Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 92: I Really Bought It For Delivery

The next morning, when Qin Tian woke up, for the first time in history, He Sinan didn't disappear by his pillow and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Maybe it was because I was really tired last night.

He Sinan was still lying quietly on his side beside Qin Tian's pillow, sleeping soundly, his cherry lips exhaled a faint fragrance, and made a slight breathing sound, and his eyelashes moved, very cute.

The collar of the pajamas was originally fair skin, but now it became a little rosy and hot.

"It seems that there is no need to eat egg noodles today."

Qin Tian raised his slightly sore arms, covered He Sinan with a quilt, put on his clothes lightly, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When breakfast was ready, He Sinan was still sleeping soundly, he didn't intend to get up at all, and he didn't even change his sleeping position, he just leaned against Qin Tian's pillow.

"Looks like I was really exhausted last night."

Qin Tian could only go back to the kitchen to keep the boiled porridge warm, and then sealed the boiled brown sugar water with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator.

After eating a few fried eggs, Qin Tian returned to the bedroom, tiptoely lay beside He Sinan's bed, took out the iPhone he bought a few days ago, set it to silent, and sent a text message to Sun Shaowen.

This afternoon, he should be able to get his health certificate. When Qin Tian plans to get his health certificate back, he will stop by to buy a means of transportation. He intends to ask Sun Shaowen where there are motorcycles with better performance in Jianghai City.

Sun Shaowen replied quickly: "Mr. Qin, there is a motorcycle store called Knight's House near the China World Mall. The cars there are all good in performance, and they are all foreign brands. They have a good reputation. You can go to their Check out the official website."

"Well, I'll take a look later, and how is the renovation progress of the milk tea shop?"

"Mr. Qin, I've been going to see it before going to work these days, and it will be completed in a few days."

"Okay, when the decoration is finished, you and I will go and have a look together, and transfer the decoration fee to you by the way."

"No problem, Mr. Qin."

Crossing out the text message window, Qin Tian turned his head to see that He Sinan hadn't woken up yet, and simply searched the official website of Knight's House, intending to see what good motorcycles there are in this era.

It is undeniable that in the Chinese motorcycle industry circle in 2008, most of the motorcycle companies with good reputation and sales were foreign companies.

The most well-known domestic motorcycle brands are all designed by foreign companies.

Because the foreigner’s motorcycle design concept is more attractive, Huaxia’s motorcycle performance is also good, but the appearance is not as cool as the foreigner’s design.

A man is a teenager until he dies.

In addition to the cool sports car, most men also have a dream of galloping around on a motorcycle, so they will more or less like the cool and cool motorcycle shape.

In this way, whether you take a girl for a ride or go out for a ride alone, you will feel more or less satisfied.

After browsing the official website of a dazzling array of motorcycles for a long time, Qin Tian's attention was attracted by a black motorcycle.

This is an all-black American version of the Kawasaki zx-10r, priced at 150,000, and it was only put on the official website of the Knight's House in recent days.

However, due to the high price, no customers have bought this car since it was put on the shelves for so many days.

This motorcycle is much better than other motorcycles in terms of shape and performance, and it has also attracted many male customers who look at the motorcycle on the official website to relieve fatigue.

There are also many comments from customers from all over the world, more than a thousand.

[Hey, I’ve come in and looked at it several times. The Kawasaki zx10r is so handsome. I really want to buy one, but it’s too expensive. 】

[I have to say that the design concept of foreigners still understands men. If I have this motorcycle, I will definitely ride it around the whole Jianbang City! 】

[It would be great if I could have less zeros, I will definitely buy one, and then ride this car to deliver food! Laugh and laugh. 】

[Take a motorcycle worth 150,000 to deliver food? Upstairs, are you going to kill me laughing? Cover your mouth and smile. Cover your mouth and laugh. 】

[The food delivery guy made me laugh so hard, if I bought this car, I might not be willing to ride it, why don't you take it to deliver food? 】

"Are people in this era so low-spirited?"

Qin Tian complained embarrassingly, and quickly closed the message box.

After carefully reading the car's configuration and performance, Qin Tian first used the Appraisal Eye to confirm that the website was not a phishing website, then created an account with his bank card and basic identity information, and found customer service on the webpage. dialog box.

Knight's House has a good reputation and sales in China, and there are many branches in more developed cities in China.

"Do you still have Kawasaki zx10r at your branch in Jianghai China World Mall?"

After Qin Tian finished asking, he waited for a few minutes for the customer service to simply reply with two words: "Yes."

This is also normal, after all, the price of this car is not cheap, and this is the official website of the House of Knights, thousands of mobile customers contact or harass customer service every day.

After getting the reply, Qin Tian didn't have any ink marks, and paid the full amount directly, omitting the deposit process: "What time will you be able to deliver it?"

Anyway, this is not a phishing website, when the car is delivered, Qin Tian can also use the pupil of identification to observe the condition of the car, not afraid of them playing tricks.

"No problem, Mr. Qin, I'll take a look here for you."

This time the customer service replied in seconds. After all, Qin Tian had paid in full, so they dared to be negligent: "Mr. Qin, is your delivery address the one you filled in the information?"


"Okay then, Mr. Qin, I'll send your information to the branch in Jianghai City right now. At about 1:00 p.m., our staff will be able to deliver your car."

After the customer service replied, they operated in the background again.

Soon, a banner popped up on the Kawasaki zx10r page.

[Customer Mr. Qin has purchased a Kawasaki zx10r. 】

This is a routine used by many luxury brand companies, just like the bullet screen rewards in the live broadcast room.

Propagating the purchase news with such fanfare will not only allow buyers to gain the attention of other customers, but also make other hesitant customers aggravate the idea of ​​buying their hands.

Just a few seconds after this news flashed, there were hundreds of messages on Kawasaki zx10r's message board in an instant.

[My grass? Has anyone bought Kawasaki zx10r? Mr. Qin? Where is this from? 】

【Oh shit! I'm so envious, I want to buy one too. 】

[I don't know if Mr. Qin is in the message box, if he is, take a few photos and upload them to see! 】

[Those who can directly buy this kind of car should be local tyrants in Beijing or Jianghai City, I'm really envious. 】

Seeing the envy and hatred of these customers, Qin Tian smiled playfully, swiped the touch screen, and left a comment that was both Versailles and sincere.

Mr. Qin: [Don't get me wrong, I bought this car to deliver food. Smile smile. 】

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