Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 991: Intercept (4)

The sacrifice continued.

Witch Iron no longer has the roster, he handed it to Huang Lang, who had just been promoted successfully.

The complexion is good, the breath becomes deep and horrible, and Huang Lang's face is red. Standing in front of many ministers of culture and war, every one quarter of an hour or so, the names of the ministers of culture and war are clearly reported.

The courtiers of the Wu Kingdom were promoted in a well-organized and collective manner.

This time, the demon army from the Supreme Demon Kingdom was enough to promote more than 4,000 people to the rank of honor.

Among them, there are thousands of civil and military officials in the Wu State, and the remaining 3,000 or more will be carefully selected from the Wu tribe, the best batch of Erlang.

Wu Tie carried his hands on his back, bowed his head slightly to the many officials standing on Wuzhou, and then transformed into a streamer and flew up into the sky.

Three corpse avatars and six avatars followed behind Wu Tie, and more than one hundred princes of the Wu clan Erlang stepped on the situation, and then flew up to the sky.

In the floating battle fortress, the aconite was sitting on an iron throne, and his hands were greasy holding a large wild boar elbow.

He didn't like the soft meat that was rottenly cooked. His boar elbow was only cooked for six minutes, and he wanted to go down. The blood in his elbow was dripping, and there was a slight **** smell in the air.

The witch iron landed on the floating battle fortress and looked at the many busy gods who were busy.

Aconitum dropped his elbow in his hand, stood up, rubbed his hands firmly on the battle skirt, and laughed at the witch iron: "Hahaha, majesty, do you have something to eat? A hundred-year-old wild boar , Bones and bones have the most chewing head. "

Wu Tie smiled and shook his head: "No, hey, are you sure, they will send someone?"

Wu Tie raised his right hand, gently touched his fist with Aconitum, and then asked a small building on the edge of the battlefield.

Standing in the small building, pointing at the mist and magic mist, he hurried out, lowered his eyebrows and walked in front of the witch iron, and bowed respectfully to the witch iron.

Aconitum rolled his eyes in disdain, and the corner of his mouth pulled the elder.

As a brave and fierce family of gods, he just looked down on this group of intelligent gods who claimed to be the first in the world of IQ. This group of scared soft eggs with small white faces, this charming slave-faced knees, is the most unacceptable aconite.

Looking at the fog and magic fog kneeling on the ground, Aconi subconsciously touched the tomahawk hanging on the belt.

I really want to pull these two little heads down ...

However, looking at the mist and magic mist of a smile, Aconitum forcibly suppressed this impulse.

After the mist and the magic mist saluted to the witch iron, they stood up and said with a smile: "Dear Her Majesty, based on our understanding of the gods, they will never let such a large amount of offerings be banished. The Lord Lord intercepted halfway. "

"They will definitely use all their means to obtain these sacrifice ... and Lord Aconitum will be regarded by His Highness Shiyan as his target." Huanwu sneered: "I can even imagine that the army they sent is already here. On the way, once they caught the Lord Aconitum, His Highness the Blazing God would launch the most stupid life-and-death duel of the barbarians ... "

"The stupidest? That's the most sacred and glorious battle of honor!" The Aconi roared loudly, and the drooling star sprayed the magic mist all over his face.

"Of course the most stupid behavior ... two rude, barbaric reckless goods, chopped at each other on a closed platform, do not dodge, do not run away, do not take any drugs, until one of the skulls is chopped." He wiped the saliva foam on his face and sneered sneer: "Isn't this stupid behavior stupid?"

The mist helped the magic mist, and at the same time deeply despised the traditional customs of the Savage Gods: "Yes, if we are the members of the wisdom Gods, who we want to die, he will die silently, God does n’t know Ghosts don't even notice that our hands are stained with blood ... Killing enemies with wisdom is the most elegant ... "

With a muffled sound, Aconi punched in the misty face, knocking him out.

Looking at the mist of nosebleed, the aconite and the gods on the side laughed wildly. Aconi laughed loudly: "You idiots who call themselves civilized, despise our rudeness and brutality, then I will let you feel the rudeness and brutal punch!"

"Shaoyao crooked, male creatures, they should use the most **** way to kill the enemy and destroy the enemy ... all conspiracy and scheming are paper tigers, paper tigers that can be broken at the click of a poke." Hunwu shrugged his fingers scornfully: "You don't agree, you can come and hit me!"

Wu Tie coughed.

It is a good thing that these gods surrendered by themselves are discord. As long as you don't make a living, let them go.

Just as I didn't see the blood flowing from the misty face, Wu Tie sat on the iron throne where the aconite was just now, and said lightly: "Everyone is his own, don't use your feet ... fright, you say , Their people, when will they come? "

Just then, there was a faint light in the sky.

The ripples of ripples flickered above the extremely high sky, condensed after the Taoist Seal, the law between the witch iron's most heaven and earth is extremely sensitive to the fluctuations, he clearly felt that the law of the avenues over the entire mainland of Turkey was boiling. , Roaring, thundering like a hurricane, setting off a huge wave.

At the same time, the heterogeneous laws that were penetrated by alien gods were constantly offsetting the restlessness of the laws and regulations of the mainland.

It felt as if a warrior wanted to be put on the battlefield, and countless thin pieces of cowhide glue entangled his body, making his movements slow, stiff, and making him weak in every move.

"Come here!" The mist wiped the nosebleed on his face, stared fiercely at the aconite, and deeply engraved today's hatred in his heart, then he quickly showed a bright smile: "Dear Majesty, Human Launched with the ultimate heavenly defense system laid out by the Continent, there is no doubt that the deity of the gods has come. "

"Also, they can cause such a huge change in the heavens. They have a strong ability to descend. They have a lot of people. Oh, oh, look ..."

The witch irons are extremely high, so they can look far away.

They saw that in the border area of ​​the No. 5 Yi word, where the Wu State was located, in the boundless ocean, the sea water formed a huge vortex with a diameter of millions of miles. After a period of incubation, a rough thousand miles Ray of light spurted out from the vortex, silently and directly into the sky.

In an instant, this thunderbolt broke through the sky and fell into the black void of the outer world.

The fog, magic fog, and aconite admired at the same time: "Awesome terrible prohibition."

Later, the mist and the magic mist laughed at the same time: "I really want to see what the fools look like in the Tianjing Protoss Star Wars ... Well, how many times have they been attacked in these years?"

Aconitum shook his head and snorted coldly: "Yes, in the past few years, the battle stars of the Celestial Protoss have been attacked hundreds of times, but they have carried them down, which is a great thing."

Aconitum grinned sneer: "You profess to be the smartest intelligent protoss, and your IQ is above all the protoss ... but, your intelligent protoss, is there such a well-developed foundry civilization as the Tianjing protoss? You may invent something like Tianjing A powerful artifact of Protoss Star Wars? "

The fog and magic fog closed their mouths at the same time.

Their faces were a little blue, staring angrily at the aconite.

"You only have one mouth, and a vicious conspiracy full of rotten and rotten belly." Aconi spread his hands and said frankly, "You who have the highest wisdom, your achievements in the way of casting are actually not as good as the Celestial Protoss. Those stone heads, you are really ashamed. "

The skin of the mist and magic mist was blue and red, and red and blue, and was stung by the aconite for a long time.

Wu Tie smiled and didn't mean to dissuade him.

In the void, the violent fluctuation of the principle of the avenue lasted for several hours before it calmed down. Later, Wu Tie and others saw that, above the extremely high sky, a colorful divine light fell straight towards the land of Mum.

In the void of the mainland of Mum, one after another the strange light of the gods shines.

There are broken big tripods, big seals with missing horns, broken holy swords, big axes with missing mouths ... Pieces are broken, but still exude suffocating grand fluctuations, which can drive the great power of heaven and earth to follow The holy relics constantly appear.

The colorful divine light smashed the heavy divine light. The original colorful divine light that fell straight to the coordinates of the altar was constantly dimmed, stripped off, and gradually moved towards the direction of the mainland's outer sea. shift.

The witch iron stood up and yelled, "Xia Rumeng, take the people of your Wushen army, follow me!"

The aconite growled low, and his six thousand Xuman gods left more than a thousand people here to intercept the sacrifice. The other five thousand sacred gods clad in armor and followed behind the aconite, He greeted in the direction of that colorful divine light.

The fog and magic mist took a deep breath, and their bodies flickered, and they quickly turned into two savage gods with big faces and rough faces, mingled in the queue of savage gods, and caught up with the pace of the witch iron.

In a cloud in the distance, Xia Ruoying, the former Duke of Wuguo Town, and Xia Rumeng blew with a stream of thousands of streams of light, and followed closely the witch. Behind Tie et al.

Xia Rumeng, wearing a set of heavy armor, screamed exhaustedly as he spearheaded: "Your Majesty has a word, the emperor will have the species of Xiangning? I wait, born humble, born for generations, destined to be slaves ... Today, let us hand-stain the blood of those higher gods, let us take their blood, and let us ... use the blood of the gods above us to wash everything we have passed. "

The original Qinglian watched the mountain people drunk Buddha and Taoist people, who were reborn by Pei Feng's magic phoenix, who was born again, holding a sword, eyes cold like a knife, and gritted teeth to speed up the flight.

She was thinking about her lover.

She was thinking about the humiliation she had suffered.

She recalled the torture and suffering she suffered during her reincarnation.

All of her past experiences have turned into the hottest killing in her heart, and she can't wait to see those noble protoss who are high above him, and then use their blood to fill her sword.

Faceless Buddha also followed Xia Rumeng.

As he flew, he muttered to himself: "We are born lowly, and we, as well as our children and grandchildren, are destined to be slaves and servants throughout our lives ... but I am not willing. I am in Wu country and have Everything. So no one can take everything I have now. "

"Even the **** king ... even the **** emperor ... even the supreme legends. No one can take everything from me. This is me, the vow of a humble **** of the humblest family of once."

"In this life, my wife, my son, everything I have, I will defend with my ring knife."

The faceless Buddha pulled out a sculpted innumerable lotus pattern, with strange shapes and great radians, and a large scimitar with a length of one person: "I am compassionate. Today, a demon came from outside the world, with the intention of destroying the human world and disastrous the human race ... … The little monk should be the demon guardian, and Kuang Zhengtian righteousness! "

"My buddha bless, the little monk has accumulated all the merits today, and when it turns into an infinite blessing, he will protect my wife and children."

Xia Rumeng rolled his eyes and glanced at the former abbot of Honglian Temple. Damn flower monk, alas, I'm so embarrassed to tell my own nasty thing.

Humming, Xia Rumeng glanced behind him.

More than 7,000 people followed.

They are all the humblest and most humble low-ranking soldiers and even slaves among the gods. They were put into the reincarnation of the mainland by the higher protoss and let them lurk in the human race.

However, these people basically reincarnation only once, they are no longer willing to be loyal to the Protoss, and no longer willing to return to the original ethnic group.

The blood of those high gods determines everything. These lowly slaves, no matter how hard they work, no matter how hard they work, no matter how hard they work, they have no chance to change their destiny.

But in Terran, as long as they work hard, as long as they work hard, they can get what they never dreamed of.

Strength, knowledge, power, wealth, beautiful spouses, tender and loving children, naive, cute and lively children ... and the respect that they have received after changing their destiny.

In the human race, even if it is the lowest family of the Zhuang family, as long as it is a kingdom established by a normal human race, as long as you work hard, as long as you work hard, whether it is cultivation or reading, you have the opportunity to change your destiny.

More than 7,000 reincarnation reincarnation protagonists, after the last cleansing of the witch iron, they put on armour, picked up weapons, and followed the witch iron to fight today.

The sword in hand will be split against the high-level protoss who once stood high, using their blood to wash away the suffering they once suffered.

These Valkyrie soldiers are full of confidence and pride in their hearts.

Perhaps because of their humble origins in the Protoss, they will work hard and frantically after they are reincarnated as adults. Therefore, among them, the abbots of Honglian Temple such as the Faceless Buddha emerged, the strongest swordsman of the Qinglian view such as 泫 洺, and the mastery of poems and chess poems like Xia Rumeng. The all-round talent that shocked the capital ...

They are so insanely hard, so these half of the Valkyrie fighters are all half-step respected, and the other half are masters who are above the 9th heaven of the Shenyang Realm and even the top 10th heaven of the Shenming Realm.

They knew very well that those high-level protoss who observed the outposts, and those high-end protoss who had made them dare not look straight at them, were only two or three times as strong as the state of gods, but they were no better than five or six times.

Now they are stronger than those higher protoss!

So, what else are they terrifying?

Use the blood of those high-level protoss to dye your own promotion path and fight for a rich future for your wife and children in this life!

As Wu Tie said, as Xia Rumen repeated—'Emperor Xiangning has a kind '?

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