Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 67: Veteran Driver's Driving Talent

"Choose the ability department."

Qin Tian pondered for a moment between supernatural abilities and ability-type treasure chests, and chose the ability-type treasure chest again.

Qin Tian is going to rent out the school district room in Yulongwan tomorrow.

Even if it's just for rent, not for sale.

Qin Tian also believes that all of his more than 100 school district houses can be rented out within a few days.

Next to it is the most famous Jiaotong University in Jianghai City, and it is also the most prosperous area in Jianghai City, where there are many rich people.

For the convenience of their children to go to school, those high-ranking officials will definitely scramble to rent the rooms in Qin Tian's school district.

Maybe tomorrow Qin Tian will be able to earn over one million in rent and deposit, so the treasure chest of the economics department is temporarily unnecessary.

Qin Tian was very satisfied with the potion that changed the body quality that was opened from the ability treasure chest last time.

I hope that this time I can also prescribe something even more awesome than biological medicine.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ability treasure chest! 】

[The level of the treasure chest is: plastic! 】

[May I ask if the host has opened: the mysterious ability-based plastic treasure box? 】

"Come on, let's go."

Qin Tian smiled helplessly, he was relieved.

It seems that such a good thing that hits the soul can't always happen.

The system also refreshes the level of treasure chests randomly. If you want to open a high-level treasure chest, you really have to look at your face.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully opening the plastic treasure box of the mysterious ability system: obtaining the driving talent of an old driver! 】

[Old driver's driving talent: the host will be able to master the control methods of all means of transportation with proficiency! 】

"I'll go, I thought it was the talent of that old driver!"

Qin Tian made complaints about whether to laugh or cry, but felt that this talent was not bad.

At least I have the skills of an old driver, and it was opened from the lowest-level plastic treasure box, so there is nothing to complain about.

Qin Tian was tidying up the workbench, while pondering: "Why don't you take another job as a driver?"

Anyway, Qin Tian is now proficient with all vehicles, and it is relatively easy to apply for a driver position in Jianghai City.

When Qin Tian was thinking about whether to become a driver, his shoulders suddenly softened.

It turned out that He Sinan who had cleaned up the workbench leaned over, smiled sweetly at Qin Tian, ​​and helped clean up together.

It was dusk now, and the golden sunlight shone in from the window, hitting He Sinan's delicate and soft side face, giving this treasure girl who was usually charming and charming a more real beauty.

This feeling is like a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world, willing to cook for a poor man.

Qin Tian didn't know if he was exaggerating a bit, anyway, that's what he thought at the moment.

"Forget it, let's think about it later, and don't worry about it for a while."

Qin Tian smiled lightly, not wanting to waste the good time with this beautiful woman.

This kind of beautiful and ordinary life of husbands and wives may be the dream of countless men.

Qin Tian's current house in the community has nothing but simple daily necessities.

Qin Tian planned to live with He Sinan in the apartment in this community for a while.

After the milk tea shop and those miscellaneous things are done, I will take He Sinan to live in the Yulongwan community.

So after get off work, the two first took a taxi back to the community, and then drove a silver Mercedes to a large supermarket for shopping.

This supermarket is not far from the neighborhood where Qin Tian lives, and the two of them may both come here to buy groceries when they get off work in the future.

After about an hour, Qin Tian pushed a cart full of fruits, vegetables and various household props to the cash register and queued up.

Customers queuing in front and back saw the couple's carts piled up like a hill, and subconsciously took a step back.

"Brother Qin, here it is."

When it was Qin Tian's turn to check out, He Sinan handed Qin Tian her pink wallet.

This is the wallet I bought at China World Mall last time, and it contains the 2,500 yuan that Qin Tian gave her.

A few of her own crumpled red bills and assorted coins were also in the wallet, ranging from fifteen cents.

Qin Tian was stunned for a moment, and then said foolishly: "Han'er, I have a shopping card, and the points in the card are about to expire."

"Shopping card, point brother Qin, what is that?"

He Sinan asked with some embarrassment.

He Sinan had never seen this kind of big supermarket that was several times more grand than the biggest canteen in her village.

Not to mention shopping cards and points, things that only people in the city know.

"It's like a bank card. The points in the shopping card can be used as money."

Qin Tian stated solemnly: "My points will expire in two days. If I don't use them in time, it will be equivalent to wasting thousands of dollars."

"Oh I see."

He Sinan looked like he had learned, and quickly put away his wallet.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: the life of people in the city is really convenient and fast.

"Hey, it's still as easy to deceive as ever."

Qin Tian showed an old father's caring smile.

"Huh? Do you want to buy a few boxes of this?"

Qin Tian glanced at the small shelf next to it, there were various contact lenses on it.

The relationship between Qin Tian and He Sinan is growing day by day, and they are doing sports every day.

If Qin Tian misfired and He Sinan had a child, it would be no fun.

He Sinan is only 21 years old, which is the most beautiful and precious time for girls.

Qin Tian didn't want such a young treasure girl to be pregnant with Liujia, walking around with her big belly.

This kind of thing will take at least a few years to talk about.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian decisively took two boxes of contact lenses and stuffed them into the shopping cart, then turned his head to look abruptly.

He Sinan immediately blushed and lowered his head, as embarrassed as a thief caught on the spot.

Now He Sinan doesn't have a small size underwear to help, and since she can't see the toe of her shoes, she feels that she lacks an inexplicable sense of security.

So, blushing and heart beating, she gently picked the shampoo in the shopping cart with her fingers to relieve her current shyness.

Qin Tian smiled meaningfully, it seems that the treasure girl also knows what contact lenses are for.

"Sir, do you have our membership card?"

When it was Qin Tian's turn, the cashier lady who was tired all day showed a faint smile.

After all, the guest in front of him is a tall and handsome young man, which can be regarded as a seductive look for a tired day's life.

"No, just swipe this card and get another membership card for me."

Qin Tian took out the bank card with more than 60,000 yuan left and handed it to the cashier.

As soon as he handed over the bank card to the cashier, Qin Tian felt his waist being gently tapped back and forth.

Looking back, it was the girl He Sinan.

She blushed and lowered her head, raised a pair of aggrieved and shy peach blossom eyes, and looked at Qin Tian complaining.

"Brother Qin, you lied to me again"

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