Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 7: Plastic Treasure Box: A Bank Card With A Balance Of 100,000

"Then I'll come to you after get off work that night. By the way, I'll go to the girls' dormitory with you and make the bed."

He Sinan signed a long-term contract and lived in the staff dormitory provided by the electronics factory.

He Sinan's introverted temper is easy to be bullied, Qin Tian must go to help support the situation, lest she be bullied in the girls' dormitory in the future.


He Sinan responded with a charming voice, and looked up at Qin Tian without the embarrassment, his shy eyes were erratic, always giving people a feeling of shyness waiting to be released.

Qin Tian's heart moved, and he couldn't help holding He Sinan's tender little hand.

But before his hands were warmed up, He Sinan quickly retracted his hands, subconsciously took a few steps back, and looked down at the toes of his shoes coyly.

"Tsk, what's the hurry!"

Qin Tian laughed at himself somewhat disappointedly.

He always felt that in front of He Sinan, the routines and speaking skills he had accumulated to deal with girls in his previous life were useless at all.

Just when Qin Tian was about to say something off-topic to divert the awkward atmosphere, He Sinan suddenly muttered like a mosquito: "Yes, there is someone."

"That is to say, no one can do it?"

Qin Tian suddenly realized and looked back at the assembly workshop.

Sure enough, many aunts and uncles were watching the two whispering about something.

"Then I'll go to work first, and you will wait for me here after get off work."

After Qin Tian finished speaking expectantly, he went to the container downstairs.

He Sinan looked at Qin Tian's back, and gently shook his little hand, a healing smile that was as bright as a star appeared on his delicate face.

But when she noticed the mixed eyes in the workshop, she lowered her head again, shyly returned to her seat and started working.

After carrying goods in the parking lot downstairs under the scorching sun for an afternoon, the alarm bell for getting off work finally rang.

The employees who had worked all day came out of the electronics factory one after another.

Those who live full-time will go to the cafeteria for dinner.

Temporary workers or those who do not have accommodation, go to the parking lot to launch their own bicycles and small e-Donkeys to go home.

"Phew~ I'm finally off work!"

Qin Tian and a few workers filled up several large trucks. They were so exhausted that they were already out of breath. They were drenched with sweat, and their clothes could even be wrung out.

This is a tired worker who works hard for a month and may not even get one percent of the boss's salary.

But Qin Tian is different from ordinary workers, he is bound to the worker system!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully clocking in the electronics factory for one day, please choose the treasure chest you want as a reward. 】

[Department of Economics: You can get a mysterious treasure chest with a random level, and the rewards are all related to the economic expenditure of the host. 】

[Ability Department: You can get a mysterious treasure box of a random level, and the rewards are all related to the daily life of the host. 】

[Ability Department: You can get a mysterious treasure box of a random level, and the rewards are all kinds of powerful abilities. 】

[The higher the level of the treasure chest, the better the props that will be opened, the highest is the diamond treasure chest. 】

[Treasure chest levels are: Plastic, Black Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond. 】

[The above three levels of options, after randomly obtaining a treasure box of a level, the next time you successfully check in, the treasure box of this level will not appear in the refresh disk of this series. 】

[After all the treasure chests of the three series and seven levels are obtained, the treasure chests of the three series will be reset, and the rewards in the treasure chests will not be the same as those previously opened. 】

After the system patiently explained, Qin Tian finally understood the operation method of this system.

"Choose the treasure chest from the Department of Economics."

Qin Tian really wanted to see what kind of things could be opened in the treasure chests of the ability department and the ability department.

Especially in the supernatural department, Qin Tian wondered if it could really develop the powerful abilities that only exist in science fiction novels.

But now Qin Tian's economic conditions are relatively poor, so I still plan to stabilize the economic conditions first.

After all, maybe it won't be long before I bring that naive Sichuan girl to dinner.

Qin Tian doesn't want that Sichuan-Chongqing girl to be like an old woman when she goes out to eat in the future, loving this and that.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the treasure chest of the economic department! 】

[The level of the treasure chest is: plastic! 】

[May I ask if the host has opened: the mysterious plastic economy department treasure chest? 】

"Tsk, the system was developed by a certain horse, right? It's actually given from the lowest treasure chest?"

Qin Tian complained angrily, but still muttered silently, and opened the lowest-level plastic treasure chest.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully opening the mysterious plastic treasure box: get a bank card with a balance of 100,000, the bank card password is: 888888. 】

【Ding! This system has erased the host's bank account number from the bank data center, so the host does not have to worry about being investigated and tracked for unknown sources of funds. 】

"I'm going? One hundred thousand?!"

Qin Tian couldn't believe that the plastic treasure chest with the lowest level could actually see such a good thing.

Doesn't the diamond treasure chest with the highest level want to open an aircraft carrier for himself?

As soon as the system spoke, Qin Tian felt something hard in his trousers pocket.

Qin Tian stretched out his hand to touch it, and it was indeed in the shape of a bank card, but he didn't take it out in front of several workers.

Don't expose your wealth, this sentence is very true no matter what era it is placed in.

"Damn it, that shitty supervisor, we moved all afternoon, and we didn't even buy a bottle of water!"

"That's right, when I was packing boxes in other factories, the boss would buy a few bottles of water to reward me."

"Anyway, I will resign after this month. This factory doesn't treat us as human beings."

A few workers sat under the shade of a tree with their red arms bare, grinning and cursing the supervisor who arranged for them to come down to load the goods.

If it was before, Qin Tian, ​​who was exhausted like a dog, would definitely join their ranks, and together with them scold the heartless supervisor.

But now Qin Tian is not in that mood.

After moving the goods all afternoon, I earned a full 100,000 yuan, which is equivalent to the salary of working in an electronics factory for several years. I have not been in the mood to scold for several years.

"Then everyone, I'm going to pick up my sister first, you can talk."

Qin Tian said hello casually, happily hummed a little song, bought a bottle of iced Coke in the cafeteria, and then happily walked upstairs.

Several workers looked at Qin Tian's joyful back, a little confused.

This kid moved so hard just now, he didn't even go to the bathroom, and he finally got off work, but he didn't complain at all.

If they hadn't seen Qin Tian working and chatting with them, those who didn't know would have thought it was the boss's own son who came to experience life.

ps: This is a purely urban text, and the supernatural treasure box will not reveal anything that can be used in cultivating immortals. Don’t worry, I can’t write fantasy content. The supernatural powers I get are only useful for daily life, so don’t worry What fantasy content will appear later!

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