Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 61: Why Did You Note Me As Your Husband?

"By the way, I won't go to work in the electronics factory after finishing today."

Qin Tian reported his plan to He Sinan: "I have to go out tomorrow, and I have to find someone to renovate the milk tea shop."

This is also the main reason why Qin Tian would give all the cash on his body to He Sinan.

He Sinan only had a few hundred dollars on him, and he was so frugal with money.

Qin Tian is about to rent out the school district of Yulongwan community, and there will be a steady stream of rent inflows in the future.

Qin Tian also expected He Sinan to help him spend some money, at least let her use the magic power of money to embellish the ordinary life between the two of them.

After listening, He Sinan nodded obediently without asking any questions, "Yes, I understand."

"If I don't come back at night, I will call you. By the way, where is your cell phone?"

It was only now that Qin Tian remembered that He Sinan never seemed to have brought the mobile phone he bought for her with him.

He Sinan pointed to the suitcase: "I was afraid of losing it, so I kept it in the suitcase."

"Go and take it out and bring it with you."

Qin Tian patted He Sinan's small buttocks and asked her to take out the phone.

He Sinan blushed, ran over to look through the suitcase, and after a while, took out a box containing a mobile phone and handed it to Qin Tian.

Since Qin Tian helped her buy this Nokia mobile phone worth 3,500 yuan, He Sinan was afraid of carrying the mobile phone with her, accidentally breaking or losing the screen.

Except for one phone call to grandma in the hotel, He Sinan kept his phone in the phone case all the time.

Sometimes she would open the box with trepidation and take a look, worrying that it would not be safe to put the phone in the box.

"Sinan, you can't put your phone in a box in the future, it will damage the parts."

While unpacking the box, Qin Tian foolishly said to He Sinan: "You have to carry it with you often, the parts of the mobile phone are very precious."

"Ah? Brother Qin, is your phone okay?"

He Sinan asked anxiously, she hadn't taken out her phone for several days.


Nokia's familiar start-up bell rang, press the number key to unlock, and a few initial software popped up.

"Well, it's okay, but I have to take it with me in the future, don't put it in the box."

"I, I see."

He Sinan nodded nervously, just now she was really worried that such an expensive mobile phone would be broken.

"Then, Brother Qin, can you give me your phone?"

He Sinan asked with a pretty face flushed.

Qin Tian didn't take it seriously at first, and wanted to give He Sinan the phone.

Seeing He Sinan's shy look, Qin Tian felt that something was wrong, and then checked He Sinan's cell phone by mistake.

He Sinan's mobile phone is similar to Qin Tian's, and the desktop only has a few initial software.

But when Qin Tian opened the phone book, a user with the note: "Husband" made the corner of Qin Tian's mouth draw a playful smile.

Click on this user, and there is the phone number of Qin Tian's own mobile phone.

"Eh~ Si Nan, you are too nasty."

Qin Tian pretended to be nasty and joked: "I haven't met your grandma yet, and I haven't received the certificate yet, so you just marked me as your husband, how embarrassing~"

Qin Tian thought that she would note herself as "Little Brother Qin".

But I didn't expect this girl to be her husband directly. This is because she is determined to live with her.

"Little Brother Qin"

He Sinan was so ashamed of what was said, she shyly slid into Qin Tian's arms, with a cute charm of being coquettish.

"Hey, do you want to see what I wrote about you?"


He Sinan nodded expectantly, and blinked his peach blossom eyes curiously.

Qin Tian took out his black Nokia and opened the phone book.

There are only two users in Qin Tian's phone book.

One is the property manager of Yulongwan, and the remarks are: Yulongwan property.

The other one is He Sinan, her note only has two words: Han'er.

"I, I'm not stupid, Brother Qin, you hate me"

Seeing this mocking remark, He Sinan puffed her cheeks resentfully, and rubbed Qin Tian's chest, expressing her strong protest!

"Ha ha ha ha"

Qin Tian couldn't be happier, then sat on the bed with He Sinan in his arms, lightly weighed his thighs, let He Sinan sit on his lap, and put his arms around her slender waist with one hand.

"Then you want me to remark you, you can change it."

Qin Tian generously handed the phone to He Sinan.

He Sinan took the phone, glanced at Qin Tian with a reddened face, and then pressed the number keys cautiously.

Qin Tian just lowered his head and watched quietly, occasionally brushing against the treasure girl's black hair.

He Sinan first typed out his wife's pinyin, but she raised her head and glanced at Qin Tian, ​​then blushed and heartbeated and changed the note to He Sinan.

But she felt that this name made the relationship between the two of them a bit unfamiliar, so she changed it to the more familiar word Si Nan.

"Huh? Don't you note that it's your wife?"

Qin Tian asked with a grin.

He Sinan lowered his head and explained with a flushed face: "I haven't brought you to see grandma yet, and I haven't received the certificate yet."

"Then you still mark me as your husband, are you trying to abduct me forcibly?"

Qin Tian teased her endlessly: "Sinan, you have ulterior motives!"

He just likes to see He Sinan shy, very cute.

"Brother Qin, you hate it"

He Sinan blushed even more, her head was so low that her chin was almost on top of her tall and straight 95.

"He said he wasn't stupid."

Qin Tian couldn't help but nibbled on He Sinan's face, and then said.

"In the future, I may have to work outside often. You have to bring your mobile phone with you. We must keep talking."

He Sinan nodded first, and then noticed the key question: "Brother Qin, don't you work at the milk tea shop with me?"

"I'm afraid it won't work."

Qin Tian looked embarrassed, and made an excuse casually: "My friend started a company and asked me to help."

Qin Tian also wanted to accompany He Sinan in the milk tea shop while working with salted fish and brushing treasure chests at the same time.

The Naihe system has already seen Qin Tian's salty fish plan, and Qin Tian also wants to know what can be opened in other treasure chests.

So he can only continue his life as a worker in Jianghai City.

"But don't worry."

Qin Tian noticed that He Sinan was a little unhappy, and comforted him softly: "I will go home every night, I will go to the milk tea shop to pick you up after work, and then we will go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables together, and then go home together after shopping, okay? it is good?"


Listening to the warm picture painted by Qin Tian, ​​He Sinan's lost mood eased a lot.

Now Qin Tian is her backbone, and He Sinan doesn't want to leave him even a single step.

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