Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 81: Brother Qin, You Did It On Purpose

Chen Qianqian often does things at home, despite her young age, her kitchen skills are not inferior to He Sinan's, and she is also very capable with her hands.

Several home-cooked dishes were all fried by her own hands, and He Sinan just helped by the side.

Soon, Chen Qianqian put a few steaming home-cooked dishes on the small table in the living room, and knocked on the glass door of the balcony: "Brother Qin, it's time to eat!"

Qin Tian just finished talking about the rent with Sun Shaowen, when he heard the sound of the glass door, he turned his head and looked at the two people in the living room.

Chen Qianqian looked at herself triumphantly with her slender waist in place. He Sinan, who was wearing an apron, was serving rice for the three of them.

This couldn't be more normal scene actually made Qin Tian really feel a sense of family warmth.

"I hope to have a daughter in the future."

Qin Tian looked at Chen Qianqian who was lying on the glass window looking at him like a little girl, secretly looking forward to it.

"You are not childish."

Opening the balcony window, Qin Tian rubbed Chen Qianqian's head, cursed with a smile, and walked towards the living room.

Chen Qianqian grinned, happily followed behind Qin Tian, ​​and playfully waved a small pink fist at Qin Tian's back, with the sense of a daughter wanting to challenge her father's authority.

After serving the rice, He Sinan took off the apron and hung it up, and took a bottle of beer from the refrigerator.

"No alcohol today."

Qin Tian glanced at Chen Qianqian: "I will drive this girl back later."

"it is good."

He Sinan put the beer back, turned off the refrigerator and went to the kitchen to eat.

The dinner table with one more person was originally a little deserted, but Chen Qianqian is very good at enlivening the atmosphere, and has a warm personality that can turn into a chatterbox in front of acquaintances.

Soon the atmosphere of the dinner became lively, Chen Qianqian was in charge of finding topics, Qin Tian was in charge of raising the bar, and He Sinan was patiently listening to the conversation between the two, and from time to time he would cater a few words in a soft voice.

After eating, Chen Qianqian took the initiative to pack the dishes and took them to the kitchen to wash. He Sinan bent over with a rag and carefully wiped the small dining table, revealing a virtuous temperament from head to toe.

Qin Tian really looked like the head of the family, leaning comfortably on the wicker chair, watching the busy figures of the two.

Just as He Sinan was wiping the dining table, he gradually approached Qin Tian next to him.

Qin Tian raised his head abruptly, and kissed He Sinan's cheek with a slap.

"Qian, Qianqian is still here."

He Sinan blushed, pouted her mouth and complained angrily, and quickly distanced herself from him, lest Qin Tian would make a more daring move.

After all, He Sinan is still an introverted personality, even when she is in front of Qin Tian, ​​she always looks shy, let alone there are outsiders present.

"Well, it seems that I have to let this girl less disturb my life in the future."

Qin Tian thought secretly in his heart.

Naturally, he was not afraid of being seen by Chen Qianqian, it was even better if he saw it, it was just to frustrate her spirit, lest this little fairy stick to him all day long.

After Chen Qianqian finished washing the dishes, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening.

Qin Tian took his wallet and car keys and planned to send Chen Qianqian back.

"Sister Sinan, then I'll go first!"

Chen Qianqian waved goodbye politely: "I will come to play with you next time when I have time."


He Sinan smiled and nodded. She also liked Chen Qianqian, but it was a bit too bluff.

"Brother Qin, slow down on the road."

He Sinan reminded Qin Tian softly, "I'll wait for you at home."

In front of Chen Qianqian, Qin Tian lowered his head and kissed He Sinan's cherry lips: "Wait for me at home, I'll be back as soon as possible."


He Sinan nodded shyly, quickly left Chen Qianqian's surprised gaze and went back to the bedroom.

"Let's go, why are you standing there?"

Qin Tian closed the door and glanced at Chen Qianqian who hadn't reacted yet.

"Brother Qin, you did it on purpose!"

Qin Tian curled his lips: "Crazy, what's the intention, I'm in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship with your sister Si Nan, isn't that normal?"

"Then you can't kiss in front of me!"

Chen Qianqian complained angrily, always feeling that Qin Tian did it on purpose for her to see.

"Hey, joke, the mouth grows on me, do you care about me?"

Qin Tian shrugged his shoulders disdainfully, and joked triumphantly: "After sending you back, I have to come back and continue kissing."

"Then I want to too!"

As Chen Qianqian said, she stood on tiptoe and was about to kiss Tian.

It's a pity that Qin Tian reacted, and pressed Chen Qianqian's head with one hand to prevent her from bending over, and seriously reminded: "Damn girl, why are you crazy?"

"I don't care, you did it on purpose to show me, Brother Qin, you hate me, I want to kiss you too!!"

Chen Qianqian frantically waved her arms, and while arching towards Qin Tian with all her strength, she also yelled fiercely, with a sharp little canine tooth clearly visible in her mouth.

"What did we say before?"

Seeing that she still didn't give up, Qin Tian seriously reminded: "You want to make me angry, don't you?"


Upon hearing this, Chen Qianqian was discouraged like a ball, and lowered her head listlessly.

She knew that this was Qin Tian's bottom line, and she was also afraid that Qin Tian would really take He Sinan away.

"Stupid, let's go."

Seeing Chen Qianqian subdued, Qin Tian was very satisfied and rubbed her head. It seems that this girl is still afraid of him.

Coming downstairs, Qin Tian helped Chen Qianqian open the co-pilot scissor door of the silver Mercedes-Benz: "Go up."


Chen Qianqian hurriedly patted her butt, fearing that something dirty would get on her body and stain the seat cushion of such a handsome sports car.

After sitting in the co-pilot, Chen Qianqian didn't dare to move at all, for fear that he might accidentally damage some important parts, so he looked nervously and excitedly at the luxurious facilities in the car.

After Qin Tian sat in, Chen Qianqian asked excitedly: "Brother Qin, how much is this car? Is it very expensive?"

"It's only a few hundred thousand."

Qin Tian responded disapprovingly, and there was no need to tell her the real price.

"Hundreds of thousands"

Chen Qianqian was shocked by this astronomical figure. How many years would it take to post the DVD trademark to earn it.

"Don't be in a daze, fasten your seat belt."

Qin Tian fastened his seat belt, inserted the car key, and glanced at Chen Qianqian.

"Okay, I get it now."

Chen Qianqian responded nervously, and quickly reached out to pull the seat belt next to her.

A few days ago, Qin Tian gave Chen Qianqian 500 yuan. Chen Qianqian always took a taxi to and from get off work, so she naturally learned to wear a seat belt.

But at this moment, Chen Qianqian seemed to have thought of something, and said embarrassingly: "Small, brother Qin, I still don't know how to fasten, please help me."

"Tsk, I gave you money for nothing."

Qin Tian complained depressedly, loosened his seat belt, and walked sideways in front of Chen Qianqian.

Chen Qianqian seized this opportunity, pecked Qin Tian's mouth precisely and quickly.

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