Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 47: Young People Nowadays Really Know How To Play

Under the unbelievable gaze of the driver, Chen Qianqian finally realized that she had just said something terrible, and immediately buried her head in Qin Tian's coat with a red face.

With one word from Chen Qianqian, he couldn't talk to the driver directly.

The young man just now looked like he was in his early 20s at most, and the girl looked about 20, how could they be father and daughter.

"Damn it, young people really know how to play these days!"

The muscles on the driver's face twitched a few times, he stopped asking, and turned his attention to driving.

Soon, the taxi stopped steadily on the side of a messy road.

This is the most desolate place in Jianghai City, a small community with extremely low rent.

It is surrounded by low-rise bungalows built of red bricks, and there are even tin houses that cost one yuan a day for rent.

The rent in Jianghai City is extremely expensive, and most of the people who live here are migrant workers who came to Jianghai City from other places.

Although the transportation here is inconvenient, the environment is dirty and messy, and the law and order is still very bad, it is completely an unsightly slum.

But the housing prices here are extremely low, and most of the foreigners who come to work in Jianghai City will also choose to live here.

Chen Qianqian hugged the barbecue that was still warm, and put on Qin Tian's coat, happily humming a little song and walked into the alley.

When she was about to reach the place where she lived, Chen Qianqian's happy look gradually became lonely.

The place where she and her mother lived was an earthen house built of red bricks. The walls seemed to be full of cracks, and there was a big sign of "demolition" sprayed with red paint on it.

Under the big tree outside the earthen house, several neighbors were speaking in an incomprehensible dialect, and they gathered together in a group to fight Landlords in full swing.

Until Chen Qianqian walked in, these lively neighbors gradually quieted down, looking at Chen Qianqian with disgust and contempt.

A few shirtless uncles even pointed at Chen Qianqian, speaking some dialects she couldn't understand.

In the past, Li Hai's group of people would often rush in with will-o'-the-wisps to find Chen Qianqian to go out for a while, bluffing and disturbing the people at the same time.

Chen Qianqian's previous attire was sloppy, and the surrounding residents naturally regarded her as a sneaky gangster like Li Hai's group.

No matter what era it is, adults despise such girls who don't love themselves very much, and subconsciously feel that they are doing nothing with a group of ruffians all day long, stealing chickens and dogs everywhere.

Sensing the gazes of this group of people, Chen Qianqian felt depressed and at the same time a little irritable for no reason.

In the past, when Chen Qianqian was alone, she might have quickened her pace and quickly escaped their contemptuous gaze and went home.

But today, Chen Qianqian didn't know why she had an inexplicable confidence in her heart, she kept looking at this group of people with disdain.

Even when going up the stairs, Chen Qianqian stretched out her middle finger and gestured fiercely at the group of people.

Of course, Chen Qianqian's personality is also rather timid. When she ran home quickly, Chen Qianqian felt her heart beating non-stop.

After looking back to see that no one was catching up, Chen Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief, happily took out the small key, and opened a small green lock on the door.

In this era, the anti-theft facilities for living in this kind of building are very simple, and this kind of small lock that can be opened by thieves can be seen everywhere in this area.

Chen Qianqian lives in a very small place, only 30 square meters, and the monthly rent is 150 yuan, not including utility bills.

Although the room was small, it was very clean and tidy, and all the simple tables and chairs in the room were polished to a shiny finish.

Chen Qianqian pulled the red thread hanging by the door, and the bright yellow light instantly covered the entire cabin, and the spotless concrete floor even had reflections.

There is no water heater at home, so if you want to take a bath, you can only use hot water that boils quickly.

Chen Qianqian, who was dressed in mud, first filled a bucket of water with a plastic bucket. After putting it in, it quickly heated up, and then began to wash rice and cook. He turned on the gas tank to heat up the leftovers from last night.

Her mother didn't get off work until 1 am every night, and Chen Qianqian would prepare meals in advance every day when she came back.

Like most children from poor families, Chen Qianqian, who has been dependent on her mother since she was a child, basically does all kinds of housework.

Sometimes when the electrical equipment at home breaks down, Chen Qianqian can take out a big toolbox and spend a long time repairing it.

This is not a skill that does not overwhelm the body, it is only the most basic survival skills for the bottom of society.

People at the bottom of society in this era are all like this under the tremendous pressure of life.

After heating up the leftovers, Chen Qianqian turned on the slightly rusty rice cooker again, took out the skewers that Qin Tian gave her, and placed them neatly on the freshly steamed rice, using the heat of the rice to keep warm .

After everything was almost done, the bath water was boiled.

After Chen Qianqian carried a bucket full of hot water into the bathroom, she checked the time. Her mother was leaving get off work.

Chen Qianqian brought another plastic bucket filled with water, and continued to heat it up quickly, and then went into the bathroom and began to take a shower.

Although Chen Qianqian often contradicts her mother, she also dislikes this long-winded mother who always talks at length.

But no matter what, Chen Qianqian also loves her, after all, she is the woman who raised Chen Qianqian since she was a child, and she is the only pillar of the family.

After taking a shower, Chen Qianqian walked out of the bathroom humming a cheerful little song, took out the bowls and chopsticks from the container, and prepared to have dinner.

There was no pajamas at home, so Chen Qianqian was wearing a blue shirt and jeans after taking a shower, which was also what she would wear to work tomorrow.

Turning on the rice cooker, Chen Qianqian pursed her lips while watching the grilled rice covered with red oil, and her throat moved a few times.

But she still pushed the barbecue aside with a rice spoon, scooped out a few spoonfuls of steaming rice underneath, and then sat at the wooden table with Bai Zhenzhen's rice, gobbling up yesterday's leftovers.

After eating, wash the dishes.

After Chen Qianqian covered the leftovers with a food cover, she hugged Qin Tian's coat, stepped on cheap crystal slippers, and sneaked back to her room.

Chen Qianqian's room was small, filled with all sorts of weird things. On the dry and cracked walls, there were a few posters of Kill Matt stars.

In this era, many TV stations broadcast all kinds of idol dramas that are popular with girls. Most girls like the little fresh meat in it very much, and so does Chen Qianqian.

When Chen Qianqian was obsessed with idol dramas, Chen Qianqian reluctantly gave up, and spent more than 50 yuan to buy a second-hand idol drama actor's autographed poster to stick on the wall.

After being discovered by her mother at that time, the two had a big fight over it.

But when she came back yesterday, Chen Qianqian tore off all these posters and threw them away.

When she threw the poster into the trash can, her mother was dumbfounded.

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