Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 74: Brother Qin, Please, Don't Leave Me Behind

It was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon when we left Yulongwan Community, and the sun was getting bigger and bigger.

Qin Tian drove a silver Mercedes-Benz and galloped along the main road in Jianghai City, planning to find a restaurant to satisfy his stomach.

Soon, Qin Tian stopped in front of a Cantonese restaurant.

When the owner of the Cantonese restaurant was arguing with his wife, he suddenly noticed a silver sports car parked in front of their house.

"Okay, don't think about it, she's just an employee."

The boss left a word impatiently and hurried out to pick up the guests.

The proprietress looked at the restaurant with a look of resentment, a waitress in overalls gritted her teeth and said, "See how I will deal with you from now on!"

"I'll give you a lung, five 8's, what kind of god is this!"

As soon as the boss walked out of the restaurant, he was amazed by this handsome super sports car and this heaven-defying license plate number.

Not only that, the passersby around and the guests who were eating in the restaurant were also impressed by Qin Tian's Mercedes.

They left their seats and went to the glass window to take out their mobile phones, and took random pictures of the sports car in shock.

Especially after Qin Tian got off the bus, the female college students who went shopping together all stared wide-eyed as if they had discovered a new world.

Several women who were chatting in the private room also cast astonished eyes on Qin Tian.

This little guy is too handsome!

"It seems that the car has really changed."

Qin Tian sighed melancholy, he didn't like the feeling of being surrounded by crowds, and he still liked being a salted fish collecting rent.

"Boss, how many people are here?"

The boss hurried over to greet the guests, with a strong Cantonese nasal voice and a flattering commercial smile on his face.

In this city full of local tyrants, there may be a few big customers who are either rich or expensive in their own store.

The most important thing is to leave a satisfactory impression on these rich people, so that when they go out to eat next time, there is a high chance that they will become repeat customers.

This is a survival skill that most businessmen who set up shop in Jianghai City will know.

"Only me."

"Then this way please!"

The boss brought Qin Tian into the restaurant and found him a seat by the window.

"Boss, what do you want to eat?"

The boss brought the menu and personally poured tea and water for Qin Tian: "Would you like some of our special dishes?"

"No, I'll see for myself."

Qin Tian looked at the menu and replied without raising his head.

Naturally, you don’t need to order too much to eat alone, and you can’t waste money if you have money, right?

"Okay, then you look at it first, just call the waiter to order."

The boss didn't force it, and left in a sensible manner after pouring the tea.

After the boss returned to the cash register, he quarreled with his wife again, and the voice was still a little uncontrollable.

A few guests who were waiting for the food took the quarreling couple as a joke when they had nothing to do.

"Hi, order."

Qin Tian called a waitress who was cleaning the table.

"Ah good."

Sun Qimei, who was cleaning the table, quickly raised her head in response, put down the tools in her hand, and hurried over.

"Boss, what would you like to eat?"

Sun Qimei came to Qin Tian and took out a ballpoint pen and an order book.

"Crispy roast goose, sweet and sour sweet and sour pork, eight-treasure winter melon cup, and a bottle of Jianlibao, I want it iced."

"Well, okay, please wait a moment."

After Sun Qimei finished ordering, she went to the kitchen to report the names of the dishes.

After ordering, Qin Tian reached out to touch his pocket and found that his wallet and mobile phone were not there.

"It should be in the car."

Before Qin Tian got up to go to the Mercedes-Benz, he opened the driver's door and looked around, and sure enough, he found his mobile phone and wallet in the interlayer of the driver's seat.

"The sun has become more and more poisonous recently."

Qin Tian touched the hot hood, quickly took his wallet and mobile phone, and went back to the restaurant to turn on the air conditioner.

As soon as Qin Tian sat down and turned on his phone, he discovered that He Sinan had actually called him several times and sent more than a dozen text messages.

It was very hot today, and the pants that He Sinan helped prepare were rather fluffy, and when it was time to get out of the car, the phone and wallet fell out.

These phone calls and text messages should have been made when Qin Tian and Sun Shaowen visited the community, otherwise it is impossible for Qin Tian not to hear them.

"Let's see what this idiot posted first."

Qin Tian opened the inbox with great interest.

After clicking on the first text message, Qin Tian felt a little melancholy.

At 8:21 Han'er: "Brother Qin, can you stop driving me next time? Many people in the factory are talking bad things about you, and I don't dare to talk back. Am I very useless?"

"It seems that those b people in the factory regard me as a scumbag who has always abandoned him."

Qin Tian sighed as expected.

There are scumbags who start chaotically and end up abandoning them, especially those who have money and return scumbags, no matter what age they are, the thinking of those employees in the factory is also considered normal.

Qin Tian drove He Sinan to work in the factory in such a high-profile manner in the morning, how could they not think wildly?

In their cognition, how could a rich man like Qin Tian like a girl from the earth factory in the mountains?

At most, he would spend some money on her and leave after playing.

Qin Tian didn't care either, and continued to read the remaining text messages.

At 9:12, Han'er: "Brother Qin, have you met your friend yet? Be careful driving, I'm not next to you, will you be unsteady?"

At 10:11 Han'er: "Brother Qin, everyone in the workshop said that you are lying to me and you won't want me anymore. I really want to scold them but I dare not. Am I useless?"

At 11:05 Han'er: "Brother Qin, I sent you a message in the bathroom right now. Qianqian asked me where you were and where we lived. I told her, and she cried a lot. I I don't know how to comfort her."

At 11:12 Han'er: "Brother Qin, when I returned to the workshop, Qianqian had resigned. Do you know where she went?"

At 12:09 Han'er: "Brother Qin, we are off work, can I give you a call, I miss you a little."

At 12:25 Han'er: "Brother Qin, what did you eat for lunch? I ate sweet potatoes and eggs, and the free soup today is rib soup, but I didn't find any ribs after fishing for a long time."

At 12:36 Han'er: "Brother Qin, why didn't you answer my call? Are you busy? Then I won't call you later. Don't be angry, okay?"

At 12:57 Han'er: "Brother Qin, I'm calling you, can you answer it once? Don't be angry, please, I just want to hear your voice."

At 13:00, Han'er said, "Brother Qin, please, don't leave me behind!"

ps: This book is updated four times a day, one chapter will be released in the early morning, and all the remaining three chapters will be sent out before five o'clock. Thank you for your support. I still ask for comments and votes, so few! !

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