Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 993: Fire God

"Stupid, and boring." Behind Sheng Rong, countless lights intertwined and turned into a bright throne.

He was sitting on a throne, holding a scepter with a radiant light, holding his chin in his left hand, rolling his eyes and watching the blackbird walking towards the blackhead.

It's boring and stupid.

The so-called glorious death battle of the barbaric gods seems to Saint Rong and a group of people with more brains among the gods. It is exactly like a kind of two lower-order primates fighting for the female beast. Rude, violent primitive battle.


But you can't destroy this boring decisive battle.

Anyone who dares to intervene and destroy the so-called fair and sacred glory of the barbarians is dead, you are the enemy of all barbarians, they will kill you at all costs, and even have the rank of barbarians Power is going to kill you personally.

Think of the worlds of the gods, those who are millions of miles tall, can play with stars as marbles, and alone can kill the horrible existence of a kingdom of God, Sheng Rong, and a group of people around him At the same time there was a chill.

"Let's go with them!" Sheng Rong waved and said lazily: "Surrounding the surroundings, even if the aconite wins, you can't indulge him to escape."

Only the six million deities of the Ice Spirit Protoss and the Dark Soul Protoss, and tens of thousands of other protoss, hundreds of sizes, obeyed the orders of Sheng Rong and moved toward the two wings and rear of the aconite.

The 10,000 people of the Savage family, the 30,000 people of the Lava Titan and the 30,000 people of the Celestial Protoss rise up into the air, as if they were sitting in the theater waiting to enjoy a song and dance show. He growled loudly.

Someone even ... Sheng Rong rolled his eyes again.

There are even rude guys of the Savage family who don't know where to get a lot of roasted meat and spirits, while snarling, simmering meat, and spitting spirits.

The actions of the Savage Gods immediately caused the Lava Gods and the Celestial Gods to follow suit.

They also took out spirits and their own unique food. The lava giant kept stuffing pieces of refined metal puppets into his mouth, while the Tianjing Protoss chewed the various crystal pieces into ‘clicks’.

They also sipped the wine, snoring loudly, waving their stout arms, and cheering up Wudang loudly.

Among the wild gods, some people did not deal with Wuxu. They drank two sips of wine and came up with interest. They simply waved fists the size of a wine jar and roared exhaustedly: "Acon, break Wuxu's head ... hahaha, he I just hooked up a Bingling Proto-mother-men, the water spirit is very tender! "

Sheng Rong quickly glanced at the roaring barbarians.

What kind of rough goods are these groups? Aconitum is now the object of their arrest and their enemies. You actually cheer for your enemies. There is a little bit of brain in your brains. What?

Wu Yan also heard the roar from his family.

His face became a little dark. As he strode toward the aconite, he took off his armor. In the end, like the aconite, he wrapped an animal skin around his waist and came to the aconite with his bare hands. before.

"Aconite is a glorious duel that you have proposed. I will defeat you in the presence of all the people!" Wu Yan Shen said: "I don't see you as pleasing to the eye, it has been many years ... but before, I have no excuse to come Challenge you. "

"But this time, you made a big mistake." Wu Yanang said with a stiff head: "I should have taken the initiative to challenge you. I didn't expect that you would have the courage to appear, and you would have the courage to proactively."

Aconitum shook his head and said solemnly: "Less nonsense, the great gods are watching us, and everything is done according to the oldest tradition."

Wu Yan nodded.

Aconi nodded.

Then the two separated by a distance of hundreds of feet, opened their arms violently, then raised their right legs at the same time, and kicked their feet on the ground with a heavy kick. At the same time, they both yelled ‘Haha’.

"Battle Dance!" The five thousand wild gods behind Aconis roared at the same time. They also opened their arms and performed exactly the same actions as Aconitum. They lifted their right legs and kicked them **** the ground.

'Huha, huha, shouting', Aconi waved his arm, constantly raised his legs and stomped his feet, beat his chest rhythmically with both hands, at the same time his face muscles were twisted, making a very deterrent fierce expression, blowing his nose and staring With his tongue out, he shouted loudly at Wu Yan.

This is an extremely ancient war dance ritual of the barbarians. Before the war, when offering sacrifices, when sacrificing ancestors, and before the duel of glory, they will dance such war dances to show their strength and show their bodybuilding. Body, show the power you have.

The five thousand wild gods behind the aconite responded to the aconite at the same time and started a war dance. This means that the five thousand wild gods are a loyal to the aconite.

Wu Yan turned his head and shouted at the people who were holding barbecues and wine jars and were eating and drinking.

The savage **** less than two thousand dropped the wine and meat in his hand, shouting loudly, rhythmically agitating the muscles, striding, waving his arms, raising his legs, and slamming heavily on the ground, while making various colored faces, facing towards The 5,000 members of the tribe behind the aconite are proud.

Sheng Rong raised Erlang's legs, he leaned on the throne and looked up at the sky.

In the turquoise blue sky, there were white clouds flowing rapidly.

Sheng Rong muttered in a low voice: "I would rather watch a group of monkeys fight than I would watch this group of **** guys dance this kind of awkward war dance ... It is really too embarrassing ... Ah, I really hope to appear now In front of me are the human saints in my palace. Their dancing is called grace, and it is called enjoyment. "

Turning his head, Sheng Rong asked the people who stood beside him with the same look of embarrassment and boredom: "How long will their war dance last?"

The tribe of the Light Protoss smiled awkwardly: "Look at their mood and physical strength? It is said that in history, after the Savages extinct a feudal protoss, they have billions of soldiers and they jump for three months War dance to worship the gods of war, violence ... "

"Three months!" Sheng Rong slaps himself on his forehead, he shakes his head, and whispers: "I sleep for a while, and when their duel comes to fruition, come wake me up ..."

"Fortunately, we have three standard revolution cycles to stay in mainland China ... otherwise ..." Sheng Rong laughed bitterly: "Be boring, watch the monkeys dance, and pass the time, right?"

The tribe of the Light Protoss lowered their voices: "But, Your Highness, those offerings ..."

Sheng Rong shook his head: "As long as you can catch the aconite, are you still afraid that those offerings will be missed? Grab the aconite and catch everything. Hehe, I don't understand why the aconite will Throw the net? "

Pouting with a cold smile, Sheng Rong pointed to his temple: "If the people of the wisdom protoss throw in their nets, I will immediately take you out of here and find an absolutely safe place to observe the situation ... But since it is These muscles of the savage gods ... "

Opening his hands, Sheng Rong closed his eyes and began to sleep: "I don't think I need to be too careful. What conspiracy can they have? At most, he has an apostate army nearby? What's the use? What about it? There is absolutely no threat to us. "

Several members of the Light Protoss nodded.

That's right, the savage gods are not the wisdom gods, so there is no need to worry too much.

Aconitum, is it here to find someone to have a fair battle? I want to be like this, he has fallen into the circle of the gods, he can't escape at all.

They are thousands of miles away from Shengrong, and the witch iron plate sits in the void.

The overlapping space barriers have hidden the shadow and breath of the witch iron. Based on the current level of cultivation of the witch iron, he has surpassed many of these gods in the realm. No one who came can find the witch iron. Track.

The Avenue Furnace was suspended in front of the witch iron, and after swallowing the true species of Gongsun Sanyang's fire, the fire in the Road Furnace has evolved a big step, almost having the first group of fires in the heavens and the earth condensed by the Emperor Taiji All power.

The crimson, red and purple beacon was burning quietly in the avenue melting furnace.

The witch iron seals with both hands, and tens of thousands of seals are at your fingertips. Each seal is transformed into a dragon, a true phoenix, and is continuously injected into the flames.

The power of beacon has been improved a lot, and the witch iron must be re-cultivated again, so that it can better control the beacon and control it more finely.

Yin and Yang Taoists, Cang Hai Taoists, Five Elements Taoists, together with the six avatars, are carrying a large number of arrays and bases, and they are busy and busy within a mile. They are also in the state of honor. After performing the stealth operation, the advent gods could not find their little movements.

Not to mention, the attention of the gods has been attracted by the aconite.

Where can they think that there are people in the outskirts?

Shengrong they can believe that for the benefit of the aconite, they chose to observe all the deities in the outpost.

This kind of thing is completely understandable to the gods.

For the sake of benefit, the major protagonists' fathers and sons have turned their heads, the sons and fathers have fathers and fathers, the fathers and the children are separated, and the brothers have become enemies.

Therefore, it is absolutely possible that Aconitum fainted because of the temporary benefit and made a disrespectful act of intercepting the sacrifice.

But no one believes that Aconitum will cooperate with the human race to calculate their high gods.

The gods are the gods.

Terran, what a humble existence is that? They are the animals of the gods in captivity on the mainland, and never have their first days.

How could the gods cooperate with the human race?

Therefore, Sheng Rong can take a nap so easily, and other gods can so easily appreciate the duel between aconite and blackbird.

Thousands of savage gods roared loudly, and they split into two camps, provoking, scolding, and yelling at each other with wild war dances.

Their chests collided with each other, making a dull bang, and their fists, intentionally or unintentionally waving during the war dance, fell heavily on each other's cheeks.

No one defended, no one evaded, and watched the opponent's heavy fist fall, instead they would actively greet the other's fist with their own skin.

Soon, some people were beaten with bruised nose and swollen face, and some were broken with broken nose and broken eyebrow.

Each of these wild gods has thick skin and thick bones, and when the bones are broken, the sound is as deafening as a landslide.

Soon people had blood on their faces, and blood ran down their necks, and soon their upper bodies were covered with blood.

But whether it is a supporter of aconite or a supporter of aunt, they have fallen into an inexplicable fanaticism. The heavy punch and the face door slammed together, they laughed loudly, shouted loudly, and shouted the unique war horn of the Savage Gods.

"Woohoo!" Aconi suddenly made three rapid growls.

The savage **** of the Seven Thousand War Dance jumped backwards uniformly, and quickly formed a circle of a hundred-meter diameter on the plain.

"Woohoo!" Wu Yan also made the same growl.

The two stopped the dance of war and stared at each other while picking up a weapon from the ground and cutting through their chests.

The two cut three deep blood marks on their chests. Aconi took a big axe in his hand and snarled, "I will cut off your head, make him a wine vessel, and send it back to your father, mother ... Your mother will look at your skull and cry day and night. Your father, and your family, will not be able to raise their heads in front of the people because of your shame. "

Wu Yan yelled loudly with both hands holding the epee: "The same thing, I will give it to you ... I will cut off your head and give it to your fiancee. She will become my booty, and aconite, your This tribe will be mocked and cursed by the tribe because of your incompetence. "

They both growled and took a big step forward at the same time.

The epee and the axe slammed together.

With a loud noise, Aconitum went backwards by more than ten steps, while Wudang's face turned black, and he hurried backwards by hundreds of steps.

The aconite was screaming in the sky, and his five thousand subordinates issued violent cheers at the same time.

Wu Yan panted, the more than a thousand wild gods who supported him looked in shock, and murmured at a loss.

Suddenly, a barbaric **** who chose to support Wuxu snarled loudly with his fists: "Wuxu, you waste, don't let us embarrass us with you ... kill aconite, or wait for you to lose, we will you The body was minced and fed to the dog! "

Crazy, bloody, tyrannical, cruel and ruthless ... this is the savage **** family.

"Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha! Incompetent waste!" Aconi screamed in the sky, he reached out his hand and touched the blood of his chest, and made three blood marks on his face.

The next moment, the aconite turned into dozens of afterimages, rolled up a black-and-red fire and thunder, and rushed towards Wuyu.

Wu Yan also roared, and a black storm set off beside him. Numerous skeletons appeared looming in the storm, and he hurriedly confronted Aconi.

The epee and the axe violently struck, and there were tens of thousands of crazy impacts between the fingers.

Mars splattered, the dull impact shook the ground and shook the earth. The mad killings of the two savage gods completely destroyed this fertile plain. The ground was lifted up layer by layer, and the fertile soil was gone. Now, the thick and solid rock formations are exposed below.

Sheng Rong sat on the throne and slowly opened his eyes.

"The battle of the savage gods is really rude and not elegant at all ... Are they hitting iron? They can hardly fall asleep." Sheng Rong sighed and shook his head gently: "How long will it take for them to win? It's actually quite fun to be able to see a beheaded beheaded god. "

Sheng Rong glanced around, suddenly his pupils were slightly frozen.

He saw that on the periphery of the coalitions of gods, a thousand miles away in the void, there were red flames of purple flames rising everywhere.

In just one breath, these flames turned into a fire shield with a diameter of three thousand miles, which just locked the gods alliance inside.

"What the **** is this?" Sheng Rong jumped up abruptly: "Aconite, urn, you stop ... **** it, we ambush among us."

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