Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 62: Big Bubble Gum

The two got tired of it for a while, so they went out to take a taxi and continued to work.

Although Qin Tian already has a car, but this car is too exaggerated.

Putting it in the most prosperous area of ​​Jianghai City can attract countless eyes, and driving it to the gate of an electronics factory full of ordinary workers is definitely an exaggerated dimensionality reduction blow.

Qin Tian wasn't interested in showing off such prestige, anyway, he wouldn't be working in the factory tomorrow, so why pretend in front of a group of people he didn't know?

"Brother Qin~!"

The taxi stopped at the gate of the electronics factory. The two of them had just got out of the car and hadn't walked a few steps when Chen Qianqian's voice came from behind.

Chen Qianqian, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, couldn't wait to trot all the way to catch up, with a cheerful and energetic smile on her delicate melon seed face: "Good morning, sister Sinan."

"Well, good morning."

He Sinan greeted her lightly.

Qin Tian didn't speak, but just gave Chen Qianqian a contemptuous look. He still remembered the incident when this guy suddenly gnawed him.

Qin Tian is still a little scared now, if He Sinan found out that Chen Qianqian suddenly gnawed on her yesterday, what kind of exaggerated reaction would she have?

"Brother Qin, here it is!"

Qin Tian ignored Chen Qianqian, and she was not angry, instead she took out two big bubble gums and handed them to Qin Tian.

This bubble gum is considered a relatively high-end snack in this era. It is sweeter and chewier than ordinary bubble gum, but it is also a few cents more expensive than ordinary bubble gum.

Qin Tian didn't want it at first.

But Chen Qianqian just kept raising her hands and handing them in front of her. Qin Tian felt that if she didn't take these two candies, she might have to keep raising her hands and enter the factory.

"You really linger."

Qin Tian sighed helplessly, still took the bubble gum from Chen Qianqian's hand, but at the same time gave her a wink.

He felt that Chen Qianqian was a troubled girl who lacked a father's love. With a little education, she should be able to correct her evil ways and return to the right.

Chen Qianqian is very smart, and immediately sensed what Qin Tian meant.

"Here, Sister Sinan, you have it too!"

Chen Qianqian quickly handed He Sinan two more bubble gums, with a sincere and friendly smile on his face, looking at He Sinan expectantly with black and white eyes.

"Thank you."

He Sinan was more kind-hearted, Chen Qianqian just raised her hand, she gently picked up the bubble gum and put it in her pocket, planning to give it to Qin Tian when she returned home.

"Hey, you're welcome, we are coworkers."

Chen Qianqian smiled indifferently, observing Qin Tian's expression from the corner of her eyes.

Yesterday Chen Qianqian couldn't help but secretly kissed Qin Tian with tricks, and at night Chen Qianqian was excited until 3 o'clock in the morning before falling asleep.

Of course, while excited, Chen Qianqian was also afraid that Qin Tian would be angry about this matter, and would ignore him today.

Therefore, Chen Qianqian has been observing Qin Tian's every move, wanting to see if Qin Tian really cares about what happened yesterday.

"Hee hee, it seems that there is no problem at present."

Chen Qianqian looked at Qin Tian who was chewing the bubble gum, and his uneasy mood disappeared in an instant.

"Sister Sinan, look, I'll show you a funny show."

Chen Qianqian quickly ran in front of He Sinan, glanced at Qin Tian beside him from the corner of her eye, and wanted to attract his attention.

Chen Qianqian had already thought of a countermeasure last night.

Since he wanted to stay by Qin Tian's side, he had to establish a good relationship with He Sinan.

After all, Brother Xiao Qin cares about this girlfriend very much.

Chen Qianqian knew that she had no place in Qin Tian's heart now, so she could only rely on He Sinan to step into the center of communication between the two of them.

And she also likes this kind and simple sister.


He Sinan looked at Chen Qianqian curiously, wondering what she was going to do.

"Looking good!"

After Chen Qianqian attracted He Sinan's attention, he skillfully blew a fist-sized bubble with the bubble gum in his mouth.


He Sinan blinked her peachy eyes in a little surprise, she didn't expect this kind of candy to be like this.

After the bubble was blown, Chen Qianqian skillfully used her small tongue to draw the bubble around her mouth into her mouth, and continued to chew happily: "How about Sister Sinan, I'm not too hard!"

"Well, it's amazing. I didn't expect this kind of candy to play like this."

He Sinan nodded affirmatively, and patted her little hands cutely.

Seeing that He Sinan's attention was attracted, Chen Qianqian was overjoyed, and quickly bragged: "I bragged about a bigger one last time, but unfortunately my mother took her phone away when she was at work, so there was no way to take a picture of it."

"Sister Sinan, you can try it too."

Chen Qianqian handed He Sinan another bubble gum, encouraging him expectantly: "That's how this bubble gum is played, it's very interesting!"

"I will not."

He Sinan shook his head in embarrassment.

"It's okay, it's very simple, roll your tongue like mine, and blow on the tip of your tongue."

After Chen Qianqian finished speaking, he blew out another fist-sized bubble.

"Then, let me try."

After all, He Sinan couldn't stand the enthusiastic Chen Qianqian, so he took apart the bubble gum and put it in his mouth, imitating the method taught by Chen Qianqian, and started blowing.

As a result, as soon as she blew, the bubble gum was blown out by her.


Looking at the dusty bubble gum that fell on the ground, He Sinan felt a little distressed.

"Sister Sinan, you haven't even chewed it yet, you have to chew it until it becomes soft before you can blow it."

Chen Qianqian taught patiently.

"No need, it's too wasteful."

He Sinan shook his head, not planning to do this kind of food-wasting game anymore.

"Sister Sinan, it's actually very simple, as long as"


Qin Tian interrupted Chen Qianqian's words, and said angrily: "How old is he, he is still like a primary school student, can he be more mature? He is already an adult."

"Also, is that what money is for you to use?"

Qin Tian squinted his eyes and questioned, the pronunciation of money was heavy, after all, Qin Tian gave her 500 yuan yesterday for her to use as living expenses.

Chen Qianqian was not angry either, but stuck out her tongue playfully, "I want to have a good relationship with Sister Sinan."

Chen Qianqian said sincerely to He Sinan again: "Sister Sinan, Brother Xiaoqin and I are really just friends, I won't steal your boyfriend."

"Ok, I know."

In fact, Chen Qianqian didn't explain, and He Sinan also believed that she would not involve her relationship with Qin Tian, ​​after all, she believed what Qin Tian said.

Qin Tian said that Chen Qianqian didn't mean that, so He Sinan would not treat Chen Qianqian as a love rival.

It's just that she is introverted and doesn't adapt to Chen Qianqian's enthusiastic personality.

Qin Tian silently looked at the two people who seemed to be reconciled as before, quietly chewing bubble gum, without speaking.

He knew what evil ideas Chen Qianqian was thinking.

But Qin Tian will leave this factory soon, so it is useless to say anything now.

This problematic girl who lacks fatherly love should be regarded as the daughter she raised in the factory for a few days.

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