Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 106: Unexpected

Witch iron woke up.

Itching is difficult throughout the body, and there is a burning tingling on the skin.

Open your eyes, a reddish color in front of you, Wu Tie is immersed in the thin red juice, a mixed potion is breaking into the body from all sides, rough repairing the wound on Wu Tie.

The eyebrows flashed, and the witches flew up.

He saw that the place where he had been soaked was a pond, a hundred meters long, about three meters wide, and one meter deep.

In addition to him, there are still more than twenty men with vague faces in the pond.

Look at the figure, all are powerful and powerful men.

The right hand is still holding the white tiger crack, and the witch iron falls heavily on the side of the pond, and looks at it from all sides.

This is a steel cave in the square, the ground, the four walls and the dome are all made of black steel. The matte black steel has a high level of sanding, and the walls are all in one, and there is no gap in the patchwork.

On the dome, dozens of small "virtual days" about one foot in diameter are emitting bright light.

Wu Tie knew that he was alive and escaped from Zhu Zixi’s hands.

He still remembers the things before the coma. Some people used the array to trap Zhu Zixi, and attacked Zhu Zixi with a powerful metal scorpion, which saved himself.

Those metal cockroaches are very familiar... Wu Tie remembers that when he and the old iron came out from the secret, the knives always ordered the squad to come and kill them. The knives always throw two similar cockroaches. .

Just thought of the general command of the fog knife, the shadow of the front flashed, a figure suddenly appeared from the air, a touch of cold and silently stroked the neck of Wu Tie neck.

The speed of the cold is very fast, almost a flash to the front of the witch.

Wu Tie snorted, and he patted the waist koi, and twelve small cyan squids jumped out and swung around him.

The cold light and the twelve small squid violently collided. In the sound of ‘叮叮’, the blue squid swayed and swayed, and the cold light that was hit was also invisible.

Witch iron screamed in a low voice, and the right hand white tiger cracked with a fierce broken air, tearing the air to the black shadow.

The black shadows clasped a singular seven-foot straight knife with both hands, and both hands raised the knife over the top of the head, silently slamming down.

Another loud noise, Mars splashed.

The seven-foot straight knife in the shadow of the black shadow was broken by a white tiger, and numerous fine iron slags cracked around. The black shadow snorted and slammed back a few steps backwards, and the body became a black mist, and then flashed a hundred meters away.

"Kid, what's your name?" The black fog shrank inward, and the fog knife always slammed out of the air.

"Wu Tie." Wu Tie looked at the general command: "You are a fog knife, I know you... you are not dead?"

"Someone betrayed me and betrayed the whole fog knife. They want me to die, but it is not so easy." The knife of the fog knife smiled coldly, and the eyes stunned the white tiger crack in the hands of Wu Tie.

"In any case, the fog knife has been passed down in the Cangyan field for so many years... The history of the fog knife is even more ancient than the three major families in the Cangyan domain. It is not so simple to kill the fog knife. ”

"You shot this gun, very good...100,000 pounds?" The knife of the fog knife bite his teeth, and the tone is a bit odd: "Do you know how much I spent to save you back? Because of this gun, How can it be so heavy?"

Witch iron hands hold the gun.

The red juice in the pond is not strong enough, not only the potency is not strong enough, but the medicine is not pure enough. The flesh of his right arm re-grows out, and the wound on his body has healed, but the new body is itching and it is very uncomfortable.

Unfit for the activity of the body, Wu Tie Mo Yun Hao Ranzheng, a wave of strong breath wash the whole body, there are dark red barium in the pores constantly oozing out.

With both hands holding the rifle and not taking care of the general knife of the fog knives, Wu Tie waved the white tiger, and tried his best to practice the basic gun-style exercise for a hundred times.

Repeated spurs, spurs in all directions.

Draw circles once and for all, draw a long, short, complete and incomplete arc.

The heavy and abnormal white tiger cracked open the air, and the dull loud noise was like a giant waving a mountain, and the sound was amazing.

The general knife of the fog knife did not say anything, just watching Wu Tie quietly.

A hundred times of basic gun-style drills were completed, and the whole body of Witch Iron was covered with a layer of dark red viscous plasma.

Taking a deep breath, the eyebrows flashed with golden light, and a large amount of water vapor in the air condensed, and quickly turned into a square of water to wrap the witch iron. The water is spinning rapidly, and the blood on the body is quickly washed away.

"Heavily, but his power is worthy of his heavy weight." Wu Tie single holding a gun, gently smashed the white tiger to the ground.

The sound of ‘咚’ shook the ground gently.

Wu Tie looked at the general command of the fog knife, Shen Sheng said: "I did not expect that you saved me ... you occupy my site, bring people to kill me and the old iron, a write-off, who do not owe anyone of."

Grinning, Wu Tie nodded: "There is a secret, I will go back later. When the deer die, we will look at each other's skills."

The general manager of the fog knife slammed his mouth: "A write-off? Yeah. Anyway, the secret world is now the site of the longevity teaching. You will have to go back later, better."

With a sigh of relief, the general manager of the fog knife looked at the white tiger crack again: "You don't want to know, how much did I pay to save you? Your gun is too heavy to bring you back here, which is costly."

Wu Tie proudly looked at the white tiger crack, he raised his brow and smiled: "I did not ask you to save me, you and I were still enemies before. You saved me for no reason, there must be a place for me."

"So..." Wu Tie grinned very brightly: "Either just say what you want me to do, or I am gone."

The general knife of the fog knife closed his mouth.

He looked helplessly at Wu Tie, and felt inexplicably a headache.

Although Wu Tie is tall enough, his face is tender and childish. He is clearly a few years old, or a little devil.

But the general rule of the fog knife has never seen such a difficult little devil.

Wu Tie smiled and he was also surprised by his performance.

It seems that after a life and death crisis, Wu Tie has become a lot smarter?

Some words that Lao Tie had said before, Wu Tie could not understand and absorb it at that time, but now I can think through it thoroughly.

Even in the shallow knowledge of the old iron heritage, some knowledge and skills are also like dreams when Wu Tie is comatose. The spring rain and the quietness of the things are integrated into the mind of Wu Tie.

For example, the subject of "Business Negotiation Skills"...

What is "Business"?

Wu Tie is not very clear, but I can understand how to bargain with others and how to grasp each other's psychology.

Wu Tie held a white tiger crack, and smiled at the fog knife.

Although oysters, Wu Tie’s life used self-study skills for the first time.

"In the world, there is no hate for no reason, and there is no love for no reason."

"As a killer organization, you can't save me for no reason."

"What do I have to value in my body?"

Wu Tie took a photo of the heart.

Whether it is the white egg, the Qiankun bag, or even the moon mark on the arm, the koi tangled around the waist is intact.

"You didn't stun me, take away the valuable things on my body, but use mystery to help me recover my injuries... Although the quality of your secret medicine is really worse, this is here."

"You are asking me!"

Wu Tie looked at the dignified knife of the foggy knife and said: "It is a man, he speaks frankly, what do you want to do, or what do you want me to do for you?"

Stretching out the left hand, compared to a finger, Wu Tie Shen said: "Brothers, clear accounts, not to mention that we are not brothers, I do not owe you anything. No matter how much you want me to help you, how much can you earn? ... I want half."

"Impossible." The Wushu, who was distracted by Wu Tie’s old and old words, hurriedly said: "I can't... I saved you..."

"You occupy the territory of me and the old iron, you also bring people to kill us. Even you directly lead to the old iron's sleep... This is a deep hatred." Wu Tie's voice reveals a deep sense of coldness.

"You saved me, I will write off the debts with you at most... I don't owe you anything. If you want me to do things for you, you must give me enough rewards." Wu Tie Li said: "If not, I will turn around." Go, can you leave me?"

The fog knife always ordered silence.

In the pond behind Wushi Tie, a few fine figures jumped up, and they jumped out, holding their hands on the floor and gasping heavily.

They breathe in a big mouth and constantly spit out the red juice in their mouths and nose.

Toss for a while, these few fine men stood up straight, the subconscious few jumped to the back of the fog knife, and looked at Wu Tie in a word.

Wu Tie smiled at the men.

The relationship between the soaked medicaments and the original skin of these men became white and tender. But the new flesh is a tender red, white and red contrast, it is easy to see the injuries they have suffered.

Severe bruises, and many wounds are penetrating wounds.

These guys were brought back here after being seriously injured, and they survived by relying on the pond to save their lives.

Wu Tie smiled: "Your men, there is no way to help you do things, maybe I can do it?"

Squinting, Wu Tie Shen said: "Hey, let me saved the set of methods I used, and the metal shackles, that is, these days with these confidants, from that place Come here?"

Wu Tie looked at the men who jumped out of the pond, and then looked at the figures that were still soaking in the drows. They laughed: "Well, how many people have been hurt? How many people have not had time to save and die there?"

"How many loyal and reliable confidants do you have? How much do you still sacrifice?" Wu Tie smiled and looked at the general knife of the fog knife: "You must be unwilling, you must still recover the fog knife, or even retaliate for the longevity... ..."

"Otherwise, how can you just save me? You must have been paying attention to the movement of the longevity teaching. You even ventured to see the old guy's movements..." Wu Tie said with a smile: "Tantan, everyone puts Let's talk about it... I want half of the proceeds."

The general manager of the fog knife stared at Wu Tie for a long time, and finally shook his head helplessly.

"You are an old ghost who is a hundred years old. It is not like a doll in his teens."

A heavy sigh, the fog knife always screamed: "Half is impossible, 30%, this is my bottom line... I still have so many subordinates, I have to accept the fog knife, but also to deal with the longevity Teach... and you, there is only one person."

Witch iron frowned. He looked at the general command of the fog knife seriously. He thought for a while. He asked he hesitantly: "Where is that place?"

The general command of the fog knife immediately said: "My ancestral home of the fog knife...that is, the origin of my fog knife."

Looking up at the metal dome, looking at the small 'virtual day' with a diameter of about a foot, the fog knife always said: "Many years ago, our ancestors of the fog knife, Going out of the place of origin..."

"There..." The knife of the fog knife took a deep breath: "There are a lot of good things inside, but there are also many traps, a lot of terrible ambushes."

"I saw you with a slap in the face of a sudden killing of the real estate." The general knife of the fog knife looked at the witch with the look of the monster: "You are much stronger than my subordinates. So, I think, you should Can help me."

"You have a strong power... a strong defense... and these are mine, even what I am missing." The general knife of the fog knife sighed: "The way of the exercises is different, I have speed. There is an attack, but I lack strength and lack defense."

"And exploring an ancestral land requires strength, absolutely powerful power, and more powerful defense. Otherwise," the knives pointed out the figures in the pond: "It will be like them. It’s so bad.”

Wu Tie’s face was pumped.

He was silent for a while, and then he nodded slowly: "30%, it is 30%... But there are good things, I must pick it first."

Clearly, the fog knife always ordered that this is to find a meat shield to explore the secret.

The risk of Wu Tie can be much larger than that of the Knife, and the income has been reduced to 30%. If there is no priority, Wu Tie is definitely not worthwhile.

"According to what you said." The general manager of the fog knife gave a deep look at Wu Tie: "Maybe, you can consider joining my fog knife... This way, 50% is not impossible to consider..."

Wu Tie ‘haha’ smiled. He waved his hand and opened the subject: “To speak strength and defense, you should find the giants to cooperate.”

The general knife of the fog knife also laughed haha, and after a few laughs, he laughed twice and looked at Wu Tie coldly. "Do you think I will make this stupid?" How did you come to the blood of the giant stone family?"

Wu Tie squinted his eyes and looked straight at the general knife command.

The general manager of the fog knife waved his hand and said: "When you go, let's talk about it... those giants, huh, hustle and bustle, and robbing homes are good hands... giant blood... oh..."

Wu Tie looked at the people who were soaked in the pond, picked up the white tiger's crack, and followed the heavy knife and strode out of the steel cave.

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