Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 73: So Rich That He Only Smokes Hongtashan?

There is nothing much to do in the community, just like ordinary communities, except that some infrastructure is much more upscale than ordinary communities.

The Yulongwan community is larger than many normal communities. Qin Tian and the two walked around for more than three hours before heading to the entrance of the property.

"That's it, call me if you need something."

Qin Tian pondered for a moment and then said: "I don't have much time to come over in the future, you will collect the first month's rent for me first."

"If you do a good job, you will help me check the monthly rent of the community in the future, and I will give you 2 points of the monthly rent, how about it?"

Qin Tian read Sun Shaowen's personal information with the pupil of appraisal.

He is also a migrant worker in Jianghai City from other places, and he is more motivated and responsible than ordinary migrant workers.

When he first came to Jianghai City, Sun Shaowen had done all kinds of work, so Qin Tian felt relieved if he entrusted him with the rent collection.

On the contrary, his cousin Sun Xuexue's personal information is full of bad deeds, he has done all kinds of sneaky things, and he is a proper social hooligan.

There are still wounds on the ears where the studs have just been pulled out, and the hair must have just been cut.

It may be that Sun Shaowen wanted to support and support this disappointing cousin, so he asked him to tidy up his appearance to see himself.

"No, no problem, Mr. Qin!"

Sun Shaowen's voice trembled, and he even wanted to hear Qin Tian say it himself.

This is a full 2 ​​points. The monthly rent of the community is 2, which is several times higher than his monthly salary of 4,000 yuan!

Sun Xueye was thinking about how much the two points cost.

"You have to do a good job, but don't let our tenants complain that your property doesn't do anything for money."

Qin Tian seriously reminded: "I will come to inspect your acceptance results next month. If the results are good, I will let you take over my rent collection task."

"No problem, Mr. Qin, just rest assured!"

Sun Shaowen categorically swore: "Leave your community to me, and I promise to treat every customer in the community as my own mother, oh no, better than my own mother!"

Sun Shaowen was so excited that he, who was usually not surprised by anything, spoke out such exaggerated metaphors in front of Qin Tian without hesitation.

"It's not impossible, you still have to treat your mother better."

Qin Tian just smiled and didn't care.

Sun Shaowen is also a laborer who works hard to make money. Now that he encounters a little opportunity to make a fortune, it would be a lie if he is not excited.

Sun Shaowen was still very excited: "Mr. Qin, you are right, all kindness and filial piety come first."

"Then I'll go first, call me if there's anything to do, and I'll come back and have a look after a while."

Qin Tian took out his own cigarette and gave Sun Shaowen one. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to give this little hooligan one, which could be regarded as giving Sun Shaowen face.

"I'll go, is it true or not, so rich that you only smoke Hongtashan for 7 yuan? Doesn't this mean cigars or Yellow Crane Tower?"

Sun Xueye took over Hongta Mountain and looked at Qin Tian in disbelief.

Sun Shaowen didn't find it strange at all. When he took the cigarette, he also took out his lighter and eagerly helped Qin Tian light it.

He has done all kinds of jobs in Jianghai City, and he has seen all kinds of big bosses.

Some self-made big bosses have been smoking cheap cigarettes even if they are rich, and will not try those high-end products.

This is not the frugality of the rich, it's just that they are used to the smell of a cigarette.

Smoking will also let these bigwigs experience the sense of struggle that they had when they started from scratch.

"By the way, I have a store in China World Mall that needs to be renovated and open a milk tea shop."

Qin Tian shook the soot: "You are the property manager, do you have any recommendations for reliable decoration companies?"

"Yes, Mr. Qin."

Sun Shaowen turned his head and blew a smoke ring to the side, and then said confidently: "If you are busy with work, why don't you leave this matter to me, and I promise to decorate your milk tea shop clearly!"

Decorating a store is a tricky thing, but Sun Shaowen thinks this is an opportunity, a chance to fly on a branch and become a phoenix!

As long as he helps Qin Tian handle this matter well, he can get closer to this super boss, at least he can communicate more things.

Maybe it won't be long before he will be able to follow this big boss and enjoy the hot and spicy food in Jianghai City!

Qin Tian exhaled smoke rings, squinted his eyes to look at Sun Shaowen, thought for a moment, and then nodded: "Then I will trouble you, and I will give you the property certificate and key of the store later."

Someone to help supervise the renovation progress of the milk tea shop, Qin Tian naturally wished for it.

The main reason is that Sun Shaowen is trustworthy, and Qin Tian also gave him such a big sweetener, so Sun Shaowen has no reason to act carelessly.

Sun Shaowen patted his chest and assured: "No problem, Mr. Qin!"

Qin Tian chatted with Sun Shaowen for a while before returning to the property department.

Qin Tian handed over the real estate certificate and keys of the shop in China World Mall to Sun Shaowen, and stretched out his hand: "Then I will trouble you, call me if you need anything."

Seeing this, Sun Shaowen quickly wiped his slightly sweaty palms, and couldn't wait to hold Qin Tian's hand: "No problem, Mr. Qin, everything is on me, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

Qin Tian explained a few more trivial matters, and then drove the Mercedes-Benz and left the Yulongwan community.

"Damn it! I'm about to get rich!"

Looking at the silver Mercedes-Benz that disappeared at the gate of the community, Sun Shaowen clenched his fists and cheered in overjoy.

"Cousin, cousin, what are the two points of the rent?"

Sun Xueye asked very curiously: "How much will he give you every month in the future to help you collect the rent?"

"Look at you, let you read more, you ran to feed the pigs, you still have to ask me about things that elementary school students know."

Sun Shaowen rolled his eyes angrily.

"Cousin, it's not that you don't know me. I have been chasing my dream since the third grade of elementary school."

Sun Xueye joked indifferently.

"For example, from now on, the total monthly rent in the community is 10 yuan, and Mr. Qin will take 9.8 yuan, and the remaining 20 cents will be mine. Do you understand?"

"Then how much is the monthly rent in this neighborhood?"

Sun Xueye still didn't understand.

"If all 184 houses are rented out, they will cost at least 600,000 to 700,000 yuan!"

Sun Shaowen said excitedly.

"I'm two cents, I'm stupid!!"

Sun Xueye calculated for a long time, and he was completely not calm: "That is to say, cousin, you will earn a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan in the future?"

"What is a monthly income of 20,000 yuan!"

Sun Shaowen said indifferently: "As long as you get along well with Mr. Qin, let alone a monthly income of 20,000 yuan, a monthly income of 100,000 yuan, even a million yuan is possible!"

"Damn, is this the rich man!"

Sun Xueye's back molars were crushed with envy.

If I had known that I would go to light that guy's cigarettes just now, maybe I could get some sweetness or something.

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