Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 93: Bread + Fried Egg

Looking at the dense message boards, Qin Tian suddenly thought, wasn't 2008 the day when a certain horse started to flourish?

In 2008, in addition to representing many popular games, a certain horse also released a famous social software.

This social software has become popular all over the country within a few months of its launch, and has become a must-use chatting and dating software for many young people.

Qin Tian didn't know exactly which month the social software started its public beta.

But it's July, so it should be soon.

It wasn't until noon that He Sinan woke up in a daze.

"Brother Qin Hug"

Maybe it's because he just woke up and he's still angry about getting up, or maybe it's because He Sinan is used to the days when Qin Tian is by his side.

Now she didn't have the usual shy look, her voice was soft, she blinked her peach blossom eyes lazily and cutely, and slipped into Qin Tian's arms coquettishly.

In the end, the whole person lay lazily on Qin Tian's body, with only one head exposed, naively using Qin Tian's chest as a pillow.

When Qin Tian lifted the quilt, he could see that there was a soft and lovely girl dozing on his body under the quilt.

Such a warm and greasy daily scene should be a scene that many men dream of.

Qin Tian also liked the way He Sinan occasionally took the initiative to act like a baby to him.

However, this position made Qin Tian a little uncomfortable, and He Sinan was heavier than girls of the same age, after all, her figure was too exaggerated.

Qin Tian could only support her thighs, pushed this fragrant and soft body towards his upper body, then leaned into her ear and whispered, "Haven't you had enough sleep? It's already noon."


He Sinan raised his head in surprise, turned his head without sleepiness, looked at the cloudless sky outside the window, and asked worriedly: "Then, Brother Qin, have you had breakfast?"

"I ate it, and I made it for you."

Qin Tian touched He Sinan's hair: "It's just that you are still sleeping, so I didn't want to wake you up, I want you to sleep for a while."

"I'm sorry, brother Qin."

He Sinan's thoughts are more traditional, and he feels that this is his negligence as a girlfriend or future wife, and he apologizes very guilty: "Next time I will get up earlier and make breakfast for you."

"Fool, I'm not disabled, why take care of me like this."

Qin Tian pinched He Sinan's face, and said earnestly: "Also, don't ever say sorry to me again, do you hear me?"

"I see."

He Sinan's voice was still a little low, it seemed that this kind of thing was very important to her.

"Well, are you feeling better? Let me see?"

With a smug smile on Qin Tian's face, he lowered his eyes and looked under the quilt. Qin Tian could clearly see the intimate posture of the two of them from this angle.

"Brother Qin, you hate it"

When Qin Tian reminded her, He Sinan blushed slightly, and couldn't help thinking about what happened last night in his mind, and shyly looked away.

In fact, Qin Tian didn't help her do exercises yesterday, he was just helping He Sinan to relax.

It's just that the way of relief makes He Sinan feel that it is more difficult to talk about than exercising.

"Okay, let's go have breakfast, and I'll take you out for a drive later."


Qin Tian got out of bed first and went to the kitchen, while He Sinan changed clothes in the bedroom.

When he came to the kitchen, Qin Tian heated up all the things he cooked in the morning, fried four more eggs, and took a bag of cheese bread from the refrigerator.

When He Sinan came out after changing his clothes, he couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the table full of hot porridge and brown sugar water: "Brother Qin, you made these?"

"if not?"

Qin Tian complained gloomily: "You don't think your brother Qin is someone who knows nothing, do you?"

"No no."

He Sinan shook his hand: "It's just Brother Qin, isn't it too much?"

"It's okay, let's have lunch."

Qin Tian scooped up a bowl of brown sugar water for He Sinan: "Do you know that you should drink more hot water in the future? It's good for your health."

"Well, thanks"

He Sinan was about to say thank you, but after Qin Tian glanced at him, he didn't know what to say, so he could only sip the brown sugar water with his head buried in fear.

"No, eat bread."

Qin Tian put the cheese bread in front of He Sinan, and then taught in a serious manner: "Sinan, it will taste better if you sandwich fried eggs, just like this."

As Qin Tian said, he solemnly took out two slices of bread and sandwiched the fried Dan in between.

I don't know if Qin Tian is implying something on purpose, He Sinan watched this series of actions, his fair face turned red, and he subconsciously rubbed his chest.

"It's so silly."

Qin Tian smiled meaningfully, handed her the bread with fried eggs, and took two pieces himself to eat.

After eating, Qin Tian wanted to clean up the mess, but his cell phone rang suddenly, it was an unfamiliar call.

Seeing this, He Sinan took the initiative to clear the dining table.

Qin Tian came to the balcony and closed the door, lit a cigarette, put his hands on the fence to answer the phone: "Hello? Who is it?"

"Mr. Qin, I am a staff member of the Knight's House. The Kawasaki zx-10r you ordered on our official website is about to be delivered to the address you filled in. Are you at home now?"

"Yes, come here, just call me when the door is open."

"Okay, please wait a moment!"

After hanging up the phone, Qin Tian extinguished the cigarette butt, and only opened the balcony door after the smell of smoke had almost disappeared.

Back in the living room, He Sinan happened to clean up the mess.

"Let's go Sinan, I'll take you for a ride."


He Sinan nodded, went back to the bedroom, took the house keys, and closed the bedroom door. After subconsciously looking at the air conditioner and TV, he followed Qin Tian with small steps.

Coming downstairs, the delivery truck of the Knight's House has already driven into the community.

There were only two people in the community. After the staff got off the car, they greeted Qin Tian directly and handed him a silver box: "Mr. Qin, hello, we are the staff of the Knight's House, here is the key to your car and various manuals."

Qin Tian opened the box, took out only the car keys, then walked to the silver Mercedes parked downstairs in the community, opened the trunk and threw the box in.

Qin Tian didn't need any instructions or anything.

With the talent of a veteran driver and the ability of identification, is it not easy to drive a motorcycle?

"Be good at five 8!?"

The staff looked at Qin Tian's technologically-charged silver Mercedes, and murmured in bewilderment: "No wonder you don't even need a deposit process, you just pay in full. Is this a rich man?"

ps: As long as you know what social software is, I will write it in the future, thank you for your understanding.

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