Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Forty-Nine: I'm Not A Bad Girl

"Brother Qin~!"

Thinking of the way Qin Tian stood up for himself just now, Chen Qianqian felt warm and happy.

She was rolling on the bed with Qin Tian's coat in her arms, a pair of slender yet round bronze feet swaying happily beside the bed.

He could think of himself admitting his strange feelings towards Qin Tian in front of outsiders just now.

Chen Qianqian was stunned suddenly, with a thoughtful look on her shy and pretty face.

Chen Qianqian didn't know why she had such a weird feeling about Qin Tian, ​​and even wondered if she had a psychological problem because of it.

Obviously, if a girl likes a boy, she wants the boy to be her boyfriend.

But Chen Qianqian would always subconsciously think of this boy with a mature charm in his behavior as his father.

Especially when Qin Tian hit her with his hands today, this strange feeling became more and more intense, and even made Chen Qianqian admit it without thinking in front of outsiders.

"Brother Qin, do you think I am a bad girl?"

Chen Qianqian looked at Qin Tian's coat affectionately, subconsciously touched the thigh that had been beaten by Qin Tian, ​​and asked to herself: "Obviously you already have a girlfriend, I still like you, and I also put Treat you like an uncle."

"Yes! It's not my problem, and who told you to be so nice to me!"

Chen Qianqian snorted suddenly: "I just like you, but I don't want you to be my boyfriend, I'm not a mistress!"

After Chen Qianqian proudly comforted herself, she stared blankly at Qin Tian's coat.

Immediately afterwards, with shy eyes, she took the tissue paper from the desk beside the bed, dragged Qin Tian's coat and got under the covers.

But just as Chen Qianqian was about to do something in bed, there was a sudden sound of familiar footsteps in the corridor.

Chen Qianqian was so frightened that she quickly put on her pants, and quickly stuffed her coat under the pillow.

She didn't want the boy's coat to be discovered by her mother, and she would have to chatter for a long time when the appointment was made.

First there was the sound of the door opening, followed by various voices in the small living room.

The sound is very low, as if deliberately not wanting to make noise to disturb other people.

It was Chen Qianqian's mother: Sun Qimei came back from get off work.

Chen Qianqian's complexion is a bit dark, but she is beautiful, has a good figure, and has a very good foundation.

Therefore, at least one of Chen Qianqian's parents must be good-looking.

As Chen Qianqian's mother, Sun Qimei is much more beautiful than many women of the same age, her figure is more well-proportioned, her facial features are not at all old, and she reveals the feeling of a housewife from head to toe.

"Qianqian, are you back?"

Sun Qimei pushed open the door of Chen Qianqian's room, and saw Chen Qianqian holding an old copy of "One Hundred Thousand Whys", with her slender legs sticking to the wall, chatting in every possible way.

"Oh? Didn't you work overtime tonight?"

Sun Qimei asked curiously, she didn't come back until 1 am last night.

Chen Qianqian did not answer, but said impatiently: "Didn't you say that you have to knock on the door to enter my room? Can't you respect my privacy?"

"You child, I am your mother, what can you hide from me?"

Sun Qimei scolded angrily.

For her daughter who is in the rebellious period, Sun Qimei's mouth is worn out, but she can't change her temper that seems to have eaten a catty of gunpowder at any time.

But fortunately, Chen Qianqian has changed a lot recently. She no longer associates with those ruffians, and even took the initiative to find a job.

In this regard, Sun Qimei is very pleased. Her daughter is gradually becoming more sensible, and she is no longer as annoying as before.

"have you eaten?"

Sun Qimei asked again, her gentle tone revealing concern.

"I've eaten, don't ask anymore, get out, I'm going to sleep!"

Chen Qianqian waved his hand irritably.

Sun Qimei sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to close the door and go to take a shower.

But not long after, Sun Qimei turned back and asked incredulously, "Did you buy those barbecues in the pot?"

Chen Qianqian was silent for a moment, then nodded: "I can't finish eating, I packed it for you."

Chen Qianqian, like most girls, is very greedy, and she wants to spend money to buy and try any delicious food.

Of course, the price of the food must be within the range she can accept, otherwise, no matter how delicious it is, she will just turn around and leave.

Chen Qianqian naturally likes to eat luxury things like barbecue, let alone Qin Tian bought it for her.

Thinking of Sun Qimei who was still working overtime outside, Chen Qianqian suppressed the glutton in her stomach and brought the barbecue back to Sun Qimei.

"Why can't you finish eating so much? There are leftovers at home, I can eat them after heating them up!"

Sun Qimei was stunned for a moment, and immediately became angry: "I don't like to eat these things, don't you think it's a waste of money to buy so much and bring them back?"

"Oh, are you annoying!"

Chen Qianqian, who was interrupted by Sun Qimei, was a little depressed.

Now that Sun Qimei kept nagging, Chen Qianqian suddenly felt like being treated like a donkey with good intentions.

She loves face and doesn't want to explain too much, she just sat on the bed and said impatiently: "If you don't want to eat, you will pour it out, why are you talking endlessly!"


"I'm going to bed, I have to go to work tomorrow, close the door!"

After Chen Qianqian finished speaking, she directly covered herself with the quilt, turned her head away and didn't want to pay attention to Sun Qimei.

Sun Qimei looked at Chen Qianqian on the bed in silence for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly. After turning on the ceiling fan in the room, she gently closed the door and left.


Sun Qimei, who returned to the living room, was surprised to find that there was not much food left in the food cover, but there was still a lot of barbecue left in the rice cooker.

Sun Qimei was stunned for a moment, a gratified smile appeared on her face.

Although her daughter is rebellious, Sun Qimei knows that she has been working with her to maintain this family.

Although her daughter is aggressive, every time Sun Qimei comes home, the house is cleaned and everything is prepared in advance.

Today, she kept the delicious food for herself, but she ate up all the leftovers from yesterday.

What surprised Sun Qimei even more was that Chen Qianqian, who didn't like studying much since she was a child, actually started reading in her room.

"I hope I can always be so sensible in the future."

Sun Qimei looked at the door of Chen Qianqian's room, murmured in relief, and then walked into the bathroom with a change of clothes.

At this moment, after hearing the sound of Sun Qimei entering the bathroom.

The sensible Chen Qianqian couldn't wait to take out Qin Tian's coat from under the pillow, and skillfully got under the bed, shivering.

ps: There are only two updates today, and the book will start to flow tomorrow, at least 5 updates to start, I hope everyone can give more comments and votes, I want the five-star one, please!

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