Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 83: Are All Rich People So Poor-Sighted Now?

Qin Tian also learned from the uncle deliveryman just now that 2008 happened to be the first year of the establishment of the domestic and foreign food delivery giant [Hungry].

It's just that this food delivery company has no splash in the domestic business circle, and few business leaders value this small business similar to running errands.

In addition, people's life rhythm is not so fast now.

Fast food delivery services such as takeaway have not yet become popular, and not many people know the existence of the company

People can only occasionally see a few takeaways wearing blue vests, riding motorcycles, and running around with lunch boxes in the streets and alleys of the city.

In addition, smart phones have not yet gradually emerged in China this year, and most ordinary people use semi-smart phones and cheap phones for the elderly.

Most of the customers who are accustomed to takeaway services are well-off families in the middle class of society.

Of course, as a time traveler, Qin Tian naturally knows how fast the pace of life will be in the next few years and how exaggerated the food delivery industry will be in the next few years.

That is an exaggerated industry that feeds hundreds of millions of 996 social animals and otaku.

If you invest tens of thousands of dollars in the company and distribute the shares casually, then in the next few years, when the company develops, the investors will at least be big shots worth tens of millions.

But Qin Tian is not short of money now, and there is a whole set of houses in the school district that can be used to collect rent, so naturally he will not spend a lot of money to invest in the company.

With that kind of skill, it's better to run a few more takeaway orders and collect a few treasure chests rewarded by the system.

It is worth mentioning that this year's takeaway is not only food fast food but also delivery service, its definition is particularly broad.

Any store seller, as long as it signs a contract with the food delivery company, can provide customers with product delivery services through the food delivery company.

In addition to food delivery, there are water delivery, flower delivery, gas delivery, and delivery of various commodities

Even door-to-door repairs or unblocking sewers are all takeaway services.

All in all, the job of food delivery that needs to travel around is a bit like the stick-stick soldier who is always on call in Qin Tian’s hometown in Shancheng.

"Go and apply for a health certificate tomorrow."

Qin Tian plans to try out as a delivery man for a few days.

Anyway, this job is quite suitable for Qin Tian's current conditions. He can fish for three days and spend two days drying nets.

I just don't know how many orders I need to run every day to get the system's daily treasure box rewards, or how many five-star reviews I need from customers on the platform.

In addition, you have to buy a means of transportation for food delivery, preferably a motorcycle or electric car with better performance.

It's impossible to drive this super sports car with 5 and 8 license plate numbers to deliver food, right? Customers must not be scared to death!

Soon, Qin Tian drove to the place where Chen Qianqian lived.

Surrounded by low bungalows built of red bricks, it looks like a slum at first glance.

The road is also full of potholes. Every time the Mercedes-Benz tires pass through a big hole, the car body is lifted and dropped.

Chen Qianqian also followed the lifting and lowering of the car body and was extremely nervous, for fear that something might happen to Qin Tian's car.

"When I get to Xiao Qin, I will live here."

Chen Qianqian pointed to a mud house built of red bricks in front of her with some embarrassment.

The wall looked like it was full of cracks and covered with green ivy, and there was a big "Zaizi" sprayed with red paint on it.

Qin Tian was not too surprised. Chen Qianqian lived alone with her mother, and her family was so poor, how could she afford to live in a normal community?

"Okay, I'll remember. I'll come and pick you up when the milk tea shop is renovated."

"Small, Brother Qin, why don't you go to my house and have a drink? Have a glass of water before leaving?"

Chen Qianqian finished the invitation in a soft voice, then shook her head suddenly, and smiled forcedly: "Also, let's forget it, my house doesn't have much to entertain you, and the house is still chaotic, Brother Qin, you're going to make fun of me later. "

Qin Tian drove her back, Chen Qianqian naturally wanted Qin Tian to go upstairs and have a drink of water.

Anyway, her mother should still be at work, not at home.

It's a pity that the family is difficult, especially a poor child like Chen Qianqian who has been dependent on his mother since he was a child, has a sense of inferiority in his heart.

Chen Qianqian didn't know how good Qin Tian's assets were, but after getting along with her these days, plus the sports car worth more than 100,000 yuan she was sitting on now.

Chen Qianqian believes that Qin Tian's family conditions are absolutely very good, and a poor family like hers is absolutely incomparable.

Qin Tian also saw Chen Qianqian's worries, and smiled indifferently: "Let's go, I happen to be thirsty, so I can go to your house for a glass of water."

"Ah? No, it's not good, Brother Qin, I"

Chen Qianqian was very excited, of course she hoped that Qin Tian could go up to drink a glass of water and chat or something.

Thinking of her poor room of less than 20 square meters, where even underwear and underwear had to compete with neighbors for a place to dry, Chen Qianqian felt inexplicably lost and helpless.

"What? I'm not welcome?"

"No, of course I welcome brother Qin, but"

Chen Qianqian hesitated for a moment, then murmured in frustration: "I, my family is very poor."

"Silly girl, do you think I look like someone who cares about these things?"

Qin Tian rubbed Chen Qianqian's head, and asked back: "If you don't welcome me, then I'll go back?"


Chen Qianqian defended at a loss: "Brother Qin, you are so kind to me, how could I not welcome you, just"

"Then go."

Qin Tian drove the sports car to Chen Qianqian's downstairs for a certain distance, and turned around by the way to make it easier to go back.

The moment the silver sports car stopped downstairs, the neighbors who lived around stuck their heads out to join in the fun.

In this place where the birds don't shit, it is rare for a taxi to appear on weekdays.

Now that such a seemingly expensive car appears, it will naturally become an existence that attracts countless eyes.

But when they saw Chen Qianqian getting off the silver sports car with a tall and handsome man, they all lost their composure.

They also immediately believed in their hearts that this female gangster who was idle all day long actually caught a rich man!

For a moment, several disdainful and contemptuous eyes fell on Chen Qianqian.

While contemptuous, these people felt an indescribable sourness in their hearts, envious that even such a little girl who didn't love herself could find such a rich kid.

Are the rich people's eyesight so bad now?

ps: Brothers, it is normal for this book to be rated 7, and all new books are rated as 7 at the beginning, so I want everyone to help, vote for reviews, I want the kind with five stars!

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