Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 992: Intercept (5)

In the deep sea, there are islands called Tian Fang.

These islands are not large, and the largest circle is only more than ten thousand miles, and they are as small as a thousand miles. There are people and tribes living on the island, and there are heterogeneous groups living underground.

This archipelago is tens of millions of miles away from the continent where Wu Kingdom is located. The islands have barren veins and poor resources. The previous dynasty dynasty looked down on this barren land and did not bring it under control.

The witch iron did not like to expand the territory, and the armed forces of the Wu State did not shoot at this archipelago.

This archipelago has maintained their original flavor. On hundreds of large and small islands, two or three thousand forces of all sizes are in constant and continuous battles.

A big battle is being fought fiercely on the "Fang Fang Island", the largest in the Fang Fang Islands.

Because of a fertile plain full of grains and a radius of three hundred miles, the most powerful 'Song Kingdom' and 'Li Kingdom' on Tianfang Island have battled for the ownership of this plain for nearly a thousand years.

The small city of Jingu on the plain has gone back and forth dozens of times in the hands of Song Guo and Li Guo.

On the plains outside the city, hundreds of miles of golden rice paddies set off waves of wind. On Jingu City, which is ten miles long and wide, dozens of torn and ragged flags of the 'Song State' are waving weakly and weakly.

In the low drums of war, Li Guo's commander waved his hands, dozens of heavy soldiers came up with a mouthful of large boxes, and dropped the boxes on the ground. The lid of the box was torn open, and piles of gold cans, with the size of a baby's palm, were poured out.

Several Tauren men standing in front of Li Guo's commander suddenly had bloodshot eyes and spit out two hot air from their nostrils.

"There is 100,000 gold here, Niu Er, you take your clan and attack again." Li Guoshou growled hoarsely towards the most burly Tauren: "Again, as long as you can capture Jingucheng , And there is 100,000 gold behind. "

Several tauren gave a low growl, clenched the wheel axe, and strode away.

In the roar of '哞 哞', thousands of burly cows in the military camp stood up, sorted out their broken armors, carried heavy weapons such as big axes and knives, and followed the leader silently. Jingucheng walked.

"Bring down Jingucheng, the brothers let go of their belly to eat ... The grain in the Jingucheng store is countless, the general of Li Guo said, and they have taken Jingucheng. As long as we can carry it, the grain in the granary can bring How many walks are ours. "Niu Er, a burly man, waved a huge axe and growled loudly.

Thousands of cattle took great strides and swarmed towards Jingucheng.

On the walls of Jingucheng, the defenders of the Song Kingdom opened their strong bows and aimed at the charging cattle.

The level of practice in the Tianfang Islands is low, and the life pool is almost their limit of strength. Niu Er is just breaking through the life pool, and other cattle warriors are mostly for the cultivation of real estate.

They also do not have any magical skills, just pure primitive physical cultivation.

They spit out the heat, gradually speeding up, the heavy hoofs stepped on waves of rice waves, and rushed to Jingucheng frantically.

From the sky, a colorful light of God suddenly appeared.

The dazzling light of the gods illuminated the entire Tianfang Island, the cattle who were on the charge, the soldiers of Song Guo on the city wall, and the army of Li Guo in the barracks outside the city. All of them looked up and looked at the sky One point is getting closer to the colorful **** light.

That light was clearly smashing down at Jingucheng.

"What is this?" General Song Guo in the city, commander Li Guo outside the city all hissed exclaimed.

The deafening thunder kept ringing, waves of horrific air blasted and exploded at high altitudes, and the white air blasts were visible to the naked eye, spreading rapidly around them, and spread to places invisible to the naked eye in an instant. .

The terrible pressure came from high altitude, and the rice waves that stretched for hundreds of miles were stiff for a moment, and then an air explosion sounded. Countless ears of rice burst out, white rice, golden rice husks, and those straws. The powder that was crushed and turned into yellow and white was sprinkled all over the floor.

Inside and outside of Jingu City, the soldiers on both sides spit blood together and lay on the ground.

The next moment, the colorful God Light suddenly dissipated, nearly 200,000 Protoss Alliance troops panted, and the Foot God Light suspended above the plain.

"It's a **** broken place." The three pairs of wings behind Sheng Rong spread out, countless bright silver godliness appeared on the gorgeous wings, and the bright white divine light was like a small sun shining on a plain that was hundreds of miles away. Bright.

In this white, ruthless, pure divine light, everything seems to be assimilated into white.

All the soldiers and soldiers on both sides of the battlefield inside and outside of Jingucheng became stunned in the white light. Their spirits were filled with pure white light. All their wisdom, all their own cognition, at this moment Easily obliterated by Sheng Rong.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and people fell to the ground inside and outside Jingu City, worshiping Sheng Rong in five body throws.

Sheng Rong didn't even look at these poor worms that had been wiped out of his own wisdom by himself and had become a believer. He frowned, took out a white silk handkerchief, and gently covered his nose.

"Damn, I came to this ghost place for the first time with my deity ... It's totally different from the perception of the essence and blood clone, it's too ... wow." Sheng Rong muttered lowly: "I can feel that this world treats me Full of malice, he is repelling me at all times and attacking me at all times. "

The sound of ‘嗤嗤’ keeps coming.

There is invisible power in the void, which erodes the white divine light released by Sheng Rong in a frenzy. On the edge of the white divine light, a trace of green smoke constantly rises. The white divine light released by Saint Rong is like an ice ball thrown into volcanic lava, and is being rapidly consumed.

The white magic light that originally covered hundreds of miles has collapsed in just a few words.

"However, I am Sheng Rong, the best heir of the Protoss of the Light." Sheng Rong sneered proudly. He took out a crystal of the soul, holding the crystal of the soul in both hands, and the white **** light wrapped around the crystal of the spirit. He was sucked into his body by a huge amount of spirit power.

"I am the light, I am the justice, and I am, all the beautiful and sacred incarnations of the world." Sheng Rong held the crystal of the spirit and shouted from the sky.

There was a dazzling silver-white divine light on his body, and with the wonderful sounds of heaven, the breath of Sheng Rong was several times stronger than before.

The white god's light suddenly expanded hundreds of miles, and Saint Rong said proudly, "My light cannot be destroyed."

In the sound of "嗤嗤", a black cloud suddenly appeared above Sheng Rong's head.

The black robbery clouds continued to rotate, and instantly turned into a black cloud vortex with a diameter of hundreds of miles suspended above Sheng Rong's head. The black robbery mines in the cloud vortex were beating fiercely, and they continued to emit low roar.

"His Royal Highness ... Please also, please converge your strength." A dark soul protoss wrapped in thick black fog said vaguely: "Mu continent is very unfriendly to our gods, and you have leaked it in such a brazen way Your own strength will only lead to a crazy attack on the mainland. "

Sheng Rong had a somber face, looked up at the black vortex, and the silvery white light on his body gradually converged.

The black cloud vortex was still floating above his head, the thunder rang louder and louder, and the black thunder lights were beating, which might splash down at any time.

Sheng Rong's breath continued to shrink, and suddenly a twisted law chain emerged on the edge of the black cloud. These laws, shaped like poisonous snakes and poisonous pythons, passed silently through the cloud vortex, which slightly offset the terrifying power in the cloud vortex.

Saint Rong immediately laughed: "The efforts of the ancestors are still useful ... the laws of the earth and the earth have been eroded by our laws ... they can still attack us, but we are by no means unable to fight back."

The voice did not fall, a deafening thunder came, and a black electric dragon with a diameter of dozens of feet whistled out of the black cloud vortex and banged heavily on Sheng Rong's head.

Sheng Rong and dozens of people of the Light Protoss around him were bombarded by the electric dragon. In the terrible explosion, Sheng Rong and dozens of people from the gray-faced and grey-faced face fell from the air with electro-optical splashes. In the middle, the armor on their bodies was blasted tortured, and the close-fitting robes of God were also cut open in countless holes, and several protoss who were repaired as weaker light were blasted with blood and their mouths continued to spit out large blood. Big black smoke.

After issuing this terrible blow, countless chains of law emerged from the cloud vortex. The chains of the law shaped like a dragon and those of the snake-like python were entangled with each other. After numerous flashes of electricity and light flashed for a while, the cloud vortex Finally disappeared, all visions in the sky were gone.

'Ha ha'!

I don't know who laughed first.

Then, the gods in the coalition, apart from a group of helpless gods of light, the gods of other ethnic groups laughed out loud.

Especially the most rude character of the barbaric gods, and the dark soul gods who are born dead to the gods of light, even more laughter. Some ghosts of the Dark Soul Protoss simply tore apart their own vocal cords, tearing their throats and laughing loudly.

Sheng Rong's body was shaking violently.

He gritted his teeth, stood up, and the silvery white light of his body spun around. Suddenly, the injuries on dozens of people who were bombarded by the electric dragon healed instantly, and the broken armors and **** clothes were restored as before.

"Humble people are not qualified to become my followers." Sheng Rong gritted his teeth and flew back into the sky. He extended his spotless, white and delicate right hand, and then fists fiercely.

With the sound of “嘭”, the skulls of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians inside and outside of Jingu City exploded at the same time, and Sheng Rong opened his own slightly slightly dimmed wings, and the spirits of hundreds of thousands of people flew out of their bodies. , Flew into the wings behind Saint Rong with a faint white flame.

Sheng Rong's face flickered with a touch of divine light, and his energy was obviously better.

He nodded with satisfaction, and looked around: "Where is that altar? We must drive as fast as possible, otherwise, the aconite must have found our coming, I don't want him to escape , And then hid like a gopher. "

Sheng Rong avoided the embarrassment of being struck by lightning, and quickly raised the subject matter of their coming.

A general from the Jingjing Protoss took out a crystal plate with a diameter of about 90%, and recited a spell in a low voice, and a red dot flashed rapidly on the crystal plate: "His Royal Highness, Saint Rong, southwest of us, 唔... Damn, our deviation is a little big. At our speed, if we simply rely on flying past, we will probably spend more than a month. "

"So what?" Sheng Rong frowned.

"Of the flying artifacts of our tribe, only the light protoss of the light protoss has the fastest speed." Shen Jing, the general of the crystal protoss, said that day: "If we use the boat of light, we only need three hours to rush To the altar. "

Sheng Rong, and the groups of Light Protoss around him also showed strange smiles.

Sheng Rong whispered softly: "However, the cost of driving the boat of light and so many people riding together is amazing ... The transmission of your Celestial Protoss may be too big ... This cost must be borne by you!"

Sheng Rong smiled and began to figure out what price he should call out.

"No, you don't need to be tired of you ... are you here to arrest me? I, come to your door." The low, cold voice of the aconite came from far away.

A strong spatial wave spread out, and the aconite took the five thousand wild gods, rushing out of a ripple of space.

It takes more than a month for these gods to fly normally, and it takes three hours to reach the distance after using the flying artifact light boat. The witch iron took the aconite and others, and it took only less than a tea time. Has arrived.

This is the terrifying high speed brought by the void after the condensed space road.

However, the witch iron did not show up, only the aconite appeared in front of Sheng Rong and others with five thousand subordinates.

Sheng Rong paused, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Not only Sheng Rong, but also many of the gods present, in addition to the barbaric gods and other high-ranking clans, were all staring at Aconitum.

They all thought of the same problem.

The boat of light takes three hours to complete the long journey. The aconite actually rushed over so quickly?

What opportunity did he get in the mainland?

There must be an incredible artifact on his body, much faster than the Lightship ...

"Catch him!" Sheng Rong raised his hands violently, and the three pairs of wings behind him burst into a dazzling light: "Catch the aconite!"

"Catch me?" Aconi grinned, patted his chest hard, and then plunged a spear wrapped in a blood-colored ribbon to the ground: "Plug everything on me, my glory, my Merit, my wealth, my power and status, come on, the heroes of the Savage family will fight me in the most sacred and fairest glory! "

"One-on-one until one side is killed." Aconi laughed sharply: "The winner, get everything for the loser!"

With a bang, the aconite took off the helmet and threw it heavily to the ground, followed by the breastplate, arms, skirt, knee pads, and heavy boots.

Soon, in addition to a piece of animal skin wrapped around his waist, Aconitum showed his body, clenched his fists, and stood in front of the coalition forces.

Sheng Rong's pupils were frozen.

Behind him, 10,000 warriors of the Savage God family screamed in unison, and a Savage God leader with the highest blood pressure stepped out: "The sacred glory decisive battle must not be disturbed, aconite, I am a dead war against you ... I will kill you and take everything from you, including your inheritance sequence in the Savage Gods! "

"Your glory, your merit, your wealth, your power and status, including your fiancee, will all be my black trophies!"

Sheng Rong shook his lips and whispered: "A stupid idiot ... a fair duel? It's the most boring thing in the world."

Sheng Rong glanced around.

Several generals of the Ice Spirit Prodigy glanced around.

The generals of the wisdom protoss glanced around.

The savage big men of the Savage Gods, the Lava Gods, and the Celestial Gods have already excitedly waved their fists, cheered loudly for Wu Wu, and forgot everything.

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