Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 97: Driving A 150,000 Car To Deliver Food

No matter what industry it is, as long as it is a newly established commercial company, they treat new employees quite well.

Qin Tian just registered as a rider on the platform yesterday, and when he clicked to start delivering the order, various order contents popped up.

The pace of life in this era is not so fast. Except for some well-off people who live at home, not many people are willing to spend money to order food to their door.

Most of these orders assigned to Qin Tian by the platform are relatively mediocre and complicated, such as sending documents or home repairing electrical appliances.

The farther the distance and the more difficult the work content is, the higher the price will be.

Especially for a female customer who lives in the far suburbs and needs a technician to come to unclog the sewer, the note must be a strong young man.

The price of this order is a full 60 yuan, which is equivalent to a day's wages for ordinary workers.

Qin Tian also delivered food in his previous life, and he has seen or listened to other riders talking about all kinds of weird things in this industry.

This kind of order that looks risky at first glance must not be done, as it is not a small matter to hurt the body, Qin Tian's current body can withstand it.

But if the other party is a rich tank, it won't be fun.

Only the novice knight would think this is a great thing, just like those young people who saw the fraudulent calls on the telephone poles asking for a child, they all felt that it was a win-win result.

In fact, if you are lucky, you will at most encounter a rich tank. If you are unlucky, you may encounter some people with ulterior motives.

Of course, if you are lucky, there will be that kind of miracle, and the other party may really be a lonely young woman who still has charm.

Qin Tian had experienced it in his previous life, but at that time Qin Tian was relatively shy.

After repairing the unbroken sewer, Qin Tian left angrily. Later, he got a bad review warning and was deducted more than 100 yuan by the platform.

The reason for the bad review is: "What should be repaired is not repaired, and what should not be repaired has been busy for most of the day!"

After sliding through various orders for a long time, Qin Tian finally found a more reliable order.

【Order user: Mr. Zhang】

【User address: Xingpai Technology Co., Ltd.】

[Order content: delivery of paper documents]

[Delivery address: No. 42 Linghua Road, Xintong Electronics Factory, received by Mr. Li. 】

[Estimated income: 15 yuan]

[Remarks: The company expedites the documents, and riders who are familiar with the road conditions are required! 】

Qin Tian took a closer look, neither the entrusting address nor the delivery address entered the main road, and both places were in the suburbs.

"Come to live!"

Qin Tian grabbed the order decisively, put on his motorcycle helmet, and rode his motorcycle straight to where Mr. Zhang was: Kangxin Road Xingpai Technology Company.

At this moment, on the road in front of the Star Pai Technology Company.

A few men in suits and uniforms came to the road from time to time to look at the end of the road where the cars were passing by, with anxious expressions on their faces.

Among them, Mr. Zhang, who was wearing glasses, was holding a paper contract, pacing back and forth anxiously, and turning his head to look at the end of the road from time to time to see if there was a delivery man in a blue vest driving a small eDonkey.

Mr. Zhang urgently needs to send this paper document to Xintong Electronics Factory, but he just noticed that the rider who took the order was actually in the community near Xiangban Road.

It's far away from Xingpai Technology Co., Ltd., and it may take more than ten minutes to get there by taxi, not to mention that it's Friday and there are so many vehicles on the road.

The rider's little eDonkey didn't have more than an hour, and it was absolutely impossible to rush to the Xingpai Technology Company.

"If I knew it earlier, I would have postponed tomorrow. What kind of bullshit food delivery platform actually asked a rider from such a distance to pick up my order. Do you think he came here by plane?"

Mr. Zhang adjusted his glasses, looked at the endlessly flowing road, and cursed irritably.

"My darling, look at that motorcycle!"

At this moment, I don't know who yelled in surprise, and everyone looked towards the end of the road in unison.

On the congested asphalt road, most of the cars were moving slowly and orderly.

Only a dazzling black motorcycle shuttled through the gaps of these vehicles like black lightning.

The sound of the exciting engine almost overwhelmed the horn of the car next to it.

Several people far away from the gate of Xingpai Technology Company could hear the adrenaline-pumping engine sound of this black motorcycle.

"Good guy, is this guy dying? Are you not afraid that these cars will open the door and kill you or something?"

"Tsk tsk, what a handsome motorcycle, why is there a box on the rear wing? Maybe it's for food delivery."

"Bullshit for food delivery, this motorcycle is a Kawasaki zx-10r, worth 150,000 yuan, only if you have a brain bubble will you use it to deliver food!"

"Wait a minute, this motorcycle seems to be heading towards us!"

"I'm stupid, stop it, it's real or not, it can't really be used to deliver food, right? Such a good car?!"

Under the inconceivable gaze of several people, Qin Tian galloped Kawasaki zx-10r to a steady stop in front of everyone, then took off his helmet smartly, and said with a smile: "Which one of you is Mr. Zhang? I'm your takeaway rider .”

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief, and then it was Mr. Zhang who came to his senses and hurried up to Qin Tian: "Young man, are you really a rider?"

Mr. Zhang couldn't believe that Qin Tian was his delivery driver.

Qin Tian was not wearing a small blue vest. A few colleagues just said that this motorcycle was actually worth 150,000 yuan.

Mr. Zhang was stunned. How could someone with such good conditions come to deliver food?


Qin Tian took out his iPhone and showed the order content on the platform.

"I'm really going to deliver food!"

A few men in suits leaned over to look at their phones, and in disbelief moved their eyes from the phones to the black motorcycle under Qin Tian's crotch.

Riding a 150,000 motorcycle to deliver food? Is this how rich people experience life? !

"Okay, here are the documents I need to send."

Now that there is information on the platform, Mr. Zhang naturally believes in Qin Tian's identity as a rider.

After Qin Tian took the document and put it in the trunk, Mr. Zhang said with some fear: "That little brother, it's actually not in a hurry, just arrive before 1:30 p.m., don't ride too fast."

Although the documents were delivered in a hurry, Mr. Zhang was still worried that something might happen to Qin Tian on the way.

After all, with such a fast speed, if something goes wrong, it will definitely end in a car crash.

"Thank you, I will pay attention to it, if you are satisfied with my service, give me a five-star praise!"

Qin Tian nodded and smiled, squeezed the clutch, put it in gear, put the oil on it, released the clutch, a set of operations went smoothly!

In just an instant, the black motorcycle disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

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