But that's all, it's not scary.

What's really scary is that the entire giant pit is stained with blood.

Countless mutant rats didn't even have time to react, and they were turned into plasma under the shock wave of this punch.

The blood dyed the giant pit red, and the bones and flesh were crushed into powder.

The giant pit centered on Li Tianci was still expanding at a terrifying speed.

Even the surrounding buildings were shaking!

This was Li Tianci's punch that gathered half of his spiritual power! It was also a punch that was 30% of Li Tianci's strength!

One punch, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked!

It actually made half of the city tremble! It also froze the eyes of everyone present!

In their field of vision, the red giant pit with a diameter of tens of meters was actually blasted out by Li Tianci's punch, and the aftermath spread hundreds of meters away.

It seemed like a small earthquake!

What the hell is going on? What kind of joke is this


Everyone's Adam's apple rolled, dumbfounded, and couldn't say a word.

Even Tieta and Duan Yue, who knew some of Li Tianci's strength, couldn't help but feel ashamed, and their eyes couldn't stop twitching!

"Oh my god, this guy, this guy, how strong is he?"

With a light sigh, Duan Yue silently threw himself into the battlefield.

Now, this rat tide was almost suppressed by Li Tianci alone, and it seemed that he only needed to clean up the remaining remnants.

After today, the name of"Night Emperor" will surely be famous in Qinchuan.

A real monster!

Not long ago, he shocked everyone with his skills and shocked 739 bureaus.

Now, the beast tide is coming!

He once again shocked everyone with his unparalleled power.

This time, not only the awakened, the combatants, but also the ordinary people who were filming with their mobile phones from afar were dumbfounded.

They lived in high-rise buildings.

Although the rat tide was terrible.

But with the awakened people resisting, their own safety was guaranteed.

Therefore, they more or less took out their mobile phones to film the battlefield.

But now, they were all stunned looking at the battlefield.

The whole street was only a few kilometers long, and the end could be seen at a glance.

But this strong body actually jumped up, fell from the sky, punched into the center of the beast tide, and killed hundreds of mutant rats in one fell swoop.

A punch fell!

Even the earth was overturned! The sky and the earth changed color!

"Is this guy the reincarnation of the Martial Saint?"

"Martial Saint? Even Martial Saints aren't this terrifying, right?"

"Yes, this is clearly a monster!"

In the continuous shock, countless people couldn't help but suffocate.

But Li Tianci didn't care. He only knew that the battlefield was a good trial ground.

It could not only hone his fighting skills, but also gain experience points and slaughter points. It was simply killing three birds with one stone! Just like the punch just now, it was his first attempt.

He jumped up and used the gravity of falling from a high altitude to further increase his strength!

Not bad!

The destructive power is full!

It's just a bit of a fist!

Even Li Tianci felt that his fist was a little numb now!

The battle soon came to an end.

Although the mutant rat tide in this area is terrible.

But with Li Tianci in charge, naturally there will be no more waves. Flowers!

But this is not the end.

There are mutant cats and dogs running around all over the city.

These are hidden dangers and need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

However, these have nothing to do with Li Tianci.

If he is asked to clean up these little Karami, it would be a bit like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

These are enough for ordinary awakeners and troops!

And powerful awakeners like him and Duan Yue need to conserve their physical strength and even their strength to prevent the next emergency!

Therefore, with the consent of the 739th Bureau, he also rushed back to the training base.

Of course, along the way, he would still see the mutant cats and dogs. Cleaned up casually.

Time passed quickly, and it was already late at night in a blink of an eye.

After a day of suppression and cleanup, the whole Anyang has stabilized again.

At least the order has been stabilized.

In the training center.

Li Tianci also changed into a new piece of clothing and rushed to the 739th Bureau.

After resting for several hours, Li Tianci felt much better.

He was not tired.

It was just that he had been in the deep mountains and forests for a period of time, and his spirit was a little exhausted.

However, it was okay.

After a few hours of rest, he had fully recovered, and his whole spirit and energy had improved a lot.

However, in the repeated restraint, Li Tianci also restrained all his energy.

He did not want to know that he Stepping into the first level of transcendence.

At least not in the next few days.

After half a month, when many awakened people have digested the great fortune of the disaster tide, their strength will skyrocket. He said that he has already stepped into the first level of transcendence, and it is not too late.

After all, before having absolute strength, being too talented is definitely not a good thing.

A tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind, this is a true saying.

Li Tianci did not want to be high-profile for a while and then be targeted by people with ulterior motives.

And soon after this.

Qinchuan 739 Bureau.

Director Liu Lao had been waiting for a long time.

What came into view was that there were as many as hundreds of awakened people standing quietly. These were the elites of the 739 Bureau, and the worst was about level four.

"Is the Night Emperor here?"

"Come, come, come to me."

Elder Liu from the Tianfu General Administration standing at the front also waved to Li Tianci.


During the silence, Li Tianci had already felt many strange looks.

Along with it, there were some not-so-small noises.

"Is this the Night Emperor? He looks so young! I heard he is a monster that surpasses the Five Heroes."

"Tsk tsk, anyway, it's scary. He punched through the square. Have you seen it? This guy has unparalleled brute force. It is said that he is at least level eight, or even level nine."

"Damn, Lord Duan Yue has only reached level eight."

"It's really scary, no wonder some people say he is the reincarnation of the Martial Saint!"

Amidst the continuous exclamations, countless awakened people looked at Li Tianci with a touch of passion.

Even many young female awakened people were shy and even flirted with him.

In response, Li Tianci shook his head helplessly and slowly walked towards Old Liu.

"Hello, Mr. Liu."

While greeting, Li Tianci also gave Mr. Liu the necessary courtesy.

"You are a good guy, really good. You have made the greatest contribution to the eradication of the rat tide this time!"

"By the way, you also brought back some ninth-level mutant ice python trophies!"

"That's right, our 739th Bureau will record your contribution in the credit book!"

As he said this, Old Liu patted Li Tianci on the shoulder with a satisfied look on his face.

Inviting Ye Huang to join Tianfu 739th Bureau was indeed a good decision.

This guy is definitely a real talent with full combat power.

Until now, the awakened people present can't forget Ye Huang's punch that fell from the sky.

And now, many video apps such as Slow Foot have regarded Ye Huang's punch as the"God-killing Fist", which has occupied the top ten hot searches!

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