Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 50: Sweet And Greasy Egg Noodles

The next morning, Qin Tian woke up refreshed, without a trace of exhaustion and tiredness left after waking up.

After drinking the biological enhancement liquid, Qin Tian's body is always in a state of vigor and vitality.

All the organs in the whole body are like perpetual motion machines, operating in the best state without stopping.

Most importantly, Qin Tian's perfect human body comparable to a superman will never be infected with anything harmful to human life.

Human beings will contract various diseases due to various factors throughout their lives.

But these diseases are impossible to appear on Qin Tian's body anyway.

Except for very serious external fatal injuries, Qin Tian can live a healthy and healthy life until the day when humans die normally.

Qin Tian turned his head and found that He Sinan was no longer there, and the pillows she slept on were neatly placed next to Qin Tian.

He Sinan didn't have the habit of sleeping in late. When she was in her hometown village, she got up at 3 o'clock every day to do farm work.

As soon as it was dawn, He Sinan got up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast, and her busy voice in the kitchen could be heard in the bedroom.

Perhaps because she was worried about disturbing Qin Tian's sleep, the sound He Sinan made was very subtle, and the buzzing sound of the gas stove was louder than her footsteps.

On the bedside table next to Qin Tian, ​​his clothes for today were still neatly stacked, his mobile phone keys and wallet were neatly placed on top of the clothes.

I'm afraid that even the lady in the hotel can't be so considerate.

"It's really like the married life of a couple."

Qin Tian sighed in satisfaction, took the clothes from the bedside table and put them on a few times, and couldn't wait to leave the bedroom, wanting to see his industrious and beautiful cook.

As soon as I opened the bedroom door, I could smell a faint fragrance from the kitchen.

Qin Tian walked lightly to the front of the kitchen, and looked at He Sinan who was chopping green onions in the kitchen with satisfaction.

It may be that Qin Tian complained about He Sinan's clothes yesterday, but today she put on the chiffon skirt and black leather boots that Qin Tian bought for her before.

While chopping chopped green onions, He Sinan's fair legs trembled slightly, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Without wearing those old-fashioned clothes, He Sinan is really like a silly sweet princess who was kidnapped by Qin Tian to be his daughter-in-law, no matter in terms of figure, appearance and temperament.

The brown apron worn around the waist, the long ponytail tied up, and the dust-proof sleeves on both arms made this delicate princess look like a little housewife.

He Sinan lifted the lid of the pot, put the white noodles into the boiling pot, and a stream of steam with a fragrance rose slowly.

In less than a day, the new home they just moved to was filled with the breath of life under the embellishment of the treasure girl.

Qin Tian walked softly and slowly behind He Sinan, stretched out his arms to hug her slender waist, rested his head on the fragrant shoulder, and pampered He Sinan's white earlobe: "What delicious food?"

Just sticking to He Sinan's body for a moment, a girl's unique fragrance lingers on the tip of Qin Tian's nose, making one feel extremely comfortable.

He Sinan, who was making breakfast, was suddenly embraced by Qin Tian, ​​a little flattered: "Chicken, egg noodles."

"Oh? Have you ever gone out?"

Qin Tian and He Sinan just moved here yesterday, and they haven't had time to buy any ingredients yet, and the refrigerator is also empty.

She should have gotten these things up in the morning and went to the small supermarket at the gate of the community to buy them.


He Sinan nodded shyly, her fair face was slightly flushed.

Both Qin Tian and her had done what they should do, but the introverted she was always unable to let go in front of Qin Tian, ​​always feeling shy and ready to let go.

Qin Tian also hopes that He Sinan will always maintain the posture and mood of this young girl Huaichun.

In this way, no matter how long the two have been dating, Qin Tian can experience a sweet feeling of just beginning to fall in love every day.

"Well, it looks very appetizing."

Qin Tian muttered meaningfully.

He Sinan has a good figure, no matter from which angle he looks at it, he has a special feeling.

Maybe this is the so-called: when viewed horizontally, it becomes a ridge and a side becomes a peak, and the distance and height are different.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian slowly stretched his hands upwards, and came to the top of Mount Lu to stand firm.

"Small, little brother Qin"

He Sinan's body trembled, and he exhaled like an orchid and called out, his rosy lips were tightly pressed together, with a cute look.

Qin Tian lowered his head and gently kissed the drooling cherry lips, and then let go of her: "I'll go wash up first."

He Sinan was cooking, so Qin Tian naturally wouldn't overdo it.

Some things are more appropriate in the dark night.

After washing up, Qin Tian happily came to the living room. He Sinan was obediently sitting on a chair and waiting for Qin Tian to come over to eat noodles.

On the small table in front of her were two steaming bowls of egg noodles.

One bowl has two large and one small poached eggs, while the other bowl has only a few green onions floating on the soup.

Looking at these two bowls of egg noodles that are so different, Qin Tian didn't know what to say.

This guy always wants to give himself the best.

If an outsider saw it, they might suspect that he was abusing her.

"Sinan, let me ask you a question."

Qin Tian sat beside He Sinan, instead of serving a bowl of noodles, he stretched out his arms to hold He Sinan in his arms: "Do you think, are you my girlfriend or my mother?"

"Female, girlfriend"

He Sinan responded with a pretty blushing face, this was the first time she bravely admitted this identity.

Even though she was innocent, she didn't know why Qin Tian asked such a question.

"That's good."

Qin Tian smiled reassuringly, picked up the bowl of noodles with only a few green onions, and left the egg noodles with two poached eggs for her.

Qin Tian didn't plan to do any more brainwashing and ideological work for He Sinan, and let her accept her own financial expenses.

This is the character that He Sinan has cultivated for more than ten years. If she is forced to change, she will feel uncomfortable to some extent.

The atmosphere of going with the flow is the best. If couples care too much about each other's feelings, it will easily lead to relationship problems.

He Sinan looked at the egg noodles in front of him, and was stunned for a moment, then realized what Qin Tian's question meant.


A large poached egg gently slid into Qin Tian's bowl, and the soup bowl lightly splashed a few wisps of soup.

Qin Tian raised his head and glanced at He Sinan unexpectedly.

He Sinan was holding up his chopsticks at a loss, fearing that Qin Tian would get angry, so he quickly lowered his head and murmured softly: "One, one for each person."

Qin Tian was stunned for a moment, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Well, one for each person."

Qin Tian picked up the poached egg and ate it happily.

Watching Qin Tian finish a few mouthfuls of the poached egg, He Sinan also outlined a sweet and healing smile on his pretty face like a peach blossom.

In the originally deserted living room, there is not only the breath of life, but also a cloyingly sweet atmosphere.

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