Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Sixty-Eight: The Godly Mr. Qin

When the two returned home, they began to sort out the daily necessities they bought from the supermarket.

The suite, which was originally equivalent to the Qingshui room, gradually became more substantial under the busy work of the two.

Just like other tenants in the community, the deserted room has become the smell of life.

After all this work, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Qin Tian was too lazy to ask He Sinan to cook, so the two casually ate some biscuits and milk bought in the supermarket for dinner.

After taking a shower, Qin Tian came to the living room in his pajamas with his mobile phone, and He Sinan just finished cleaning the kitchen.

The tile stove in the kitchen was polished by her, and there was no oil stain on the side of the gas stove.

"Okay, don't be busy, go take a shower."

Qin Tian patted He Sinan's small buttocks, and reminded: "This is a rented house, not ours, so there is no need to clean it too clean."

"Then, then I'll go and sweep the balcony."

He Sinan said that he was going to get the broom.

Her thinking is different from Qin Tian's. She thinks that since she wants to live here for a long time, she must keep her home clean.

"I'll just go."

Qin Tian took the broom and dustpan leaning against the kitchen door, lowered his head and gnawed on He Sinan's face: "Go take a shower quickly, it's time to go to bed after you take a shower, I'll send you to work tomorrow morning."


He Sinan nodded blushingly, went to the bedroom to get a change of clothes and walked to the bathroom.

Not long after the lights in the bathroom came on, there was the sound of running water.

Qin Tian, ​​on the other hand, took a broom, lit a cigarette, and went to the balcony to call the property management of Yulongwan Community.

He squinted his eyes and swallowed the clouds while drawing large characters on the ground with a broom.

The balcony space is very small, and there is no sanitation to deal with. There are only a few cigarette butts that Qin Tian threw here yesterday, just sweep it up.

"Hello, Mr. Qin."

A respectful and sonorous voice soon rang out from the other end of the phone.

"I'll come over tomorrow, are you in the community?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Qin, when will you come over tomorrow?"

At this moment, the property department of Yulongwan Community.

Sun Shaowen, the property manager of Yulongwan Community, was holding his flip phone, pacing back and forth in the office with a commercialized excited smile on his face, chatting endlessly with Qin Tian on the other end of the phone.

The other staff in the property department stared at Sun Shaowen with bated breath, not daring to make a sound.

Even the little property girl passing by Sun Shaowen carefully slowed down, for fear that the sound of her high-heeled shoes under the black silk would disturb Sun Shaowen.

You must know that Sun Shaowen is on the other end of the phone, who can buy the entire Yulongwan community!

When the news that Yulongwan community was going to build a school district was first released, all the dignitaries and real estate companies in China were excited about it.

Rich people in this era, especially those who are at the forefront of the times, are particularly sensitive to various products that can be used to appreciate and make money.

Recently, the price of houses has become more and more expensive. Many real estate companies are secretly hoarding real estate, especially real estate in better locations that may be developed in the future.

These dignitaries who are at the forefront of the times are keenly aware that the future housing prices will definitely skyrocket.

If you can stock up on a few properties in good locations now and sell them after the housing prices skyrocket, you can definitely make a fortune!

Such a good location in Yulongwan Community is still next to the best university in Jianghai City.

Real estate companies who want to hoard houses to appreciate in value, and dignitaries who want to study for their children naturally want to be the first to win a few sets of houses in the school district of Yulongwan Community.

But when Yulongwan Community is so popular, this Mr. Qin with unknown origin broke out and bought the entire property of Yulongwan Community in one go!

Such an exaggerated generosity directly surprised the entire real estate circle.

Even a few well-known big shots in Jianghai City are frantically asking where this Mr. Qin is from!

Now the only person who has Qin Tian's contact information is the property manager of Yulongwan Community: Sun Shaowen.

During these days, Sun Shaowen's private phone calls have been overwhelmed by those clients who have coveted Yulongwan community for a long time.

They all wanted to know the origin of this Mr. Qin, and even bribed Sun Shaowen in private, wanting Sun Shaowen to give him Qin Tian's contact information, and then go to Qin Tian to buy a house.

Of course, the person who can buy the entire Yulongwan community in one go is definitely a powerful person. Naturally, Sun Shaowen will not and dare not disclose Qin Tian's contact information at will.

He also came to Jianghai City from other cities to work hard, and finally sat in the position of property manager of Yulong Bay.

Qin Tian is also the biggest owner of Yulongwan Community. If he is not satisfied, he can replace the entire property management staff at any time, including him, Sun Shaowen.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Qin, don't worry, there is absolutely no problem, okay, no problem, I wish you a happy life!"

After another series of extremely respectful conversations, Sun Shaowen hung up the phone excitedly.

Seeing Sun Shaowen hang up the phone, other property staff were also relieved, and at the same time had to admire Sun Shaowen's psychological endurance.

If they were asked to answer this Shenhao's call, they would definitely be so nervous that they could speak incoherently.

"Let's put down what we're doing!"

Sun Shaowen clapped his hands and attracted the attention of all the employees.

"Mr. Qin will come over tomorrow, you must give me a 12-point spirit, and don't make any mistakes!"

After Sun Shaowen finished speaking seriously, he still felt a little inappropriate, and added: "All the staff who are on vacation tomorrow will also be transferred. Tomorrow I must see all the staff on the duty list, otherwise I will pack up and leave!"


The employees responded solemnly, but they were even more nervous.

"Sun Xueye, come out!"

Sun Shaowen called a young man with earrings, air bangs, and sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone out of the property department.

"Cousin? Why did you ask me to take a day off?"

Sun Xueye complained a little irritably: "I have an appointment to go out racing with my brothers tomorrow, and my car has already been painted!"

"I love your sister!"

Sun Shaowen patted his head with hatred: "Don't think that I don't know what your brothers are doing. They are all rapes and robbers. Do you want to go in with them and step on the sewing machine earlier?"

Sun Shaowen was extremely annoyed by this expression, not to mention arriving late and leaving early every now and then, and at work he was dressed like a ruffian in the society, without any appearance of a property employee.

If his father hadn't asked Sun Shaowen to take good care of him in Jianghai City, otherwise Sun Shaowen would have kicked him out of his circle long ago.

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