Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 6: I Hope It Won't Become An Ear Rake In The Future

He Sinan, who was feasting, stopped his chopsticks immediately when he heard Qin Tian's threat.

She pursed her lips full of red oil, and looked at Qin Tian with a pair of sultry peach blossom eyes with mist, and sucked her nose a few times, as if she was about to cry the next moment.

"Just kidding, just kidding."

Seeing He Sinan react so strongly, Qin Tian hurriedly coaxed: "Don't cry, people will think I'm bullying you later."

He Sinan quickly wiped away the overflowing tears with his sleeve, and muttered pitifully in the Sichuan-Chongqing dialect: "Little brother Qin, can you stop lying to me."

"No, no more."

Qin Tian smiled awkwardly, and then suddenly realized that the Internet has not yet developed in 2008.

Not only does my way of flirting up with girls not work in this day and age, but it's also considered a playboy.

Not to mention that the object is still such a treasure girl from a remote mountainous area who hears the wind is the rain.

He Sinan was as pure as a blank sheet of paper, and her words just now were, to her, completely playing with her feelings.

"Looks like it's time for a change of strategy."

Qin Tian secretly reminded himself.

"Small, little brother Qin"

I don't know if it was because of crying just now, or because of the hot weather, He Sinan's face was a little flushed, and he muttered softly: "You, you are a good person"

Hearing this, He Sinan seemed to have made a decision, picked up the chopsticks and started eating again.

This time, she ate very slowly, as if she was enjoying the staff meal worth 10 yuan.

Qin Tian stared at He Sinan, who was eating the staff meal slowly and occasionally looking up at him, and was completely stunned.

If in Qin Tian's time, someone said such words to Qin Tian, ​​Qin Tian would definitely think that person was scolding himself, and would retort: ​​"You are a good person, and your whole family is a good person!"

But the fact that He Sinan can say such words has a different meaning, which means that she is really considering whether to accept herself.

Qin Tian didn't react to the result of such a quick change.

The progress of the matter was too fast, before Qin Tian even started to take it seriously, this girl seemed to have accepted herself ambiguously.

Qin Tian knew that the girls of this era didn't have much wealth, and their rankings were not that high, they were a little bit better than the girls of his own era.

But it's too simple, isn't it just a staff meal? !

"Aunt, bring me two bottles of Coke, I want ice!"

Qin Tian was overjoyed, such a great day must be remembered well!

"Brother Qin, don't order anything, I'm full, don't waste money."

He Sinan hurriedly stopped her, and hurriedly spoke the Sichuan-Chongqing dialect, as if she had already started to think about the future living expenses of the two of them.

"It's okay, how much can two bottles of Coke cost?"

Qin Tian waved his hand indifferently.

Soon, an Aunt in an apron came over with two bottles of iced Coke.

After Qin Tian handed Aunt 4 yuan, he took the initiative to help He Sinan unscrew the bottle cap, and handed it in front of her: "Eat slowly, drink some water."


He Sinan responded with a thousand thoughts, and continued to chew and swallow slowly with his head down.

Qin Tian watched He Sinan eat so dotingly, feeling that his whole body was healed.

It has to be said that He Sinan's figure and skin are well maintained, his facial features are exquisite and natural, and his skin is fair and clear.

Because of the oolong confession just now, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and she looked up at Qin Tian's little expression secretly from time to time, she looked very cute.

He Sinan was quite tall among girls, about 1.7 meters tall.

It's just that the shirt she's wearing is a bit plain and loose, and she probably couldn't bear to throw it away after wearing it for several years. Qin Tian couldn't judge her figure.

Only a pair of legs in white trousers, it can be seen that her legs should be slender and well-proportioned.

It is such a treasure girl with both appearance and figure, it is completely impossible to tell that she came out of the depths of the mountains.

In Qin Tian's cognition, the girls who walked out from the depths of the mountains were all those girls with dark skin and plateau red on their faces.

It can be said that the existence of He Sinan has simply refreshed Qin Tian's understanding of girls deep in the mountains.

If you really want to find a reason, then you can only say that He Sinan is very talented.

Otherwise, how could a girl who does farm work every day and lives deep in the mountains have a face and figure that even female stars can't match?

But looking at it, Qin Tian couldn't help being a little surprised.

What Qin Tian ordered were all spicy dishes in line with Sichuan and Chongqing people's tastes. Qin Tian himself ate a little just now, but his throat was a little choked by the heat.

However, He Sinan was able to eat without changing his face and relishing it, and he didn't even catch his breath.

Qin Tian wondered if he was from a mountain city. Spicy food is the strong point of people from Sichuan, Chongqing and mountain cities!

"I hope it won't become an ear rake in the future."

Qin Tian smiled expectantly.

It is said that girls from Sichuan and Chongqing are little birds before they get married, but after they get married they become tigresses.

However, Qin Tian really couldn't imagine He Sinan being angry.

She gave Qin Tian the feeling that she was always calm, introverted and kind, and she had a strong smell of a naive baby when she spoke.

When work started in the afternoon, He Sinan was still assigned to work on the assembly line, while Qin Tian was ordered by the person in charge to pack the containers.

This is a purely brute force carrying job, especially in such a big summer, people with poor physical fitness are likely to pass out due to heat stroke.

Qin Tian signed a temporary labor contract, and during this day, the supervisor of the workshop must squeeze all of Qin Tian's labor force.

Qin Tian didn't have any worries, he just felt uncomfortable not being with the treasure girl who was about to catch up.

Qin Tian is already planning to ask the supervisor to renew his labor contract at night.

That naive Sichuan-Chongqing girl hasn't been chased completely, Qin Tian doesn't want to just leave this electronics factory.

Just kidding, catching up is only half the battle, when you get on the bed, you really belong to yourself!

What's more, Qin Tian hasn't completely caught up with him yet, so how could he let it go?

So, before going downstairs to pack the boxes, Qin Tian found He Sinan and explained his work.

He Sinan was also distressed, after all, it was hard work to pack boxes in such a hot day.

But He Sinan is just a part-time worker in the factory, and she has no power or power, and she has no way to disobey the boss's wishes.

After thinking about it, He Sinan said to Qin Tian in a low voice: "Brother Qin, don't show off your stupid strength, you can do a little bit of foreign work."

Hearing this, Qin Tian couldn't help but feel a little excited.

For this honest and kind Chuanyu girl to take the initiative to talk about her laziness, it shows that she has a place for Qin Tian in her heart.

Qin Tian's favorability in her heart is at least 70.

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