Yes, the top ten hot searches.

With the strong support of Bureau 739, the awakeners have also completely stepped onto the stage.

Countless information about the awakeners has been continuously flowing out!

The awakeners who have shown terrible combat power in many beast tides have been pushed to the forefront under the influence of the Internet.

The first on the hot search list is Kuang Liao of Bureau 769 in Kyoto. He is burning with flames and rushing in the beast tide, like a flame god descending to the earth, which makes countless people call one after another. The second on the hot search list is King Kong. He is a martial arts awakener who can transform into a giant, standing upright like a law of heaven and earth, sweeping away all the mutant beasts.

As for the third place, it is Li Tianci. The punch that fell from the sky was like the power of killing gods, blasting through most of the streets, and even triggered a small earthquake, turning countless mutant rats into dust.

Some people even say that the combat power shown by Ye Huang is much more terrifying than Kuang Liao, Nu Tao and King Kong in Kyoto.

However, compared to the plainness of Night Emperor,

Fire Man, Water Woman and others were obviously more performative.

The flames, water flow, and sudden increase in size made them a big hit.

But Li Tianci didn't know this.

In Qin Chuan's 739th round, after simply praising Li Tianci, Old Liu made a series of comments on this disaster tide:

"This time, Qinchuan's 739th Bureau has withstood the test of the disaster tide. Casualties are inevitable, but they are still within an acceptable range."

"In addition, you still need to deal with the remaining mutant beasts. As for the entities, there will be a special army to clean them up."

"But be careful not to be proud. After all, this is only the first round of the disaster tide. Everything has just begun, and the disaster era has just arrived. Our task is still arduous."

After saying these words, Old Liu's face was also solemn.

That's right, this time it was just a cleanup of the mutated beasts inside the city. These mutated beasts were mostly mutated pets. Although they were extremely harmful, they were not very strong.

And those powerful beasts were all distributed in the wild.

When the disaster tide came, although the awakened people of Dragon Country barely kept the city as their back garden, many villages had been attacked by wild beasts, and many villages had been destroyed.

If it is allowed to continue to develop, a truly large-scale beast tide will soon come.

"Regain your energy, tomorrow's task will be equally arduous, so take the time to rest."

Finally, after Elder Liu finished speaking, the meeting of the Qinchuan General Administration came to an end.

As the crowd gradually dispersed, Elder Liu kept Li Tianci and others behind.

"Night Emperor"

"There is something I need to tell you. Just a few hours ago, the 739th Bureau in Yancheng came to me and asked for someone, specifically asking you to return to Yancheng."

"How many hours ago?"

Li Tianci was slightly puzzled.

"That's right, you may not know it yet, right? You are famous now, and your move has become a hot topic on the Internet."

"Is that so?"

Li Tianci scratched his head. Although he kept a low profile, gold could not hide its brilliance.

"So, what do you think?"

"I am living very well here. I will not go back in the short term. The situation in Qinchuan is much more severe than that in Yancheng."

Li Tianci answered casually.

"Very good, I thought so too, and I was not wrong about you. I knew that you would not like that kind of comfortable life, so I pushed them back with just one sentence."

"You going there is nothing more than icing on the cake, but in Qinchuan, it can be regarded as timely help."

Old Liu patted Li Tianci's shoulder, turned around and looked at Pian Pian, Duan Yue and others not far away, and continued:"You guys have to work hard too, don't lose to those awakened people in Modu and Kyoto!"

""Understood, Elder Liu."

Everyone replied in unison, and a serious look appeared on their faces.

In each city, the competition among the awakened ones was tacitly approved by the bureau.

Even in the future, when the situation improves a little, there will be competitions for awakened ones.

This is to motivate them to move towards a stronger position. In such a disaster era, hard work is indispensable. Human beings are inherently weaker than beasts. Standing still is like sailing against the current. If you don't move forward, you will retreat.

But compared with another timeline, the current Dragon Country is already good.

Because of the official endorsement, they can practice with peace of mind, and their strength is higher than that of another timeline.

You know, in another timeline, they are all hiding from place to place, and some have even died under the knife of their own people.

But now, they are all alive and well, and they are working hard to fight for the safety of their country.

Since leaving the Qinchuan General Administration, Li Tianci has also returned to his residence alone.

Just when he was about to rest, an uninvited guest came. It was Pian Pian.

""Brother Ye Huang, I've seen the video online. You've become stronger!"

I have to say that after not seeing her for a few days, she seems to be much prettier.

At this moment, she has her hands behind her back, like a wandering butterfly, playful and cute, with a pair of beautiful eyes blinking constantly, full of curiosity.

"Isn't this normal?"

Li Tianci looked at Pian Pian and then said with a smile:"Girl, you have also been promoted to level eight, oh, no, it's the peak of level eight, and you are only a step away from level nine."


Pian Pian playfully stuck out her tongue and replied,"I didn't expect you to notice it. I have tried very hard to restrain my breath."

Li Tianci didn't say much, just turned his head and walked slowly to the center of the venue.

"You came here this time to have a competition with me, right?"

"Did you guess all this, Brother Ye Huang?"

Pian Pian was surprised again.

"Otherwise, why do you come to me so late at night? Are you trying to have sex with me?"


Pian Pian reacted and her pretty face turned red. She said coquettishly,"Brother Ye Huang, you are so frivolous!"

If someone else said this, she might have been angry, but when Li Tianci said this, she didn't feel the slightest bit of anger. Instead, she felt a little bit of unspeakable joy.

"Just kidding, I didn't expect you to have the courage to challenge me"

"After all, this is something that Duan Yue and Tie Ta don't dare to do."

Li Tianci stood still and waved to Pian Pian.

"Come on, let me check your current strength level!"

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