Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 82: Are There Takeaways These Days?

Feeling the warmth on his mouth, Qin Tian's movements stopped immediately, and he turned his head to look at Chen Qianqian expressionlessly, with mixed emotions.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Brother Qin."

Originally, Chen Qianqian planned to act coquettishly and play cute to pass the test.

But Qin Tian looked so calm, Chen Qianqian was a little scared: "I won't kiss you next time, don't be angry, okay? I know I was wrong."

Qin Tian sighed long, and slowly helped her fasten her seat belt, with a relieved tone.

"Qianqian, why are you relying on me so much? I can't give you anything. I'm going to marry your sister Sinan, do you know?"

"I know, but I don't want you, Brother Qin, to be my boyfriend, nor do I want to marry you."

Seeing that Qin Tian opened the skylight to speak frankly, Chen Qianqian also confessed her heart very simply: "I just want Brother Qin to be with me in the future and treat me well, I am enough, really!"

"You are so childish."

Qin Tian was silent for a moment, and finally smiled helplessly, rubbing Chen Qianqian's head: "I'm afraid even a junior high school student is more educated than you in confessing."

Chen Qianqian's pupils gradually dilated, and she sensed what Qin Tian meant, and also understood that Qin Tian was compromising his relationship with herself in disguise.

Therefore, Chen Qianqian held Qin Tian's hand directly, and stated earnestly and affectionately: "Brother Qin, I'm serious. I really feel safe by your side. I really like you, you He's the nicest guy I've ever met."

"What's wrong?"

Qin Tian curled his lips in disdain, stretched out his hand to pinch Chen Qianqian's bronzed cheeks, and joked: "You girl, you really should go to the hospital, you must have a serious neurological problem!"

"Hee hee, as long as I can stay by Brother Qin's side, I can be cured of any illness!"

Chen Qianqian held Qin Tian's hand tightly and said with a very happy smile.

"Anyway, it's up to you."

Qin Tian looked at Chen Qianqian's quirky smile, pondered for a moment, and shrugged indifferently: "Anyway, after a few years, you can only watch me marry your sister Sinan, and see you later." No regrets!"

"No, I won't regret it!"

Chen Qianqian made a very firm promise: "When you and Sister Sinan get married, I can help you take care of your children at home, so I can continue to stay by your side, don't you think so?"

"Hehe, you said it lightly."

Qin Tian pulled his hand back, naturally he didn't believe Chen Qianqian's nonsense.

Chen Qianqian is so young now, and has never been beaten by any society.

As long as she was allowed to stay by Qin Tian's side for a while, when she couldn't bear the loving appearance of Qin Tian and He Sinan, she would run away with a bucket in a short time.

This is also the main reason why Qin Tian will temporarily compromise with her.

After all, there is no way to persuade her, this girl has already lost her mind.

Now I can only rely on time to let this ignorant girl grow up slowly.

"Brother Qin, I'm serious, I'm not joking, really!"

"Yeah, I see, sit down, I'm driving."

Qin Tian absent-mindedly said perfunctorily, inserted the key and stepped on the accelerator, and drove the Mercedes-Benz towards the outside of the community.

The silver Mercedes gallops on the endlessly flowing road,

As one of the best first-tier cities in China, the development of Jianghai City is very exaggerated.

Driving into the main road, the surrounding scenery and buildings are gradually becoming more and more prosperous. There are modern industrial facilities everywhere, and it is completely impossible to see that it is in the age of 2008.

"What are you going to do next?"

Qin Tian held the steering wheel pensively, thinking about what work to do with the remaining treasure chests, after all, he hadn't worked to farm treasure chests for a while.

Ever since what happened to He Sinan, Qin Tian has decided that no matter what job he does in the future, he must find a job with more freedom.

In this way, he can spend time with He Sinan, and also take the time to clear all the remaining treasure chests.

There are still relatively few jobs in Jianghai City that can meet Qin Tian's current ideas.

In this era when all people are working hard to make money, how can there be a job of fishing for three days and posting on the net for two days?

Even if there is, it requires education and work experience.

At the traffic lights ahead, Qin Tian stopped just before the zebra crossing.

As usual, the car owners around took out their mobile phones and frantically took pictures of this silver sports car full of technology.

Chen Qianqian couldn't bear the attention of so many people, and nervously held Qin Tian's hand.

"Don't worry, my car is covered with reflective film."

Qin Tian comforted him as usual: "You can't see the inside from the outside."

"Oh, that's right."

Chen Qianqian sighed suddenly, and then stuck to the car window, grimacing crazily at the owner of the car next to him, laughing triumphantly.


Qin Tian smiled angrily.


At this moment, in the non-motorized lane, a man wearing a blue vest riding a small electric donkey attracted Qin Tian's attention.

The blue vest on this man's body had three large characters [Hungry] written on it.

"There are delivery people in this day and age? Or are you hungry?"

Qin Tian thought in disbelief.

After the green light turned on, Qin Tian drove over directly, stopped the delivery man, and said to Chen Qianqian: "Wait for me, I have something to do."


Chen Qianqian nodded obediently, and watched Qin Tian get off the car.

After getting off the car, Qin Tian handed the delivery man a cigarette and asked him the current delivery price.

Through the reflective car window, Chen Qianqian looked at Qin Tian who was talking with the delivery man outside, opened his mouth twice, and bravely called Qin Tian's forbidden title.

"Thanks buddy."

Qin Tian smiled expectantly: "I never thought it would be so convenient to deliver a takeaway now."

"Yeah, the times have been advancing. I thought it was a pyramid scheme, but I didn't expect it to be an errand job."

The delivery man smiled shyly, a little reluctant to let go.

After all, the man in front of him is driving such a good super sports car with such a domineering license plate. He is definitely a big shot in Jianghai City who is either rich or expensive.

What surprised the delivery man was that this big man in Jianghai City only asked him about the delivery industry.

Not long after, Qin Tian bid farewell to the delivery man, happily returned to the Mercedes-Benz, and continued to drive the Mercedes-Benz at a gallop.

"Brother Qin, what did you chat with that uncle?"

Chen Qianqian asked curiously.

"A few small things, nothing."

Qin Tian smiled indifferently, and decided what to do next.

That is to inherit the mantle of the previous life and become a delivery boy to deliver food!

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