Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 96: Do You Think I'm Stupid...

At seven o'clock the next morning, Qin Tian woke up naturally as usual.

Since drinking the bio-enhancing potion, Qin Tian's body is in excellent condition every day, and so is his sleep.

I fall asleep when I want to sleep, and wake up naturally every morning. There will be no insomnia or drowsiness at all, and the biological clock is extremely self-disciplined.

On the contrary, He Sinan was still sleeping soundly next to her, talking in sleep from time to time, and Qin Tian didn't bother her anymore.

After covering He Sinan with the quilt, Qin Tian put on his clothes, took the car keys and wallet, went downstairs and rode the Kawasaki zx10r that just arrived yesterday, and headed straight to the nearby department store.

Since you are going to deliver food, you must install a food delivery box on your motorcycle.

Kawasaki zx10r is a motor vehicle for riding and playing.

Except for some small items, there is no room for large items in this car, and a take-out distribution box must be installed to place customers' take-out items.

In fact, if you add 20 yuan, the hungry platform will provide a delivery box and a small blue vest.

But the blue takeaway box and the little vest are really ugly, and they don't match Qin Tian's black motorcycle at all, so Qin Tian still plans to install one himself.

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the morning that Qin Tian rode a Kawasaki zx10r equipped with a black distribution box back to the community.

The rear wing of Kawasaki zx10r plus this distribution box, the original high appearance has been lowered a lot.

Fortunately, the black distribution box is installed, and the appearance is not inconsistent.

"It is estimated that in this era, I am the only one who uses 150,000 motorcycles to deliver food."

Qin Tian glanced at the black carbon fiber distribution box at the rear of the Kawasaki zx10r, and smiled angrily.

Then Qin Tian took out a bag of yarn balls and two needles from the delivery box, pulled out the car keys and went upstairs.

On the way just now, Qin Tian received a call from Sun Shaowen that the milk tea shop in China World Mall was almost completed.

During these two days, He Sinan stayed at home and had nothing to do, and the computer was not available, so she didn't like watching TV very much.

Qin Tian bought these things, intending to let her knit sweaters to relieve boredom, and after the milk tea shop opened, he asked He Sinan to help.

When returning to the room, Qin Tian found that He Sinan was still sleeping, so he could only turn his head and go to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When breakfast was almost ready, He Sinan got up and dragged his tired body to the bathroom to wash up.

Qin Tian came to the bathroom door and tilted his head to see that He Sinan was lazily brushing his teeth in the bathroom, he looked sleepy, and he seemed to have a lazy and cute feeling.

Since the two of them lived together, Qin Tian has completely destroyed He Sinan's biological clock.

When he was in the countryside, He Sinan could wake up naturally at 34 o'clock in the morning every morning, because there was a lot of farm work to be done, and he could even be busy from 3 o'clock in the morning until 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening.

But since living together with Qin Tian, ​​He Sinan often didn't go to bed until one or two in the morning, sometimes even later.

Even if her sleep quality is not bad, she still can't stand the time difference. These days, she can't wake up until seven or eight in the morning.

"Sinan, it's time for breakfast."

Qin Tian's attitude and voice today are extra gentle, because He Sinan listened to him very much last night.

That feeling is very strange, while I feel a little guilty for the innocent He Sinan, but also a great sense of satisfaction surges up in my heart.

"I, I'll come right after I brush my teeth."

He Sinan turned back without turning his head, he didn't even dare to look back at Qin Tian, ​​his mind was full of what happened last night.

Through the mirror in front of her, Qin Tian saw He Sinan's blushing pretty face, and couldn't help teasing in her heart: "True love is clean, obviously I brushed my teeth last night."

After eating, the two went to the kitchen to wash the dishes together.

Maybe because of what happened last night, the atmosphere between the two of them was somewhat indescribably awkward and shy.

"Sinan, the milk tea shop will be almost renovated the day after tomorrow."

Qin Tian stopped what he was doing, and took the initiative to open the topic: "I'll pick up Chen Rou and the others at that time, and you two can run that milk tea shop together."

In fact, Qin Tian can hire as many people as he likes to help run a milk tea shop, and he doesn't need He Sinan's help at all.

However, He Sinan's character is not suitable for being a salted fish. She has a hardworking and simple self-motivated, and now she likes to cling to Qin Tian.

It is unrealistic for her to stay at home as a housewife to wash and cook, and then wait for Qin Tian to come back from get off work.


He Sinan responded softly, after all, it was Qin Tian's shop, so she naturally wanted to help.

Qin Tian observed that she was not in a very high mood, she should still be thinking about what happened last night.

This is also normal, after all, it is 2008, and Chinese people don't want foreigners or island countries to be so open.

He Sinan is also a girl who has lived in a mountain village since she was a child, so she is always shy and repulsed by such things.

That is to say, the object is Qin Tian, ​​who she wants to bring back to show to grandma, so He Sinan can show his courage.

After washing the dishes, Qin Tian called He Sinan to the living room, then held her in his arms, stroked her hair and comforted her.

"Sinan, actually, you don't have to be so ashamed about this kind of thing, and don't think you're a bad girl."

"You've been in the mountains for too long. In fact, this kind of thing is nothing. All the couples in their city are like this."

"Besides, we are all adults, and I'm your boyfriend again, so don't be so embarrassed."


Under the comfort of Qin Tian's solemn sweet words, He Sinan responded with a blushing face.

But what did He Sinan think of again, his fingers intertwined nervously, and asked in a low voice like a mosquito.

"Then what do you think, Brother Qin, I, have I done a good job, do you think I'm stupid?"

"Fool, of course not, what are you thinking about?"

Qin Tian knew that He Sinan was worried about whether she made a mistake in her operation, because many girls would be very concerned about what their boyfriend thinks for the first time.

Qin Tian hugged He Sinan tightly, and gave her encouraging words full of sense of accomplishment: "Sinan, you are the best, don't worry about these things, I am very satisfied."

After hearing this, He Sinan relaxed, and contentedly slipped into Qin Tian's arms.

After the two of them sat on the sofa for a long time, Qin Tian left the community on his motorcycle, ready to start his second job.

Qin Tian's motorcycle license plate can only be obtained in days of lighting, and he can't go to more prosperous areas now, so he can only accept orders in nearby areas.

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