so surprised that he couldn't speak clearly.

"Small, Brother Qin, why don't I go?"

"Shut up, too."

Qin Tian glanced at Chen Qianqian angrily, and then reminded: "Remember to call me when you get home."

Chen Qianqian was a little curious, she didn't even know Qin Tian's phone number? How to call him?

However, the keen Chen Qianqian still noticed something, quickly reacted, and nodded quickly: "I see."

The taxi will move quickly.

Chen Qianqian looked at Qin Tian in the rearview mirror gradually blurring, lowered her head and rubbed Qin Tian's coat with the tip of her nose, with a satisfied and dependent smile on her face.

"Girl, who is that little brother to you?"

The driver, who was aggressive just now, immediately changed into a flattering face, chatted up familiarly, and didn't care at all about being insulted by Qin Tian with money just now.

If possible, he also wants to experience the feeling of being hit in the face by 500 yuan.

Anyone who yells out is disrespectful to money!

As for dignity, what kind of shit is that!

People who spend 500 yuan casually to take a taxi these days must be either rich or expensive.

If you can add Chen Qianqian's phone number, maybe you can become the full-time driver of this big benefactor on call.

"he is"

Chen Qianqian held the barbecue that Qin Tian bought, and originally wanted to take advantage of Qin Tian's absence and say that Qin Tian was his boyfriend to satisfy her little vanity.

But thinking that Qin Tian already had a girlfriend, Chen Qianqian pouted a little unwillingly.

However, Chen Qianqian didn't know why, even though she knew that Qin Tian already had a girlfriend, she didn't feel any disappointment.

Chen Qianqian naturally wanted Qin Tian to be her boyfriend, after all, Qin Tian was the best boy she had met in the past ten years.

But Chen Qianqian couldn't do anything to break up the family, it was too offensive.

What's even more strange is that Chen Qianqian knows that she likes Qin Tian, ​​but she doesn't particularly desire Qin Tian to be her boyfriend, let alone on the premise that he has a girlfriend.

So, inexplicably, Chen Qianqian followed the emotion of longing for more than ten years in her heart, and said involuntarily: "He, he is my father."

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