Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Five: After Eating My Food, I Will Be Mine From Now On

"A total of 20 yuan, cash or meal tickets?"

Dafan Aunt handed two steaming plates to Qin Tian, ​​and looked up at the rich young master with some surprise.

The people who come to work in the factory are here to make money. Most people order food to fill their stomachs, and occasionally add some meat dishes to satisfy their cravings.

This young man was lucky, he ordered four dishes in one go, and all of them were meat dishes.

I don't know, I thought he was here to experience life.


Qin Tian was only a temporary worker, so naturally he didn't buy long-term meal tickets.

He took out the loose change he had bought for Coke before, and handed a piece of 50 to Dafan Aunt.

After getting back the change, Qin Tian picked up two plates of dinner and said to He Sinan: "I'll find a seat first, it'll be late, we have to eat standing up."

"Well, I'll come over after I order."

He Sinan nodded.

She was still curious about how Qin Tian could finish eating so much by himself.

As expected of a boy, he has a big appetite.

"Huh? What do you order?"

Qin Tian asked in surprise, and handed a stack of food to He Sinan: "This is for the two of us, you don't think I can eat so much food by myself?"


He Sinan didn't react for a while, and looked at Qin Tian in astonishment.

She never expected that Qin Tian would actually order one for herself, and it was all the most expensive dishes.

Qin Tian spent a total of 20 yuan, which means that this portion costs a full 10 yuan, which is enough for her to eat for a whole day.

"Ah what?"

Qin Tian directly stuffed two dinner plates into He Sinan's hands, and pointed to an empty table not far away: "Forget it, you go and take a seat first, and I'll come over after I've packed the rice and soup."

Looking at the two steaming dishes of meat dishes, He Sinan responded with a complicated mood, turned around and walked towards the empty table not far away.

Qin Tian asked Dafan Aunt for another plate, and with two bowls of rice and two bowls of seaweed soup, he sat down opposite He Sinan.

"Keep building, start building, I'm starving to death."

Qin Tian took the rice and seaweed soup off the plate, and then began to gobble it up.

But after eating for a while, Qin Tian noticed that He Sinan didn't move his chopsticks at all, but looked at the steaming hot food in front of him with a complicated expression.

I couldn't figure it out, I thought it was a decapitated meal.

"What's the matter? Don't you like eating these?"

Qin Tian put down his chopsticks and asked curiously.

"No, it's not."

He Sinan shook his head quickly, and begged in a embarrassed tone: "Little Brother Qin, can you stop being so kind to me in the future, I don't have any money to pay you back."

In He Sinan's perception, if someone treats guests, they must return the courtesy no matter what.

She had only known Qin Tian for less than half a day, and Qin Tian had spent so much money for her.

If this continues in the future, He Sinan worries that the hundreds of dollars he brought over may not be enough to return the courtesy.

"I didn't ask you to pay it back, I just treated you to a meal."

Only then did Qin Tian understand this girl's concerns, and comforted him patiently: "Aren't we fellow villagers? As the saying goes, when fellow villagers see fellow villagers, there are tears in their backs."


He Sinan still didn't dare to move his chopsticks.

For her, this meal worth 10 yuan is almost like a full banquet.

"Hey, if you really want to return the courtesy."

Qin Tian looked at this girl's embarrassment, and teased playfully, "How about you being my girlfriend?"


He Sinan was taken aback immediately, his small cherry mouth opened and closed in surprise, and his delicate and soft face was flushed red with shame, looking extremely cute.

She didn't expect that Qin Tian would use the 10 yuan lunch to make friends with her.

What's more, at this moment, He Sinan unexpectedly considered Qin Tian's qualifications to be her husband according to her own standards.

He Sinan is very simple and relatively traditional. If she likes someone, she must be rushing to get married. She doesn't have the idea of ​​trying it out and let the two of them try dating.

Brother Xiao Qin is tall, and the two of them are still from the same village.

Most importantly, others are really kind, and they are kind to themselves.

In the morning, I offered myself a seat in the car, and treated myself to such an expensive lunch, as well as the soda that cost 2 yuan before.

This is He Sinan's first impression of Qin Tian.

All in all, He Sinan took Qin Tian's joke seriously, and was really considering whether to accept this kind fellow.

"Haha, it's just a joke, it scares you."

Qin Tian succeeded in laughing, this Sichuan-Chongqing girl is simply too cute.

"Ah, just kidding."

He Sinan's brainstorming was directly disrupted by this sentence, his tone was a little low, and he never picked up his chopsticks.

She just looked down at her knees, wondering what she was thinking.

Qin Tian saw that the girl still refused to eat, then pointed to Aunt, the cleaner who was clearing the dishes, and whispered to her: "Did you see that Aunt?"

Following Qin Tian's gaze, He Sinan raised his head to look at Aunt, the cleaner who was clearing away the dishes.

The weather is very hot today, and the cleaning Aunt looks a bit fierce, she looks like a wicked mother-in-law, and she feels irritable when she does things.

She lugs a small cart with a large bucket of leftovers and stacks of dinner plates stacked high.

Every time an empty table passed by, Aunt, the cleaner, poured the food from the plate above into the vat, and his movements were very skillful.

Some of the meals that she had only eaten a few mouthfuls were poured into the bucket so neatly by her, He Sinan felt very distressed when she saw it.

"If you don't eat, she will think that you don't want to eat when she comes over later, and then she will throw away all your food."

Qin Tian threatened faintly: "You don't want such expensive food, so just throw it away?"

He Sinan shook his head in embarrassment, his expression looked aggrieved.

"Then eat quickly, and you will go to work in the afternoon."

Qin Tian threatened again: "You don't want to go to work on an empty stomach, do you?"

Listening to Qin Tian's interrogation-like coercion, He Sinan hesitated to pick up the chopsticks, picked up a meatball, opened his small mouth and began to eat.

As soon as the meatballs entered his mouth, He Sinan was stunned for a moment, and a hint of disbelief flashed in his beautiful eyes.

Immediately afterwards, He Sinan ate faster.

Qin Tian ordered all the spicy dishes that Sichuan and Chongqing people like to eat, and He Sinan's small mouth was full of red oil.

What's interesting is that when eating, He Sinan still looked at the cleaning Aunt who was getting closer from time to time, for fear that she would pick up his food and pour it into the bucket.

It was at this moment that Qin Tian propped his hands on the table, poked his head forward, and threatened domineeringly: "My fellow, now that you have eaten my meal, you will be mine from now on. Don't play tricks!"

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