Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 990: Intercept (3)

At a high altitude, on a floating battlefield, in a delicate small building, the fog and magic fog stood at the window, watching the barbarous gods leaping and cheering on the square outside.

"Really, this deep guilt in my heart." The misty body trembled slightly, his skin twitching fiercely: "Help these Pangu people, help these wild gods ... Really, it's sinful."

"However, it's a pleasure, it's so happy." Huanwu's body was also shaking slightly, and her skin was also jerking fiercely.

This time, how many gods can they kill by joining together the gods of their wise protoss? It is impossible to describe the happiness of those who are sitting on the throne and who are high above the earth.

There seems to be a constant flow of electricity in the body, and the spirits are violently agitating.

The mist and magic mist almost passed out because of the great joy and happiness in their hearts. So happy, so happy, I really want to see the wonderful scenes of the gods falling from the clouds earlier.

It's crazy, it's incredible, they will actually kneel at the feet of a human, they will obey the order of that human, and help him to count those gods!

Ah, when observing the outpost, all they can calculate is the descendants of the major protoss.

But when that terrible human grows up, he may grow into a catastrophic figure, and he may have the opportunity to bring crazy disasters to those old guys!

The faces of the fog and magic fog turned red, and their breath became hot.

Those great, noble, sacred, majestic, great beings that cannot be seen directly and are not to be offended, if the conspiracy and tricks of the mist and the mist can eventually destroy them ...

"Great achievement ..." the mist mumbled lowly. "When I was a kid, I was exposed to a small conspiracy and was scourged for a full 30,000 whip. This allowed me to have two years of injuries on my bed ..."

"The **** king who once ordered me to be punished and punished, my elder, I can't wait to see him killed by witch iron." The mist laughed into a horror.

"The blood of the noble, flows madly because of our wisdom, and this is the ultimate achievement of our intelligent protoss." Fantasy mist also smiled like a fool: "If, because of what we do today, we can make those great This is how many ancient and ancient protoss are destroyed, how brilliant my life should be! "

The two of them giggled, they glanced at each other, then nodded gently, and said in unison: "Keep working hard, don't die too early until the great goal is achieved. . "

In the infinite void, the spar star stopped working, suspended at a fixed point.

Inside the hall, the five leaders such as Qi Wu were gloomy, and the atmosphere inside the hall was low and depressed.

People from the five major **** groups gathered in the hall, one by one, holding their breath without saying a word.

After a long, long time, Youyou sneered sneerly: "Blazing, the greatest **** of war of the young generation of the wild gods, please give us an explanation ... why the sacrifices given to our gods will be halfway through Intercepted? "

He was burly and heavily armored, and his face was cold and hard, with a fiery snoring roar: "Did I take away the offering?"

"It's your brother, aconite!" Wu Wu slaps the handrail of the spar throne heavily, and the huge sound waves will overturn the dozens of celestial protoss who are close to him, and the hall is immediately chaotic.

Wu Wu growled loudly, and the colorful divine light in the eyes of the spar flashed rapidly. A terrible sharp air condensed into the divine light visible to the naked heart: "We have verified that we are eligible to take it halfway For the sacrifices, there is only the blood of the king level ... Now, the blood of the king that the deity walks on the mainland of China is only aconite. "

"Blazing, give us an explanation, is this a plot of your brutal gods?" The imaginary and timely voice shrouded in a layer of black mist, his Yin voice sounds like a cloud of wind, floating indefinitely. The hall floated quietly: "Perhaps, we should join forces to capture you, as well as the people of the Savage family."

A loud bang, a stomping lame, grabbed the oddly shaped epee leaning on the throne.

The heavy sword that spewed the cold mang gently waved, and an arc of light chopped down the ray of sharp and abnormal light condensed by the Wu Wu, and shouted loudly: "I'll go to the aconite and ask for an understanding ... Also, please Don't say that he is my brother ... Well, my blood is more honorable than him. My ancestor, but the Supreme One who was near the state of immortality. "

"And the aconite ... he, and his family, just a fluke starter." Chi Mao growled fiercely: "So, don't say he is my brother, who dare to say so, I Just cut off his head. "

The heavy epee in the hands of Chihuo dropped a pestle on the ground.

‘铿锵’, Jian Feng sank into the ground three feet. The ground of the hall is paved with colorful crystals. It is extremely hard and has the blessings of the Celestial Protoss. It is hard for ordinary people to destroy the slightest.

Seeing Chi Jian's relaxed sword can break into the spar ground three feet deep, the aura of light in the aggressive eyes of Wu Wu suddenly flashed, and his severe and perspicuous breath suddenly converged by three points.

Zunzun spit out magma, and a fiery flame spit out in his mouth, snarling loudly: "No, no, no, blazing, you can't go ... if you take someone down, you and aconite How to do?"

Zun Zun turned his head, staring at Wu Wu and asked, "Blazing Zang is already a god-level strength. How much does it cost for you to transmit a **** king and a large number of gods to invade the Continent? How much time will it take for the second transfer? "

Wu Wu said sternly: "The human race on the Mu mainland has formed a natural repression of our gods with the aid of the Mu mainland ... Thanks to the existence of the transmission of a **** king, our battle star is facing great risks."

"Not only that, the existence of the **** king level wants to break the prohibition over the mainland of Mum, the energy consumed is an astronomical figure. If the flames come, we need about three standard revolution cycles to save the energy and send the first The two **** kings come. "

Wu Zun shook his head, and there was a constant flow of thick hot magma in his seven tricks.

"That's it, Blazing, you must stay here, you can't come ... Otherwise, if all this is a plot between you and the aconite, after you come with a family of wild gods, we will completely lose your constraint."

"If, I mean, if you and the aconite digest the sacrifices below, the strength of your brutal gods will soar ... What do you want to do?" Zun Zun's eyes spit high-temperature flames, a word A word asked Chi Zhi: "You guys, want to observe the outpost exclusively?"

Chizhe held the epee of the epee. He stared directly at Zunzun and said in a deep voice, "Do you question me?"

You Xuan laughed: "No, no, no, we believe that you are our good brother and good partner, but there is a word in the Pangu clan that makes sense ... His Majesty Gutian Li, His Highness Chi Zhi is not suitable for coming."

"Not only His Highness Chi, five of us, no one is suitable to come." You quietly whispered, "We cannot overestimate our moral standards, do we? If any one of us comes, we must not want to own all Is this the truth? "

Blazing silent.


Zun Zun applauded softly, and the hall was full of fire.

Wu Wu Shen said: "So, how should we deal with this matter? Aconitum's behavior is a provocation against us, a provocation against all of us ... we must be severely punished."

You You whispered softly: "Then send five coalition forces to arrest aconite."

You looked at Sheng Rong, who was sitting in a corner, and said indifferently: "The commander of the Five-Family Alliance Army will be served by His Highness Saint-Rong. His Royal Highness, who governs the Witch Alliance, will arrest the aconite. Do n’t worry. ”

The whole body lingered a touch of white light, behind the three pairs of huge gorgeous wings shining Sheng Rong stayed, then stood up and gave a gift to the five people such as You You: "Those who dare to offend the glory of the gods, must receive Punish ... I hope that the size of the five ethnic coalition forces will be as strong as possible. "

"Why?" Chi-chan snarled in a fit of anger.

"Don't forget the reason why the aconite came." Sheng Rong said calmly, "Some of us sent us into the reincarnation, sneaked into the lowly slavery of the human race, and boldly betrayed the gods."

"Aconite is to deal with those bold traitors ... Now it seems that this may be just an excuse ... an excuse to make aconite bright and fair to the mainland of China ... then, the problem has come, so many years Now, how many people did we send to our country? If they all took refuge in aconite? "

Sheng Rong spread his hands and sighed softly: "Aconite brought more than 6,000 confidants, but on the mainland, how many of those traitors will be? Sixty thousand? Six hundred thousand? Even more? "

The wings behind Sheng Rong fanned a few times, and he smiled bitterly: "I came to the mainland of China to arrest aconites, not to kill them."

An hour later, in a spar hall, a giant divine array of hundreds of miles in diameter was filled with carefully selected protoss warriors.

Each of the Ice Spirit Protoss, Lava Giant, Dark Soul Protoss, and Celestial Protoss sent 30,000 elites.

Because of the suspicion of Aconitum, Youyou and others fear that the Barbarians will fight against the battlefield, so they only sent 10,000 people, but they sent ten royal generals to supervise the coalition forces. Every move.

As the commander of the coalition, Sheng Rong was surrounded by three thousand light gods as guards. This strength can ensure the security of Sheng Rong in the mainland, but once he dares to have any wanton behavior, the five ethnic coalition forces will be able to tear him together with these three thousand guards into shreds.

Except for the five major Protoss and the Light Protoss, each of the other hundreds of Protoss sent a royal bloodline wearing a full set of heavenly artifacts, leading hundreds of people to follow.

The strength of these royal bloods is around the seventh and eighth heavens of the Divine Realm. They come with the body of the heavenly artifact, and once they fully urge the heavenly artifact, they can have the honorable power in a short time. This is equivalent to the fact that they sent hundreds of honorable combat forces to land on the Continent.

This strength is enough to completely suppress the aconite.

"Everyone be careful all the way." Wu Wu's body turned into a thousand feet, hands on his hips, and he looked down at the gods standing densely and strangely in the array of gods: "Your mission is to arrest aconit and recapture what he usurped Offering. "

"We don't want you to do anything extraordinary or weird." A humorous voice filled the hall, "If you really did something that didn't meet your status, then you stay at the outpost. Other people will suffer because of you. "

Wu Wu smiled brightly: "This time of advent, it cost a lot of money, especially, Sheng Rong, you basically have the power to be close to the king of God, so after this advent, we can only change the time after three standard revolution cycles. You pick it up. "

"This is not a short period of time," You said softly, "I hope you can also remember that the mainland is extremely unfriendly to our gods. The more powerful the gods come, the more unpredictable risks they face ... Everyone's safety, and I hope everyone is safe and secure, as long as they arrest the aconite, it will be enough. "

Saint Rong owed a gift to the five leaders: "Five distinguished highnesses, rest assured, I will restrain them and do nothing extraordinary. After all, our interests are one."

You You nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, our interests, after all, are one ... actions like aconite must be punished."

The gigantic spar stars began to flash dazzling light. From the core to the surface, a lot of dazzling light continued to shine, and the high-frequency flash almost blinded everyone's eyes, forcing them to close their eyes tightly.

The huge stars trembled slightly, and a large number of spirits crystallized in the raging flames, and a strong human spirit was entangled in Sheng Rong and others.

This is the most important part of the advent of the gods.

The terrible prohibition set by the ancient people's mighty heart and blood over the Continent, without the cover of these human spirits, the gods who dare to come will be subjected to extremely terrible attacks.

A very long spine protruded from the spar star, and the tens of thousands of spines trembled slightly, and finally locked the coordinates of the witch iron altar.

"There will be some errors. This is an inevitable thing. After all, the distance is too far away." Xi Wu waved his hand: "And the more people, the greater the error, this is also inevitable. However, I believe you can find aconit ... After all, I have given you the exact coordinates of that altar. "

There was a flash of light in the divine array, and a large group of gods disappeared without a trace.

On the long crystal thorns, a colorful divine light spurted out. The divine light that was as thick as a hundred miles was millions of miles long, and shot like a straight arrow at the huge land of Mum.

This time, the momentum was huge. As soon as the light of God came out, the huge spar star suddenly became dim, and the entire star became dark.

"The auxiliary furnace hastened to start, and the attack from the mainland is about to come ... ready to avoid, be careful, prepare to avoid!"

A large expanse of strange light flickered over the mainland of Mum, accompanied by a deep murmur of dragons, and a thousand-thousand-thick ray of thunder erupted from above the land of Mum, striding across the void towards the black spar crystal stars.

The spar star moved weakly and weakly in the void, hardly changing its position.

Rao is that they dodged fast, the thunder light still stunned slightly on the spar star. Hearing a loud noise, countless Mars splattered in the spar star body, countless protoss in the star body fell to the ground, one by one with a blue nose, swollen face, and embarrassment.

"Aconite ... all your **** thing!" The roar of Wu Wuqi's anxious sound resounded through the void.

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